S-Class Except Me

Chapter 56

Boom, boom, boom—.

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Even now, the appearance of the S-Cass dungeon being destroyed is clearly unfolding in front of his eyes.


The stone statues that revived infinitely were quite troublesome. If Seo Dojoon had been alone, he might have been able to proceed with the attack calmly even if he struggled a little. 


However, Seo Dojoon had four beings to protect at the time. 


One is an old man and the other is a child with mobility difficulties. The other person was a civilian who had lived without knowing that it was a dungeon, and the only Awakener was a production type, so he had no combat ability. 


He made mistakes because his thoughts were all over the place. Jung Jinho was injured while trying to save Seo Dojoon. And Baek Doohan and Baek Soyeon were on the verge of being attacked by monsters as his barrier disappeared. 


And that moment, by some miracle, Haeun Awakened and saved the two of them.


Moreover, the ability that Haeun showed was of a kind that Seo Dojoon had never encountered before.


Beyond the line where the golden waterfalls were pouring.


He couldn’t define it exactly, but he instinctively noticed that it was a dimension composed of a completely different material.


And Haeun seemed to be able to freely control the things beyond that.


Above all, Seo Dojoon shuddered at the overwhelming power. If the power is equal, he will feel a desire to win, but if the existence is incomparable, he will feel awe. 


When he thinks of that day, his heart still beats. He didn’t even care that he was pushed to 2nd place in the rankings. He just wanted to see Haeun again.


At that time, someone approached Seo Dojoon. 




It was Kim Hyunseok.


Kim Hyunseok hesitated in front of Seo Dojoon, who was puzzled. After hesitating for a while, he asked cautiously.


“Dojoon-ah, let me ask you this.”


“About what?” 


“Are you dating Jung Haeun?”


Seo Dojoon’s eyes widened. He couldn’t understand in what context Kim Hyunseok asked such a question.


Kim Hyunseok tapped his cell phone and showed a screen.


This is Haeun’s Outstagram. The number of followers had increased tremendously, as if people had flocked to it.


And among the posts Haeun posted, there was a photo that toxic reactions exploding.


Nice weather for a walk♡


#newyork #dailylife #centralpark


This is a picture of Haeun that she took. Seo Dojoon tilted his head.


“What’s wrong with this?” 


“Here, isn’t this you?”


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Flipping through the pictures, he came across a picture with a sticker on his face. It was a picture of Seo Dojoon taken by Haeun.


Seo Dojoon didn’t even know that this photo was on Haeun’s Outstagram account. Still, his face was covered, so there seemed to be no problem. 


“This is me.” 


“Y, you. You said you had a way to change Hunter Jung Jinho’s mind, but were you actually staying more in the U.S. to date?” 


“What are you talking about all of a sudden?”


“Everyone is saying that you and Jung Haeun-nim are dating! Of course I’m all for it!” 


Only then did Seo Dojoon take a closer look at the post. There were as many comments as there were hearts.


└ ehrwk The third picture is Hunter Seo Dojoon???


└ x_sksksk_x the clothes are the same as the one he was wearing in the picture uploaded to the Ahyeon Guild account last time


└ aassdd.ll I can tell just from the physical. It shines even when he cover his face ㅠㅠ 


└ qpwo10 Eung… Yeah… Unnie, so you were secretly dating… With Dojoon Oppa… I hope you have a beautiful love. 


└ thffhs_s I don’t believe


└ l02842 @wk.ekfzha Look at this, she has a boyfriend. 


└ ms.qqsl OMG♥ Congratulations♥♥


They recognized him only by his clothes and physical appearance in the picture.


Of course, there were those who claimed it wasn’t him because Haeun didn’t specifically mention or refer to Seo Dojoon. 


However, at the moment of Haeun’s awakening, Seo Dojoon was with her, and since the time difference between the two periods was small, most of them were convinced that it was Seo Dojoon.


“We’re not dating.” 






“Really really?” 


“Because it’s real. More than that, why are you so curious?” 


“A lot of people besides me are curious.”


Kim Hyunseok stood up and opened the door of the Ahyeon Guild’s room. Then, the guild members who had been secretly listening outside the door fell down in front of them.


“Hehe, guild leader.”


“Have a good lunch!” 


He had noticed that there were people gathered outside the door. Seo Dojoon shook his head.


When Seo Dojoon didn’t seem to be angry, the guild members who gained courage secretly approached him.


“Guild leader, then what is it? Do you really know each other?”

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“You can be honest. We’ll keep it a secret.” 


“But how did EX-Class awaken? Even the guild leader saw it.” 


“Where is Jung Haeun right now? Do you know where she disappeared from the airport? You came on a plane together.” 


“I don’t know.” 


As he did with the reporters, Seo Dojoon always showed that he didn’t know. It was almost like a macro answer. Then he suddenly turned his gaze to the man who had asked the last question.


“Guild leader?”


The guild member whose eyes met raised the corners of his mouth and smiled brightly. Seo Dojoon grabbed the man’s back.


“Hukh, Dojoon-ah?”


“Guild leader, why are you like that?!”


“How did the reporter get in and out of here?”




Seo Dojoon broke the watch on the man’s wrist. At that moment, there was a popping sound and the guild members’ appearances changed. An item for hunters who can change their appearance. 


