Episode 5 – First Ruin ──Babel──

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Part 1

「Then Rudi……no, Lux-san will depart from this country already then?」

The morning of the next day.

Lux who somehow managed to get up borrowed Philuffy’s shoulder and came to the place of the blind girl, Stefa Hersmice.

Saved by Philuffy’s consideration, the necessity of pretending to do honeymoon was also gone, so Lux had stopped dying his hair since the battle against Rosa.

The same like before, they entered a deserted tea house without any sign of customer and talked about the particulars of the event this time.

Lux told Stefa that he was a member of Seven Dragon Paladins who came to Heiburg for an investigation, and he also told her everything about what happened in the underground market and the showdown against Rosa.

Originally Lux also invited Calensia to come along with him and Philuffy that she should meet with Stefa, but Calensia apologetically smiled and refused.

『I was unable to do anything even while knowing about Rosa’s wrongdoing. My family got taken hostage and the best I could do was to protect myself──. There was no choice left but to kill Rosa. Someone like me have no qualification to meet Stefa.』

Calensia told Lux that included within those hostages was none other than Stefa herself. She asked Lux to tell Stefa a message from her.

And then she said that she would prepare a countermeasure against Rosa’s main subordinates the Servants who were currently staying in the new kingdom, put Rosa into isolation, and also gathered proof of her wrongdoings until now.

Or rather, Calensia would also fly to the new kingdom around the same time with Lux’s return there, so at that time she would bring with her the records about the transaction with the Dragon Marauders for him too.

Rosa herself was terribly wounded. It was judged that she wouldn’t be able to ride Drag-Ride for three months.

Although it couldn’t be said that it was completely settled, with this the case this time could be closed and headed toward the conclusion.

By the way, Tillfur and Noct returned to the new kingdom ahead. They would report about this matter to Lisha, Relie, and Lord Dist.

『Ah, speaking about that, if there is something that you want, I’ll tell it to the headmaster you know? Lux-chi too cannot be underestimated eeh.』

Tillfur said that when she was about to depart. Most likely it was about the reward that Magialca mentioned before he departed to Heiburg.

It must be also Relie’s instruction for them to choose a present for his little sister’s birthday in the place of Lux who was worked to death by this mission.

He was also aware about the matter of present for Philuffy’s birthday in the corner of his head, but in the end he didn’t find anything like that in Heiburg’s party and the underground market.

And so, Lux consulted Tillfur who was from a family background of famous craftsman and told her about the image of what he wanted.

『Hmmph. Is this for present to give to someone? I also ree-ally want a present.』

She teased him with wide grin like that, but it felt like she would send his letter obediently.

A few days later after sending off the two.

The time for Lux to also go back to the new kingdom finally arrived.

「I’m still unable to believe about the matter of Rosa. That’s why, as soon as I obtain the permission, I want to go meet her.」

「I’m sorry that I cannot be of use to you. Even though I should also ask various things about Lady Rosa myself.」

Lux who collapsed because of Over Limit’s backlash was unable to meet with Rosa since then.

He only heard from Calensia that she was confined in an underground dprison.

「No, I’m thinking to go meet her with my own legs. Certainly, Rosa pushed me aside at that night, even so, there was still the vestige of her past self remaining.」

That was the reason why Rosa didn’t kill Stefa and kept her away.

「I’ll ask Calensia to allow me to meet Rosa one more time. I want to be brave and try to talk to her. Really, thank you very much.」

The blind girl who was using cane smiled slightly and bowed her head to Lux.

Lux too was also helped by her information and guidance.

He said his thanks for those and parted from her.

When he went outside first, an unexpected person was waiting for him in front of the bar.

「Thanks for your hard work Lux-kun. I’ll also go back first to Vanheim Principality after this. Surely even that Greifer is worried right now.」

「Thank you. We were saved that Coral came here.」

「No. More importantly I’m glad. That you didn’t kill Rosa at that time. Thanks to that, I can have a bit of confidence with my own thinking.」


「Nn, no. It’s about my own circumstance. Rather than that──now」

Coral suddenly brought his lips closer to Lux’s ear and quietly whispered.

「Be careful Lux-kun. I investigated in my own way about the chain of events this time, but there was something strange.」

「Something, strange……?」

Lux asked back to Coral with a doubtful expression.

「Yes. This time, I investigated the King of Vices independently because of the special mission from Vanheim Principality. And then using the opening when Lady Rosa got defeated, I tried searching inside the military command room but──, there was trace of document that everything was Rosa’s deed.」

「……And, what about it?」

Lux tilted his head, unable to understand what Coral meant.

Rosa was making a deal with Dragon Marauder through the underground market and the military’s stock was just as he expected.

To be able to obtain the proof of that, wasn’t that something to be happy about without reserve?

「And yet, when I looked at the crucial places like her office or the commander’s room, I couldn’t find the key of the vault where the things for the transaction were gathered. I also didn’t find the place of the treasures and Elixir from Ruin that she should have procured from the transaction. I couldn’t even find anything that is like cipher.」

「That’s, in other words……?」

Lux didn’t understand the meaning of what Coral wanted to say.

「I cannot say anything concrete. But something is strange. Even though there is proof remaining, the crucial Ruin’s treasures are mostly undiscovered. I could only find two rare parts of Drag-Ride and a single horn flute. The number doesn’t match up at all.」


After hearing Coral’s story, certainly something felt strange.

Were the treasures handed over already to the Servants?

No, even that felt out of place somehow.

But, Lux was unable to express it into words and they parted like that.

「Sayonara Lux-kun. Let’s meet again, don’t die okay?」

「Coral yourself, be careful.」

Coral only said that and turned around, then he flew his EX Wyvern and went up high to the sky.

Lux waved his hand and sent off the back of his friend, then he fell into his thought.

Even though the proof of the transaction remained, the route to the treasures was unknown.

Did Rosa herself hide the treasures somewhere on the off chance that she got defeated?

Either way, he could do nothing but waiting for Calensia’s report.

「Let’s go too, Phi-chan. If we don’t hurry back, something serious might happen in the new kingdom──」


Philuffy nodded shortly and headed to a deserted back alley.

There Sharis of the Triad was waiting in advance as promised.

「Even princess Lisha and others are waiting eagerly for your return. Now, both of you, please change into your pilot suit.」

Sharis was staying alone here was to carry Lux and Phillufy using Wyvern’s flight, in order to avoid the troublesome procedure of crossing border.

Lux was unable to use Wyvern because of his exhaustion, and Philuffy using her Typhon to run on the ground would be too conspicuous.

Tillfur and Noct already left Heiburg. They were going to catch up with them before long.

「Sharis-san, you don’t need to force yourself. It’s really far from here until the port city Triport.」

This time, the Triad who came to assist them were also really helpful.

Lux said that with the intention to be considerate to Sharis, but Sharis’s face was lacking composure.

「No, unfortunately there is no room here for presuming on your kindness. We held back from telling Lux-kun so you wouldn’t feel worried while resting, but the current situation in Triport is already getting dangerous.」

「-……. That’s, don’t tell me──」

Sharis nodded shortly and directed a serious gaze at him.

「Yeah, the stationed troops of Heiburg Republic had arrived at the eleventh floor the other day. If we are unlucky, the Ragnarok might be liberated within these few days.」


Lux held his breath. Even Philuffy opened her eyes slightly wider.

If the thirteenth floor was assumed to be the highest floor, then there was only one floor left that was separating Heiburg military from it.

If Heiburg military’s plan was progressing just like Rosa mentioned, then there was high chance that they would direct the Ragnarok to Triport deliberately.

「Please Sharis-san. Bring us as quick──」

「I intend to do so, leave it to me.」

The leader of Triad nodded in respond to the nervous voice of Lux.

Right after that, the Wyvern carrying the two flew high to the sky and rushed in full speed.

Part 2

Several screams and sound of destructions were resounding intermittently above.

「Haa, haa……. Haa……-!」

An underground prison that was enclosed with stone walls around.

A girl was being hung down with chain inside.

She was only barely clothed with worn out rag. Her expression was completely haggard.

「Why, why……. Why」

She kept her hollow gaze directed toward a corner of the prison and continued to murmur with hoarse voice that sounded delirious.

When Rosa was defeated by Lux, a single leg and arm of hers were broken. She was only given simple treatment before getting restrained like this.

Even though she had persisted on the path of evil, she was defeated.

Rosa’s faith was smashed. She was spared from death after begging for her life.

Surely she was already abandoned.

In that case, everything was over already.

The things that she had sacrificed to come this far, and then the thing that she tried to protect until now too.

「Why. If in the end something like this will still happen to me then……, everything that I did until now was──」

Rosa groaned with a grieving expression.

Then, in a timing that was as though in concert with her voice, the underground prison’s door was slowly opened.

「──!? A, aa……」

Seeing the face of the woman who appeared, Rosa’s body was shaking fiercely.

The woman was soaked with blood.

And then, the smile that was distorted in joy, giving a hint of the slaughter that had ended above just now.

Guessing the tragedy that would happen to her after this, Rosa’s expression was dyed with despair.

「How do you do Rosa? I’m bringing good news for you. I want you to cooperate with me one more time. By doing that, you will be able to come back once more to your position.」

Saying that, the woman in front of her presented her plan.

A few minutes later, Rosa’s figure vanished from the prison.

Part 3

「This place, is port city Triport……?」

They had Sharis flying in full speed until they arrived in the new kingdom. After entering the new kingdom’s territory, they ran on land until here using Philuffy’s Typhon.

By the way, midway Sharis used up all of her strength and fell exhausted, so she rested while right now only Lux and Philuffy arrived ahead in the port city.

The time was already dusk. The red evening sun was sinking into the horizon, illuminating the port city beautifully.

It was a port city with history that was governed by Celis’s father, the feudal lord of new kingdom’s west territory.

Even though there was Babel located relatively nearby, it should be a lively and bustling port city due to the protection of the troops commanded by Dist, but──.

「Somehow, it’s quiet. Also, the smell is strange too.」

Philuffy was unusually making a dubious face. She was staring at the silent townscape.

They also couldn’t see merchant ship from the port, and there was almost no sign of people.

A desolate atmosphere was drifting off, as though the city had been abandoned.

「There is also Onee-chan’s company here, so──I’ll go take a look for a bit, okay?」

After staring at that sight absentmindedly for a while, Philuffy suddenly said while looking at a large building far away.

「Yes. It’s all right already after coming this far, go ahead.」


He wasn’t just being considerate of Philuffy, Lux himself also had something he wanted to investigate before the sun set.

Thus Lux was going to head to a place where he would be able to get a clear view of the port, then──.

「Oh, you there, are you a Drag-Knight who came from the new kingdom? You are really young though.」

Suddenly when Lux turned around, a bald and thin old man addressed him.

「No, I’m still a military cadet. Rather than that, did something happen to this Triport?」

「It’s unbelievable. Heiburg’s force has only come here for around two weeks, but those guys are devouring this city completely.」

The old man lamented Lux’s question while speaking about the current situation.

In order to conquer Babel, this port city was made into a base. Since then, Abysses were attacking frequently.

Even recently when the Ruins were invigorated, Abyss would appear with the frequency of five, six times per month, but right now more than ten would appear in a day.

Nothing serious happened due to the conspicuous effort of Lisha and others who assisted the new kingdom, but citizens who got scared and escaped to the neighboring city appeared without end. Heiburg troops were increasingly acting as they pleased.

「What’s more, a rumor from somewhere is circulating, saying that a specially large Abyss called Ragnarok will appear soon. The population of this Triport is reduced until less than a third. Even they are unable to walk around outside at daytime in fear of Abyss. At night they have to give reception to Heiburg soldiers who finished working. It’s only natural that everyone hates it with this situation.」

「……-!? What are the soldiers of the new kingdom doing?」

Lux asked in hurry, but the old man sighed and shook his head.

「Unfortunately, during these two weeks the number of people who can fight are decreased by a lot. Thanks to that large swarm of Abyss, most of the Drag-Knights were injured.」

「Is, that so……」

No matter how active Lisha and others were in their effort, they weren’t able to stop all the Abysses that appeared. And their Drag-Ride operational time was also limited.

During that time the forces of Lord Dist also fought and used up their strength.

If this was the case, he needed to report about Rosa’s matter even for a second faster.

How her sin was exposed in Heiburg, and Babel’s conquering had to be stopped.

「I’m sorry, who is the current commander of the force that is dispatched here?」

「Hm……? No, I’m just a mere sailor. I don’t know the detail about Heiburg military. It seems the commander is taking command in the frontline base nearby Babel, but more importantly, that collar, could it be you are──」

「Ah, yes. I’m Lux Arcadia. A prince of the former old empire……」

Lux smiled with a troubled look while pointing at his own collar.

At his period of doing chores, he hadn’t staying for long at Triport, so his face wasn’t well known here.

But, the silver hair and eyes that were characteristic of the imperial family.

And then the collar of criminal was the symbol of that, but because of the madder red color of the evening sun, it seemed the old man didn’t notice until now.

「I, is that so……. You are──then, excuse me.」


The bald old man showed agitation while trying to leave from that place.

Even though Lux was feeling something out of place, he could only tilt his head in puzzlement.

「Is it as I thought, that everyone is in the front line fortress near Babel?」

Although from the story that the Triad told him, he heard that even the soldiers of Heiburg stopped the Ruin conquering at sunset.

In other words, no Abyss would appear from now until tomorrow.

Lux judged that his option at present was to reunite with Philuffy here, and then linked up with Lisha and others who returned from the frontline.

「Today will come to an end soon huh──」

Looking closer, the evening sun had set completely. The curtain of night was starting to descend.

When Lux focused on meeting with Philuffy, a strange presence suddenly came from behind.

「Hoo, so this is that famous Black Hero? Aren’t you still a cute boy?」

The one who appeared was a woman of blooming age wearing black military uniform.

Similar like Rosa, she was enveloped with arrogant hostility that overwhelmed other people. That bearing of hers resembled the imperial family and nobles of the old empire.

「You are──」

「What, I’m just checking. It will be troublesome if you make excuse of being another person.」

While Lux was bewildered, the woman walked closer with a fearless smile. Her military boots were making clicking sound on the ground.

