Episode 2 –Special Mission

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Part 1

The dark and deep realm of memory.

The continuation of that day, nine years ago when he met Philuffy for the first time.

The scene of the live in the imperial capital of the old empire was replayed inside Lux’s dream.


The head of Aingram conglomerate who was an old friend of Lux’s mother──Dalt. Lux thought that their encounter with each other would be only that one time.

But, perhaps because Dalt started his business with the imperial capital as his base, he often made his appearance at the residence that could even be called as a palatial residence near the castle.

Each time he visited, his two daughters──Relie and Philuffy also came, but for some reason Lux couldn’t compose himself toward them.

Relie was a girl who was cheerful and mischievous, but perhaps because there was difference of age between her and Lux, or perhaps it was because she had apprehension toward Lux who was a royalty, she behaved as a 『nice big sister』 toward him.

But, the girl called Philuffy who was the same age with him was a silent person where she was mostly expressionless. Lux couldn’t understand what she was thinking.

His father who was apathetic toward him.

How he was thought as a worthless existence.

Perhaps it was because of those that he was hesitating to call out from his end.

But, he could see that the big sister Relie was really pleased and affectionate to her little sister.

「Lux-kun too, please get along with her. Even though Phi look like this, but she is a really interesting kid you know?」


That was how he answered at that time, but even when the two of them were left alone with each other, they didn’t particularly played with each other.

Even Lux was only making idle and inoffensive talk like 「The weather today is nice isn’t it?」 or 「What is your father doing?」, while Philuffy too was only eating the sweets she was carrying or returning short reply like 「Nn……」.

A silent child without any up and down in her emotion.

Lux’s first impression toward Philuffy was something like that.

At the time, Lux’s experience of playing with boys the same age of him was practically zero.

There was also the fact that the age of his siblings in the imperial family was a bit distanced from him, but the biggest cause lied elsewhere.

The emperor’s wives numbered six people in total, but their children were contesting the succession right of the throne against each other, and the youngest brother Lux was the target to be looked down by them.

It was only the first imperial prince Fugil who was different, but for Lux who at the time was a child Fugil was a far away existence.

Because he was being taught to study by private tutor and a lot of the time he was staying at the side of the frail and sickly Airi, Lux almost had no chance to go outside.

Lux was a 『male』 that possessed the qualification to be the next emperor.

However, he was the seventh imperial prince whose position was the weakest among all the candidates.

Although the maid, butler, and the soldiers of the imperial court would serve him, but that was the extent of his relationship with them.

With all those circumstances overlapping, Lux mostly spent his time at the library of the imperial court.

He was a figurehead prince. By no meant he could come into contact with the center of the empire, his fate was to become the tool of the emperor and someone who someday would succeed the emperor.

He was thinking that he didn’t mind that.

As long as his beloved mother was at his side, and his sickly little sister became healthy.

He was also a bit curious about the girl named Philuffy, but that was all.

She was a daughter of a conglomerate, but she was different from the imperial family.

Philuffy too was staying beside Lux right now because of the circumstance of her father’s work, but the more time passed, they would notice that Lux didn’t have considerable utility value and they would surely lose interest at him then.

Lux was thinking so in his childish heart.

But one day, a turning point suddenly arrived.

About a week since he encountered Philuffy, a large sized work of art was sent to the imperial court.

It was a sculpture of a spirit that was worshipped at the holy birthday of the empire.

A sculpture of the figure of a very young girl wearing mysterious and unique clothing that couldn’t be seen anywhere else.

It was an epic work that was decked out with gold, silver, and gems, and created by employing a first rate artisan.

Several years was needed to make it. For Arkadia empire it was considered to be an important treasure. The sculpture was scheduled to be stored in the castle’s warehouse until the holy birthday ten days later.

The sculpture was showed to Lux and Philuffy once when it was delivered, but after that they had never stopped by at the castle warehouse.

But at the afternoon of that day, after Lux borrowed a book in the library, when he was walking inside the castle, he heard a sound nearby the warehouse.

「Oi, what’re we going to do? At this rate, we’re going to receive some kind of punishment──」

「Aa, it’d be bad if we leave it like this. But, it’s also impossible to play dumb about it. Then──the best thing to do is to blame it at someone else.」

It was the voice of boys that Lux was familiar with.

They were boys who were three years older than Lux.

Lux felt a strange atmosphere from their tense voice and he approached.

「What are you doing, elder brother?」

「U, uwah……!? Wha, what, it’s you, don’t startle us.」

It was the sixth imperial prince, Lux’s brother from different mother Abel, and also his best friend Ragreed who came from a high nobility.

According to their explanation, the supervisor forgot to lock the warehouse. Then when Abel and Ragreed tried to touch the decoration of the sacred statue for the holy birthday, a part of the statue became chipped.

「We have to quickly tell someone and get it repaired. There should be still time until the holy birthday──」

Lux turned around in panic. It was at that time Abel’s hand caught Lux’s shoulder.

「Wait there, you are a brat like always huh. You see, for something like this, the order of thing is important. At this rate, this will become our fault right?」

Lux got a bad premonition the moment this brother who was older than him said that.

「Fortunately, there is nobody else other than us who saw what happened.」

「Don’t tell me, you are planning to stay quiet? But, at this rate……」

When Lux quietly objected, Abel snorted as though making fool of him.

「You are really an idiot. I’m saying that we’re going to lay the blame on someone else. It’s nice timing that at this time there are several children of the guest coming to our place right?」

「──That daughter of merchant called Aingram or something, isn’t she just right for this?」


Hearing what Ragreed spoke, for a moment Lux’s mind became blank.

His expression cramped reflexively and his voice became high-pitched from agitation.

「Such thing──how can that be allowed?」

「That girl isn’t even royalty, and she is just a girl anyway.」

Abel’s words cut down Lux’s argument in a single stroke. Lux was speechless.

「Her family is richer than mine, she is an eyesore so this is perfect timing. What’s more that girl, she is mute and absentminded, even when she is called there is almost no reaction. She must be an idiot. She is perfect to get deceived.」

「Yeah, that’s right. It’s perfect, she came at the right timing. Oi Rag, take her here using any kind of excuse. She must be in the courtyard.」

Ragreed nodded at Abel’s command and he started running while laughing.

In order to lay the blame on Philuffy who didn’t know anything.

「Such thing, such thing is……」

「What is it, Lux. You, even though you are the youngest, you’re going to go against me?」

Abel glared and yelled threateningly.

「But, such thing……」

「Hah, you don’t get it at all. Listen. In this empire, something like woman is just tool. Their role is to devote their all to us man, give birth to children, and make us feel good. What’s more that girl isn’t royalty, but just the daughter of someone who has a bit of money. Just something like this won’t be a big deal.」


Lux understood how it became like this.

The custom of the empire that was propagating absolute male chauvinism.

Abel who was one of the imperial family was also following that common sense without questioning it.

No, even among the others Abel was disdaining woman excessively and tended to degrade them.

He was doing every kind of harassment and insult toward his little sisters who were similarly royalty like him and the maids. The surrounding feared what would happen when he became adult.

A big part of the reason of his attitude was likely because of his position that was far away from the throne succession right, furthermore he wasn’t blessed by any talent at all and he lamented about his situation, and so he vented his resentment to the surrounding.

Especially in a situation like this time, the possibility of Abel retracting his previous remarks was the same like nonexistent.

「You get it? You stay quiet, Lux……. Oh, here they come.」

Abel grabbed Lux’s shoulder and hid at the shadow inside the warehouse.

And then, Philuffy was brought in. It appeared that Ragreed was hinting that the sacred statue looked strange, so she should try touching it, and so on.

「Never mind that, I told you just touch it. Come on, do it.」


Philuffy was expressionless, so it was hard to understand what she was thinking, but most likely she was perplexed right now. Because she was hurried, in the end her hand reached out to the statue.

At that moment, Ragrid pushed hard at Philuffy from behind and caused her head to hit the statue.


Lux saw that sight and he reflexively held his breath, it was at that time,

「Oi. You too match your story with us, you understand?」

When Able said that, at the same time he dropped the fragment of the statue ornament his hand was holding on the floor.

*kachin!* High-pitched metallic sound echoed inside the warehouse, immediately following that──,

「Oi, you! How dare you break this sacred statue!」

「Now you’ve done it. How about apologizing honestly huh?」

Abel who jumped out from behind the cover and Ragreed declared that.


On the other hand, Philuffy was silently rubbing her forehead that hit the statue while tilting her head in puzzlement seeing the boys.

And then, she was staring fixedly at the hand of Abel and Ragreed.

