S-Class Except Me

Chapter 66

S-Class Except Me – Chapter 66

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9-12 minutes

Author: rolypoly

As they decided to raid the dungeon together, Haeun desperately needed someone to guide her as a human compass.

And Seo Dojoon, unlike Haeun, looks like he’ll find his way very well. So, distributing communication tools to Seo Dojoon is a very reasonable action.

But if she said she was giving him a gift so she could use him as a guide, that wouldn’t be cool, so she gave him a suitable reason. 

“You said you’d give me a ride on the bus. This is the cost of the trouble.”

“It’s okay. It’s not difficult, and above all, I can’t receive a gift like this from Haeun-ssi.”

“I want to give it to you, so take it.”

“It’s okay.”

“Ugh, can you stop saying that it’s okay?”

Haeun got tired of it and took Seo Dojoon’s hand. A struggle ensued between the one who tried to hold his fist and the one who tried to open his hand.  

Finally, Haeun spread Seo Dojoon’s hand wide and gave him a ring.

“Haeun-ssi, I really….”

“Seo Dojoon-ssi was also thinking of giving me an item as a gift, but shouldn’t it be the other way around? That’s enough. Just tell me this. Do you dislike it because I gave it to you?”

“Absolutely not.”

Seo Dojoon was surprised and denied it. Haeun folded Seo Dojoon’s fingers, which were spread out, with a small giggle.

“Then take it. It’s not expensive either. And if you have it, there will be a moment when we need it.”

Because she was really bad at finding directions. She didn’t bother to say anything behind the scenes. 

After hesitating for a while, Seo Dojoon finally accepted the ring Haeun gave him. He opened his mouth with a slightly happy face.

“Thank you.” 

“Hihi. Isn’t it pretty? Do you like it?”

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“Yes, I like it.”

“It suits you well~.”

Haeun praised it brightly.

Haeun’s shopping was over before she knew that the employee who was watching was strangely excited and that the sudden ring gift stirred Dojoon’s inner feelings. 

* * *

Gates and dungeons were terrible disasters for mankind, but as Hunter’s appearance made it possible to overcome them, it came as an opportunity for new development.

One of them is by-products that can only be obtained in dungeons.

From medicinal herbs with the power to save dying lives to monster cores that can be used as a new energy source instead of oil.

Except for the downside of being dangerous, the dungeon was a new treasure trove to replace the Earth’s gradually depleted resources.

Unless it is a special dungeon that is completely destroyed, most dungeons are periodically ‘reset’ with the resurrection of the boss monster, so resources can be constantly supplied. 

In other words, when the boss monster disappears, the dungeon goes to sleep for a certain period of time, then wakes up again after resetting, and the energy level of the gate returns to normal.

If so, what kind of dungeon would be best in this situation?

Of course, it will be a dungeon with a moderate level of difficulty and high demand, and at the same time, it will be a dungeon with a fast reset cycle.

It is better if it is a dungeon that has been repeatedly attacked and has an attack method, so-called genealogy, because attacking is easier.

For reference, the dungeon that Haeun will enter today, <The Mansion of Nebiros>, was also a popular dungeon because it was of the same type as above.

Haeun’s hair fluttered as the wind blew in through the open window. In the running car, Haeun turned over the cell phone screen.

What popped up on the screen was the data that Seo Dojoon had handed over in advance, which summarized today’s schedule and strategy.

<Mansion of Nebiros>

Grade: B

Classification: Field type (house and garden site) 

Appearing monsters: Fiends. Undead monster

‘It’s my first time doing a dungeon other than a cave. Will it be okay?’

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However, the attack difficulty didn’t seem difficult. It’s just that Neviros’ subordinates and monsters under his control are annoying, and Nebiros’ own power isn’t strong. Neviros knows this, so he usually hides by changing his appearance as one of his followers. 

The dungeon raid is over when they clean up the monsters scattered throughout the mansion and defeat Nebiros. 

Basic information about the dungeon is here.

‘The most important thing is the item.’

What is dropped in this dungeon? That’s the most important thing.

In <The Mansion of Nebiros>, she can get red Lycoris, which is a kind of poison, and it is used to make an elixir.

In the same way that strong poison can be used to save people, weak poison is mixed with Lycoris for treatment.

Since elixir is an indispensable material for hunters, Lycoris also had a fixed demand.

‘It was about 100,000 won for a Lycoris.’

Haeun, who was looking around the Hunter Market last night, remembered the recent market price of Lycoris.