「My name is Gutefelica, the general of Heiburg Republic. Traitor Lux Arcadia. I will capture you now and present you to the world alliance.」


The moment she told him that, Lux’s expression showed bewilderment.

「Oops, don’t move. My subordinates are already behind you. You won’t be able to dodge a barrage from Breath Gun with that injured body.」

The moment Gutefelica introduced herself, the space behind her distorted and Drag-Ride appeared from the empty spot.

It was two Heiburg soldiers wearing general purpose Drag-Ride who appeared.

Using the function of special equipment type, they were hiding using camouflage.

「What are you planning? Pointing weapon at someone in the middle of city like this」

As expected even Lux had to raise both his hands with a doubtful face.

But, in contrast Gutefelica didn’t change her bewitching smile and brought her face closer to Lux.

「Well well, aren’t you a kid with worse perceptiveness than I thought? Are you listening? I’ll give you a hint. It was the old man just now who told us about your location. He is a citizen of this port city. The notice that those who informed your location will be given money reward has been spread in this city since a long time ago.」


The moment Lux saw the wicked smile of Gutefelica, a shudder ran through his back.

Now Lux realized the fatal carelessness he had committed.

The sense of liberation from the nervousness when he was staying in Heiburg and his exhausted body was dimming his thought.

「Hoo, you are making a clueless face. Then I’ll point out your wretchedness once more right now. You illegally infiltrated Heiburg to attempt an assassination at Lady Rosa in order to stop Heiburg military from conquering Babel. You damn traitor──the rebel against world alliance!」

Gutenfelica smugly threw a ridiculing and mocking gaze at Lux.

The moment Lux sensed that, his hand almost reached out toward his Sword Device, but he stopped.

「Good kid. Nothing good will come from you making ruckus here. I’ll be affectionate to you if you are obedient. It will be as my pet though……」

「My, you’re wrong. That conclusion is a misunderstanding.」


A girl’s voice suddenly came from somewhere.

The moment everyone there was taken aback, something unusual happened.

「Gu, AAAH!」

「Wha, what. The Drag-Ride’s control is──」

「What are you all doing-!?」

Heiburg troops who were riding Drake suddenly raised their Blade against Gutefelica.

Even so as expected from a general, she reacted even against the surprise attack and barely dodged.

At the same time she pulled out her Sword Device quickly. At that timing, Lux’s body floated to the air.

「Chih! You think you can get away! Surround the town and search him! Don’t let him escape from this city-!」

But, while she was obstructed by two Drakes, Lux was safely rescued from that place.

What took away Lux and carried him was the work of a Drag-Ride that was similarly in camouflage.

It was one of the students from the Academy who he knew well in the side of the new kingdom.

「Yoruka!? Why are you here──!?」

「Aruji-sama is asking a strange thing. I am always by Aruji-sama’s side.」

Lux realized that he was rescued by Yoruka who was wearing Divine Drag-Ride Yato no Kami.

She was also requested by the new kingdom and came to guard this Triport.

「What is this situation? Philuffy, is she safe!?」

「There is no need to worry. She is also being sheltered by the headmaster. But, although she herself has no charge against her, in this situation right now it will be better if she don’t show herself.」

It seemed that the treatment as criminal didn’t reach as far as Philuffy.

But, although he comprehended the current situation, there were several inexplicable things.

「──Now, I believe around here will be fine.」

Suddenly Yoruka stopped Yato no Kami’s leap and put down Lux on the ground.

There they seemed t be in a neighborhood for the wealthy within Triport. Relatively big residences were lining up.

Surely there were a lot of traders here who did business in the port.

「It seems the general just now is still pursuing, so I will lure her suitably before giving her the slip. If Aruji-sama goes straight this street, you will arrive at our hideout.」

「Thank you. But, don’t be reckless. I still don’t comprehend this situation.」

「As you will it, Aruji-sama.」

Yoruka kicked on the air once more and left along with a bewitching smile.

After seeing her off, Lux started walking through the street of the residential district.

Perhaps because the sun had set completely, there was few passerby. Under the evening darkness, Lux was feeling a strange gaze on him.

After parting from Yoruka, he could clearly hear the sound of footstep following him.

(Is it a new pursuer from Heiburg military? Or else──)

Lux once more felt for real that there was prize money for his head.

Right now limited to this place, even the citizens of Triport would tattle about Lux’s location.

He had to somehow give the slip to his pursuer, but right now it was hard to even escape for Lux.

When he was thinking that, a girl who was walking from slightly far away quickly took Lux’s hand and broke into a run.

「This way. Our hideout is underground slightly far from here.」

「Krulcifer-san!? Why──」

The echo of that familiar voice made Lux murmured with nostalgic feeling.

After she took off the hat hiding her face, she brushed up her long blue hair which exposed the side of her beautiful face.

The overseas student who was Lux’s classmate and was extremely intimate with him was there.

「You noticed a bit late, but I’ll forgive you. It looks like Lux-kun too has gone through various troubles.」

She displayed her usual cool smile while telling him that.

Lux sighed in relieve, then he heard the faint sound of Drag-Ride moving from behind.

「Wait! What are you doing monopolizing the achievement by yourself!? I’m also here you know!?」

Almost at the same time, he saw a blond hair tied into a side tail swaying beside him.

Lisha wearing Drake was on his side unnoticed.

「I wonder what are you talking about? It was you who decided to focus fully on using camouflage and probing device because it will be conspicuous to wear Drag-Ride in the open.」

「That’s true but……, right now it’s fine. There is no sign of anyone in pursuit or the reaction of other Drag-Ride.」

「……Haa, good grief. Then, let’s proceed straight to the safe house like this.」

Prompted by Krulcifer who sighed in exasperation, they knocked on the back door of a church.

「──It’s me. I bring him with me.」

After Krulcifer shortly said that, the church’s door was opened.

Then, a young nun wearing a veil appeared and slowly beckoned to come in.

It seemed there was also citizen who was cooperating with Lux.

「Thank you very much. You saved us.」

When Lux’s expression relaxed in relieve and he said his gratitude, the nun quickly turned around and looked up at Lux with a reproachful gaze.

「Your welcome. It prove to be worthwhile for me to be waiting. It is difficult to follow up Nii-san who is bringing trouble right as soon as you came back.」

「Wait, Airi!? Why are you dressed like that──!?」

「Does it looks good on me? Because Nii-san did bad thing and I almost got captured, I have no choice but to hide like this. After all they were trying to capture me who is your little sister to be used as bait to lure out Nii-san.」


Airi’s smile that was plainly filled with thorn caused Lux to stiffen in mute amazement.

「How about you let him off with that much? The case this time should be something unpleasant for him too.」

When Krulcifer calmly persuaded her so, Airi climbed down a stair inside a small room and started walking inside an underground passage.

「This way. Everyone is waiting already.」

「This place, just where──?」

Lux muttered while looking around the long dark passage. Airi immediately replied to him while keeping her gaze to the front.

「It’s a hidden passage for use of a rich person.」

After telling him that frankly, Krulcifer added some more explanation for him.

Originally it was an underground waterway for manufacturing work, but it was also constructed as emergency hideout as well as an escape route. It seemed that it was further connected to the church and other escape route.

It was a hidden passage because of the consideration of the city’s nearness to the Ruin Babel.

There was nothing underground, but it could connect to the inside of each residence.

Even the new kingdom military didn’t know about the information of this passage.

After walking for a while inside the dark passage with a lantern in hand, they opened the lock of a door that connected to a side path.

From there they climbed up a stair to directly above, and came out into a basement that was like a wine cellar.

「This seems to be a villa that also doubled as a warehouse of Aingram conglomerate. It’s not known publicly, so you can relax here.」

Following Krulcifer’s guidance, Lux entered inside the residence.

They headed to the living room of the mansion where all the windows were covered with curtain and they finally could relax.

「And so, we were able to collect Lux safely. Originally I planned to open a celebration wine for the success of the secret investigation but──」

Lisha faltered mid-sentence.

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「Just what is happening in this city? About the reward money for me being a traitor──」

「It’s not just this city, it’s the whole country Nii-san. Right now Nii-san is in the position where even the new kingdom prepared money reward for your head. Even I originally should be captured by the new kingdom military as bait to lure out Nii-san.」

When he listened to the detailed story, it seemed that before the Triad could report about Rosa’s backroom dealing, a report that Lux was a traitor who tried to assassinate Rosa came.

And then the female general Gutefelica who was leading the Heiburg troops began to oppress the people of the new kingdom since half a day ago.

First the Drag-Knights including Lisha and others had their action restricted to only around the port. They were forbidden to approach toward Babel.

Furthermore, Heiburg military was searching since the morning without regard of the citizen or new kingdom military. They even broke into the houses.

Because of that rough intervention, the heart of the citizens suffered damage and they were seething with tense anger.

「Even so, just what in the world happened……?」

The story sounded simple, but there were several incomprehensible parts.

Seeing at the chronological order, the next day after that evening where Lux fought Rosa and cornered her, a messenger from Heiburg with the message that Lux was a traitor had already departed to here.

「However, how did the other side exposed my infiltration? There should be no proof or any──」

「There is a proof. I was also astonished at first though……」

Lisha hung down her head with a sigh.

Like that, Lux touched the sword belt on his waist.

Originally there were two Sword Devices hanging from there. Now one of the sheaths was empty──.

The Sword Device of his Wyvern was lost amidst the confusion of that battle.

Without the corresponding Sword Device, the Drag-Ride couldn’t be moved. Because of that, even now his Wyvern was unable to be moved from the warehouse of Aingram conglomerate located in Heiburg capital Hidehelm──.

「Then, don’t tell me……?」

「Yeah, the Sword Device that those Heiburg lots handed in was certainly something with your name Lux, engraved on it. The name of the possessor of general purpose Drag-Ride is recorded in the new kingdom, so there is no mistake.」

Lisha informed with a bitter face.

Lux’s name was engraved on his Sword Device since the beginning, added with that, if he was told to try to summon his Drag-Ride to proof that it wasn’t his, then he would have no way to make excuse.

「That’s why, until the enemy that set the trap for Nii-san is defeated, Nii-san need to hide like this here. If Nii-san is discovered, Nii-san will be apprehended right away and new kingdom’s position will become bad.」

At present, Lux was suspected as an assassin, and the Drag-Knights of the new kingdom were distanced from Babel.

They couldn’t even enter the front line base that was for defense and were forced to intercept the arriving Abyss from the rampart that was adjacent to this Triport. They were forestalled.

「By the way, Celis-senpai is──?」

He saw Yoruka just now, and the Triad weren’t here because of their role as information messenger. It concerned Lux that he still hadn’t seen Celis’s figure.

「My? It’s good news seeing you still care about Celis-senpai. It doesn’t look like you have been united with that childhood friend of yours in the honeymoon.」

Krulcifer reacted to Lux’s muttering and whispered so with a smile.

「Se, see, it’s just as I thought. I, I believed in Lux all this time……!」

「What are you saying while making a face that looks relieved from the bottom of your heart like that……」

Lisha crossed her arms and puffed out her chest. Beside her, Airi who had changed into uniform retorted.

「Wai-!? Don’t make fun of me. I and Phi-chan only pretended to be husband and wife in order to infiltrate, such thing──」

Lux was saying that while he reflexively recalled the days of his travel the he spent with Philuffy.

The memory of riding together the shaking coach and the bashful memory of getting treated like husband and wife.

And then, how Philuffy saved Lux when he was suffering from the course of defeating Rosa, and how she was nursing him wholeheartedly.

How she was supporting him with kindness that was unchanging since the past.

His chest was naturally getting heated while recalling that.

(Wait, just what am I thinking……!? Even Phi-chan, it’s not like she──)

He was charmed by her even while denying his own thought.

No, in the past his thought was filled with nothing but changing the old empire, but perhaps, since that time he had actually felt about Philuffy──.

「Yes yes. I understand you all are trying to break the tension, but let’s stop here. After all Celis-senpai too had just come back.」

Lux was suddenly returned to his senses from Airi’s voice.

When he looked there, he found Celis who had just climbed the stair of the underground room and stood inside the living room.

「Lux──!? You are safe!」

The moment he was about to greet her, Celis suddenly hugged him tightly.

The trained firm slender body, and the soft sensation that was characteristic of a girl.

It seemed she had fought just before this, the scent of her sweat was tickling Lux’s emotion.

「……Wait, what are you doing Celis!? Hugging Lux out of nowhere like that──」

Lisha who saw that turned red and flared up. Hearing that Celis was also taken aback and got away from Lux.

「Pa, pardon me! That’s, it’s because I’ve been worried about Lux all this time. I also heard how he was wanted with money reward as a criminal, and there was also his deathly battle with Lady Rosa……」

「……Ahaha, I’m fine. Though I’m a bit tired, but as senpai can see I’m lively like this.」

Lux quickly smiled and answered like that.

His dear and reliable comrades from the Academy.

He only went to Heiburg for about a week, but even Lux himself felt lonely there.

He had already blended completely into the ordinary days he spent with these girls.

「But, I’m reflecting. To be overcome with emotion and hugged like that without thinking about Lux himself, I have done something unbecoming for the captain of Syvalles.」

Celis’s cheeks reddened while she hung her head down. Lux smiled wryly.

And then, he slowly took her hand.

「Thank you very much Celis-senpai. For protecting the new kingdom while I wasn’t here──」


When he told her his feeling of gratitude with a straightforward gaze, Celis’s cheeks blushed slightly.

He had heard about Celis’s strenuous effort from Triad.

In the battle this time, she stayed in this Triport longer than anyone and defeated Abyss continuously.

Her stamina and skill that she had trained by disciplining herself strictly everyday.

And then, the strong heart that allowed her to accomplish that was something that Lux respected.

