S-Class Except Me

Chapter 83

When Ahn Jinhwan hesitated at the sudden appearance of a foreigner, the other party smiled brightly and said.

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“…Y, yes?”


“Are you the one who called during the day? Hello. Please get in. The cars behind us are making loud noises.”


The other person was fluent in Korean. Ahn Jinhwan couldn’t hide his embarrassment and got into a black car. The car started right away when the door closed.


“My name is Kim Jaejin.”


“…You’re Kim Jaejin?”


“That’s the name. In Korea, it’s in order of age, right? You look older than me, so I’ll call you Hyung-nim.”


He was a perfect foreigner in appearance and attitude, but his name was Korean. Ahn Jinhwan gave him a suspicious look, but the other person didn’t seem to have any intention of explaining why.


“I don’t remember for a moment, so what rank did Hyung-nim say you were?”




Ahn Jinhwan answered with a sense of humiliation. It was embarrassing for him to say with his own mouth that he was an E-Class without ability. However, Kim Jaejin shouted with a bright color on his face.






“Ah, I’m not making fun of you. The lower the rank, the higher the chance of awakening. Hyung-nim, you’re really lucky. When you return to the guild, the head of the department will give you detailed instructions.”


The lower the grade, the higher the possibility of awakening…


Ahn Jinhwan turned his head out of the window.


If he had the strength, if he could awaken to a higher rank, his misfortune would end.


Such expectations slowly rose in Ahn Jinhwan’s mind.




Haeun received data from Hwang Soomin for the Hunter Association’s meeting.


The Zenith Guild.


It was reported that three A-Class appeared within the month of February. Even all of them are Reawakeners.


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Is this possible?


Haeun, who had already experienced something related to Baek Soyeon, didn’t think that the reawakening of the three occurred naturally. There is obviously a dirty side.


Hwang Soomin also focused on illegal awakening.


“The Hunter Association doesn’t seem to have found a connection yet, but recently there have been an increasing number of cases where hunters have gone missing, especially those with D or lower ranks.”


“Did they go missing in the dungeon?”


“It could be. It’s not unusual to die of bad luck while attacking dungeons, is it?”


His face was as bright as he said ominously.


“But as Miss Haeun knows, in order to enter the dungeon, it is essential to report Dungeon Management and Safety Department first. All of them have no last record. Either they didn’t enter the dungeon or sneaked in without reporting it.” 


Haeun decided to visit the Zenith Guild first. Haeun thinks that to catch a tiger, she has to go into the tiger’s den. 


However, it was suspicious that Haeun, who is an EX-Class, suddenly decided to join the Zenith guild, which is just a small and medium guild, so she decided to transform a little. Fortunately, this part was not a problem because Jung Sehyun, a master of hallucination and brainwashing magic, was with her.


Haeun thought this was also the result of Hwang Soomin’s calculation in advance. 


From the time he saw Haeun in <The Mansion of Nebiros>, and since he made Nebiros his subordinate, he had been thinking of moving Haeun and Jung Sehyun as a team and moving at the same time.


“To do this, Sehyun also included in the conversation at that time.”


Hwang Soomin is completely playing with her.


“I should have said yes when Sehyun asked me to become a guild leader.”


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ is surprised that Haeun has a desire for power.] 


“Otherwise, Hunter Hwang Soomin can be kicked out.”


Haeun clenched her teeth, wanting to screw Hwang Soomin somehow. 


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ will congratulate Haeun if she becomes the guild leader, but advises her not to forget that there is a 15 billion won compensation suit for damages in Dawn Guild.]


Soon, she was enlightened by the words of the Constellation and gave up her mind. Never mind. 


Visiting the Zenith Guild is set for three days later. Then is Haeun playing in the meantime? No. 


Today, Haeun came out to take care of something very important.


“Thank you.” 

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Haeun smiled after receiving the tea the waitress brought her.


Haeun was currently at a Hanok cafe located in Seongbuk-dong. It’s a room, so it’s a good place to talk and avoid people’s eyes.


And soon, the person Haeun was waiting for also arrived.


“I’m late, Haeun-ssi.” 


It is Seo Dojoon wearing a gray hunter-only coat.


Is the coat season coming soon? It was hot just a few weeks ago, but now it’s getting colder. Seeing that the stuffy long coat for hunters didn’t just feel stuffy, it seemed like the seasons were definitely changing. 