「It’s useless even if you play dumb and pretend ignorance. After all we are the witness.」

Abel smiled faintly and told Ragreed to go call the head butler of the palace.

The best friend Ragreed nodded in respond and started running through the corridor inside the castle.


(……What to do!?)

Lux looked at Philuffy and pondered.

Surely Abel and Ragreed wouldn’t stop anymore now that they had raised this much commotion.

No matter what they were planning to push the blame on Philuffy.

The current Lux didn’t have any way to stop that.

(But, there is no way something like this is okay. Doing this to her who doesn’t know anything is──)

Lux bit his lips and clenched his small fist tightly, at that time,

「Are you speaking true? That the sacred statue is broken──」

A man in his prime who was the head butler arrived in panic.

And then, he walked toward Philuffy who was standing still in front of the statue and questioned her.

「I heard that you seem to be the one who did this, is it correct? In that case──」

「That’s right. That girl might lie, but we saw it without doubt! That girl slipped and her head hit the statue, breaking that part──」

「…………. I am──」

Philuffy was about to say something with her usual expressionless face, it was at that time,

「──I, did it.」

Lux’s voice echoed inside the cold metallic warehouse.


First it was his big brother’s best friend who raised a shocked voice, after that the head butler knitted his eyebrows.

「Is that, the truth?」

「Yes……. The warehouse is not locked, so I entered, and then when I touched the statue accidentally, the statue is……」

「What about the testimony that said it was the daughter of Aingram house who did it?」

「I was scared to tell someone that I broke it and stayed silent, but then that girl came here so……」


The head butler muttered and he ran his gaze at everyone there.

The head butler who was called as relatively a man of character inside the imperial court was pondering for a while. And then he nodded.

「Is that so, I see……」

He showed a face that was somewhat questioning, but there was no proof whatsoever.

Before long the head butler let out a small sigh and he turned his face toward Lux.

「By all rights, it’s only proper to have you receive a scolding from your father his majesty the emperor, but his majesty is a very busy personage. I will leave the handling of this case to your mother and private tutor. Is that agreeable with you, Lux-sama?」

「Yes……. Forgive me.」

The head butler said that he would call the artisan for the repair and left.

Perhaps he had noticed the truth from looking at the attitude of everyone there, but instead he respected Lux’s intention and placed the blame on him.

「Hah……! As expected from the bottom rung seventh imperial prince huh, Lux!」

「……Keh. What a killjoy, crushing our plan like that.」

Abel sneered at his younger brother in a good mood, but Ragreed who didn’t manage to push the blame on Aingram house was clicking his tongue in annoyance.

He understood that Lux’s action completely prevented any bad reputation toward Philuffy by making the head butler as the witness, at the same time he noticed that his own scheme was crushed.

「Well, doesn’t matter……. You too, apologize to this girl for what you did.」

Even so, perhaps he thought that Lux would be hated by Philuffy because Ragreed then grinned daringly.

The two of them showered Lux with insult before they left that place.

Later there were only Lux and Philuffy remaining there.


Lux turned around and then said that while looking down.

He was scared.

It seemed the head butler put the blame on Lux with the understanding of what was actually going on, but Lux didn’t think that the truth would be known by anybody else around them.

Lux was anxious that his bad reputation would spread among the people of the imperial court, but more than that there was also the risk that even his mother and Airi would also met difficulty because of that.

And then, he would also get hated by none other than the girl in front of him.

(But, this is the only way……)

If he tattled about the bad deed of the two, the two of them would resent him unjustly and they would surely bare their fang not just at Lux, but also to all the people around him.

The result that would come from that ill will would be incomparable with the case this time.

「I’m really, sorry. But──uwah!?」

Suddenly the silent Philuffy grabbed his hand and Lux raised his voice refelexively.

The palm of a girl that he touched for the first time was really soft──,


「Eh……, what’s this, it’s sticky──!?」

And then, his hand became slippery with something like oil.

「You covered, for me……didn’t you?」


Lux was taken by surprise by the question from the serious faced girl.

Lux also felt shocked that the silent Philuffy was starting conversation from her end, but more than that,

(How, did she──?)

「The surface of that statue, is slippery. When I was pushed and touched it, I noticed. The hand of those two, was also slippery.」


It was the oil of painting material. The completed sacred statue was most likely varnished with that.

The luster and stickiness of the oil wouldn’t disappear right away even after washing it with water.

Surely Philuffy saw through the truth by confirming the hand of the two and Lux’s hand.

「Thank you. You helped me.」

The expressionless girl showed a faint smile.

Lux who saw that for the first time felt a mysterious feeling filling his chest.


「I’m, not……」

When Lux recalled that his fellow imperial family member was trying to harm her, his mouth said those words.

「Sorry, I’m really──wah!?」

Seeing the despondent Lux, Philuffy hit his head with one hand.

Rather than calling it hitting, the strength she was using was more like caressing. Her cheeks were puffing up a bit.

「Bad-, you know.」


「Apologizing even though you aren’t at fault, is no good.」

The girl said such thing dispassionately with serious expression still fixed on her face.

「Doing that, is as no good as, not apologizing when you are at fault.」

「……No but──」

「I’m, angry you know?」

When Lux tried to apologize again, Philuffy pushed back with a tone that didn’t allow any objection.

Her expression didn’t change, she didn’t look like she was angry at all, even so her firm will could be felt.

When Lux was troubled of how to respond, Philuffy suddenly took out a small white bag from her breast pocket.

She took out a cookie as big as her pinkie from there and pushed it toward Lux’s mouth.

「For you.」

「Eh……!? Wait」

「It’s fine. My other hand, isn’t dirty.」

Philuffy raised her other hand to show at the flustered Lux and she muttered so.

Lux was completely bewildered facing the sudden occurrence.

Because she had never receive food from the hand of other person except his mother, not even once.

「The proof of, getting closer.」

However, the words and eyes of Philuffy who said that to him were very much straightforward. Lux couldn’t refuse and put the cookie into his mouth.

The confection that had walnut fragment inside it was slightly sweet and fragrant.

「Is it delicious, Lu-chan?」

「Ye, yes. It’s delicious, thank you……」

He felt somewhat embarrassed. His cheeks reddened and he averted his gaze.

「I’m glad.」

Philuffy showed  a small smile once more toward such Lux.

「……Err, by the way, what do you mean by Lu-chan?」

「It’s you. Because, you’re Lux-kun.」

「Is, is that so!? But it sounds a bit embarrassing……. Getting called like that──」



Lux reflexively asked back toward the girl’s sudden muttering.

「Call me, like that. Because, Okaa-san and Onee-chan, call me like that.」

「Eh……. Yes, I got it, Phil……err」

「Phi, you know?」

When Lux got embarrassed and he faltered, Philuffy brought her face closer and demanded so.

This girl was silent and her emotion didn’t really come out to the surface, but she had an aspect where she was far sharper and deeply prudent than she looked like.

And then, Lux also realized that she was more forceful and strong-willed than he thought.

「Then, take care of me. Phi-……chan.」

That day, Lux made a friend of the same age for the first time.


Part 2

The second day of the training camp started at Ries Island.

「Lux. I’ve a request that I earnestly want to ask from you. Is it okay?」

The training was running to train basic stamina, and hand-to-hand combat that included sword fighting.

After those were finished, it was finally the time for Drag-Ride training. At that time Celis pulled Lux to stand in front of everyone.

「Err, what is it?」

Lux was nervous from being made to stand in front of everyone who were lined up in their pilot suit appearance, then,

「Last night, I was talking with headmaster Relie, and we are thinking to change the way to practice Drag-Ride slightly.」

「Changing, the way?」

「Yes. At first, I was planning to have everyone do self-assessment, then I’ll have them train with the objective to better their strong point and overcome their weak point.」

「I think that’s fine but──what are you going to change?」

When Lux tilted his head in puzzlement toward Celis’s words,

「About that strong point and weak point, Lux, we’re thinking to have you evaluate it.」


Lux’s eyes opened wide the moment he was told that.

「That’s, what do you──?」

「It’s simple.」

Relie who was watching from outside suddenly cut in and she approached Lux’s side.

「The selected members here know about your true skill. Then, having the strongest person you directly teaching them will be the fastest way to level up them don’t you think?」

An expert in using Drag-Ride giving guidance to other.

In this training camp where everyone knew about Lux’s true strength, certainly that might be a rational method.

「But, if that’s the case then Celis-senpai can also do……?」

「No, this is something that only you can do.」

Relie tapped Lux’s shoulder.

