Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut

Chapter Epilogue

Epilogue – The Young Man’s Collar

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After the Lords retreated, the battle ceased for the moment.

Half a day after that. The situation was in high alert, White Ridge knight order of Blackend Kingdom was always keeping guard without pause.

The old castle was destroyed and there was nothing in the destroyed site, there was only the faint light of magic circle reaching up like a pillar.

After Lux escaped from the underground together with Aeril, it seemed the preparation to open the gate was progressing steadily.

Listelka and her group lost their base and took flight, it wasn’t that far from underground the destroyed old castle, proving that Aeril’s information was correct.

On the other hand, because of the strenuous effort of Lux and others, the Seven Dragon Paladins that splendidly crushed the revived seven Ragnarok, the fortress that Magialca created as their base was still barely safe.

But, there wouldn’t be the next time.

They had gathered all the remaining war potential in this place. The next time they clashed, the conclusion would be reached.

Lisha and others who pushed down their fatigue and rushed here had also reached their limit since a long time ago. Because of that they along with Lux were ordered to rest.

It should be hard to recover their stamina in three days, even so the world alliance surely would have to rely on them.

The remaining enemy was the Lord’s leader, the first imperial princess Listelka, her maid Mishis, Fugil, and then Hayes, only those four.

After them was only the existence of Sacred Eclipse as an uncertain factor.

After having discussion with Queen Raffi and Prime Minister Nulph, and having a light talk with the members of Syvalles, Lux headed to the fortress’s underground following Magialca’s instruction.

There was the figure of Aeril there, inside a prison that was heavily locked.

「I brought dinner here, Aeril.」

「Thank you, Lux-kun.」

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Aeril’s both hands were shackled, and her feet were also linked with a chain.

She was wearing her pilot suit, but the sword belt of her Sword Device was taken from her.

It was a simple prison with only a single bed and a tallow lamp.

She was treated like a prisoner or hostage, even so Aeril was smiling.

「This is strange, our position now is reversed from just a little while ago isn’t it?」

「Sorry. I had asked Captain Magialca so you can at least be let out from the prison though.」

Aeril smiled wryly. In respond Lux bowed his head with a serious face.

But, the girl before his eyes didn’t even look like she took offense by her situation. She put her arms that were shackled on the bed and prompted Lux to sit down.

「No. I thought it would be understandable even if I’m killed, so even this is already more than enough. I’m thankful to Lux-kun, Captain Magialca, as well as the kings of each country.」

In fact, it was just as Aeril said.

In the recognition of the world alliance, to begin with Aeril came to this battlefield to trick the Seven Dragon Paladins and captured them.

Concerning the result, a lot of casualties came out from Listelka’s scheme, but it was unthinkable that it could be used as an excuse to pardon Aeril.

But, Magialka listened to the circumstance from Lux, and she would talk to the world alliance with the direction of persuading them in regard to the matter of Aeril.

The biggest reason she would do that was because of the high possibility that Aeril herself would have the most important role in the capture of the remaining Avalon.

Thus if Aeril contributed to the capture of Avalon and made an accomplishment, it might be possible that in the end she would be given amnesty and allowed to live.

She was on a thin ice──no, it might be simply a front, but there was no other method to save her than that.

In that case Lux too should focus all his strength in that direction.

Although, heavy restriction and monitoring were necessary, so she was locked in a prison like this.

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Lux was chosen to watch over here as the person closest to her.

「Then, let’s start eating. Although I cannot unlock your shackle because I was told that it’s not allowed.」

「Could it be, you will feed me then?」

Aeril asked mischievously along with a smile that looked happy.

Lux was taken aback that she was teasing him in this situation. Lured by that, Lux also smiled.

But actually Aeril’s consideration must be included in that because she didn’t want to make Lux felt bad.

When Lux scooped up the stew with a spoon and brought it to her mouth, Aeril’s cheeks loosened up in enjoyment.

「Mm, delicious. This might be my first time being feed like this.」

When Lux once more saw such face of Aeril from the side, he thought that she was a really lovely girl.

Because of her mission as a Lord, Lux first became acquainted with her as a male friend, and she saved him and others many times in battle from the shadow.

If their position and meeting weren’t like this, he wondered how it would become for them around this time.

He was suddenly thinking of such thing.

「You know, in three more days when we departed it will be fine if you also put a collar on me.」

When the girl in front of him said that jokingly, Lux took a deep breath and peered into her eyes.

The branching of enemy or ally by the mischief of fate.

Even so, she was aiming for peace not because of her mission, but because she was thinking about the future of this very world itself.

That was why,

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「Aeril won’t betray us anymore right? You will be our ally right? Then, it’ll be fine if you swear that and shake hand for it. That will be the collar that I put on you.」

「……Got it. I swear.」

Aeril was flabbergasted by Lux’s words, but before long she smiled softly and took Lux’s hand.

The skin texture of her hand was smooth, and it felt pleasant just from holding it.

The destiny between the Lord and the family of traitor for a long time.

He felt happy that even such thing could be surmounted with a single feeling.

When Lux was keenly basking in sentimentality, Aeril suddenly brought her face close.

「Then, it will be night soon, so can I ask you to change my clothes for me? That’s, it’s embarrassing but……it’s fine you know? If it’s Lux-kun then──」


If he had to help Aeril to take off her pilot suit right now and made her changed into sleepwear, that meant it would be necessary to make her got naked.

He borrowed the key for her shackles before coming here, so there would be no problem in that front, but it was necessary to ask someone else for help.

(Airi……it feels like I will get scolded if I ask her for help. Or rather, in the first place is it fine for me to do this!?)

Seeing the captivating face of Aeril who was averting her gaze with blushing cheeks, he unconsciously gulped. In that moment──footsteps were approaching from behind.

「Wait a second! Just what are you doing you prisoneeerrrr! There is no way it’s fine to go that far! Get away from Lux!」

「We really have to be constantly on our guard with you aren’t we? You are also feigning an open attitude in a sense, so it’s troublesome.」

Lisha and Krulcifer spoke doggedly,

「Lu-chan. I’m also sleepy, so help me change.」

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「Why does it become like that!? Such act is not permitted in this base! It’s imprudent!」

Philuffy who was yawning sleepily, and Celis who retorted with bright red face.

「As for me, I welcome it. Rather if I’m also allowed to help──」

「Yoruka-san please get out! You are just making this place even more chaotic! Nii-san too! What happened with the pact!?」

「Eerr. I have heard about that pact but, I’m an outsider so it’s irrelevant for me.」


Aeril stated that with a refreshing smile. Everyone else who was present there was completely dumbfounded.

The Triad who came rushing the last from behind sighed in amazement.

「How should I say it, she is really bold.」

「Yes. I even feel admiration instead.」

「Theeen, Lisha-sama. Do you recognize that she isn’t included in the pact?」

When Tillfur stirred Lisha up like that, she took a really deep breath, and then raised her voice without hesitation.

「As the princess of the new kingdom, I won’t tolerate anyone stealing a march like that! Aeril! I’ll have you to enter it too! Into our pact that is!」

「Suddenly it feels like the status of the new kingdom’s royalty is going down though……?」

Ignoring Krulcifer’s retort, Tillfur also got greatly heated up.

「Now you are talking! Yooosh, Aeril……chan? Write your name here and seal it with your blood!」

The cold underground prison in the fortress instantly turned heated up and noisy.

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