“Did you wait a long time?”


“No, I’m not, welcome.”


Seo Dojoon sat across from Haeun. It was the first time she met Seo Dojoon after going to <The Mansion of Nebiros>. Really, it can’t be a close relationship.


Yes! The two are in such a public relationship, but the world misunderstands Haeun and Seo Dojoon!


To say the two are in a passionate relationship.


[Exclusive] Seo Dojoon and Jung Haeun wearing the same ring, certified for ‘passionate love’?


It was just a relationship until a few days ago, but now it has become a “passionate” relationship. That’s the scary thing about the internet. 


The rumors were spreading enough to be mentioned in the news, so it was necessary to come up with a countermeasure as soon as possible.


“What do you think we should do?”


After showing him the YouTube video that was the beginning of everything, Haeun asked him.


As Haeun expected, Seo Dojoon looked serious. He returned the cell phone.


“It is definitely a problem.”




“The hoodie didn’t match.”




Haeun glanced at Seo Dojoon’s right hand. It’s hard to tell because he’s wearing gloves, but she can definitely see a slight trace of the ring on the ring finger.


‘Why did you put that on your ring finger?’

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She doesn’t know if she should consider it fortunate that he is not left-handed.


“We can’t just leave it as it is. I think it’s okay in general, but I often see high-level expressions.”


“That’s right! It’s all sexual harassment. There are a lot of really strange articles.”


It’s hard to describe in detail what kind of writing it was. Seo Dojoon nodded at Haeun’s reaction. 


“I will leave the excessive level of writing to the legal team of the Ahyeon Guild to deal with it. By the way, Haeun-ssi, there is something I want to ask you.” 


“Please speak.”


“Are there any reasons to evolve the rumors?”




Haeun, wondering if she heard it wrong, asked back. Seo Dojoon continued with a calm face. 


“Originally, I had no intention of actively taking action in the rumor.” 


“Ah, really…?” 


Haeun, wondering if she was overreacting, scratched her cheek awkwardly. Seo Dojoon shook his head. 


“I am not criticizing Haeun-ssi. First of all, I kept hearing rumors like this.” 


“Wow, that’s great.”


“Hmm. Anyway, suppressing these rumors doesn’t make them disappear. It’s just continuously being created and recreated. Posts that go too far will require management, but it is difficult to root out.”


“Then should we just leave it as it is? People know that Seo Dojoon and I are dating.”


“Does it bother you that the rumors are out of control?”


“It’s something like that…?” 




Seo Dojoon put his chin on his hand and pondered for a while. And soon he uttered words like a bomb.


“Then, wouldn’t it be okay if we were really dating?”


Haeun opened her mouth.


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What did I hear now?


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ is holding his breath, surprised by the sudden development of the drama]


Haeun tapped her ears. It’s normal.


What? Really?


“Are you serious?”


“Haeun-ssi, do you not like me?” 


“No. That’s, it’s not?” 


The broken Haeun stuttered in reply. She doesn’t know his personality, but it’s a perfect strike zone just by looking at the face.


However, this wasn’t Seo Dojoon’s reaction that Haeun expected. 


Haeun came today with Seo Dojoon to discuss how to feed these people with the mace of the law to prevent the spreading of rumors. 


There are many ways, but the most effective is to file a complaint with a lawyer. It has a good hitting sense.


‘Of course, I thought about making the rumors real by actually dating.’


It was half a joke and half serious, but she had no intention of putting it into practice. However, Seo Dojoon is suggesting a method that Haeun thought was a joke. 


‘I’m not in a dungeon right now, am I?’


Maybe that man in front of her is a dreamer and not in the right mind? 


However, Haeun, who was making a fuss, quickly calmed down after seeing Seo Dojoon’s expression. 


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ says that it is not a face that sees a woman he likes, and Seo Dojoon is a ruined stock.]


He had such a dry and emotionless face that the impressions she received from his handsome face escaped with his expression.


Who would treat a woman he likes with such a businesslike face? Her excited heart cooled.


After calming down, the question came out.


“Why should we be dating?”


She must know the exact reason because the look on his face showed that it wasn’t a pink reason like liking or interest.


Seo Dojoon spread two fingers at Haeun’s question.

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