When an indescribable pleasant atmosphere was flowing between Lux and Celis──,

「My? You were really worried about her weren’t you? Although, the one who was waiting for your return here isn’t just Celis-senpai you know?」

「Ah, yes. Thank you, Krulcifer-san. And also Lisha-sama too.」

「That’s right! We too were doing various things while waiting for you!」

「Yes yes. Please leave that kind of thing for later, How astonishing all of you are, to be able to compete for Nii-san so harmoniously in an emergency situation like this.」

「A, ahaha……」

The three girls faltered from Airi’s retort that was said with a completely exasperated tone.

「Although, your body won’t hold if you don’t rest, so let’s take a meal and bath. I’ll say this though, Nii-san. Please enter the bath alone tonight okay?」

「Wai-!? What’s with that way of talking as though I am usually entering bath together with someone!?」

When Lux was flustered, Airi sent him a reproachful gaze.

「Nii-san got helped by Philuffy-san anyway right? The backlash from Over Limit should make Nii-san unable to move your body properly after all.」

(Even my physical condition got completely seen through-……!)

It seemed that Noct properly reported even that kind of information too.

「Wha, wha-wha-wha-what is the meaning of that Lux-!? Don’t tell me, you and that airheaded girl, together in the bath──!」

「It’s a misunderstanding! She only helped me wiping my body.」

「I, is that so. Then, I can feel relieved.」

For some reason Celis let out a relieved sigh hearing that and patted down her chest, but Krulcifer was smiling with a suspecting gaze at him.

「As expected from Lux-kun’s wife. She is even more ahead than me who is your fiancée candidate.」

「Why is Krulcifer-san’s gaze to me is cold for some reason!?」

「And so, the bath has been heated up, so please say it if Nii-san need help. If so I will help out Nii-san as your little sister.」

「Ah, right. Please……」

Lux smiled awkwardly while getting guided toward a separate room in the mansion. And then he entered the bath.

He was uneasy wondering if whether someone like Yoruka would barge in, but fortunately nothing happened and he was able to finish his bath safely.

After that, while everyone was alternately taking a bath, the Triad who were leading Philuffy and Yoruka with them were also coming into the mansion from the underground.

It seemed, Celis’s father who was protecting this city, Lord Dist and headmaster Relie had talked to them. Everyone was eating dinner together in the living room while having a meeting.

「Then, I’m thinking to carry out a strategy meeting to chance our original plan from here on. Everyone, it’s okay to eat at the same time, but please listen carefully.」

Everyone nodded at Airi’s words and they began to eat quietly.

On the table that was brightly illuminated with lamp, various dishes that had been prepared before they knew it were lined up until there was almost no space left.

Meats of beef, pork, poultry, and lamb that were roasted with pepper and rock salt.

Consomme soup that was filled with a lot of vegetables.

And then bread and cheese, pickles and the like were also provided plenty.

They weren’t really in the mood to make a ruckus, so the girls were eating quietly.

During that time, Airi was speaking about the summary of the chronological events until now.

The Sword Device of Lux’s Wyvern was stolen unnoticed and fell into Heiburg’s hand. It was then used as proof for sticking a criminal charge to Lux.

The captured Rosa made use of some kind of method and escaped from Heiburg’s prison.

And then, before long there was a risk of Ragnarok’s appearance when the deepest level of Abyss was reached and conquered.

「It will be Heiburg soldiers who fight with the Ragnarok, but if they run away, the nearby town will be attacked. For them, it will be great if they can defeat it successfully, but if it become dangerous, they can run away and leave it to the new kingdom.」

「Could we also abandon this city and take some distance?」

Yoruka who was listening to the talk made a frank remark, but Lisha immediately lifted up her face.

「There is no way we can do that you ero woman! If we leave from here, what will happen to this city!?」

「Right. Besides, it’s unfortunate but if we escape then the Ragnarok will come attacking everywhere inside the new kingdom’s territory. Even if we retreat temporarily, at the end we will have to fight it all the same.

「Yes. Also, I cannot let the name of my father, one of the four great nobles who are governing this west territory to be besmirched further.」

「Munya……. I’ll, work hard too.」

After Lisha, Krulcifer, and then Celis spoke their determination. Philuffy also nodded in agreement.

On the other hand, the Triad was standing still with a conflicted expression.

「Honestly though, I’m scared. The strength of someone like me won’t be any use against Ragnarok.」

Tillfur smiled bitterly with an embarrassed look.

「I understand your feeling. After all at the battle against Yggdrasil, even everyone with their Divine Drag-Ride still wasn’t a match even after fighting as group.」

「Yes. We too aren’t slacking off in our training, but as expected I judged that the burden is too hard if speaking about defeating Ragnarok.」


Lux and others couldn’t deny those words.

In fact, even Bahamut with Over Limit only won barely in a hair’s breadth.

If the Ragnarok lurking within Babel appeared this time, it would be difficult to fight it properly using general purpose Drag-Ride.

「My, it’s fine if you three escape right away you know? Either way, it will be us who are going to face this so-called Ragnarok.」

「Wait, Yoruka. Saying it like that is──!?」

Lux spontaneously opened his mouth hearing Yoruka telling the Triad insensitively like that with a carefree smile.

But, Sharis smiled with a sigh ‘fuh’ and faced Yoruka.

「I’m thankful that you said that, but there is also no way we can do that. Especially when this time Lux-kun and missy Philuffy are also tired. Even our insignificant strength can be of some use if we focus on working behind the scene.」

「Well, I’ll try doing my best somehow.」

「Yes. We will simply accept Yoruka-san’s consideration thankfully.」

Tillfur clenched her fist, while Noct concluded it like that.

Yoruka making practical conclusion like that was the usual thing, but hearing Noct saying 『Yoruka’s consideration』, Lux felt happy inside his heart.

‘Just leave the dangerous thing to me’──Certainly what Yoruka said could also be interpreted like that.

Airi and Noct said that they would become Yoruka’s friend even if for form’s sake only, but Lux slightly felt it how they were really meeting each other halfway.

「Then, we will carry out the mission from tomorrow! Lux and little sister, don’t leave this hideout for a while.」

And then, after everyone said their piece, the dialogue was concluded.

They could see the direction for their action tomorrow.

First they would search for the Servants or perhaps Rosa. It might be them who stole Lux’s Sword Device in Heiburg and brought it here.

The role for that information gather would be the responsibility of Yoruka and the Triad whose faces weren’t really known within the enemy camp.

Lisha and others, the main force of the new kingdom would be standing by before the front line base east of Triport like usual……that was how it would be.

And then tonight, because the time had become late, everyone would stay here.

「Err, I will be in the same room with Airi?」

They went up to the second floor and got shown into a bedroom with two beds lined up.

「It can’t be helped right? Nii-san right now isn’t in completely good health. Or perhaps, Nii-san want to sleep with other girl?」

「Yo, you misunderstand!? I didn’t say anything like that──」

「I wonder about that? Nii-san surely has enjoyed the honeymoon life with Philuffy-san a lot, so maybe Nii-san feels it lacking to be with me your little sister?」

「Look here, I was doing that for the mission more or less though……?」

「I’ll believe it for now. Rest well, Nii-san.」

Airi ignored Lux’s objection and turned off the light.

Silence was filling inside the room, but as expected Lux was unable to sleep.

「Is Nii-san still thinking some kind of needless matter?」

It seemed Airi sensed Lux’s atmosphere that was like that. She called out to him from beside.

Within the bedroom that was covered with azure color, Lux slowly formed his words.

「I’m wondering, if I failed once more just as I thought……. Just like in the past, when I tried to do something about the old empire’s tyranny and the chauvinism somehow.」


After investigating Heiburg, he was convinced that it was the same like that time, that evil structure couldn’t possibly be overturned as long as the ringleader wasn’t defeated.

And then, Lux was cornered in his battle against Rosa.

He tried to make it so that the knights, authorities, and the imperial family members of the old empire survived as many as possible, but due to Fugil who was also one of the performers like him in that revolution, Lux’s effort was denied along with his betrayal.

「However, even I, it’s not like I was dreaming that everyone could be saved. And then even if I sent them to prison, I think that they would still get sentenced to death as the result.」


「I thought that I’ve made my resolve. I also believed that I know how the path to protect this new kingdom won’t be that indulgent.」

「But, Nii-san couldn’t do it right? Making yourself to kill Lady Rosa.」


Lux didn’t look at Airi’s face. He kept looking up at the ceiling and muttered.

「Phi-chan, when I was about to get swept up by the voices of the surrounding, she stopped me.」

「Nii-san isn’t feeling, that she was in the way?」

Airi unexpectedly cut into the matter sharply, but there was no malice within her voice.

It looked like she was simply asking in the attempt to ascertain Lux’s feeling.

「I was thinking that I won’t be able to save everyone if I don’t kill Rosa. But, cutting off her head at that time when she was already unable to move is something that I couldn’t do. Besides, it felt like something is out of place. I felt resistance about killing her unrelated with the matter of good and evil and her sin.」

「Is there still some unresolved puzzle left? In regard to her──」

Lux quietly casted down his eyes and nodded powerlessly.

(Wait──why didn’t she, go to meet her until the very end?)

Thinking carefully, there were several inexplicable things in that battle.

And then, he didn’t understand that uncomfortable feeling because he was only paying attention to Rosa.

「However, Nii-san is calm even after going through that aren’t you? Haa, it’s vexing but perhaps it was the correct choice that Philuffy-san accompanied Nii-san.」

「Wai-!? You too Airi, don’t make fun of me like the others.」

「Why is it I’m unable to use Drag-Ride……. Even I──」

When Airi was about to say something, at that time.


An intense explosive sound resounded outside.


The two immediately brushed aside their blanket and got up right away.

Their body stiffened from nervousness wondering if their location had been found out, but in that moment, sound of bell and people’s angry yell could be heard from outside.

「Abyss! Abysses appeared from Babel-!」

「Everyone run away, we are going to get attacked too-!」

「……!? No way, don’t tell me!」

Lux immediately approached the window and he was about to open the curtain, but Airi who was also standing up grasped Lux’s hand with a nervous expression and shook her head slightly.

「I’ll wake up the Triad and have them take a look at the situation. Nii-san, please don’t show your face outside. No matter what you mustn’t do that.」


‘Why’──He was about to ask, but Lux guessed Airi’s thinking.

In any case, Lux right now couldn’t get involved.

Right now Lux couldn’t move Bahamut fully, and above all else he was a wanted person. If he went outside, Heiburg military would notice.

Airi who was living in the position as criminal since the past had strong wariness in that aspect.

Thinking back now, it was also unnatural how the people’s voices were calling out without any mention of Heiburg.

By any chance, could it be a lure with the expectation that it would make Lux opened the curtain or even rushing outside?

「If this is a trap, then the opponent is really outrageous. Heiburg’s King of Vices is──」

Airi muttered with sweat trickling down from her forehead slowly.

Could it be that before they could determine Rosa’s location, the other party had already made their move this quick?

The two went down to the first floor in hurry. There, the familiar members were already changing into their pilot suit.

「It looks like the opponent is also really in a hurry. To think that they will make their move this quickly.」

First Krulcifer muttered that while brushing up her hair.

Responding to that, Lisha lifted up her face with an unusually tense expression.

「But, if the Abyss attack is a trap, if we can confirm that it’s their lie, even without us going outside──」

「No, most likely we won’t be able to do that. They have the horn flute, if we fall behind it will be too late.」

Celis kept her hand supporting her chin and muttered with a bitter expression.

Seeing everyone hesitating to speak in bafflement, Airi came to a sudden realization in surprise and she spoke.

「They have thoroughly let Abysses get away outside from the tower until now, exposing the city to danger while advancing their investigation at the same time. Are they going to hesitate after this far?」

「I can also hear the sound of horn flute, so I think, that’s not wrong.」

Hearing what Airi pointed out, Philuffy pressed her ear and muttered that. Krulcifer also nodded in agreement.

「It seems they are also desperate. They are intending to concentrate their full force to search for Lux-kun who is in this city right now.」

「If we are keep hiding like this, the town will be destroyed by the Abysses from the horn flute’s command. But, if we go out to intercept, it will be easier for them to search for Lux and little sister, is that it?」

After Lisha muttered as though she was asking herself, everyone wordlessly nodded.

And then, if the Ragnarok was released in this confusion, the situation where all of them were separated from each other would be taken advantage of and they might get annihilated.

The situation was already overwhelmingly disadvantageous for them.

「But, there is also an opening that we can take advantage of. There is someone playing the horn flute to control the Abysses and making them attack here, that means──」

Receiving Airi’s pleading gaze, Lux nodded.

「Everyone, please. I want you all to cooperate and quickly intercept the Abysses that are advancing here due right now due to the horn flute. We have to protect the people of Triport and the force of Lord Dist. And then──」

「At the same time, we will locate the person who is using the horn flute to manipulate the Abysses. That’s the plan right? If we catch them red-handed, then we can make an excuse to capture them.」

Krulcifer continued like that. Celis also nodded.

「An operation in a scale this large surely has a chain of command. If we can ascertain it……」

「Looks like we have no other choice. Right now is the chance while the enemy is attacking.」

「Then, Nii-san──please decide the strategy.」

Prompted by Airi, Lux quickly made his decision.

And then, a few minutes later.

Lisha and everyone else moved in counterattack.

Part 4

「Fufufufu! This is exhilarating! The old empire that once oppressed Heiburg utterly. To be able to trample these guys like this──life is full of surprise.」

A woman wearing EX Wyvern was looking down on the blazing townscape while laughing.

She was enjoying that wartime fire through her white mask while playing flute above a viewing platform.

That was the tone of horn flute to manipulate abyss that was excavated from Ruin.

「Noow then. Let’s suppress the firepower a bit more while tormenting them slowly. There is also the next mission after this, doing this moderately──!?」

Numerous Abysses that the masked woman were manipulating using the flute were shot by blue flash one after another that froze them.

Right after the Abysses like Gargoyles and Chimeras had their movement stopped, a pursuing attack smashed them into pieces.

「Freezing bullet and sniping……, the user of these is──」

*Bishi-!*, at that moment, a streak of light was fired and hit the Drag-Ride the woman wore.

The Blade she was holding froze. The moment her eyes snapped open in surprise, a girl was flying before her eyes.

「You look like you are having fun, can you allow me to join too?」

Krulcifer wearing Fafnir readied her Freezing Cannon and thrust its muzzle toward the enemy.