「Rather than Celis-san who is always defeating her opponent with overwhelming strength, you who are fighting by intently seeing through the opponent’s movement and have a good command of defense know about the weak point of the other students right? At the same time, you also accurately grasps their strong point too, so we want you to give advice based on all those factors, and present them a task as their target. Everyone also has no objection correct?」

‘Yes!’, the selected members immediately replied.

「……I, I understand.」

Relie’s proposal was certainly making sense.

When Lux nodded, Relie’s lips grinned.

「Besides, even though we finally have the only boy in the academy here, it won’t be interesting if we don’t make you get caught up in various things.」

For some reason she muttered suspicious thing.

「Also, if there are students who safely cleared the task they are given, I want Lux-kun to give them reward. Specifically speaking, after this training camp is over and we go home, you can accept personal request from them──」


Lux and the students raised their voice simultaneously in reaction to Relie’s following words.

「By the way, how about we pick three names from among the students who cleared their achievement quickly? By doing that, there will be sense of competition among you all and the atmosphere will be heated up.」

Honestly speaking, Lux didn’t mind giving other guidance, but he questioned this kind of method.

(Or rather, my will is completely ignored from the start isn’t it……?)

It also felt like it was always like this when it came to Relie.


「Eh? Is that really okay!? Headmaster!?」

「That sounds fu──my motivation is coming out!」

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「I wonder if any kind of request is okay, like this or that or──」

And so on, the girls of Syvalles who usually he wasn’t really close with had their eyes sparkled brightly and their mouths said those things.

The air became really lively. It was unthinkable that they were actually in the middle of training.

(Well, it can’t be helped……is it?)

Lux let out a sigh inside his heart with a mood that was slightly in resignation, it was then,

「Then, please do mock battle with them one by one right away.」

「Ee──? Could it be, you are telling me to take a look at everyone by myself!?」

「Please do, okay? Because I have various work of the academy after this.」

Relie warded off Lux’s objection and she left.

「Yosh! I’m first before everyone else! Lux, quickly prepare!」

Lisha pulled out the Sword Device of <Tiamat> as though to compete with the other students.

「Wait, you’re planning to suddenly use Divine Drag-Ride!?」

「What’s with that? You don’t like it? I think that it’s meaningless to train if we don’t give our all though.」

「N, no, that’s true but……」

Lux was responding while moving to the center of the practice ground along with Lisha.

「The, then, it will be three minutes per person……」

Lux couldn’t get out of it anymore, so he resolved himself.

「I’ll be next.」

「No I will──」

(I wonder, can my body hold……)

Seeing the girls lining up and raising their hand striving to be the first, Lux’s chest whirled with unease.

It went without mention, but the girls were strong.

However, he simulated in his mind that he would barely manage somehow, it was then,

「Pe, personal request is it……. Then I too by all means──I have to make serious effort here.」

A tall girl with long blond hair whispered with a small voice.

「No, please wait a second!? Don’t tell me Celis-senpai is also joining in!?」

「……Eh? Is, is it no good for me to participate!?」

Celis was full of motivation, but when Lux said that to her, her face looked shocked.

「That’s not what I mean but……based from what I saw when I fought senpai before, there is really nothing that especially need to be fixed though──?」

「Is, is that so……. So that’s it, I who is the leader of Syvalles need to have strength that doesn’t need to be taught by someone else isn’t it?」

Celis instantly made a proud smile and a dignified expression.

「Then, I’ll do independent training. Or else, when you finished creating task for everyone later, I’ll take on the role of assisting them then. That is surely the thing that I ought to do.」

Celis puffed out her voluptuous chest that possessed weighty presence before she separated from the line up with brisk footsteps.

And then, she headed toward practice ground space where there was no one,

「Haa……. It’s independent training again. It’s painful. When I try to teach my junior, for some reason they will say 『That’s beyond my station』 and refuse. When we went for expedition to the capital too, various things happened and I beaten the male of the army, so the instructor there avoided me from start to finish. Everyone looks like they are having fun, it’s envious……. How nice……」

Celis was  enveloped in sinking depressing air while muttering under her breath without pause.

(Wha, what a really unbearable air……!)

The other members watched that with a complicated face. Lux felt uneasy before he then hurriedly rushed toward Celis.

「Say, Celis-senpai. If you are fine with me, can I ask you to have a light bout with me?」

When Lux called out to her stiffly like that,

「Is it all right!?」

「Yes. If you are fine with the advice of someone like me then」


For a moment, those beautiful jade pair of eyes sparkled brightly, however, faint color of hesitation surfaced.

「N, no. Pardon me. Please forget it……. As I thought, your strength should be allotted between the members who are still in the middle of their growth. I judged that it’s for the sake of Syvalles and the new kingdom.」

Perhaps thinking of her position, Celis said that and restrained herself but,

「It’s fine. Celis-senpai is really strong even now, but there is still room for you to grow.」

「Is, is that true?」

「Yes. That’s why if it’s not a bother for you, can I ask you to have a little bout with me?」

「……I, I understand. Then, I’ll do as you say.」

Celis gave in with faint blush on her cheeks, but there was a small smile floating on her lips.

「I’m happy that I can receive training from you. Lux really is a boy that can be relied on.」

Hearing those words that were whispered softly, Lux felt glad that he dared to call out to her but,

「Then, I’ll use <Lindwurm> and go full strength after so long! That’s fine isn’t it, Lux?」

「Err, I’m planning to use my usual <Wyvern> so, that’s, please don’t be too hard on me……」

He was extremely worried whether he would be able to hold on for three minutes.


And then one hour later.

「Haa, haa……」

Lux carried out mock battle with everyone, gave simple guidance and advice, and presented practice menu for everyone.

After that he moved to the shadow of tree where he could avoid sunlight and fell down face up in order to take rest.

「As, as I thought it was severe……!」

At the practice ground in the distance, everyone was already carrying out each of their own training including cooperating with each other.

It seemed that everyone was motivated.

(No but, I think that they are motivated not just for the sake of making request to me though, there is no way.)

The international tournament this time would be held in the royal capital of the new kingdom Atismata, Lordgalia. The feudal lords of the new kingdom were also assembled in great number there.

If one’s strength was acknowledged by them, it might be possible to get employment as knight.

In a sense, it was a stage that could also be called as the trade fair of Drag-Knight.

It wasn’t just for acquiring the investigation right for Ruin, but it also included such significance.

(It will be great if we can win safely without incident but……)

According to the information he heard from Airi, Heiburg Republic was also participating.

Regarding the incident where the academy was assaulted the other day, the new kingdom government questioned the republic, but because the group that attacked was a bunch of fellows that weren’t publically acknowledged, there was no satisfying response from the republic.

Heiburg Republic once had their territory threatened by the old empire Arkadia, they had also received damage from Ragnarok(Divine Beast of Demise) in the past. Because of those, they expanded their military strength in opposition.

But, the enlargement of the organization and military strength also brought about distortion in their political field at the same time.

Skirmish with the neighboring countries, and acquisition of Ruin investigation right where treasure and technology were sleeping.

Their military expansion advanced even further as countermeasure against the Abyss(Phantasm Divine Beast) that appeared from the ruin, completely rewriting the political power map.

The republican system was turning into a mere shell, and there was rumor that the actual holder of highest authority was in fact the army commander man.

There was no doubt that they were a troublesome opponent.

There, even that mysterious strategist called Hayes also joined in.


Lux who finally stopped sweating opened his eyes along with a sigh.

When he got up in order to return to the practice ground, he could see a human silhouette coming his way with staggering footsteps.

「Eh? Phi……chan?」

The childhood friend Lux was familiar with was holding her forehead with one hand while heading his way with swaying footsteps.

「I’m a bit, tired……」

And then her posture crumbled before she could reach the tree shadow Lux was at.


Lux hurriedly caught her body that almost fell down, and then,

(What’s, this……? Her temperature is really hot……)

It wasn’t just fatigue.

It might be that she was dehydrated because of the heat, in any case it wasn’t normal.

「Phi-chan, are you okay!? Get a hold of yourself!」


Lux was questioning her, but Philuffy was only raising her voice weakly and she didn’t even twitch.

Tillfur was coming for taking rest too. Lux told her that he was going to bring Philuffy back to the lodging before he began to walk while holding Philuffy’s body.


Part 3

「Airi! Where is, the village’s physician──?」

「-……!? I know the place, so I’ll go to call him. Nii-san, please lay down Philuffy-san on the bed and make her comfortable.」

After returning to the boardinghouse, for the time being Lux led Philuffy toward the bedroom.