The woman with her hair tightly tied back dangles from Seo Dojoon’s hand and smiles.


“Hmm. May I ask for an interview, Guild Leader Seo Dojoon?”


Seo Dojoon handed over the reporter to a boy wearing a school uniform with an expressionless face.


“Jinyoung-ah, take her outside.”


“Yes, guild leader.”


“Ah, wait! Just give us a little time!”


“I will send you a formal letter to protest against trespassing.”


“Guild Master! Guild leader Seo Dojoon!”


The reporter disappeared leaving behind an echo-like scream. Seo Dojoon sighed and ordered the remaining guild members.


“Everyone go back and do your job.” 


“Ahaha, yes. We will go!” 


“Aah, I suddenly want to do a lot of work!”


“Oh, yeah. Chief Lee. You wrote the report? I’ll come down and see you soon.”


As the guild members rushed out, peace finally came to the guild master’s room. Kim Hyunseok, who was still there, rolled his eyes. Seo Dojoon asked while rubbing his forehead.


“Why, Hyung? Do you still have something to ask?”


“Do you really not know where Jung Haeun is right now? There must be a number.”


“The cell phone was turned off. It will probably be hard to talk to.”

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Seo Dojoon was also curious about Haeun’s whereabouts.


He wanted to feel that formidable presence once again.


‘I will recruit her to the Ahyeon Guild unconditionally. If it doesn’t work, let’s go with a dungeon raid…’


Seo Dojoon, who dreams of a future that Haeun would be surprised to know, was young. 


* * *


Haeun sat down on the sofa and picked up a snack and ate it.


Crunch, crunch.


The pastry bag quickly revealed its end. As expected, Korean sweets contain half nitrogen. Haeun, who was looking around, touched Jung Eunwoo with the tip of her toe.


“Oppa, give me some tissues.” 


Jung Eunwoo frowned and pulled out a tissue for Haeun. Haeun, who wiped her hands, threw a tissue and scored in the trash can.


All of these processes were as natural as flowing water.


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ says it’s so relax that he doubts that Haeun’s debut as a hunter was his dream]


Lee Yoonkyung, feeling a similar sentiment, murmured.


“It’s the same.”


“I don’t think anything has changed, honey.”


“Of course it will be the same.”


Jung Sehyun, who was sitting on the sofa reading a book, shrugged his shoulders.


“Because Noona didn’t Awakened yesterday.”


That’s a good answer. The family agreed.


For reference, Haeun’s hair was also restored to its original state. It was all thanks to Lee Yoonkyung, an S-Class healer.


“Anyway, so what do you want to do now, Haeun?”


Haeun was revealed to the world as an EX-Class. It was almost certain that Haeun’s future actions would be noticed not only by the people of Korea, but also by people all over the world.


“What kind of place will you belong to?”


Haeun is now like a burning potato. Wherever she went, it was clear that she would revolutionize the Hunter world.


“Isn’t Haeun not someone worthy of bowing her head to someone?”


“That’s true, but it’s better to belong somewhere.”


“Let’s make her a civil servant. I will educate her myself.”


“I absolutely hate it.”


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Haeun hated Jung Eunwoo’s proposal and opposed it.


No matter how hard Haeun promised to work in the future, it wasn’t as much as a civil servant. She can still see Jung Eunwoo cursing for being dragged around by all sorts of protocols.


She’ll do more than that if she’s EX-Class, not less.


“Or Noona. Do you want to join the Dawn Guild?”


“Your guild?”


Haeun remembered the Dawn Guild that her younger brother Sehyun belonged to. It’s not a bad guild for a young atmosphere, but—.


“I don’t like your guild leader.”


“Why? Did something happen?”


“No, it’s not. It’s just a little…”


Hwang Soomin, the guild leader of the Dawn Guild, was a necromancer who dealt with the dead, unlike his kind and gentle appearance. He’s not a bad guy, but she’s just reluctant.


“If Noona doesn’t like it, I’ll change the guild leader.”




Jung Sehyun smiled and said to Haeun, who was surprised.


“If EX-class wants to be the guild leader, what are you going to do? You have to step back. Come to think of it, it’s time for our guild leader to retire.”


“Aren’t your guild leaders still young? Rather, I don’t want to be a guild leader!”


“Why? I think it would be better if Noona is the guild leader and I stand in the back and I stand behind you to assist you.”


“You’re not controlling?”




Jung Sehyun burst into laughter like a flower just blooming.


“Noona, there’s no way I would do that. The person I admire and respect the most in the world is Noona. Besides, yesterday I already experienced firsthand that it is impossible for me to control you.”


“You spoke well. Sehyun, don’t brainwash me again. That really makes me feel really dirty.”


“Okay, Noona.”


“Why don’t you create a guild for the Jung family at this time?” 


This was the idea of Jung Jinho, who worked freely as a one-person workshop because he was a production worker.


“If it’s a family guild, no one will say anything.”


“Wouldn’t it rather be more vigilant? And I don’t want to quit the Dawn Guild.”


“Me too.” 


However, Jung Sehyun and Jung Eunwoo opposed it. This is because they have been in their respective positions for a long time and had their own goals.


Rather, the two wanted to attract Haeun to where they belonged.

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