S-Class Except Me

Chapter 77

5 days after clearing the dungeon <The Mansion of Nebiros>.

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Seo Dojoon headed to a building in the center of Gwanghwamun.


“Seo Dojoon-nim, I will verify your ID.” 


An employee in a black suit scanned Seo Dojoon’s ID. The logo of the Korea Hunter Association was embedded in the lower center of the small tablet-type monitor. Soon, a notification popped up on the screen that Seo Dojoon’s identity verification was complete.


“It has been verified. Please go in.” 


Likewise, the same logo badge is hung on the collar of the employee who returns the ID to Seo Dojoon. 


<Korea Hunter Association>.


This is the place Seo Dojoon visited today.


Hunters are always exposed to the dangerous environment of dungeons. In the dungeon, a moment of carelessness could leave someone disabled for life, and it was common for someone unlucky to lose their life. 


As a result, the claim that hunters should guarantee their safety and protect their interests began to emerge around the hunters, and the Korean Hunter Association was created as a result.


Protect the rights of hunters, guarantee their interests, and work with overseas hunter associations to improve the rights of hunters.


The Korean Hunter Association was established with its own meaningful purpose, but the current status of the Hunter Association in Korea is not very high.


The reason for this was that three years ago, Seo Dojoon, the guild leader of the Ahyeon Guild, refused to participate in the association.


“Is there any reason for me to participate when the Hunter Society doesn’t represent Hunter’s interests?”


These words were aimed at Lee Hyeonok, the guild leader of the Daehan Guild.


Obviously, the Korea Hunter Association should represent the interests of all hunters in Korea, but if they look closely at it, it is no different from an organization subordinate to the Daehan Guild.


As if to brag about being the longest-surviving guild in Korea, the Daehan guild was everywhere in politics and the economy.


The fact that the current head of the Korea Hunter Association was Lee Hyeonok, the head of the Daehan Guild, proved the relationship between the two organizations.  


“It’s fun~. Then I will attend when Hunter Seo Dojoon is attending.”


To make matters worse, even Hwang Soomin, the guild leader of the Dawn Guild, who was interested in Seo Dojoon’s attitude, sympathized with Seo Dojoon’s behavior and left. 

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Two of the three largest guilds in Korea were missing, so no matter how much the Korean Hunter Association was, it was bound to be halfway. 


Having only two of the four wheels left on the cart won’t stop it from rolling at all, but it will rattle and make more noise.


That’s why Lee Hyeonok also focused more on the Daehan Guild and left the Hunter Association unattended. 


However, three years later, for some reason, the light of the Korea Hunter Association has turned on again.


Seo Dojoon entered the tightly closed conference room.


There were a total of four people sitting at a round table set up in the conference room. The man sitting closest to the door pretended to know Seo Dojoon.


“Hello~. Guild leader Seo Dojoon.”


The gentle-looking man was wearing a classy navy blue suit and round glasses. A huge Golden Retriever with golden fur waggled its tail gently at the man’s side.


“Seo Dojoon-ssi, if you ever run into Hunter Hwang Soomin, please tell me!”


“Don’t worry, Haeun-ssi. I also have a lot to do with the Dawn guild leader.” 


It was Hwang Soomin, the leader of the Dawn Guild, the scammer in the dungeon <The Mansion of Nebiros> that Haeun and Seo Dojoon searched for with their eyes on. 


He was told that even if his sister asked Jung Sehyun where Hwang Soomin was, Jung Sehyun wouldn’t know, so he thought he wouldn’t even attend the meeting today. 


Seo Dojoon, who faced an unexpected welcome person, raised the corners of his mouth.


“Long time no see. No, it won’t be long. Guild leader Hwang Soomin. Your face became brighter as if something good had happened.” 


Despite the sarcastic greeting, the other party remained calm. Rather, he smiled happily and hugged Seo Dojoon lightly. 


“Yes~ Thanks to you.” 


As Seo Dojoon made a confused expression, he opened his mouth as if he was having fun.


“I received the official letter you sent~. Isn’t it too much to give 13 billion as compensation?”


“It’s not enough to just think about the unauthorized entry and the loss this dungeon change has caused.


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His head still throbs when he thinks of the attack that ended in a mess. 


A new dungeon requires a new strategy, and another resource is invested in this. Reporting to the government is also required, which inevitably entails audit activities.


Thanks to Hwang Soomin, who arbitrarily broke into other people’s dungeons and snatched the boss monster, the tasks that the Ahyeon Guild had to deal with multiplied several times.


It’s such a relaxed attitude. Seo Dojoon let out a deep sigh at the behavior of his opponent, who was not only holding a knife but was also acting like a maniac. 


“In the first place, the dungeon’s right was not transferred from the Dawn Guild.”


“Don’t say something sad~ I gave it to you on good terms.” 


“If I had known that Guild Leader Hwang Soomin would enter and exit the dungeons managed by our guild, I would never have accepted it.” 


