Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut

Chapter Epilogue

Epilogue – Ruins’ Zero

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Part 1

*Gogon, gogon……*, the sound of something moving echoed in the ruins of the old castle intermittently.

The mountains of rubble that piled up high and the grey colored townscape.

The remaining fire from the long deathly battle that surrounded Avalon was smoldering in the area.

「U, uu……」

When Lux woke up, the armor of Bahamut was dispelled.

The backlash from Over Limit and the intense pain made him unable to exert his strength, but he was barely able to open his eyes.

The scene that was the projection of the Arcadia Empire in the past had vanished.

What remained was the pillar of light that showed the position of the center and Fugil Arcadia who was standing in front of it.

「What, happened……? Lisha-sama, Singlen──」

Lux muttered with wheezing breath, but far from standing, he was unable to even crawl.

A single girl was standing in front of such Lux.

The captain of the Seven Dragon Paladins, and the owner of a big company, Magialca Zen Vanfrick.

Her expression was daring as usual. She was looking down quietly on Lux.

「Don’t worry my sweetheart. All of your comrades are safe. Well, they are in a state of only barely keeping their lives though. Right now they are being brought to the fortress through my subordinates’ instructions. You did well stopping Singlen. That guy──it seems he is hiding himself somewhere. Well, most likely he is fixing his own body and Drag-Ride, using the power of Baptism and his special armament.」

「Is, that so……. That’s great. Everyone, is, safe……」

When Lux let out a relieved sigh, Magialca made a wide mysterious grin.

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「Don’t worry about the rest and leave it to me. My stamina is still remaining for one more battle. I’ll kill that funny clown and make Avalon into my own.」


Right after Lux showed a doubtful look, he noticed what was ahead of Magialca’s gaze.

Under the feet of Fugil who was standing still beside the pillar of light, Mishis whose head was severed and her life expired, and Listelka whose torso was stabbed were lying down.

「I don’t know what happened but, well, from the looks of it, there is no doubt he betrayed his master.」


Lux was speechless. He was looking at that with a dumbfounded expression, but Fugil who wasn’t wearing a Drag-Ride didn’t move at all.

The five Seven Dragon Paladins who were liberated from inside Fernyiges and Aeril who escaped from the ice were slowly surrounding Fugil.

「You look really composed there. Is it okay? We’ve got no spare strength to go easy y’know?」

Greifer who was wearing Cuelebre glared at Fugil suspiciously.

「If you are planning to surrender then you better say it from your end. I’m reluctant to kill a human after all.」

In addition the youngest, Mel Gizalut, announced with a firm tone.

「I don’t feel sympathy because that is a fitting end for traitors buut, it doesn’t change that you are also an enemy.」

Rosa wearing Gorynych acted confidently. She closed the distance while saying that.

「There is no more time. Before Avalon that you are trying to activate is moving, we will decide this battle.」

Soffice spoke expressionlessly with tension filling her tone,

「I’m someone who turned my back on my elder sister and little sister and parted ways with them. I also understand that I have no qualification to say something like this. But, you are the only one who I won’t forgive!」

Aeril who was wearing Zahhak put her strength into the hand holding the control stick.

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They had turned their swords to each other due to the difference in conviction, even so there was no doubt that someone who betrayed and killed her sisters who she shared blood relation with was her enemy.

In the end, Magialca threw a question to Fugil as though to consolidate everyone’s will.

「Then, how about we start soon? It’s six against one but we won’t give any mercy. Have you resolved yourself?」

She deployed the Divine Drag-Ride Jormungandr and took command. Fugil slightly lifted his face and responded to her.

「──Knock it off. All of you know too much.」

Fugil announced along with a snigger and a tone that didn’t even sound interested.

「In around ten more minutes, the reorganization of the world by Avalon will begin. The function will work without problem as long as you all won’t become hindrances. You can then make your choice once more inside that new fate and history.」

「Shut up Fugil. I already talked with everyone here! I don’t know what you can possibly wish for but, I won’t let everything go as you wish anymore!」

Zahhak quickly moved its armored arm and attacked using Breath Whip.