「You came faster than I thought. A lowly keytool of Ruin that was chased away from Ymir Theocracy like you dare to──. Are you trying to have the new kingdom to keep you as their pet by acting loyal to them?」

「I wonder where is Lady Rosa? My bad, but I have no free time to play with a small fry like you.」


Krulcifer ignored the provocation and told the woman so. The woman bared a wicked grin under her mask.

「Fine. My name is Zecta Bergios of the Sky Punishment, one of the Servants. I’ll give a special lesson to this spoiled Ojou-sama who is only used at the mock battle game.」

Above the viewing platform with the view of the port city, Krulcifer’s fight began.

Part 5

「Ple, please. The Abysses are attacking! Help──gafuh!?」

One guard who was running from the flying Abyss pursuing him was atrociously blown away by a bomb blast.

「For a guard to be the first one to escape, how foolish. Just because you don’t have a Drag-Ride──」

A wharf located at the west of Triport.

In that place that became remarkably quiet because in these few days there was no more ship coming, a completely black man was standing wearing EX Wyrm.

The land battle type Wyrm was hiding a potential of being able to be loaded with a large amount of armaments, but that man’s armament was only one. Thick chain that was like rope with thorny iron ball attached on its end.

The Smashing Punishment Goldia.

That was the name of this masked man who possessed muscular body.

「A worthless town. And then──a worthless country. What meaning a soldier that possess no strength at all could have?」

A muffled voice was raised under the mask as though he was questioning himself.

Next he readied his iron ball once more and threw it toward the soldier who was still barely alive.

The iron ball flew with powerful speed that even the eyes couldn’t follow, however its trajectory changed and it sank into the ground of the wharf.


When he noticed, even the Drag-Ride that Goldia himself was wearing already got heavy.

A gravity field that was tinged with purple light was restraining him.

「It’s amazing how you can boast like that when you are only facing weaponless people. It’s you who is the most worthless! If you surrender right away then I’ll let you off with only getting half-killed!」

Lisha who was wearing Divine Drag-Ride Tiamat was proclaiming from the sky.

The targeting of Tiamat’s special armament, the giant cannon Seven Heads had already capture Goldia.

「For the princess of the new kingdom to personally come out, that’s some fortitude. Allow me to test your caliber.」

The large man’s mouth distorted into an arc shape at the appearance of a powerful enemy.

Right after that, the he started to move as though dragging his body even with the gravity field sealing his body movement.

Part 6

In front of the government building at the center of the port city.

In front of that place where the commanding officers of the force, including Lord Dist were gathered, the third Servants appeared.

The elite Drag-Knights, Servants who were the direct subordinate of the King of Vices wouldn’t expose their bare face at new kingdom.

A tall man whose face was covered with white mask was calling even more Abyss using a horn flute.

「……Are you the Drag-Knight of a perished country that we heard from Dragon Marauder, Kirihime, something?」

「My? So you know my name? Even though I’m planning to conceal myself.」

Saying that, Yoruka dispelled the camouflage of Yato no Kami and showed herself before the man.

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On the other hand, one of the Servants, the Flame Punishment Viji was also wearing the same type of Drag-Ride, the special equipment type, EX Drake.

If it was the same type that also possessed probing device, it could also see through the opponent who had the camouflage function activated.

「If you stop the sound of that flute and tell me the location of Rosa Granhide, I won’t mind to at least let you keep your life you know?」

Yoruka thrust out her katana-type Blade and declared so, but Viji wasn’t moved.

「The like of a dog who changed master from the old empire to the new kingdom like you, it’s astonishing that you can still bark like that.」

Viji sneered even more and blew his flute──but, the next moment. The flute was split into two along with the mechanical right arm that was holding it.


Even though Yoruka should be still outside the range, and yet she approached instantly and slashed. That technique caused Viji to blink in amazement.

Viji moved his EX Drake’s four legs in a hurry and leaped backward. Yoruka’s eyes narrowed slightly.

「Unfortunately I have no emotion. There is no need for that kind of pointless talk. But──if you still have the leeway to speak once more, then I don’t mind of if you continue you know?」


Viji who instantly sensed danger activated the knapsack mechanism on his back that was a rare armament.

Right after that, when Yoruka leaped to pursue him, the surrounding buildings were enveloped in flame.

Part 7

「You guys are quite something. To be able to rush to where we are in a straight line like this.」

And then, at the front line base at the east where it was the nearest to Babel.

On the parapet in front of it, a woman with bared face was standing.

The woman general who was commanding Heiburg Republic military that was staying here loosened her cheeks at the entrance of a worthy opponent.

「Pushing into this city is troublesome, but as expected something like conquering Ruin is suffocating. It’s far more interesting to fight facing human opponent. Don’t you think so, Celistia?」

Celis who was wearing Lindwurm was glaring silently at her opponent above the parapet.

「Unfortunately, I find it hard to agree with your opinion. After all when fighting human opponent, there are many more things that needs to be considered.」

「Hou? Then how about you go save the citizens who are being attacked by Abysses? There are no one who needs to be saved in an empty place like this.」

「……How long you are intending to vent your resentment to the new kingdom? Do you want to repay back the debt that you received from the era of the old empire by that much? To even go as far as carrying out this kind of plan.」

Gutefelica was playing dumb, but Celis didn’t follow along with her act.

She sent her an aloof gaze that overwhelmed other people and asked quietly.

That this situation was the plan of the King of Vices to destroy the new kingdom.

Celis was talking with the assumption that Gutefelica was also approving this plan of causing a sham Abyss attack to lure out Lux who was currently a wanted man.

「How strange. I thought that if it is you, you will be able to understand my feeling.」

Gutefelica’s shoulders were shaking while chuckling ‘ku ku’, she glared at Celis with a haughty expression.

「Aren’t you sick of it? Days of simply protecting the populace from Abyss, I’m extremely bored of it. It was even more so since that strategist, one of the Lords, Hayes came.」

She looked up to the sky with a faraway look, and then she slowly put her hand on the handle of her Sword Device.

「When that girl put Gigas under her control, we also had no more need to fight against Abyss. There was also no chance to wield the power that I trained for several years in order to pay back the debt to the old empire. Is there other story crueler than this?」

「If it’s for the sake of satisfying that desire, something like peace is undesirable──you won’t even mind to hurt anyone, is that what you think?」

「I heard about the rumor of you even in Heiburg you know? You are piling up Drag-Ride training more than anyone right? Aren’t you bored? To be unable to even wield the skill that you had trained──!」

She quickly pulled out her Sword Device while talking and equipped an EX Wyvern with chantless high-speed summoning.

Her palm was tinged with crackling light. She grasped a bizarre long sword.

Most likely it was a type of rare armament that was similar with Lightning Lance that Celis had.

「Is that so, then I have nothing to say. Someone like you who is drunk in power without knowing the horror of battle──is not a match of me or him.」

「Want to try? This time the limitation of mock battle won’t get in the way!」

Gutefelica’s eyes snapped wide open, at the same time her EX Wyvern rushed.

In order to meet Gutefelica who was leaping forward with explosive momentum, Celis quickly pulled back her lance.

Part 8

Countless sounds of explosion rang out, at the same time there were flashes blinking in the night sky like fireworks.

Flames were rising up here and there due to Abyss’s attack. Amidst that, Lux was hiding inside the hideout mansion along with Airi.

「You mustn’t, Nii-san.」

「Yes, I understand──」

Airi grasped the hand of Lux whose expression turned grave every time he heard the sounds and flashes and she warned him.

The positions of Servants who seemed to be manipulating the Abysses with horn flute had been determined due to the wide range search by Yoruka’s Yato no Kami.

But, even with the girls, their side was still lacking in combat strength.

Philuffy and the Triad should be intercepting the Abysses that were sent to this Triport, even so as expected Lux couldn’t stop feeling uneasy.

「Be patient for a bit more. With Nii-san’s stamina right now, you can only use Bahamut for a few minutes. Please only use it to protect yourself.」

「……But, the enemy’s number is more than expected. At this rate, this city will receive enormous damage.」

Of course there was a risk of getting discovered and captured by Heiburg soldiers, but it couldn’t be helped.

Relie and Lord Dist who were in this city might also suffer damage from this.

Lux let out a deep sigh and tightly grasped the handle of his Sword Device, it was then a voice came from outside the mansion.

「Someone! Please help-! Lux-san……!」


His name──no, that familiar voice caused Lux to react.

When he quickly opened the curtain and looked below the window, there was the figure of Calensia there. Blood was flowing from her shoulder and she was breathing hard.


The moment Lux got taken aback and held his breath, the horn flute reverberated once more. A winged Abyss──Gargoyle was targeting Calensia.

「This is bad! If I don’t get out──!」

Lux shook off Airi’s hand that was stopping him and pulled out the Sword Device of Bahamut. At that moment, a voice came from right nearby.

「Yes. Please leave it to me.」

Airi’s best friend, one of the Triad, Noct said those words.

Most likely, because she was able to act without standing out using her Drake, she was hiding around here.

But, although the enemy was only a single Gargoyle, as expected Abbyss was powerful.

Putting aside other members of Syvalles who possessed Divine Drag-Ride, this should be a great burden for Noct who was a user of general purpose Drag-Ride.

Thinking that, Lux went down to the first floor and opened the door to assist.



He saw the sight of the metallic winged monster fell to the ground with its four limbs severed. It exploded and scattered everywhere.


「There is no more reaction of Abyss at the surrounding. She is also the only human presence in the area. What to do now, Lux-san?」

「Eerr──. Just now, you did that alone Noct?」

「Yes. Under this situation, we cannot spare so many members to guard Lux-san, so depending on the type and number of the Abyss, it’s assumed that I will assist in battle rather than flight.」

She spoke that out with a bland tone and calm expression like usual.

It was shocking.

While Lux wasn’t looking, the Triad were also doing training. He had heart that, but for the result to be the capability to defeat a single Gargoyle easily like this.

「But, it seems that Lux-san, the essential person himself didn’t believe in me. Even though I told you to leave it to me, this is extremely disappointing. Haa……」

Noct spoke in monotone purposefully. Lux got panicked in respond to that.

「So, sorry. But, it was amazing. How did you defeat it?」

「No. It’s trade secret. More importantly──」

Noct’s gaze turned aside, there he saw the figure of Calensia whose shoulder was injured.

「Calensia-san. That wound, what happened……?」

The girl lost strength and collapsed on her knees after hearing Lux’s question. The glasses girl hung her head down.

And then, she bit her lip in frustration and started talking with pleading eyes.

「Just as you can see, I got counterattacked by Rosa Granhide. There was a hidden escape path in the jail she was imprisoned at──. Most likely after she was rescued by her subordinate, she departed to the new kingdom.」

「……-!? Then, what happened tonight is──」

「Yes. If Lady Rosa rally came here, it’s likely that she is giving command to the Servants. But, this injury of yours……?」

Airi’s muttering was added on by Noct, and she asked.

Then, Calensia embraced her own shoulder and her body trembled fiercely.

「It was Rosa. She is planning to take advantage of this commotion to summon it. The Ragnarok existing in Babel──Metatron.」

「Don’t tell me!? They said that they haven’t reached twelfth floor──」

Lux who heard Calensia’s story immediately made an alert expression.

But, he noticed that his thinking was overly optimistic and he rethought.

If Heiburg military whose string was pulled by Rosa behind the scene was conquering Babel in order to deal a great blow to the new kingdom since the beginning, they would easily lie.

Metatron seemed to be an angel type Ragnarok whose existence was described in the ancient document that was obtained from a box inside Babel. No more information than that could be obtained, but it would be dangerous to face it without their full force.

At present, in order to stop the Servants who were in possession of horn flute, their side’s force was dispersed.

Rosa was planning to liberate the Ragnarok in order to make use of this opening.

「A part of Heiburg military is advancing until the room where the Ragnarok appear to be at. I’m begging you Lux-san……, before Rosa leave from the front line base and summon the Ragnarok, please──」

Calensia was pleading with ‘haa haa’ rough breathing.

Her fingertip was pointing──at the frontline base that was illuminated by watch fire. Around there, a red haired girl wearing military uniform could be seen walking as though she was dragging her body.

There was already no reason to refuse.

At this rate, the new kingdom, starting from this Triport would get exposed to danger.

「Noct, you go to the city’s center. Report this to everyone!」

「Yes, but, right now Lux-san is──」

「That’s right! Nii-san too should go together with us. With that body, you won’t be able to fight properly──」

「It’s fine. I’m also exhausted, but Rosa’s wounds are also not something that will heal right away. Even the current me have enough strength left to stop her at least.」


Seeing Lux’s eyes that were filled with strong will, Airi sighed.

「Please be very careful. I will ask the Triad to be reinforcement immediately. Also──」

「I understand. I won’t force myself more than this.」

「Yes. According to my probing device, there is no sign of Abyss or Drag-Ride from here until the frontline base. Be careful.」

Noct used Drake’s leap to fly toward the center of the city.

On the other hand, Lux asked Calensia to guide him to Rosa’s position.

「Over here. My Sword Device was taken away, so I cannot send you there but……」

Saying that, Calensia looked at Lux’s waist apologetically.

At present even Lux also had the Sword Device of his Wyvern stolen, so he couldn’t use it.

It would be just one flight away if he used Bahamut, but he couldn’t use it casually if thinking about the battle that might happen.

According to Airi’s diagnosis, right now even without Over Limit, Lux wouldn’t be able to last three minutes if he operated his Drag-Ride.

Thus, he advanced along with Calensia using their own feet.

At that time, Lux suddenly opened his mouth and talked.

「……Calensia-san. Did you meet Stefa since then? She wished to meet with you and Rosa all this time.」

「……No. I don’t have any face to meet with her, because all this time I was unable to oppose Rosa and only did exactly as she told me.」


「However, we have to stop her for sure this time. Before she release the Ragnarok and destroy the new kingdom we──」

「I see.」

Lux was seriously listening to Calensia’s words.

However, he whispered with an expression that looked like he was concealing something.