“I didn’t go in every day~ I had a special business that day, too. I’m sorry about Nebiros. But I did it because of circumstances, and I didn’t do it on purpose to embarrass the guild leader Seo Dojoon.”


Hwang Soomin smiled brightly. It was a bright smile that only those who saw it burst. Seo Dojoon’s voice hardened.


“Tell me the reason.” 


“Um, sorry I can’t tell you that.”


He knew it. 


Among the hunters officially registered with the government, if he were to choose one whose whereabouts are the least revealed, it would be Hunter Hwang Soomin.


It is also a problem that he does not reveal anything properly, but for now, he has rarely done outside activities even though he is a guild leader.


When there was a situation where the guild leader of the Dawn Guild had to step up, he would send out the deputy guild leader or deal with it through Jung Sehyun, a guild member who is rumored to be his favorite.


“Then 15 billion is reasonable compensation.”


“Wasn’t it 13 billion won before?”


“It just increased.”


“Haa. That’s too much. Our Sehyun needs to work hard to pay back everything.”


Hwang Soomin casually said something ominous that Haeun, who cares for her younger brother, would have heard.

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“Welcome, guild leader Seo Dojoon.”




When Seo Dojoon and Hwang Soomin’s bitter conversation was over, the man and woman who were waiting greeted Seo Dojoon.


The man was the representative of the Small and Medium Guild Federation, and the woman was Son Jihyun, director of the Hunter Dispute Mediation Committee.


Since the two often encountered each other at other places, Seo Dojoon shook hands lightly and greeted each other.


And the woman sitting in the middle of the conference room.


“Let’s take a seat, guild leader Seo Dojoon.”


Lee Hyeon-ok, the president of the Korea Hunter Association and the guild leader of the Daehan Guild, nodded toward Seo Dojoon.


In fact, the relationship between the two couldn’t be said to be good because Seo Dojoon was the party who placed restrictions on the activities of the Korea Hunter Association.


However, as befits the heads of their respective guilds, the two of them sat facing each other calmly, without revealing about their unpleasant relationship.


Son Jihyun, director of the Hunter Dispute Mediation Committee, clapped and raised the atmosphere.


“It’s nice to see everyone healthy. This summer was particularly hot, but it’s fortunate. Guild leader Seo Dojoon is here, and guild leader Hwang Soomin must have seen me for the first time, so let me introduce myself again. I’m Son Jihyun, an executive of the Hunter Dispute Mediation Committee since last year. I look forward to your kind cooperation.”


“Nice to meet you~. Dispute mediation… I might see you again soon.”


“Oh my, that’s my job, but it’s best not to create a situation that requires mediation in the first place.”


There was a small laugh. The meeting of the Hunter Association after a long time and the friendly atmosphere were not bad. Of course, it was possible because everyone was exploring each other before the main game began.


However, the atmosphere didn’t last long.


“There are other places where dispute mediation is necessary.”


“Oh, my. Do you have any concerns these days, guild leader Lee Hyeonok?”


“Of course. Because the guild with the most competent resources is monopolizing it.”

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The person Lee Hyeonok’s gaze pointed to was none other than Seo Dojoon. A competent financial resource would mean a bank.


A sensitive subject came up.


All of the people gathered here were people who had asked Haeun to join the guild, but had been rejected. They can write it as the Hunter Association and read it as the club for those who were dumped by Haeun.


In particular, Seo Dojoon, Hwang Soomin, and Lee Hyeonok were guild leaders of large guilds.


Just having EX-Class guild members would dramatically increase the guild’s status.


Therefore, Haeun’s choice to pursue individual activities was regrettable. In their heart, they also wanted to check Haeun’s power by her side.


However, they had no way to force Haeun, who was treated as the only EX-Class in the world.


In the meantime, the Ahyeon Guild hit the player first.


The fact that Haeun participated in the dungeon raid that the Ahyeon Guild was planning to proceed with was kept confidential.


However, there was no way the heads of a guild wouldn’t know this. Especially for those who are interested in Haeun’s future.


It was expected from the time he decided to attend that there would be related accusations. However, Seo Dojoon remained silent because he didn’t feel the need to answer.


“Aren’t you going to answer, guild leader Seo Dojoon?”


“I have no idea what it means.”


“How shameless.”


Lee Hyeonok crossed her arms and glared at Seo Dojoon. Then, Hwang Soomin stepped in with his eyes shining.


“By the way, Guild Leader Seo Dojoon, there is one thing I am curious about.”


“I will not answer questions about reimbursement of compensation.”


“It’s not such a trivial question, Hunter Seo Dojoon. When are you going to serve the noodles?”


Seo Dojoon, who had maintained his composure, showed agitation at the moment. Hwang Soomin’s glasses shone sharply.


“The ring on your hand, the ring you shared with Hunter Jung Haeun, right?”

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