But, Fugil drew out his Sword Device from his waist and the whip was instantly erased.

It wasn’t destroyed, its very existence was instantly gone.

But, when Fugil swung his Sword Device once more, the Breath Whip that should have vanished appeared.

It was stolen in order to block Aeril’s whip and then it was returned.

「What the hell is this……!? The whip suddenly vanished and appeared……!」(Greifer)

「I don’t know. Most likely it’s Ouroboros’s special armament that is called Zero One. But how? Even though Ourouboros’s main frame is still not visible, the Divine Drag-Ride’s special armament can be used?」

While Aeril was warily muttering, Magialca sent instructions to everyone using Dragon Voice.

『In any case, we’ve got to start by solving the puzzle. I’ll decide the strategy. Let’s go』

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Greifer, Mel, Rosa, Soffice, and then Aeril responded. During that time,

Fugil gripped the handle of his Sword Device and summoned Bahamut in front of him.

Lux who was seeing that sight from slightly far away was carried in the arms of Magialca’s aide Lolotte and they started to retreat.

While his consciousness was sinking into darkness, a past memory surfaced at the back of Lux’s mind once more and words slipped out naturally from his mouth.

「Everyone, be careful……. That guy, is, dangerous……!」

Part 2

The day of the Revolution five days ago.

The high pitched sound of sword fighting resounded in the sky above the Arcadia Empire’s castle.

When Fugil who finished off the imperial guards in the audience hall went to annihilate the remaining imperial family, Lux returned and stopped him.

「……Why? Why are you hindering me my wise younger brother? I am trying to save you and your little sister you know?」

「No! That’s not it! I am asking your objective! Why are you destroying this country? Even though it was you who saved this country several hundred years ago!」

Lux who was wearing Bahamut asked with a yell.

In response, Fugil formed a composed smile and talked to his little brother from a different mother.

「To think that you will speak such words, my wise younger brother. These people have to be dealt with here. These bunches who were persecuted for many years now became the ones who have grown too impudent, they don’t have even a shred of conscience anymore. That’s why everything has to be redone from the beginning. I have to make you accomplish that role next. I am carrying out my mission in accordance with the will of Sacred Eclipse that was created in order to save the world, since more than a thousand years ago that you all have completely forgotten.」


Lux’s doubt was changed into conviction with that sentence.

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Fugil wasn’t Lux’s brother or anything.

And then, he wasn’t even someone from the Old Empire.

「Sacred Eclipse that was a device to save the world was mixed with poison due to the hands of foolish humans. It is a broken device that had lost half of its true essence, but I will correct this world along with Sacred Eclipse. I continue to wait for the king of salvation who will lead this world correctly. I continue to save for that sake.」

「What are you planning to do!? What are you planning to make me do after saving me!?」

Lux swung his great sword and pushed Fugil back.

The man danced in the dark night sky while smiling calmly.

「I will grant you your wish, my wise younger brother. The thing that the powerless and weak you wished, that you yearned for. The one who destroys the chain of negativity that humans established and brings salvation. You have earned the qualifications to walk the path of a hero, just like me.」

*Gogon!*, the sound came from behind Fugil.

The moonlight that peeked out from between the clouds illuminated the castle that was enveloped in flame.

What existed behind Fugil, was a chalk white giant dragon looking down on the castle.

「Something like my mission has been decided already, my wise younger brother. Since the far away past, the reason for my existence has been determined. Just like how the you who was powerless just a slight while ago once wished to become that.」

Fugil looked down on Lux with the moonlight and a giant dragon that pierced the sky serving as his background.

His eyes that had the same grey color like Lux were dyed by darkness and reflected emptiness.

「──A hero, resisting against fate and wishing for salvation. An ally of the weak.」

It wasn’t self-derision or even ridicule.

The man’s smile that was filled with ruin like an abyss surfaced inside the dark night.

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