He laid down his childhood friend who was breathing roughly with her eyes closed there, after that,

「Phi-chan, are you okay? Get a hold of yourself.」

「It feels, hard to breathe. ……My chest」

Philuffy muttered deliriously when Lux called out to her.

「I get it! I’ll loosen the suit a little, so don’t worry──」

But, when Lux was actually going to do it, he was troubled.

「Eh……. This suit, how is it working again?」

It was obvious, but Lux only knew about the suit for male use.

It wouldn’t be too late even if he wait for someone to come to loosen up Philuffy’s suit but──.

「Nn, uu……」

Seeing Philuffy groaning painfully, Lux’s feeling became impatient.


Lux resolved himself and he tampered with the fastener to loosen the fastening around the chest area, right at that moment,


The fastener was suddenly unfastened, and the fabric of special material smoothly opened to left and right.

And then, her white breast that was tightly repressed until now spilled out before Lux’s eyes.



He already understood it even just from looking from above her uniform or suit, but now that he was looking at it directly like this, that sense of voluptuousness became even further engraved into his realization.

Even when Philuffy kept lying down face up, the shape of the breasts almost didn’t lose shape, they were quietly swaying along with her breathing.


Lux forgot to even breath, he was rooted still in place. And then suddenly Philuffy opened her eyes.

「……What’re you doing, Lu-chan?」

Getting questioned like that with his face still blushing, Lux was at loss for words.

「Tha, that’s, this is you see──!? I, it’s not like I did this with wicked feeling……」


When Lux tried to justify himself in panic, he felt a strong killing intent behind him that made him turned around.

「What are you doing, Nii-san?」

Air whose eyes were dark despite the smile on her face was standing there.

「E, err, that──. I don’t understand how to take off the suit!」

「It doesn’t matter, please go out quickly from this room-!」

「I, I’m sorry-!」

Yelled angrily by Airi, Lux rushed out from the sleeping room and escaped.

Surely Philuffy herself wouldn’t be angry about the circumstance, but Lux got the feeling that the present Airi wouldn’t listen to him.


Part 4

Ten minutes later.

After Lux changed into his uniform and waited outside, Relie’s voice called out to him out of nowhere.

Fortunately after that Philuffy’s condition immediately recovered and it seemed she was resting right now.

According to the island’s physician, Philuffy might be affected by light anemia and heatstroke.

「Thank you for taking care of her. But I wonder, will it be better to teach you the way to take off a girl’s pilot suit for the future?」

After the health checkup was finished, Relie who came back to the boardinghouse said that to him jokingly.

Philuffy who had been changed into a thin sleepwear was lying down on the bed quietly.

「I beg you please let me off already……」

When Lux said that with his head hanging down crestfallenly, Relie made a smile that was filled with implication.

「My? You’ll be taken advantage of if you apologize too much you know? Then, perhaps I should have Lux-kun formally take responsibility.」

「Excuse me, Relie-san, did you call me to bully me……?」

When Lux raised his face with a bitter expression, Relie chuckled a bit.

「That also sounds fun, but what I want to say is about a bit of work. Regarding Philuffy’s matter──」


Lux was puzzled hearing those unexpected words, and then,

「About what happened to her just now, recently the change in Philuffy’s physical condition is drastic. That’s why──during this training camp, can I have you take the role as my little sister’s attendant?」

「Attendant……is it?」

「Just as Lux-kun also know, Philuffy doesn’t really let her emotion come out right? But, if it’s you my little sister won’t force herself, or maybe you will understand her even if it’s just from slight subtlety. ──What do you think? Can I rely on you?」

Certainly, it was just like Relie said.

For a moment, Lux wondered if a girl would be more suitable in various meaning to look after Philuffy, but if it was something like Relie said then Lux was the one suited for it.

However, gauging Philuffy’s emotion wasn’t something easy even for Lux though…….

「──I understand. If you are okay with me, then I’ll accept.」

He immediately resolved himself and accepted the request.

If there was something he could do for Philuffy’s sake, then he had no reason to refuse.

「Thank you, Lux-kun.」

Seeing the relieved Relie, Lux felt glad from the bottom of his heart that he received her request.

「By the way the spare underwear for her change of clothes is inside this closet.」

「Wait, why are you telling me such thing-!?」

Lux reflexively retorted when he saw the place Relie pointed at.

「I think that you will need it while looking after Philuffy.」

「Now see here……」

When Lux was exasperated toward Relie who was showing him a wide smile, Philuffy raised her face and said.

「When sleeping, I’m fine, even if I don’t wear clothes you know?」

「Thank you. Then there won’t be any problem then……not that!! That’s really bad you know!? How does it turn out like that!?」

Lux imagined for a moment Philuffy laying down on the bed naked before he shook his head flusteredly.

In the end, it was decided that he would call the other student when Philuffy needed to change clothes and he saw off Relie leaving.

「Fuu……. In any case, I’ll look after you, Phi-chan. Tell me right away if your condition worsened.」

「Yes. Thank you, Lu-chan.」

The two casually exchanged those words inside the room where they were left alone.

「Then, is there something you want me to do right now?」

When he said that for the time being to fill the silence,


Philuffy got up slowly from the bed and began to take off her sleepwear that was a chic black blouse.

「Wai-!? What are you doing so suddenly!?」

「Changing clothes. ……Anything wrong?」

Lux was flustered instead when Philuffy replied so seriously.

「That’s not what I mean, that──I, I’ll call someone here so-……!?」

「……? My body, is already fine you know?」

「Ah, I, I see……! Then, I’ll be going-!」

There was no way he could stare at her changing there. Lux went out of the room.

As expected, looking after Philuffy who was doing this at her own pace was difficult. Lux realized that once more.


Part 5

At the night of the second day of the training camp when the afternoon practice was over, the atmosphere was calm compared to the boisterousness of the first day.

At the free time after dinner, there were also those who already headed to their room because of fatigue, but Lux did the chores of the boardinghouse by his own initiative.

「Doing work even though no one is asking you, Nii-san is already seriously ill……」

Lux was cleaning up the dishes and drew water that would be used for the next day while the exasperated Airi threw a retort at him.

After that, he went to look the condition of Philuffy who was sleeping in the bedroom in order to rest.

So that he wouldn’t get caught in Relie’s trap, he carefully knocked before entering the room.

「Is your body all right, Phi-chan?」

「Yes. I’m fine.」

Philuffy nodded and answered concisely before her eyes dropped toward the book in her hand.

When Lux handed her a tea mixed with honey that he made in the kitchen, Philuffy said「Thank you」 and nodded with a small smile.

「Come to think of it, what are you reading there?」

Lux who was relieved at Philuffy’s good condition turned his gaze at her hand.

「Book of economy. Like the law of trade, various things」


Lux spontaneously leaked out a surprised voice hearing that slightly unexpected answer.

Hearing what Philuffy said, thinking back, certainly the Aingram family was a conglomerate that had continued since the era of the old empire, they were controlling several mercantile house.

The way of making use of abundant capital, the procurement of merchandise, buying and selling.

And then, the understanding of the law that was related to trade.

Philuffy was also the second daughter of Aingram family, someday she should be placed into an important position there.

In that case, there were a lot of things she had to learn while she was a student.

Thinking carefully, that was something that should be obvious for someone of her standing but──.

(What’s this? I was arbitrarily thinking that there is no way Philuffy is like that based from her image……)

That was the impression he arbitrarily harbored about his childhood friend Philuffy, but people changed.

Lux was feeling a bit complicated while he tried to change his feeling, it was then,

「……I think? What’s this book?」

「You don’t know!? Why are you asking me!?」

Philuffy tilted her head in puzzlement midway. Lux acted the straightman with all his heart in response.

「Lu-chan. It’s no good if you’re noisy at night, you know?」

「Ah……. So, sorry. I was loud──. Tha, that’s not it. That book, did you read it yesterday?」

「Yes. When I’m reading this book, I can sleep well.」

「The way you use it is wrong you know-!?」

Should he say that he was disappointed, or perhaps shocked, anyway as expected Philuffy was Philuffy.

「But, very soon I have to decide, about this kind of thing too.」

Philuffy was muttering so quietly with her usual mellow voice.

「You mean, about our career after graduating?」

「Yes. I too at least, have to think about it.」

「I see……」

Seeing Philuffy said that while drinking the tea in one gulp, Lux thought for a bit.

In the course of five years of life doing odd jobs and travelling to search Fugil who destroyed the old empire, he was admitted into this academy.

After that he became friend with several girls and overcame large incidents so far.

Because he had been fighting through battles where it wouldn’t be strange even if he died until now, putting aside about his own mission and objective, Lux had never thought about something like the future at all.

