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Chapter 5.5 – Please read this between Chapter 5 and 6 the second time around – Maruto1

The first day of the school festival, 10 AM…


“I’m sorry for calling you out here (the AV room) so early in the morning, Kasumigaoka-senpai.”

“…It’s fine, I’m only planning on watching the Theatre Club’s performance this afternoon anyway.”

“Oh, I see. I heard that the scriptwriter-”

“You had business with me, Katou-san?”

“Ah, well, it’s… not something I can say very easily.”

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“Oh, so now you’re playing the hesitant, introverted character?”

“You’re so quick to turn cold, senpai.”

“If you have something to say, then say it. And keep it quick. I’m pretty busy myself, you know.”

“Strange, I thought you said you only had plans for this afternoon.”


“…Erm, anyway.”

“Just the important parts.”

“I think Aki-kun’s going to talk to you today. Probably.”

“…Which means…”

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“Yes, about the scenario. About whether he’s chosen the first or second script.”


“I imagine he’s trying his hardest to look around for senpai now. But that’s nothing more than a wild goose chase, now that you’re here.”

“You’re so quick to turn cold, aren’t you?”


“And so, about Aki-kun’s answer.”

“I’ll hear it from the concerned party himself. I don’t require you to tell me.”

“But senpai… I think it’s something that might cause a lot of… trouble later on.”


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“That’s, erm, not something I can tell you face to face…”

“I correct my earlier statement. I see you’re aiming to be a certain irritating, bespectacled character instead.”

“Erm, I’m going to apologize in advance. I’m sorry, Kasumigaoka-senpai.”

“…Why would you need to apologize?”

“That’s, because, you know…”


“Look, why are you intervening in a problem that involves only Ethics-kun and myself?”

“Ah, I guess it really is a personal problem. As to which scenario is better, I suppose they were both made for good reason.”

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“Oh, I’m sorry. Did I upset you?”

“…Yes, I wonder who’s been intentionally provoking me all this time.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean… Oh well, I’ll just cut to the chase.”

“Haven’t I been telling you to do that from the start?”

“Well, Aki-kun’s… thinking outside the box.”


“His answer’s probably completely different from the kind Kasumigaoka-senpai is expecting.”


“Oh, but please don’t get angry when Aki-kun talks to you. He’s troubled over it for a week. Even if it’s nothing like what senpai expected… I hope you will still appreciate his pointless effort, if nothing else. That’s all I wanted to say.”

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