「Then, as I thought it’s you. The one who arranged this battle.」


Calensia came to a stop with a bewildered expression.

「What are you saying? Right now I’m not accepting Rosa’s order anymore! Until now I had no choice but to obey her because of the hostages she kept but──」

「That’s not it Calensia. The one who gave the order is the opposite. Thanks to not killing Rosa at that time, thanks to Philuffy who stopped me, I finally realized the truth.」

「What do you……mean, Nii-san?」

Lux covered the perplexed Airi behind him and pulled out his Sword Device to point it toward Calensia.

A light rain that began to fall drop by drop was gradually increasing in strength.

An even deeper shadow fell on the port city at night due to that, erasing even the expression of the girl before him.

「Thinking back, everything was strange. Why did your cousin Stefa Hersmice is alive? What’s with her crushed eyes? And then, why did you refuse to meet with Stefa? All this time, I thought she was Rosa’s hostage to threaten you. But, it’s the reverse. You killed the real Calensia and replaced her. At the time when you all were still military cadets, while no one realized the exact truth──」


「It was also you who stole my Wyvern’s Sword Device. It could easily be done at the moment I lost my consciousness. And then, it should be possible for you to give order to your subordinate right after that to pin the crime on me. Am I wrong?」



Within her body that melted into darkness, it was only her eyes that were tinged with light.

「Please don’t say something strange Lux-san. You saw how I was tormented by her all those times right? Besides, didn’t everyone fear Rosa? The people of Heiburg, the soldiers, everyone──」

「Yeah, it was your order to Rosa. You ordered her to do that all this time by threatening the safety her family and also her friend Stefa so that she can only live by doing evil. It’s you who brainwashed Rosa and framed her to be evil, becoming your substitute, the King of Vices of Heiburg. That is your true identity.」


「Then, Nii-san got turned into a wanted man even though Lady Rosa was captured, and her escape from inside the prison, all of those were this person’s──!?」

Thinking like that, everything became consistent.

How Rosa Granhide intercepted Lux in the underground market with perfect preparation.

How the items obtained from the backroom deal with Dragon Marauder got taken away from the warehouse.

Calensia came into contact with Lux and asked him to save her from Rosa was in order to spy on how he would move.

And then, the moment Rosa who thought that herself couldn’t lose got defeated, this girl attempted to make him killed Rosa to destroy the evidence while also framing him as an assassin.

「Hmph. I thought that I will be able to easily trick a mere hero-sama who is drunk on exterminating villain but──」

Calensia smoothly took off her galsses and showed her true nature.

Poisonous eyes that were heavily dyed with cruelty and ruthless hostility.

It was a foreign look that was completely the same like Rosa Granhide who was forced to act evil.

「Hey, Lux-kun. You see, the true villain won’t do anything like fighting at the open. Dirtying one’s own hand is a dangerous path, so they will make someone else to do it. But that──by no means is wrong or anything you know? Any adult do it without exception. The one who don’t is just stupid. The one who is made to do it is just an idiot, in other words I’m not bad. Because I’m not bad or anything. No one in Heiburg think that I’m bad. I’m a pitiful girl without any sin who is tormented by the evil Rosa. Isn’t that right, Lux-kun? If only you stay quiet, I’ll keep being clean. In the future forever──see.」

Calensia told him with a coaxing voice and a gruesome smile.


Why did she carry out this kind of evil? Lux couldn’t imagine it.

The desire of successful life by climbing up to the top of the world alliance and reached the Avalaon.

Of course this girl also had such desire, but Lux noticed something even more repulsive from her.

She would obtain what she wanted, and casted away what she hated. She was also wishing for a distorted pleasure of being treated by her surrounding like a proper person──no, even more than that, like a virtuous person even while amusing herself with her desire to oppress and torment other people.

She wanted to torment and hurt people without dirtying her own hand while she herself kept staying in the position where it was only herself who was consoled and praised.

That was a 『blackness』 that was even darker than the old empire’s imperial family and nobles who were carrying out tyranny with the full knowledge of the animosity from the people.

Lux wordlessly pointed the tip of his Sword Device.

「Noow then, should we begin Lux-kun? In order to cover up your crime of killing Rosa, you moved to crush Heiburg along with your comrades. I’ll have you along with the new kingdom take responsibility of that crime that turned the world alliance into your enemy.」

The lump of evil that was like mud without bottom.

Calensia who was showing a distorted smile took out a short sword that she was hiding inside her bag.

The moment Lux guessed what was that, he slashed her right arm.

Originally, in this situation it would be faster to aim at her flesh body and subdued her.

But, Calensia wasn’t perturbed even when blood was flowing from her arm. She buried that blade shining with seven colors into her chest.

「Elixir!? Did you get it from the transaction with Dragon Marauder!?」

It was already too late when he noticed.

Slowly, the light of seven colors was melting into Calensia’s body, black pattern spread, dyeing her body.

She was transforming into devil, an existence that transcended human body. At the same time that thing flew.



While Airi’s scared voice resounded, Lux barely blocked the enemy’s first attack.

The knife of Elixir that had finished its role after injecting its medicine collided with Bahamut’s Sword Device. It broke into pieces.


The fragment of the blade cut below his right eye. Lux frowned from the pain.

Calensia unsheathed her Sword Device, and she took a thrusting stance aiming at the chest of the faltering Lux.

「Sayonara, evildoer-san.」

At that time when Calensia opened her eyes that were dyed crimson and laughed, her body was punched and blown aside.


The moment everyone there held their breath, a chain crossed in front of Lux’s eyes.


When Lux raised his voice and turned around, he found the answer there.

Philuffy who was wearing Divine Drag-Ride Typhon sent her Phile Anchor flying and blocked Calensia’s violent attack.

「Lu-chan, go to Rosa. Everyone should catch up soon too so──」


The moment Lux said in hesitation, the anchor’s tip dug into Calensia’s body and pulled her closer with intense speed.

Using Typhon’s forte, its hand-to-hand combat ability, Philuffy’s fist was going to shot out after pulling the enemy closer, but at that moment the restriction was unfastened.



Calensia used her Sword Device to cut her own uniform that was bitten by the anchor’s tip and escaped, at the same time she twirled midair and recovered her balance.

Using the opening when Philuffy blinked in surprise, Calensia pushed the grip of her Sword Device.

「Come, Alklha!」

Right after that, intense light particles whirled and an armor with luster that was like rust appeared.

It had a hardy huge body to the degree it buried the user’s body into the armor, and huge double-jointed armored arms.

The Divine Drag-Ride that was like a fortress itself was wrapping around Calensia.

Four arms were growing from its torso and both shoulders. One of it was equipped with a huge cannon that was almost the same size with Lisha’s Seven Heads.

「This is──this shape, don’t tell me……!」

「Divine Drag-Ride Alklha──aren’t you lucky? To be able to make memory before dying.」

One of the Servants, the Hunting Punishment Gerdaf who Lux fought at the end of the campus festival. He was destroyed by a Drag-Ride with the same form like this.

In other words, the Divine Raiment of Rosa’s Gorynych that could change shape was also nothing more than a cover so Calensia’s true identity couldn’t be exposed.

「This Drag-Ride is really powerful, but its flaw is its drastic energy consumption you seee. However it’s fine──due to the Baptism, right now I’m receiving Elixir’s protection……Dark FallBlack Wing Ruin-!」


Lux also tried to join the fight at first, but the moment he readied Bahamut, something strange happened.

*Butsun* All light vanished from the surrounding, everything was closed into darkness.

「This is!? Just what is──!?」

It wasn’t that all the light remaining in the city was erased.

The figure of Airi at his side, the sensation of the Sword Device he was holding──and even the coldness of the rain couldn’t be felt.

Lux’s five senses themselves were erased.

(Then, is this Alklha’s Divine Raiment!?)

It created a barrier with a radius of several dozen ml with itself as the center, which sealed the five senses of the living thing inside it.

A true darkness that severed the world and cognizance.

Lux noticed just how completely terrifying this ability was.

No matter how many countermeasures he prepared, he wouldn’t be able to move if he couldn’t stay cognizant.

By the point of time he got hit with this ability at the first move, it would be a checkmate if he wasn’t wearing Drag-Ride.

At that moment when the despair of not being able to do anything crossed Lux’s mind, the darkness was removed along with Philuffy’s voice.

「──Missing Faith」

The darkness dispersed along with a surge of nothingness. The night recovered its appearance.

Right after the flash of thunderbolt that illuminated the surrounding, the anchors that were fired from every part of Typhon wrapped around Alklha and sealed its movement.

「Hee, that’s a great response there. Well, you have no other method to defend against this anyway.」

Calensia wasn’t really perturbed. It seemed she had also finished investigating Typhon’s Divine Raiment.

In contrast, Philuffy was facing the enemy in front of her with an unusually grave expression.

「Lu-chan, go ahead. I’ll manage somehow here.」


Lux felt uneasy seeing the shining golden Abyss eyes Philuffy displayed.

Philuffy couldn’t activate Typhon’s Divine Raiment without turning her body into Abyss.

She was training to obtain resistance by making Airi blew horn flute, but if she forced herself to fight, it would become burden to her body and her heart might be taken over by Abyss.

「We can only, leave this to her.」

Airi lightly pulled on Lux’s sleeve with a bitter expression.

「If Alklha’s Divine Raiment is an ability to erase the opponent’s five senses, then it’s only Philuffy-san who can oppose her with her ability to negate Divine Raiment. We should leave this to her and chase after Lady Rosa.」

Rosa was most likely trying to open Babel’s door in order to fulfill Calensia’s order for her.

If they didn’t stop that, the Ragnarok of Babel, Metatron would appear and Lux and others might get annihilated due to a pincer attack.

At the very least, Rosa who was heading to Babel right now shouldn’t have any spare strength left to fight properly.


「Phi-chan! I will stop her right away and come back to help! That’s why──!」

「Yes……, see you, Lu-chan.」

Her eyes were colored pitch black with golden light residing in them, even so Philuffy was smiling with her usual tone.

And then, she faced Calensia and Alklha who was standing in her way and she swung up Typhon’s fist.

「Haa, haa……!」

After receiving the last command from Heiburg’s King of Vices──Calensia, Rosa Granhide dragged her body and aimed toward Babel.

Because the position where the Ragnarok existed had been discovered, a crack was made beforehand on the external wall of that position.

If that crack was aimed with a long range sniping and the wall was destroyed, the Ragnarok would awaken and get outside.

After that Rosa just needed to leave from this place.

With that, all of her works would be finished.

If it was Calensia who saved her from the torture of the man in the military, this time she would also save her again.

Her body felt so much hurt that she wanted to faint right away already, but there was no way she could stop.

「Rosa! Wait!」


When she heard Lux’s voice from behind, the red haired girl tensed herself in panic.

She had done terrible thing to him.

That was why, she would be killed for sure if she was caught this time.

Unless she escaped──.

Unless she escaped and obeyed the King of Vices, unless she perpetrated evil and subdued other people.

It was as though something stirred her up and she mustered her last strength, but then a Drag-Ride stood on her way.


When she looked above her, she saw a familiar man wearing a Wyrm.

One of the Servants, the Cutting Punishment Brandish. That man lifted up his Blade and took a stance to cut her down.

「Why are, you here……」

「You didn’t notice? That might be so huuh. Do you think you can destroy even a part of that Babel’s outer wall with your strength right now?」

The emaciated man looked down on Rosa with vaguely empty eyes and calmly told her.

「We will be troubled even if you stay alive longer than this. Your last role after you cannot fight properly anymore is──to become bait here and die. That is the order of our master.」

「You, lie……right? Because, I still──!?」

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Rosa had already noticed, that the King of Vices had abandoned her, and also that this conclusion was inevitable.

Rosa who despaired toward everything closed her eyes, but.

At that time someone crossed before her eyes.


Brandish’s hoarse scream resounded. The emaciated man fell prostrated on the ground.

When she noticed, in front of her a young man with androgynous look and distinctive braided hair──Coral who was wearing EX Wyvern was standing.

「You, are……?」

「It looks like I made it in time, I’m glad. Just now, when I went to Lux-kun, he said that he want me to save you.」

「Why, those people are──……」

She had trapped Lux and his comrades, and hurted them. And now he asked someone to save her? Rosa murmured with an uncomprehending expression.

「Who knows, even I don’t really get it, which is stronger, evil or justice. But」

Pausing like that, Coral took Rosa’s hand and continued with a gentle smile.

「Lux-kun trying to persist with his own justice is surely also not an easy path. If it’s you who had to do evil against your wish, don’t you understand his feeling?」

「I, am──」

With that sentence, Rosa’s mask crumbled down into pieces.

What could be seen there, was the unpainted face of a weak girl who had falsified everything until now, in order to protect herself and her friend.

Part 9

「Haa, haa……! You were giving me hard time for a mere small fry, this damn meatball.」

Lisha who was battling on the wharf west of Triport was looking down on the man who lost consciousness in front of her.

One of the Servants, Goldia who was driving EX Wyrm was a formidable enemy.

Originally, Tiamat that specialized in long range attack should have overwhelming advantage, but in order to not give the opponent a chance to play the flute, Lisha had to constantly take initiative to attack.

And then, although right now there were almost no people around, but Lisha acted considerately that she must not involved the houses and ships into the destruction. That was the cause of her hard fight.

Especially the opponent’s skill in manipulating his huge iron ball was amazing. It caused Lisha to meet unfavorable situation several times.

But, in the end the strength that Lisha had accumulated until now came out on top.

Her new technique that was the result from her developing her unique talent that was Drag-Ride development became the deciding factor and she splendidly wrested away victory.

「However, as expected this is tiring. I poured my effort into development until now, but I have to increase my stamina from here on too, if not──」

Lisha dispelled her armor while mumbling to herself. She returned the two Sword Devices she used back into their sheath.

There were three sword belts wrapped around her waist, and one more on her back. It was an appearance that was normally impossible.

「Hmm. So that’s your new trump card, that’s quite something isn’t it?」

「……-!? Wait, what are you coming here for Krulcifer! Go search for other enemy right away!」

Seeing Fafnir showed up above the wharf, Lisha reflexively raised her voice.