「Though Onee-chan, she told me『I want you to become my bodyguard and secretary』.」

「Is, is that so……」

No matter what, he couldn’t imagine Philuffy assisting Relie in matter of business, so he felt like that Philuffy would be perfectly suited only to become bodyguard.

Unexpectedly Philuffy was also strong in unarmed hand-to-hand fighting, and she was even able to use Divine Drag-Ride, because of that she must be qualified if she took the license as an official military officer.

「Lu-chan, do you have, something you want to do?」

「Err, I’m──」

He couldn’t reply right away.

Something he wanted to do.

‘At the past, what I wanted to do was──.’

『I’ll absolutely create it! A country where even girls like Phi-chan can feel safe, I will create it! I swear that I’ll absolutely change this empire! That’s why──』

At the time he was a young child, when he parted with his important childhood friend, they exchanged promise.

In the end he couldn’t fulfill it by his own hand, and he chose the path of overthrowing the country.

Even that path found him mowed down midway and Lux’s determination became suspended in limbo.

「I don’t really have anything like that right now. If I can become the strength for everyone in the academy, then I’m satisfied with just that.」

「I see.」

Philuffy closed the book with a snap before she talked earnestly.

For a moment Lux was startled, wondering whether she would broach about the topic of the promise he said to her in the past.

「In that case, I’m relieved I think?」


Philuffy whose expression was absentminded as usual smiled softly at him.

What did she mean by that?

Lux didn’t understand at all. And when he was waiting for the continuation of her word──,





Along with a terrific rumble in the ground, the earth along with the boarding house shook and he reflexively held his breath.

There was mechanical sound of something moving like Drag-Ride in addition of the sound of huge water splash.

(Even though earthquake rarely occurred in the new kingdom, don’t tell me──!)

「Phi-chan, stay there and don’t move! I’m going to see the situation!」

Lux reflexively put his hand on the Sword Device on his hip and yelled so.

He rushed out from the bedroom into the living room. Relie was already there along with several students.

「My my, it’s faster than expected. I thought that it would take a bit more time though──」

While everyone was surprised and on their guard, it was only Relie who was smiling with slight drunk intoxication.

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「Headmaster. What in the world this──?」

Celis was the first to ask. Relie got up on her feet and he started walking toward the door.

「Everyone, come with me. I will teach you the true objective of this training camp now.」

When they went outside, the moon was floating in the sky.

The sea that was vibrantly blue at the afternoon now looked completely different. The sea was pitch black.

At the shadow of raging waves that looked like the devil’s beckoning hand, the figure of a ship that was even more gigantic than the island could be peeked at.

Everyone climbed the only lighthouse in the island and they witnessed it.

A strangely shaped ship that was larger than any military ship Lux had ever seen before.

「This is, could it be……」

The moment Lisha whispered so, Relie nodded.

「Yes, one of the Ruin in the new kingdom’s territory. What we call the third Ruin, the Ark.」


Even among the Syvalles, few had the experience of seeing the Ark.

Even Lux who had the experience of guarding the surrounding of a Ruin had only seen this Ark once from afar at a different place from this island.

It was a special Ruin that usually bobbed up and down at the ocean of the new kingdom, it would change location in a fixed period.

Due to its special characteristic of making its appearance mostly above the sea, he heard that the investigation of this Ruin was mostly not progressing.

「Headmaster. You said the true objective, don’t tell me──you mean this?」

「It helps that you guessed quickly.」

Relie returned a smile at Celis’s question.

「The investigation of the new kingdom’s third Ruin, this Ark, that’s our mission this time. The gate keeper of the depth──the Ragnarok, Poseidon, that was said to be released from here once by the old empire. Now that it had died at the battle in the practice ground before this, there is the possibility that the door toward the deepest level is opened. It’s the place where everyone in this generation hasn’t reached yet you see.」


The students subconsciously held their breath hearing the indifferent explanation of Relie.

The sound of raging waves that resulted from the appearance of Ark was buried by that silence.

「The objective of our coming to this island other than having training camp, is to accomplish a secret mission from the new kingdom. This Ark will be mooring at the vicinity of this Ries Island for approximately a week. We will begin infiltrating to investigate starting from tomorrow afternoon. Do you understand, everyone?」

After the students nodded, everyone returned to the boardinghouse while they were still bewildered.

Because the night had grown late, they went to sleep right away.

Because there were three bedroom for two people and two bedroom for four people, it was just right for the number of members this time.

Through a natural conclusion or common sense decision, the siblings Lux and Airi shared a room, so everything was settled.

Even Lux somehow understood that everyone was being taciturn.

(The deepest floor of a Ruin that no one has reached before……, is it?)

The structure of the ancient times that was still mostly inexplicable──the Ruin.

The weight of witnessing not yet known legacy faster than anyone in the world made everyone timid.

It was a secret investigation, that was why no one was told until they arrived in this island.

If the country massed the troops openly, it would attract attention from every other country, because of that this training camp was used as pretense to gather the elites for investigation.

It wasn’t like Lux didn’t understand about that kind of situation.

(But what’s this? This strange out of place feeling……)

「Does Nii-san also concerned?」

Airi asked inside the room that already had its lighting turned off.

「Concerned……it’s not to that degree though.」

「Then, I won’t say anything yet about that. I too am still unable to form my words.」

After ending it there, there was only the sound of calm breathing filling inside the room.


Lux’s body was quite tired from the long journey and two day of training, but he wasn’t really able to sleep.

(How is that place right now I wonder……?)

The day of coup d’etat five years ago.

His childhood friend Philuffy was taken away for the sake of medication experiment. Hearing that, Lux located this place and came to save her.

And then. he searched for her at the basement of a certain monastery──, for some reason he couldn’t recall the memory after that no matter what.

(However──Philuffy should be safe that time.)

A while after that, a letter that notified him of Philuffy’s safety reached him, besides──.

Right now the girl was at Lux’s side in healthy shape after all.


The silent sound of waves was gradually filling his thought.

And then, Lux finally fell asleep.


Part 6

At the morning next day, it was the time for independent training immediately following the basic training.

Together with Lisha, Lux went toward the atelier of Drag-Ride in Ries Island.

Spacious arrangement of rooms made from stone, the smell of oil and metal that stabbed the nose.

At the large pedestal in the center, a great number of assembled Drag-Ride and weapon were scattered.

The fundamental construction was similar with the atelier inside the academy, but the atelier here was larger in scale.

Naturally, the inside of the atelier was filled with important highly classified information, so it seemed that no one could enter if it wasn’t someone with authority at the level of Lisha.

First Lux was instructed to summon the <Wyvern> he was using, so he pulled out his Sword Device and called out his Drag-Ride──,

「Then, activate the System mode of the <Wyvern> for me.」

「System, is it? Err──」

Lux did as he was told even while tilting his head in puzzlement.

He lightly closed his eyes and carried out the mind control operation toward the Drag-Ride before his eyes.

When Lux sent the image thought of the Drag-Ride and his nerve connected with each other, bluish white light was formed from the head part of the folded <Wyvern>. The light then emerged as window frame, graphic, and countless character string.

「Err, next be aware of the graphic at the upper left and look at it. You can proceed using that.」

Lux couldn’t read ancient letter, so he operated following Lisha’s instruction.

By using the controller(joystick) that was the Sword Device, the Drag-Ride could be made to enter a state that was called the system mode. There things like the tuning of the Drag-Ride, the authentication registration, and so on could be performed.

Things like the tuning of Drag-Ride parts, adjusting the output of the equipped weapon and so on were also indispensable function, but in general a lot of Drag-Knight only knew about the system of authentication registration that was done at the very beginning.

Similarly Lux was also one of those many who only knew of that very basic but──.

「Yosh, remember the control procedure you have just done so that you can do it yourself. <Bahamut> should also have basically the same procedure like this.」

Countless graphics and bluish white letters were floating above the head of the Drag-Ride.

When all those advanced until a state where everything was released, Lisha told Lux to take a breather.

「So with this the new function can be used?」

「Yeah, with this the Drag-Ride’s function and weapon’s strength will increase exceptionally. For example, the great sword your <Bahamut> have, if it’s that <Chaos Brand(Stigma Sword)>, not to mention its destructive power, just by defending, it can accomplish the same role like the Scale Blade(Barrier Fang Sword) I created exclusively for the <Wyvern>.」

「Is that, true?」

「However, if you mistaken the way to use it then you will die though.」


Lux’s face spontaneously grimaced. Lisha let out a small sigh to that.