Even though 100,000 won wasn’t a cheap price for one flower, Haeun couldn’t make as much money as she wanted by picking and selling a few flowers.

‘When can I pick 200,000 flowers?’

Even the roots must be pulled out without damaging them, so heavy labor is expected. Haeun shook her head.

There was something else Haeun was aiming for today.

The demon Nebiros is knowledgeable about animals, plants, and minerals. Nebiros, who is also an excellent black magician, is said to conduct research by repeating the fusion and dismantling of his powers. And he organizes the newly discovered facts through his research in his leather notebook.

Haeun’s goal was this notebook of Nebiros.

As the dungeon is an unknown world, information about the dungeon and its flora and fauna is also treated as a very valuable resource. If she can monopolize information, then she can literally sit back and make money.


The car stopped in front of a huge clearing with barricades. Sitting in the driver’s seat, Lee Yoonkyung turned to Haeun. 

“Haeun, did you pack your supplies?”


“Did you take the potion and put the elixir?”

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“Mom, am I an elementary school student on a field trip?”

Haeun pouted her lips.

Since the morning, everyone in Haeun’s family was busy telling her what to do, so she was completely distracted. 

“Noona. You might get hungry in the dungeon, so make sure to bring something to eat.”

“Are you going on a picnic now? I’ll bring a gimbap and sit down. Hey, take that out and put this in. Eating it gives you a 10-minute awakening effect and restores your physical strength, so this is a direct hit when you go to the dungeon.”

“Haeun-ah, did you take everything your Dad gave you? How’s your condition? Should Dad go with you?” 

Everyone was shouting like there was something to do.

Haeun didn’t want her whole family to show up, so she left the house with Lee Yoonkyung, who was the most calm. Lee Yoonkyung also said that she was worried but couldn’t help it, and her face showed a bit of nervousness.


Haeun shook her head slightly.

She wasn’t in a situation where they knew she wasn’t awakened like before, and Haeun’s EX-class strength made it clear that she was stronger than them. 

‘I’m not a kid who was put on the beach.’

Still, as today was the first day of the official dungeon raid, Haeun smiled lightly and relieved Lee Yoonkyung’s tension.  

“Anyway, Hunter Seo Dojoon will do everything, well. I will follow him around and only pick up items. And it’s not that dangerous for a dungeon either.”


Lee Yoonkyung shed tears as if she was feeling something unusual. 

“My daughter is really grown up. You went through all the dungeons alone like this… Mom wants to go in too, but I can’t, right?” 

“Mom, please!”

She really wants to decline that much. Haeun is not a child who needs protection.

“I’m not even an elementary school student. What will people think if I come with Mom to raid a dungeon?”

“Okay, I know. Watch out for cars. Be careful of the dungeon.”

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“I’m about to enter the dungeon now.”

“Then watch out for monsters. I love you, my daughter.”

“Phew, okay. I’ll be back.”

Before Lee Yoonkyung changed her mind again, Haeun hurriedly got out of the car. She waved her hand slightly and immediately turned around and headed inward. 


They almost caught her family’s overprotectiveness by entering with her mother. In a dizzying situation, Haeun broke into a cold sweat. 

The fact that Ha-eun participated in the capture of <The Mansion of Nebiros> was not disclosed to the outside world.

<The Mansion of Nebiros> had been reported to the government to be completely attacked by the Ahyeon Guild during the five-year contract period. It was because Haeun wasn’t a member of the Ahyeon Guild. 

As a result, Haeun’s participation qualification was also set as a private assistant rather than an official targeting member.

“Hey! Are the gate shields ready?”

“Whose item is this? Who spilled it here?”

The area in front of the dungeon gate was busy preparing for the attack. However, that busyness stopped the moment Haeun appeared.

“Jung Haeun.” 

“It’s Hunter Jung Haeun…” 

The staff of the Ahyeon Guild stopped what they were doing and began to speak noisily. Haeun walked out while receiving the hot stares pouring down on her. 

She felt a new sensation.

In the meantime, the brilliant spotlight has always been pouring on Haeun’s family.

But today, Haeun, not anyone else, is getting that attention. In particular, this road was all the more special because it was the way to participate in the dungeon raid.

Indeed, now Haeun is also included in the world of hunters. 

The staff glanced at Haeun with admiration, but they couldn’t bear to come close. Perhaps Seo Dojoon had warned them not to bother Haeun in consideration.

Anyway, Haeun was satisfied with the fact that there were no reporters flocking to her like last time.

“You’re here! Haeun-ssi.” 

Seo Dojoon, who found Haeun, ran to her.

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