「That’s a really terrible remark. My opponent was so dangerous that I had to use my full power──the Full Connect, that’s why I was worried about you and came here as reinforcement.」

「No need. Don’t think that it’s only you who has increased your skill.」

Lisha acted strong and crossed her arms in respond to Krulcifer’s words that sounded mischievous.

「My, then you will depart from here right away without rest then? It looks like they have defeated most of the Abysses though. And I’m also worried about Lux-kun.」


Lisha equipped her Tiamat once more and headed to the east together with Krulcifer. There, they found two Servants that had already been defeated, and the figures of Yoruka and Celis hunting down the remaining Abysses that were summoned to the city center.

「Those two, are they monster……?」

Lisha murmured with a dumbfounded tone, but Krulcifer shook her head silently.

「That’s not true. There is no doubt that their fundamental strength is out of bound. But──the enemy should be considerably atrocious too.」


When Lisha focused her gaze really carefully, she could see traces of fierce battle on the two even from afar.

Break Purge, a technique to take off a part of the armor to create a spec that was focused to break through a single point by sacrificing the Drag-Ride’s multifunction. A technique that was a double-edged sword.

For Celis to use that technique, the situation must be that serious to corner her like that──.

「Hm? What, Yoruka is also somewhat strange. The whole frame of Yato no Kami, it look somewhat distorted──」

「It’s amazing that you can understand that much even from this distance……. Although I’ve seen your mania attitude every time, but it’s still amazing to behold.」

「That’s not it! That’s, there is proper reason for this. It’s because recently I have often gave maintenance to that ero woman’s Drag-Ride too.」

「Is that so?」

Krulcifer unusually showed a shocked face and asked.

「Yeah, because since she left from Hayes’s place, there was no proper mechanic to take a look at her Drag-Ride. That girl’s Drag-Ride is a special made after all, so it’s hard to repair──」

「Good grief someone like you, it’s really a waste, in various things──」

「It’s none of your business-!?」

Seeing Krulcifer staring still at her while holding her head, Lisha spontaneously snapped at her.

But, seeing the citizens who were being chased by Abyss, they quickly matched their rhythm with each other.

「There-! Follow me Krulcifer!」

Lisha held back two Chimeras that were chasing after a man who looked like a merchant, then Fafnir’s freezing bullet sealed their movement in that chance.

But, here faster than Lisha could do follow up attack, a Drag-Ride’s silhouette rushed vertically.

「You are late, Lizsharte.」

「Yes, with this──it’s the last.」

Celis’s Lindwurm pierced through the core of one Chimera with its lance, while the Blade that Yoruka wielded bisected the other one.

Lisha whose eyes were stolen by their striking movements pouted her lips sharply.

「Don’t snatch other people’s prey as you please! Besides, it was me who repaired your Drag-Ride!」

「Yes. I’m grateful about that, that’s why, I offered my help just now.」

Seeing Yoruka who was smiling carefreely, Lisha became at a loss for words.

「More importantly, let’s go quickly. I’m worried about Lux-kun.」

「That’s right. Philuffy returned to guard him, but there is still the matter of Ragnarok too.」

Celis said that and glared toward Babel, it was at that timing her eyes snapped open in surprise.


After her, Lisha looked at the faraway residential area and turned speechless.

Right now the townscape had few lighting, but in that area, there was a black curtain in half-spherical shape covering it.

It was unclear whether it was Ragnarok or the ability of the enemy’s Divine Drag-Ride, but in any case Lux was in danger──.

Thinking that, everyone gathered their strength to dash there. But then a voice came suddenly from behind.

「Ku-ku-ku-ku, I’m filled with awe. To think that you all really have strength that surpassed us.」

It was Gutefelica who had been confirmed as one of the Servants.

Her unruly hair that twisted frizzily like flame was hanging down while she laughed.

But, even seen from the side, her body was already at its limit.

The EX Wyvern she was wearing also had its armor and armaments broken already. Seeing her figure with blood spewing out from her mouth, she was clearly unable to fight no matter how anyone looked.

「It’s splendid, really something. Strangely my wish came true. The strength that I obtained in order to crush you people of new kingdom didn’t reach as expected. And then──, I also protected my honor as soldier.」

While she continued to mutter with an empty expression, a part of her words caused Lisha to frown.

「……What did you say?」

「I’m saying that you all got caught into my master’s plan……! Ragnarok is the same like other Abyss, when it saw other living thing──it will become active and move. If only the curtain of my master’s Alklha is lifted up and she showed her figure, it has been arranged so that it can fight anytime……! Now, come! The protector of throne nesting in Babel!」

Instantly, the wall of Babel’s upper floor that existed far away at the other side of the city was broken down along with a thunderous sound.

At the same time, Gutefelica flew above. And then her body was smashed by a streak of light.

「──Ku, they destroyed the wall around the top floor of Babel and exposed the outside world to the inside!?」

Lisha who instinctually guessed the situation spontaneously yelled after seeing the remains of the broken EX Wyvern.

「And then, she flew until the height where Ragnarok’s eyes can reach, and turned herself into a bait……is that what happened?」

「Just what could she be thinking, the so called master of that woman.」

Cold sweat was emerging on Krulcifer’s forehead, and color was also leaving Celis’s face.

「There is no time for small talk──it’s coming.」

But, Yoruka’s voice that was the same like usual made everyone recovered their calm.

At that moment, Lisha strongly breathed out and lifted up her Sword Device for encouragement.

「Everyone, don’t let the nemey approach Lux and the airhead girl! We are going to finish off that wannabe angel with the four of us!」

The remaining three nodded at Lisha’s instruction, at the same time, a gigantic spherical body with more than thirty wings growing was approaching Triport.

The red eyes that were packed full on its surface opened, catching sight of the four who were taking position above the frontline base.

They began battle against Metatron while feeling nervousness that they had never experienced before.

Part 10

「Were we too late!? That Abyss with wings, is Metatron──!?」

Lux discovered Rosa while heading toward Babel and asked Coral to protect her, but, the Ragnarok was easily liberated. Was there other enemy hiding in ambush somewhere else?

But, when he was going to pursue the Ragnarok for the time being, the Triad who had just returned called out to him.

「Wait Lux-kun. You are already exhausted, it’s an order from Lord Dist, that you must not use Bahamut until the very last minute.」

「Yes. The remaining Servants were already defeated by Lisha-sama and others. Leave the Ragnarok to the four of them──」

「We are going to reinforce Philuffy!」

Saying that, Tillfur approached, but she immediately hesitated and the Wyrm she was wearing stopped moving.

「Wait, this, what is going on──!?」

Sweat was flowing down from her forehead with twitching expression on her face.

Calensia had turned into devil using Elixir. She controlled Alklha using a bottomless life force.

Her four huge arms were attacking Philuffy one after another. The stone paving, stone wall, houses behind Philuffy, they were all destroyed with one hit.

But, even in front of that fierce and brutal attacks, Philuffy didn’t loosen Pile Anchors restriction around the enemy.

It should be disadvantage for her facing Alklha which was a giant land battle type Drag-Ride because she would get pulled toward the enemy, but,

「Alklha’s Divine Raiment can steal the five senses of all living thing within the area a few dozen ml from it. In order to respond right after the enemy use it, she has to constantly stay in contact with the enemy’s body like that despite the danger.」

「Then, isn’t Philuffy actually in even more danger!? But──」

They couldn’t get near.

It wasn’t just because the Triad’s strength simply couldn’t reach, because of the situation where both sides were mutually doing offense and defense in super close range, they couldn’t interfere.

If they got close half-bakedly, they would become hindrance or perhaps got dragged into it.

With that prospect, the Triad couldn’t approach near.

「Yes. We too have become stronger more or less, but as expected the two of them are in different level. Then──I judged that we shouldn’t put on air needlessly and do what we can do with our all.」

「……Guess so. Looks like it’s still not yet the time to show off our new technique.」

Tillfur nodded looking somewhat fretful. Noct’s Drake stretched out a cord toward her Wyrm and connected.

「Lux-kun, you die behind me.」


But, Lux himself couldn’t stay quiet.

A hundred ml from him, Calensia and Philuffy were displaying a gruesome mortal combat.

「You are working really hard. But──, I wonder what you will do against this? Sol ToothSun Eater!」


Philuffy continued to endure even with four arms raining down fists consecutively from very close range. In respond Calensia fired countless shells from the backpack loaded on Alklha’s back.

「That’s light bullet!? Or else, what are they doing above──!?」

Tillfur looked up to the sky with a dubious face, right after that, Alklha’s armor shined mysteriously.

The Divine Raiment that stole cognizance from other people──for some reason it wasn’t unleashed toward Philuffy, but toward the cloudy sky.

「Firing to wrong direction……, what is she planning!?」

Sharis muttered in bewilderment. Immediately after, Lux noticed Calensia’s aim.

「Phi-chan, be careful! The shells just now are falling!」

Right after that, from inside the curtain of black barrier that was hiding everything within it, missiles with various trajectories were falling toward Philuffy.


Philuffy immediately entered a defensive stance by fully deploying Typhon’s barrier, but she couldn’t fully defend against everything.

Her balance crumbled from the rain of shells showering her. The next moment, Alklha’s giant arms came striking,

「U, ku……」

Philuffy was blown away. She closed one of her eyes and endured the impact that penetrated through her whole body.

But, even so she didn’t falter and skated forward, but this time she was fully hit by a blow from Alklha that came from the side.

「Why!? It’s different from before, now it’s only the enemy’s attack that is landing!?」

Tillfur who was baffled took the stance of charging ahead with her armament, a hammer in hand.

Then, Airi spoke her own hypothesis with a subdued tone.

「I think, perhaps, things that enter the curtain of darkness that Divine Drag-Ride Alklha deployed won’t be able to get perceived by other people. She is deploying that curtain behind and to the left and right is in order to hide her own attack.」

「So that means──it will be unknown where the attack is going to come from until just before it hit you?」

「We cannot just watch like this. I’ll also help, Philuffy!」

Aiming at the timing where a distance was opened between Calensia and Philuffy, Tillfur rushed her Wyrm toward Calensia.


「This monster too won’t be able to rest in peace huh, even though she had been working hard to cover for you weaklings, but you actually come rushing by yourself.」


The moment Alklha’s Divine Raiment, the Dark Fall entangled around Tillfur, she lost control and tumbled down.

Without stopping she moved toward the nearby wall and crashed.

「No, way……!?」

「So it’s impossible as expected.」

Even though Lux was sweating nervously, he accepted the situation calmly.

Drag-Ride realized a tremendous mobility due to the power of its Force Core and various parts of the frame, but the moment Alklha’s Dark Fall entered, even the cognizance to perform that control was taken away.

Not only the opponent became unable to see their self and the enemy, even the sensation of holding the control stick for the body control manipulation was erased, that was why they became unable to even understand what they were doing themselves and couldn’t fight.

In other words, other than Philuffy’s Typhon that possessed the Divine Raiment to erase other Divine Raiment, they couldn’t fight properly other than using long range attack.

However, even that Missing Faith that was the last ray of hope would become burden to the body, so it couldn’t be used that often.

Alklha’s preliminary movement when attacking was erased from view, its cannon shells and blow couldn’t be dodged, the armor of Typhon was gradually breaking and torn off.

In less than a minute, the battle situation was turning for the worse in the blink of eye.

「Haa, haa……!」

Philuffy’s breathing was gradually getting harder, the sweat trickling from her was sticking on her front hair.

She was starting to show the omen of her limit approaching, just like what she showed at the campus selection battle.

「Phi-chan, run away! I’ll fight her with Bahamut next!」

When Lux spontaneously yelled, Philuffy stopped him with Typhon’s hand gesture.

「I’m all right. I, can still go on.」

She told him that with gasping breath and continued to endure Alklha’s fists.

「How foolish. And then, how pitiful. You are resisting like this even though you have no chance of victory. Are you trying to become a sacrificial pawn of the new kingdom?」


Lux who heard Calensia’s mocking strongly clenched his fist.

But, even so Philuffy wasn’t shaken.

「Or perhaps, you are drunk with heroism because you have met that kind of experience? You can feel at ease without despairing if you are at least useful for someone else──, but you see. That is a weakness.」


「What they call goodness, is last place to escape for living thing who cannot make other recognize their existence and unable to seize position for themselves. They are living thing lower than livestock, trying to obtain favor only by following what other told them to do and pile up good deed. There is no way someone like that can win against me──this 『evil』 me, the one who is truly powerful, that’s including the Black Hero over there!」

Alklha’s offensive was increasing in momentum even more, but Philuffy was avoiding direct hit with her body handling while gradually closing the distance.

「That’s──wrong. At the very least, Lu-chan is different.」

Her eyes were dyed black. Her figure was turning into something that gave off the scent of Abyss in part.

Even so she was rebutting indifferently with the usual expression and tone of Philuffy.

「You are just averting your eyes from inconvenient thing. I know, that saving without hurting someone, is far more painful than simply saving by hurting other people, that’s why──」

*Dokun*, Lux who was listening to those words felt a warm feeling filling his chest.

This childhood friend who was kind through thick and thin was looking at the worried, anguished, and hesitating Lux, even more than he himself.

Just like when he first met Philuffy, when she noticed how he was covering for her and accepting the blame himself.

「Lu-chan was trying to save Rosa and the people of Heiburg, even if he has to get hurt in their place. I, like such kind Lu-chan. That’s why, I won’t let him get hurt for more than this. I swear I’ll──protect Lu-chan」

「Empty prattle! This monster pretending to be a saiiint!」

The will of Philuffy that wouldn’t waver and break no matter what.

Calensia was enraged by those words and she finally took a stance with an arm──the one that was holding the enormous cannon called Luna ToothMoon Eater to thrust it forward.

She was planning to decide the battle using the armament of one hit sure kill that evaporated Gerdaf’s EX Wyvern completely.

No matter how solid Typhon’s armor was, it wouldn’t be able to endure that main cannon.

Lux’s hand instantly reached at his Sword Device. In that instant, the whole area was covered by black curtain.