「Remember that this is just my personal experience. This is a method to connect with the system to release the full ability of Drag-Ride that is usually restricted. All Drag-Ride, in order to avoid excessive burden to the user’s body, stamina, and mental──the Drag-Ride’s performance is usually not fully accessible. A Drag-Ride in a state where this limiter is fully released is called the Awakened State, the mention of this was written in the ancient text from Ruin. But, no matter which country, including the new kingdom, none has reached the stage where they can make a practical use of it.」

The theory was understandable.

Even in horse-riding, there was example of case where someone died from fatigue due to the distance and time traveled.

Surely it would be impossible to use Drag-Ride stably when the system to reduce burden toward the Drag-Knight was removed.

「You can close the system mode now. The input of the code to release all the ability limiter from there can be performed using mind control operation through the Sword Device but, don’t you dare test it yet okay?」

Just as Lisha said, when he cut off the mind control operation that he was doing through the Sword Device, the floating countless letters and graphics vanished, and the Drag-Ride was also turned inactive.

「The limiter release for Divine Drag-Ride is a bit more particular, it’s something delicate you see. Regarding your <Bahamut> too, I’m investigating its limiter release code but, ──it’s dangerous until we fully understand the detail.」

Lisha continued talking with a serious tone.

「I tried it with <Tiamat> around a year ago, but when I released around half of the limiter, I almost died. That’s why until now the use of it is sealed but──」

「Are you, planning to use it from now on?」

「I’m thinking of searching for a good way to release the limiter, so that it can be used somehow. It will be best if we never have to use iit but, nothing will be gained if we are scared to take a step forward.」


The code to surpass the limit of Drag-Ride and evolved it into the awakened state.

Lux was puzzled.

Even though this should be the first time he heard about it, he felt nostalgic somewhere inside himself.

「By any chance, is the selfishness that Lisha-sama mentioned before, is about this?」

Lux recalled what she said to him the day before yesterday and when he asked her,

「N, no, that’s about another matter. It’s something more personal for me should I say……」

Lisha entangled her fingers with each other while fidgeting. She looked hesitating.

After she was acting like that for a while, she opened her mouth with resolve.

「Tha, that──wo, won’t you become my knight!?」


「A, actually……, mother had been saying it to me since long ago. When I graduate from the academy I’ll have to do a lot of public business, so I should have an exclusive attendant as my guard. Until now, I’m opposed to have a male knight assigned to me, so I’ve been turning it down all this time but──」

「Could it be Lisha-sama means me?」

「I, if it’s you, you’re strong, you know about my secret, and most of all, if you will stay by my side──」

Lisha was about to say something, but then her face reddened and she shut her mouth.

Becoming the knight of Lisha who was the princess of the new kingdom.

That invitation that he had never even anticipated caused Lux’s mind to become blank for a moment.

「By any chance, do you, hate it?」

「Tha, that’s not true! It’s an honor, but──」

He was an imperial family member of the old empire.

A criminal that was the last surviving member.

Wouldn’t it be a problem if someone like him was given the position as the knight of the princess?

Besides, the queen, the feudal lords under her command, and many of the people might refuse to acknowledge it.

「I know what you want to say. I also know how difficult it will be to make it reality……. However, I want you to think about it. It’s fine, if you just think about it……」

Lisha finished talking with a tone that vaguely sounded vexed and she averted her face away.

「Yo, you understand now!? You can give me your answer after we return to the academy so, bye!」

Telling him that, Lisha went out of the atelier.

Lux was watching the girl vanished behind the door, and then he stayed unmoving for a while in that place.

「The knight of the new kingdom, of Lisha-sama, is it……」

He didn’t feel bad toward her proposal.

Rather, he felt happy toward the trust and special feeling she directed toward him. But──,

「Do I, have any……qualification for that?」

Lux whispered to himself and looked up to the sooty ceiling.

Before long he noticed that he wouldn’t find the answer quickly. He locked the atelier’s door and he exited the room too.


Part 7

At the afternoon, after the individual’s free practice was over and everyone took lunch at the boardinghouse.

When the members were taking rest after the meal in their own way, it suddenly came.


A small silhouette of ship could be seen from the second floor window of the boardinghouse.

From a glance the ship wasn’t a fishing ship or merchant ship. The crest of the new kingdom was drawn on the sail.

The army shouldn’t be practicing here while Lux and others were doing training camp but──.

「Anyway, I have to tell everyone about this.」

When Lux was about to head toward the living room, the sound of bell could be heard from the lighthouse.

The signal of the bell ringing three times seemed to be the notification of a sudden visitor.

After a while, the large army ship docked at the island’s wharf.

Relie and the selection members gathered. When they arrived at the pier, the visitors had already disembarked the ship.

The old man that was the manager of the port welcomed a middle-aged man wearing noble dress suit and men who seemed to be his subordinates.

「Please pardon my rudeness of coming to visit without any prior notice. My name is Dobar Fest. Please to make your acquaintance from here on.」

He was a man with round and wide body, his head was bald with plentiful of white beard growing on his face.

From a glance he looked like a good-natured elderly man, but Lux felt an impression that the man was vaguely unsettled.

It was a presence unique to an influential person who placed himself in political arena.

「What a surprise, welcome, you’ve traveled for quite the distance. However, what could bring your honor to a far away island like this……?」

The elderly man lowered his head and tilted his head, then this man called Dobar showed a smile.

「Who is this person?」

Krulcifer who was observing the situation from a distance whispered with a low voice.

Lux too wasn’t that knowledgable  regarding the noble of the new kingdom, so he didn’t know about this person, but,

「Marquis Dobar. He can be considered as a distant relative of her majesty the queen of new kingdom Atismata. He was a former military officer of the old empire, after past a certain age he served as a feudal lord of a remote region, but right after the establishment of the new kingdom, it seemed he recommended himself as a candidate for a new consul and returned to the capital along with his knight order. If I remember correctly, right now his official position is as an adviser for the army or something.」

Airi smoothly explained with a flowing tone.

「How detailed, Airi Arkadia. Though I too know as much as his name.」

Celis who was at the head of the selection members said so in admiration, then,

「That’s because the fate of I and Nii-san hang on the current royal family.」

Airi responded like that very seriously.

While Lux was chasing after the 『external』 threat that was Fugil, Airi was making use of her intellect and position to constantly pay attention to the 『internal』──to the domestic affairs of the new kingdom.

What was called as authority was more uncertain than what could be currently seen, it was something precarious.

They didn’t  know when the enemy of the 『survivor of the old empire』 would appear and acted hostilely to them.

It could be imagined from Airi’s words how much meticulous attention she paid toward that aspect.

「He should be considered my relative, but I don’t even remember his name regarding that……. However, why is that kind of guy come to this island right now?」

When Lisha whispered so in irritation, Relie also exchanged a casual greeting with Dobar, and then both of them went together toward where Lux and other were at.

「Oo. It has been a long time, your highness. You’ve grown beautiful. By any chance, do you remember me?」

Dobar first bowed toward Lisha who was a distant relative, and next he turned toward Lux and others.

「Also, all of you are the chosen members with skill that cannot be made light even in the Cross Field──the Syvalles isn’t it? Forgive me for the ruckus I caused this time. Even at the capital I’ve heard about the deeds of arms that all of you have displayed, how all of you made great contribution as Drag-Knight even while still being an officer cadet. This might be an unrelated matter for all of you but, I’m──」

「We know about your identity. There is no need for self-introduction, Marquis Dobar. Rather than that, just what is your business coming here? We’re going to be busy from here on.」

「How rude of me my princess. But, we have not the slightest intention of being a nuisance to the mission of the Syvalles. Rather it’s the opposite──we came here to be of assistance even as meager our capability is.」

When Lisha spoke looking slightly vexed, Dobar showed her a flattering smile.

「Actually, the other day I happened to overhear an information. I understand that in this period of time, a Ruin, the Ark would appear adjacent to this island──. I came here to prepare just in case but, good gracious I’m shocked that it’s actually true.」


Tension ran through all the members who heard that.

The Ruin investigation this time should be a top secret mission from the royal family.

Such thinking also flashed inside Lux’s head for a moment but──,

「The investigation of a Ruin is accompanied with danger. Especially when it come to this time’s investigation where there is a possibility to reach the deepest part that no one has even reached, then it will be even more true. By all means, I wish to be allowed for my elite force to cooperate in this investigation.」

Dobar showed a courteous attitude, but his eyes were alighted with wicked light, there wasn’t any indication at all that he was talking about 『genuine cooperation』.

He was a fellow who lined up plausible reasons to snuggle close to authority and treasure.

If one tried to reach the deepest part of a Ruin, then there was a high possibility that the amount and quality of the treasure would be different from everything of before.

Surely this man had the aim to purely try to embezzle that treasure, but there was also the possibility that he was selling favor here in the name of cooperating with the Ruin investigation, aiming for climbing up in status in the new kingdom.

Although, it was hard to reprimand this arriving noble from their standpoint as fellow people of the new kingdom.

Therefore, everyone, not just Lisha, was unable to say anything, it was then,

「I understand what you are saying.」

Relie made a gentle smile and responded.

「Are you perhaps aware of the pact of Ruin investigation? Regarding a part of the excavated information and treasure, and also things like the appearing Abyss and other phenomenon, it’s necessary to report it to the royal family and other foreign countries.」

「Of course I’m aware. I’m also bringing the investigation rule book and the protocol book. I wish to be allowed for my force to be entrusted with being the advance vanguard and the logistical support by all means.」

There was a shadow behind Marquis Dobar’s statement, but they also couldn’t refuse him out of hand.

Relie who must understood all of that displayed an unfazed smile.

「My thanks for your cooperation. But, this mission is dangerous and yet it’s necessary to be urgent, so even if by any chance the force your honor employed meet a predicament, it’s possible that we won’t be able to assist them. Therefore, I’m thinking if this time we can ask you to have discretion and──」

「I see, haha.」

Dobar grinned and laughed in respond to Relie’s roundabout rejection.

「You don’t need to worry you know, headmaster-dono. The action of my force and the responsibility for that will be wholly taken by me who is commanding them. You don’t need to feel reserved about our cooperation. However, yes──you can just think that the number of helping hand to carry back information and treasure is increasing a little.」

He was talking with a calm tone, but his eyes clearly emitted clear opposition.

「Then, let the both of us give our all for the prosperity of the new kingdom, Dobar-dono.」

「I’ll pray for your success, headmaster-dono.」

At the surface Relie was accepting Dobar’s cooperation, but there were several tacit understanding that was exchanged implicitly.

There was no obligation to help each other, the investigation and excavation would be carried out by their own respective judgment.

That agreement was established right now in this place, it was at that moment──,




A strange mechanical sound resounded throughout the island along with a rumble in the ground that was similar like yesterday.

Sea spray that exceeded the rock cliff was raised and the black Ark ran aground on the shore.

「Oo……! Just as the information said, it looks like it’s approaching even nearer. Then──excuse me.」

Dobar bowed exaggeratedly and left with a quick pace.

Seeing him off, Relie then turned toward the members of Syvalles.

「Sorry you all, we were talking too long.」

「We don’t mind. But headmaster, what are we going to do?」

Celis glanced at the bewildered members and asked Relie.

But, Relie didn’t look worked up. She began to walk with her shoes making steady footstep sound.

「It’s just as all of you saw just now. We the Syvalles will follow our original plan and begin the top secret mission after this. We will do it ahead of anyone else──get it?」

「As I thought, so it’s something like that.」

Celis sighed in understanding.

「Even though we talked about cooperating in the investigation, both our sides won’t interfere with each other. Till the end both sides will carry out their own investigation by their own judgment carrying their own responsibility. In other words──」

「That’s really easy to understand. In short, it’s first come first served right?」

Lisha concluded like that along with a fearless smile.

「Conquering the Ruin faster than that suspicious group and reach the unknown territory, whether we can do that or not──. Originally there should be no reason for fellow people of the new kingdom to compete with each other but, we’ve got to do it.」

Saying that, Lisha directed her confident crimson eyes toward the Ark. Her gaze looked as though she was pointing a sword.

「I guess. At the very least, they don’t show any sign of cooperating with us. I don’t know to what extent those people have hidden intention in this, but that’s the only thing we can be sure on.」

Krulcifer also brushed up her hair with a cool face and agreed with Lisha. Dobar spoke about 『not cooperating』, but it wasn’t because he felt apprehension of the operating getting delayed, but it must be because he wanted to help himself to the treasure.

In that case, they couldn’t lose in this competition.

「Everyone, can you finish preparation for the Ruin investigation in fifteen minutes?」

Celis tensed her expression and she addressed the members.

「We planned for the investigation today to take an hour and a half, but we will alter the time to two hour. We will increase the ration we carry in case of unexpected situation, conversely please decrease the mining tool you carry. We will prioritize our advancing speed and restrain ourselves from recovering treasure, and calculate our route based on that. Is that fine, headmaster?」

「That’s perfect, Celis-san.」

Relie smiled and said that to Celis who gave out instruction swiftly.

「Everyone, you are not permitted to be flustered because of competing against their force. The Ruin is a dangerous place, that’s why we should act reliably, please conduct yourself correctly. Understand?」


Everyone nodded toward Celis’s instruction. And then they broke up for the moment.

──And then, fifteen minutes later.

The members of Syvalles had changed into their Drag-Knight suit and finished their preparation. They assembled at the shore area under the lighthouse.


Part 8

「So this is──the Ark.」

There was only one way to board the Ruin──the Ark according to the investigation report of the new kingdom.

By standing at the middle of the circle of ancient letters drawn at the center of the deck, people would be pulled in along with light after staying there for a fixed time.

In short, it was the same transfer system like the Garden.

If there was one thing that was different, it was only that there was just one spot that was the exit and entrance.

The Ark came to a stop in the form of running aground the rocky area nearby the lighthouse──at the eastern part of the Ries Island, so they embarked toward the deck directly by using the leaping power of Drag-Ride.

However, the structure’s size was tremendous. Because it was bigger by several dozen times compared to normal large ship, the Ruin could only be looked down at after climbing up the island’s lighthouse.

「Then let’s go. We will send the signal using dragon voice after confirming that it’s safe.」

First three people including Celis observed the Ruin from the sky above, then they sent the signal that it was safe to board.

And then, the following members flew or jumped and they boarded above the deck one after another.

「Nii-san. It’s time, please.」

Airi who was waiting nearby looked up to Lux and said that to him.

Relie and Airi who wasn’t Drag-Knight would come along and enter the Ruin because there was a lot of Drag-Knight to be their guard and in order to investigate the inside of the Ruin in detail.

Of course because there would be danger, Lux told them not to come, but Airi said 「I’m not a child」 and volunteered herself.

「Ah, yes. But, I’ve never really fly while carrying someone so……. That’s, be careful.」

「Nii-san’s feeling toward me will be in question depending on how you do.」

Air showed a mischievous smile and said bluntly.

Lux smiled wryly at Airi’s words and he flew with her in his arms.

That act in itself was extremely skillful but──,


When the spacious deck and circle pattern that were several dozen times of the normal ship came into view, even more different thing entered their sight.

What they caught sight of was that Marquis Dobar and the private force he owned.

「With this both sides has their force assembled. It looks like by chance both of us happen to be here at the same timing, so I believe we should enter at the same time……. Is that fine with you, your honor?」

「But of course. If we can enter a Ruin along with Cross Field’s Syvalles, then there will be nothing more reassuring than that.」

Marquis Dobar nodded pleasantly toward the invitation of Headmaster Relie who was standing in the middle of the circle pattern.

Even though Dobar and others should be the one that departed later, and yet they were already here. It looked like they were going to charge in without even any sufficient preparation but,

「Looks like the force of marquis-sama arrived here only just now. Looks like those people are also quite crafty in their doing.」

Krulcifer who was observing the course of events from distance whispered in a low voice.

「You mean those people also came here with their preparation completely in order?」

「It’s not that kind of proper reason.」

Krulcifer shook her head toward Lux’s question.

「Regarding the Ark, there is only one entrance and exit based on is known. ──That means that in case there is a swarm of Abyss gathering inside at the transfer destination, it will suddenly become an all-out battle. The enemy’s number, type, and also the terrain condition won’t be able to be predicted. If we fall into such situation, then even if we don’t get annihilated, there will be a great chance that it will become hindrance to our later deployment.」

「Then, that means they were waiting here for us to arrive?」

「Yes. Let alone being the advance vanguard, their tactic is to make us become the advance vanguard for them instead. We ran into them here must be because of bad luck. Of course the headmaster also notice this.」

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Krulcifer’s matter-of-fact consideration caused Lux to leak out a sigh.

Relie said that their side was comprehensively superior than Dobar’s force, but if they let their guard down the other side might reach the deepest part ahead of them.

Lux judged it to be so and he tensed himself.

「But, for them to try to make us be the advance vanguard, means that those bunches aren’t that strong right? Then there is no problem. I’ll let loose for the first time in a while.」

Lisha grinned and she moved her mixed Drag-Ride that was the combination of two type of Drag-Ride, the <Chimeric Wyvern> to show off.