Due to Alklha’s Divine Raiment, Dark Fall that manifested once more, all cognizance was erased.

But, this time the black curtain was dispelled without waiting for the cancellation by Philuffy’s Missing Faith──the sensation of net wrapping around him, Airi, and the Triad altogether bewildered Lux.

「This is──iron net!?」

「But, why is it aiming at us rather than Philuffy-san──」

「This is bad, in this situation, we cannot get away immediately!」

While AIri was perplexed, Sharis who was wearing Wyvern said that.

Right after that, Calensia and Alklha that had switched position from before was aiming their huge cannon toward Philuffy.

No, Philuffy was standing at the front, while Lux and others who were entangled inside a net were behind her. Calensia had made this situation and started charging energy into Luna tooth.

「If you can escape by abandoning the comrades behind, you, just try it. A monster like you hiding in human skin, I’ll tear off that mask right here.」


Calensia made a cold smile that was like a demon and provoked Philuffy.

But, this was an obvious trap.

The cannon attack from that Luna tooth couldn’t be defended with the current half-broken Typhon.

By making Philuffy and Lux stood on a straight line, she was planning to deal with them with one attack.

In respond, Philuffy didn’t move and deployed her barrier dozens of ml ahead of Lux and others.

She was intending to accept the attack right from the front to protect Lux and others until the end.

「Phi-chan, run away! Defeat Calensia before she can──」

Lux reflexively yelled while holding Airi’s shoulder.

But, Philuffy kept glaring forward withot turning around and she told──only a sentence.

「It’s fine, because……I won’t let her hurt anyone else anymore.」

It was her dreamy tone that was the same like usual.

However, Lux held his breath toward her resolve that was filled with a powerful will.

「Is that so, then I’ll send you all off to go to heaven happily──sayonara.」

Calensia who was baring a wicked smile like a demon fired the energy of Luna tooth.

Thick beam of light completely covered the surrounding.

The torrent of intense high heat and impact was fired in wave motion.

Part 11

Above an empty residential area, four Divine Drag-Rides were dancing.

A Ragnarok of spherical shape with countless eyeballs and pairs of wings.

Considering the immortal Poseidon and Yggdrasil that could resurrect and grew by obtaining resistance, it wasn’t difficult to imagine that this Metatron must be hiding some kind of special ability too.

In contrast, although the four of them had gotten stronger, right now each of them was exhausted.

Therefore, if they were trying to defeat it here, they had not many option and time left.

Lisha who was taking command of this battle first faced the other three and gave instruction using Dragon Voice.

『We’ll surround it from four directions and attack, the moment the enemy advance to the plaza, I’ll bring it down to the ground!』




Krulcifer, Celis, and even Yoruka responded to her voice.

In order to protect the exhausted Lux, it was necessary to exterminate the Ragnarok in this place.

And then, even without expressly giving a detailed explanation, everyone there understood the best action to take.

First everyone readied their weapon and surrounded it from four directions, holding it back.

But, Metatron didn’t show any reaction in respond and advanced forward toward Lisha.

「Here I go monster eyeball! Prostrate under god’s name! Suppressor!」

The moment Metatron’s giant body came right above the plaza, Lisha activated Tiamat’s Divine Raiment──, the gravity control.

Gravity burden was applied on the Ragnarok’s whole body. The plan was to strike down that body and pasted it on the ground, but──.



Just when it let out a faint cry, right after that the gravity field covering Metatron was erased. Right after that──Lisha and others who were surrounding it from four direction were covered with light that struck them down to the ground all at once.

「This is──!? Don’t tell me!?」

「Tiamat’s Divine Raiment!? Then──!」

Even while receiving burden from gravity, Celis fired out lightning attack from the tip of her lance.

The lightning’s tip from the Lightning Flash was erased as expected before it could reach Metatron. The attack recoiled back to everyone.

「U, aaah……!?」

The power of lightning attack that was transmitted to the whole body caused the four to scream.

「As expected it’s like that, this Ragnarok absorbed our attack and reflect it back……!」

Krulcifer gritted her teeth and glared at Metatron above.

But, Celis shook her head slightly and denied that.

「It’s not just simple reflection. At the very least the strength is magnified by several fold! If we aren’t careful, we will get wiped out!」

「Then──, I also need to test it.」

The moment the gravity field and the lightning attack’s discharge cut off, Yoruka drove her Yato no Kami and danced to the air.

The back of her Drag-Ride’s four legs released wind and heat. It was the special armament KarafumiVacuum Step to kick on the air. By using it to leap up, even though her Drag-Ride was a special equipment type, she was able to approach Metatron in the sky.

But──when the giant eyeballs covering its surface fully were opened, a flash of high heat surged.


Lisha deployed her defensive barrier while yelling.

But, before Yoruka got hit by the enemy’s attack, she finished an action using her katana-type Blade.

The slash with super speed that was only for one action by using Quick Draw.

The slash ran on the surface of Metatron and carved a line on it.

「──That girl, what is in her mind? To purposefully wait until the enemy move like that……!」

In order to aim for a counter, she intentionally let herself got hit to attack at the risk of her life.

But, even that line from the slash vanished and then it unleashed shockwaves consecutively to the surrounding.

「Even physical attack, is reflected…….!?」

The attack Yoruka unleashed was scattered back with several times the power. Countless cracks ran through the houses and stone paving.

Although Yoruka dodged the enemy’s heat ray and reflected attack to the minimum, as expected even Yoruka’s armor got damaged.

「This Ragnarok, it’s really beyond our mean isn’t it──」


Yoruka’s composed smile still hadn’t crumbled, but beside her Lisha was gritting her teeth.

Even with four Divine Drag-Ride users gathered here, they had nothing that could be done this quickly.

Whether it was physical attack, or shockwave, or lightning attack──if every kind of attack was magnified and reflected back, then they had no way to fight back at all.

Furthermore because Metatron itself was slowly moving like a balloon, they also couldn’t use its own strength to hurt it.

「It will be better if I don’t fire my Freezing Cannon. We will get wiped out if we get smashed while freezing.

For Krulcifer to only be able to make that kind of frivolous talk even after using Fafnir’s future prediction, it gave them a hint just how despairing the situation was.

Because in other words, with their battle strength right now, no matter how they struggle there was no future where their attack would go through that could be predicted.

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After Metatron cried with a strange voice, it started to advance toward the residential area where Lux and others were at.

At that moment, the injured Yoruka kicked on empty air once more and leaped.


Lisha, Krulcifer, Celis, the three of them held their breath seeing that.

This time Yoruka unleashed multiple slashes consecutively, but as expected they were reflected the same.

「What are you doing ero woman! It’s pointless even if we attack this thing! We are only going to get hit back!」

「My? We won’t know that unless we try it.」

An absolute difference in battle potential.

Yato no Kami’s Divine Raiment, the Spell Code wouldn’t work at Metatron that wasn’t a Drag-Ride.

Even so Yoruka repeated various attacks as though she had no fear and hesitation at all.

『You──, don’t tell me』

『Aah, it’s fine if everyone get away from here. This is only something that I’m doing willfully.』

Yoruka calmly answered at the question Lisha sent through Dragon Voice.

『There is no way I can let this enemy go to where Aruji-sama at while we still don’t understand its weakness. Even if this body will break at the end of this, if I don’t even search around for some kind of impetus to be able to damage it, there won’t be any meaning for a tool like me to exist.』


Lisha reflexively held her breath hearing Yoruka saying those words as though it was only natural.

Realizing the conviction of this girl called Yoruka, her expression changed.

『It will be pointless even if you stop me as commander, I’m──』

「Don’t speak selfishly you damn idiot-!」


The moment Yoruka tilted her head, twelve Legions pierced Metatron’s eyeballs.

But, as expected the attack was amplified and reflected back, blowing away the approaching Lisha.

「What are you intending to do? This experiment can be done by me alone.」

「Annoying, shut up! No matter what you are trying to do it’s just selfish! Do you think that your strength won’t be necessary for Lux’s sake from here on!?」


Hearing Lisha’s caustic words that sounded like an angry roar caused Yoruka’s eyes to open wide.

As though to continue after Lisha, Krulcifer sniped using normal bullet, while Celis used Divine Gate and unleashed a simultaneous attack at two spots. Those attacks were similarly reflected and they received damage.

「As expected this enemy isn’t simple, but──with our attack hitting it, its attention is directed to us. It will aim at us as long as we don’t escape.」

「Yes, we also approve your gamble. If you are searching for weakness, it should be done with everyone using various methods.」


It seemed that it was too unexpected for Yoruka. She was dazed for a while hearing their words, but hearing Lisha’s supporting words, her smile returned.

「That’s how it is. We cannot let this thing go to Lux’s position while we still haven’t find the method to oppose it. That’s why, you too cooperate and fight with us. This isn’t something for you to shoulder alone!」

Lisha’s breathing was rough from her approaching limit, even so seeing how she kept acting strong, Yoruka smiled.

「──I understand. Lizsharte-san.」

Lisha was bewildered how the smile Yoruka was wearing was different from until just now while rushing toward the Ragnarok once more.

The opposition resumed by the girls’ unity.

Part 12


After the storm of an instant where they couldn’t even breathe passed through, they opened their eyes──, and over there was.

「Ho, how-!? How can you endure through the bombing by Luna Tooth just now-!? No──」

The devil was shocked seeing Typhon that was smoking black from its whole body.

Philuffy wasn’t simply enduring through the attack.

The reason the half broken Typhon was able to hold back that fierce bombing was before their eyes in a clear shape.

「That’s, don’t tell me──!?」

「Is that, what Saniya and others used……!?」

「Yes. Is something like this, possible?」

Sharis, Tillfur, and Noct were staring in amazement at that figure.

The root of Abyss growing from Philuffy’s back entangled on Typhon’s armor, transforming that appearance.

The new form of Typhon with the dark red pulsing root entangling it.

It was a sight that even Lux had remembrance of from his battle with Saniya.

Using a part of Yggdrasil’s special characteristic that could invade and fuse with even inorganic matter, not just one’s body, even the Drag-Ride one was wearing would transform.

「B-blood Typhon……is it? But, that form is──」

Originally, maintaining her sanity while displaying Yggdrasil’s power that was putting burden on her should be an act that was next to impossible.

He had to assist her as soon as possible, that was what Lux thinking. But the moment he slipped out of the net, Philuffy was moving.

「Wha-, what the hell-!? That figure──!」

「Surely, I still cannot go to heaven or anywhere yet.」

Philuffy had unleashed Yggdrasil’s power, even so she asserted with her usual calm tone.

At the same time the countless Pile Anchors she fired entwined around Alklha and pulled.

The giant armor that should be two sizes bigger that Typhon was gradually getting dragged closer, and before long it floated in the air and got pulled.

Perhaps due to the strengthening ability of Yggdrasil, even the anchors’ strength was increasing. The pulling was accelerating with a speed that even the eyes couldn’t follow.

「Why! Why will you go that far until turning into something like that even after receiving human’s malice with that body──!?」

「Because Lu-chan said, that he want even me like this to stay at his side.」

The Alklha that was approaching before her eyes along with a shriek was kicked up by B-blood Typhon to right above.

Due to the sudden strike to high above after getting moved in high speed horizontally, the crumbling pieces of that armor fluttered in the sky.


Blood vomit scattered from that mouth. Those crimson eyes were opened wide until the limit and she yelled.

She who was charmed by the path of evil and persisted in it──as though opposing her fate.

But, even after getting kicked flying to far above, the binding of the anchors was still holding strong.

Typhon’s both arms grabbed those wires, and then as though swinging down a sword from right above the head to straight below, the restrained Alklha was thrown to an empty ground.


Receiving the throw that was utilizing centrifugal force while being restrained, that armor which looked like an evil fortress was smashed apart into pieces.

Because of the devil transformation from the Elixir’s effect, Calensia avoided instant death, although her movement was completely stopped with all the broken bones in her body.


Lux who slipped through the iron net rushed forward, at the same time Airi blew the horn flute she was carrying in hiding.

The command that she made toward Abyss was inaction.

Right after she made that command, Yggdrasil’s root pulled back and even Typhon was dispelled.

「We had tested it before once due to Philuffy-san’s request. Though even using the horn flute’s support, the burden on the body is too much──」

「Nn, I’m glad……」

The darkness in Philuffy’s eyes was vanishing, her face was returning to her usual look.

But, it appeared she had already used up even the strength to stand up. She was about to crumble down when Lux caught her in his arms.

「Why, did you do something so reckless……! If something happened──」

「It’s fine, you know?」

Philuffy’s voice was frail, even so she showed him a smile.

「Because, I still want to stay at Lu-chan’s side, so, I won’t disappear──」


The feeling of Philuffy who said that to him struck Lux’s chest and he embraced her tightly.

Then, the devil who was lying down nearby laughed ‘ku-ku’ with trembling throat.

Her flesh didn’t start regenerating.

Her heart that had its reasoning melted by Elixir surpassed the limit of her own life force and perished.

He didn’t know whether she was tricked by Dragon Marauder or if she personally committed a blunder, but that body was burning out like ash, she was starting to crumble from her feet.

「Ha, hahahaha, kukukukuku……!」

Yet even so, the King of Vices was sneering seeing the two of them.

「You fools are doing pointless struggles……. Even if you defeat me, your wish won’t come true. Evil is growing more severe under the shadow of goodness that you idiots are risking your life to do. Even if you expect some kind of reward, even if you expect to be praised, you will be able to obtain that only for a moment──」

Her eyes were already looking hollow and dull, the King of Vices continued while facing the sky, as though to look up at god.

「If someone doesn’t continue to stand at the side that rule……one day it will be their fate to have everything taken away. I’m not wrong, until the end, I didn’t let myself, become anyone’s prey……anymore.」


With that muttering at the end, her whole body became ash and decayed.

Airi who was standing beside him suddenly stared at the corpse with sad eyes.

「Perhaps, this person too was used by someone in the past.」


As a part of the imperial family of the old empire, and then as someone who was banished from the imperial court, it wasn’t like he didn’t understand the feeling of the King of Vices.

Someone who was wounded in the world of betrayal and scheme where it was eat or be eaten would try to stand at the side of the strong so that they wouldn’t be used anymore.

There was no more way for them to know about what happened at this girl’s past, but they felt a slight sympathy.

And then, they thought that her words also had truth in it.

It might be just as she said.

『Someone who wasn’t loved by anyone, will try to be loved by anyone.』

Calensia’s last words became a stimulation that resurrected Fugil’s words in the back of his mind.

Even Lux thought that it might be true for a time.

And then that──was rejected by the King of Vices just now.

If Lux was fighting because he wanted to be recognized by the people, the perhaps someday he would get used and caused him to fall──but,

「Nii-san! That’s──!\


Airi raised a nervous voice and pointed to the sky.

Over there was a golden spherical body with diameter that reached more than ten mel──.

The surface possessed a great number of eyes, pure white wings were growing from its body in many pairs. A monster of angel.

The Ragnarok of first Ruin Babel──Metatron was looking down at below.

「──Manifest, the violent dragon that devour the flesh and blood of the gods. Sever the sky of black cloud, Bahamut!」

Lux immediately lifted up his Sword Device and equipped the jet black Drag-Ride.

At the same time, as though to say that she had been waiting for it, Noct stretched out a cord from her Drake and connected it to Bahamut.

「Please wait for around ten seconds. I will transfer the internal energy I have gathered up from Sharis and Tillfur’s Drag-Rides into Lux-san’s Bahamut. Originally Lux-san will only be able to fight for three minutes, but with this you should be able to move for around five minutes.」

It seemed that the Triad who were fighting defensively one-sidedly since before this were working hard so that they could increase Bahamut’s activation time even if only for a bit more.

Right after Lux glared at the dark cloud preparing to intercept the enemy, a Dragon Voice from Lisha could be heard.

『──Be careful Lux! No attack will work on this guy! Whether it’s physical attack or any kind of energy attack, everything will get absorbed and reflected back!』

Along with that desperate yelling voice, Lisha and others, the four members of Syvalles appeared together.

Lisha, Krulcifer, Celis, Yoruka.

Although they somehow still maintained the materialization of their Divine Drag-Ride, everyone was wounded all over with ragged armor.

It could be seen that they had no spare strength to fight properly.

「These four people together still cannot win, such thing──」

Tillfur looked up at the sky with a despairing expression, while Sharis and Noct also held their breath.

But, Lux calmly glared at the calamity class demon.

And then first he quickly faced the girls and gave the very best instruction he could.

「Please take Philuffy and Airi to retreat. I will take over here.」

He entrusted the girls to the Triad and skated Bahamut toward the sky.

After he climbed up to a height where he could take an unbroken view of Triport, Metatron’s countless eyes captured Lux’s figure.

「Please be careful Lux! The enemy will fire laser beam from its eyes!」

*Giin!* Just as Celis said, its eyes shined and fired heat ray energy.

Lux used his great sword as shield and blocked it. When the attack was over he unleashed his gathered energy.

「──Howling Howl-!」

It was a perfect timing that aimed at the moment the enemy’s attack ended──but, Metatron’s whole body shined faintly. The vortex of shockwave vanished and immediately after it was reflected toward Lux.


Even while enduring the power of the attack he released himself, Lux was observing the enemy’s state calmly.

Among the countless eyes covering that enormous body, he saw that there was only one eye that was crushed.

「That’s, how is that──!? Why is only one of its eyes is wounded……!」

「We don’t know. When everyone attacked it frantically, my sniping pierced it through. ──There should be some kind of secret about it!」

Hearing Krulcifer’s voice made Lux reached at a certain hypothesis instinctually.

It was an imagination that he could think of exactly because he had accumulated several thousand battle experience from mock battles until he was called with the nickname the Weakest Undefeated.

Perhaps his idea was mistaken.

He might failed, got wounded, and then lost.

But even so──this hint came from none other than the girls who tried to leave behind a light of hope for Lux that they stayed behind even in their worn out state.

And then, Lux’s belief that was denied by Calensia was taken back by Philuffy for him.

I wasn’t fighting until now in order to be loved by someone.

「──I fight, because of my admiration.」

Philuffy who was in a position that possessed no power whatsoever, saved him who was in hell after losing his mother.

He thought that he couldn’t do anything for the country because he was the youngest child of the imperial family, however Philuffy was different.

She saved him simply with her kindness and feeling. He admired her nobleness and beauty.

That was why──no matter what anyone said, he wouldn’t hesitate anymore.

Lux’s true essence as a Drag-Knight.

His power of concentration that had been polished until the extreme was moving him to the very best action.

That attack was developed not by logical thought, it was as though his body was naturally guiding him.

(A timing where the attack work exist, if my hypothesis is correct, if I’m to aim at that moment──it can only be, this!)

「Howling Howl……!」

Energy was concentrated at the inside of the armor and a vortex of shockwave was fired once more.

「That’s no good Lux! Like that it will be reflected again!」

「You’re wrong, Lizsharte-san. Aruji-sama’s aim, is likely──」

Right after Lisha yelled, Yoruka corrected her with a bewitching smile.

Yoruka who possessed natural talents for battle seemed to notice it.

The absolutely invincible Ragnarok who absorbed every kind of enemy attack and returned it back to the enemy exactly as it was.

If there was a situation where an attack could work on it, that was──.


Lux took a deep breath, and activated Bahamut’s Divine Raiment with his whole soul.

The timing of an instant where failure wouldn’t be permitted had been ascertained with the first Howling Howl attack.

The activation of Divine Raiment with high output and wide range.

Lux’s new technique that was brought about by his bond with Celis, the barrier of Reload on Fire was deployed.

The barrier covered a side of Metatron that was floating in front of him. It absorbed Lux’s Howling Howl and then shifted to reflect it back, but its movement was decelerated and stopped.

In other words, attack would work on it was only in this instant that was even less than a second.

Using Bahamut’s Reload on Fire, the speed of the attack reflection was decelerated. At that timing, the great sword Lux thrust out pierced Metatron.


While the Ragnarok was raising a shriek that sounded like a scream, Lux operated his back wings propulsion device in full power and charged through inside its body in a straight line.

Even with the barrier and pilot suit protecting his body, heat that felt scorching to his whole body was enveloping him. Even so he didn’t stop.

Just by thinking of Philuffy, and then his comrades from the Academy, his last strength welled up.

(Thank you──everyone.)

And then, there was a sensation of breaking through a membrane with hard resistance. Right after that, Lux pierced through to outside the spherical body.

There was a definite response of piercing the core.

Lux turned around and readjusted Bahamut’s posture. Almost at the same time──that enormous body exploded and burning fragments danced in the air.

It was like countless falling stars were illuminating the night sky of despair. They were silently burning to ash.


From inside the blown up Ragnarok, a crystal──the Grand Force fell out. Lisha caught it.

Everyone of Syvalles landed down on the ground. Even after they dispelled their armor and gathered, they immersed themselves in the aftertaste of the battle for a while.

「──It’s over huh, Lux.」

「Yes. Thanks to everyone.」

When Lisha held out the crystal with a relieved smile, Airi and Triad who were hiding to protect themselves rushed toward Lux in a hurry.

「Are you okay, Nii-san!?」

Lux caught Airi who was jumping at him into his embrace, then a smile naturally formed on his lips.

「Yes. Thanks to the Triad sharing their energy with me, I can stay awake like this.」

「I see, that’s great. Then, let’s treat this as Lux-kun owing us a favor.」

「Wait, you are saying that in this kind of situation-!?」

Lux spontaneously yelled at Sharis’s mischievous talk.

He was sighing in relieve that they seemed to have more spare energy than he thought, but next Tillfur also put her arm around his shoulder.

「Thaat’s riight. After all even though we also wanted to unveil our new weapon, yet we generously conceded the best spot to Lux-chi!」

「No. I judged that we merely mistook the timing to use it. Besides, there is still one issue that we haven’t solve──」

「Wai-!? What are you saying Noct, I told you that’s still a secret──」

Noct retorted at Tillfur who was proudly boasting. A lively laugh was spreading to everyone.

「You girls are just like always──but, with this my failure has been settled.」

The campus festival around half a month ago.

Even this incident that began from a connection with Rosa was finally closing its curtain.

Rosa Granhide who was able to escape from Calensia’s control was being guarded by Coral.

Lux was reported to the alliance as an assassin sneaking into Heiburg, but surely she would give proof of his innocence.

「Even so it’s a bit unfortunate. We too believed that we have grown stronger considerably but──, in the end we completely relied on Lux-kun again.」

Krulcifer coolly brushed up her hair and muttered that jokingly.

In respond Lux shook his head and told his current feeling honestly.

「No, you are wrong Krulcifer-san. This time I’m able to defeat the Ragnarok is thanks to everyone lending me strength, also, Philuffy was……」

She stopped him when he was caught in the evil design of Heiburg’s King of Vices and he almost took the wrong path.

She gave the answer to Lux’s doubt that was budding from this time and five years ago when the old empire was destroyed.

Next time even if he confronted Fugil again, he wouldn’t be in doubt anymore.

He would only fight holding the belief that was taught to him by her who was closer to him more than anyone.

「It’s Phi-chan, right?」

Philuffy was objecting while leaning unsteadily on Lux, her expressionless face seemed to be a bit dissatisfied.

「A, at this kind of time it should be fine right!? That’s, the atmosphere feel serious like this──」

Lux’s cheeks flashed red and he objected, but Philuffy was discontent and faced aside with ‘puih’,

「Lu-chan, is cold. Even though, I helped you a lot during the honeymoon.」

The moment she muttered that casually, everyone around was provoked.

「Wha wha wha what did you say-!? Even though I heard it was only an act just for form’s sake, don’t tell me you──!?」

「It seems it’s necessary to hear the detail. To act like that while disregarding me the fiancée……」

「It’s a misunderstanding Lisha-sama! Or rather, Krulcifer-san too, that’s wrong right!? How did it become a formal betrothal like that!?」

「Lux!? Yo, you have joined together with her!? N, no, i, if it was Lux himself who was wishing for that, then it’s not like I can say anything about it but──uu」

Celis who said such thing was hanging her head down with a depressing aura strangely enveloping her.

When he reflexively looked at Yoruka looking for help, she burst into a smile and stared at Lux.

「It was worth it to endure myself from chasing after Aruji-sama to serve as your guard. It will be great if a successor is safely made──」

「Why are you pouring oil on fire at the very end-!?」

Everyone who was lid on fire by Yoruka’s saying questioned Lux all at once.

「Haa, really. Everyone is troubling person just like usual.」

Soon the coldness of winter would be intensifying.

Airi was looking up deeply at the freezing night sky while letting out a white sigh.

Part 13

On the other hand, around the same time.

The royal capital of the new kingdom, Lordgalia. Inside the royal palace there, a strange ship with streamlined shape was mooring.

That thing that was staying at the courtyard was a prehistorical legacy that was called Sky Palace.

It was called an airship that could float in the air and swam through the sky, it was recognized by the world alliance as the dwelling of the Lords as well as a vehicle that could travel around.

Because the Lords needed to be involved with the conquering of the remaining Ruins, they were preparing this in order to fly around to the Ruins in every country.

Inside it, in the space inside the ship that was made from smooth metal, the silhouettes of four people were standing.

One of them was the first imperial princess of Holy Arcadia Empire, Listelka.

In addition, was his imperial knight, Fugil.

Then the maid Mishis V Xfer.

And then──, even the second imperial princess, Aeril Vi Arcadia was there.

The tops of the Lords faction who were the ruler of the old era were all there, talking to each other about the present abnormal situation.

「My deepest apologies, my princess. Like this, I was unable to predict their movement early. Please punish me as you see fit.」

Fugil who was wearing an extravagant red cloak first said that to his master and waited her judgment.

But, in contrast Listelka shook her head slightly and brushed up her beautiful silver hair.

「No, the case this time is my blunder. In the Their battle with Metatron should be a few days from now in the plan, and we also dealt with the Dragon Marauder that appeared nearby. Though thanks to that, it become a little troublesome.」

Saying that, the girl let out a lamenting sigh looking as though she was troubled from the bottom of her heart.

Originally, the liberation of Ruins was an important groundwork for arriving at Avalon.

But regardless of the accomplishment of conquering one of the Ruins, the situation was being guided to a different direction from their plan.

「Because of him, the trick of the Ruin might be suspected. If it’s not by us, the clan of the Lords, Grand Force cannot be placed at the deepest part of the Ruin. But, how does that Singlen know about that? Even though there should be no more human alive who know about that in this era.」

Beside Listelka who was tilting her head in confusion, the second imperial princess called Aeril was observing Fugil’s behavior.

She was trying to ascertain some kind of reaction from him, but it was as though he wasn’t showing suspicious behavior at all.

(Am I just over thinking it? However……, I’m feeling some kind of apprehension in my chest.)

In front of the conflicted Aeril, her elder sister suddenly turned her face.

「It’s also unfortunate that Aeril didn’t make it in time. In the end, you were unable to obtain any clue about Dragon Marauder from the King of Vices correct?」

「──Yes. But, I noticed something strange. Sir Singlen was lurking in a place where he can help defeating that Metatron, but he intentionally let Lux Arcadia took the credit. That means the possibility that he understand our situation is high.」

「Is that so, in any case this is troubling. I want to do this as amicably as possible, but if by any chance he installed more than two Grand Forces, then we will have to make him disappear.」

The usual gentle atmosphere vanished from Listelka. She was showing an expression of bottomless darkness.

「Let’s observe their movement with even more prudence. We don’t want to stand out, but in the next Ragnarok subjugation, we also have to participate and manage the situation.」

Listelka nodded at the words of the maid called Mishis.

Beside her, the second imperial princess Aeril was seized by a baffling thought.

(Why did Singlen hand over the achievement to him……? Even though he should have failed in winning over Lux Arcadia, don’t tell me──!?)

An uneasy imagination was born inside her chest.

The art of manipulating people wasn’t limited to just using a strong authority.

By giving a helping hand to one’s own enemy, one could guide their movement.

Something was moving behind the scene.

She was feeling such uneasiness in her chest while looking down silently.

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