This time it seemed to be a new type that was the fusion of <Wyvern> and <Drake>, it was a specification that was suited for the mission this time where they would search and investigate inside a ship where there would be many passage.

「Airi……. Be careful okay?」

「I understand. Noct is planning to accompany me to protect me, but it’s fine even if Nii-san is a bit concerned for me you know?」

She must be uneasy entering a ruin with her flesh body, but she pretended to be tough instead.

Lux had a complicated feeling seeing her sister who pretended to be all right in this kind of time so as to not worry him.

Right after that, the circle where Lux and other were standing on was tinged with faint light.

「……Everyone! Is your preparation all right?」

When Celis raised her voice as the group leader, the members put themselves on guard reflexively.

Right after that, blinding light pillar rose up high to the sky, and Lux’s field of vision was enveloped in white.


Part 9


Such sound of water hit the ear the moment they came to.

After a lapse of awareness that was only for a few seconds, when they noticed, Lux and others were standing in a dim place.

There wasn’t any cover or anything nearby. Humid air was filling the surrounding.

The surrounding was dim, there were only bluish white strange light that dotted the surrounding bit by bit.


The ground was bobbing up and down, and also perhaps when they were taken in the air above the deck was also brought together with them, because the peculiar smell of seashore stabbed the nose.

(Besides, what’s this? This presence……)

There was one more thing, a disquieting presence of something that Lux sensed. He quickly moved to the side of Airi who wasn’t wearing any protection.

「Noct, can you do it?」

When Sharis raised a tensed voice inside the dim space,

「Yes, my lord. Confirming the reaction of Abyss organism using the <Drake>, please wait for a bit.」

Noct and other member who were wearing a special type Drag-Ride, <Drake> were carrying out enemy search and confirmed the safety of the surrounding.

After that, when each Drag-Ride turned on their search light, the surrounding was illuminated brightly and the sight inside the ship became clear.

Syvallesmembers who had secured their field of vision were about to let out a sigh of relieve, it was then──,


「Wa, wait, just what is……, this?」

The eyes of the girls were opened wide in surprise, and their body that were clad with armor were was trembling.

Lux also felt the same, but he immediately changed his thought.

「What, is this……?」

Lisha who confirmed her vicinity a bit delayed knitted her brows after seeing that sight.


There were depression here and there, a large amount of inorganic substance smashed and scattered apart.

Due to the countless rubbles with incomprehensible shape, there wasn’t even any place for their feet to step on.

「According to the document, this space is called the lounge. For now it looks like we have accomplished our first objective of entering safely.」

Airi looked around timidly while informing the other that.

The structure of the third Ruin, theArk was comparatively easy to understand.

The only facts that had been proved was that this Ruin was divided into eleven level, there were stairs that continued to the next level located at the bow and the stern of the ship, from the investigation, the floor where they were transported into from the deck was numbered as the first floor, while the lower floor after it was the second floor, and so on.

Although there would also be a lot of fork road midway, there was basically stairs that connected to the upper and lower level in each floor.

「It’s great that all of us are safe, headmaster.」

Dobar and his private forces called out to them from slight distance away.

「It seems that the trace of fighting of the ancient time is remaining here. Let us both be careful.」

「Yes, may the fortune be with you.」

After Relie returned a smile. Dobar bowed with「Well then」 and left with his men.

Similarly, Lux and others who confirmed the presence and safety of all the members also started their march.

In order to shoulder the role of exploration, enemy search, and lighting the path, two <Drakes> and three other Drag-Rides were kept as they were, while the remaining members desummoned their armor.

This was a method to preserve their stamina while marching in shift.

「Well, I understand that this is a safe plan but, how should I say it, this is really sluggish ain’t it, going slowly like this.」

Tillfur who was wearing <Wyrm> were grumbling from the tediousness.

Her job was to remove the rubbles using her Drag-Ride’s power and secured the route, but it seemed she was tired of that and felt annoyed.

「It can’t be helped. There is a chance that Abyss or trap is hidden under the rubbles.」

Sharis immediately soothed her. Noct also sent a glance to Tillfur.

「Yes. The <Drake> is recording the shortest route that has been confirmed as safe, so when we come here next all of us will be able to wear our Drag-Ride and advance several dozen times faster.」

「We are moving to the stern from the first floor’s lounge. There are several area midway, but a lot of the wall is destroyed, so the path become hard to comprehend.」

Airi who was memorizing the Ruin’s information was giving explanation sometimes while moving her legs.

And then, Lux was worried about Philuffy who was walking beside him.

「Philuffy. Is your body all right? You aren’t tired?」


The answer from Philuffy that was said with her usual expressionless face was hard to read whether she was saying the truth or not.

After they were walking forward silently, at the stern of the first floor──they found the stair that continued to the second floor and they went down.

Even though the level was changing, the scenery was basically unchanging.

The bluish white lighting, the dimness of the area, and the dreadful trace of destruction were also the same like before.

Marquis Dobar said that it was the traces of the battle from the ancient time but──.

「Lux-kun, do you notice? This trace of destruction.」

「Yes……. Somehow, but──it looks new isn’t it?」

Lux nodded in return toward the whisper of Krulcifer who was walking beside him.

Lisha who was walking in the lead heard that and she turned around.

「What is it?」

「Don’t mind us. Right now it’s still just a conjecture.」

「Don’t leave me in suspense like that! You make me excessively curious here you know!?」

Lisha spontaneously flared up at Krulcifer, it was then,

「Everyone, please stop.」

Airi’s voice that was tinged with nervousness made everyone held their breath.

「This is……?」

When the light from Noct’s <Drake> shined forward, there was a huge space before their eyes.

The surrounding was covered with something that looked like hard glass, with half-dome ceiling.

It was a boundary that displayed that from here on ahead was a completely different domain.

「What’s this? Is it a room or something?」

「This is a section that is called as Biome Sphere. It looks like it’s running an independent ecosystem, as though it’s a natural forest. Although……」

Airi was explaining with an ancient text in one hand, however at the end her word turned ambiguous.

The answer was apparent from a glimpse.

「Looks like there was a really fierce battle at the past. Besides, it seems that the functions of the Ruin that maintain this ecosystem are completely suspended.」

When Krulcifer whispered so, Lisha also nodded and she raised her voice.

「Noct, can you see any sign of enemy nearby?」

「No. I have been turning my range for enemy search to maximum since some time ago, but there is no presence of Abyss. The force of Marquis Dobar is located around 300 mel ahead at a different route.」

「Looks like those were advancing quickly, but I think we can overtake them soon.」

Relie who heard that let out a sigh of relieve,

「But, from here on is where it really start.」

She stared at the Biome Spehere spreading before their eyes and continued with that sentence.

The devastated state of the ecosystem increased the complexity of the path. Added with the rock, soil, and the uneven ground, it was like there was a natural labyrinth blocking the way of the intruder.

And then, the vegetation that were growing densely and abundantly turned into a shade. They couldn’t even see several dozen mel ahead of them.

「Looks like it will take time to search for the correct path from here on ahead. If there is no sign of Abyss, I think that we should split to search though──」

「Guess so. Then for now let’s split into a team of three or four people and begin exploring to four directions. If anyone find something, send contact using dragon voice. Okay?」

Relie agreed with Krulcifer’s suggestion and the members formed their own team.

They grouping was decided beforehand based on the number of people. Lux, Noct, and Airi were in one group.

「Take care of me, Noct.」

「Yes. I judged that being grouped with Lux-san is a really fortunate event. It’s me that should ask you to take care of me.」

Noct bowed with a bob of her head, her expression calm as usual.

Lux was wearing <Wyvern> while Noct was wearing <Drake>.They advanced ahead in order to guard Airi.

Lux was the eldest person present, so he took a deep breath to fire himself up, it was then,

「Nii-san. Please don’t lay your hand on my roommate too just because there is no one else around okay?」

「No, why are you talking as though I’m always wooing girl!?」

「Yes. I understand Airi’s feeling that is worried that your brother might be taken from you by everyone, but I judged that your statement just now is only a needless anxiety.」

「Wai-……, please don’t say something strange so suddenly Noct!」

Not minding Airi who was unusually flustered, Noct continued.

「Surely Lux-san is not seeing me as a girl. I’m someone who is expected to serve Baltshift family after I graduate. Something like love is inconsequential, but for me to be outside being a target of love already in this age, is a bit depressing. Haa……」

She sounded a bit like she was reading in monotone, but it was also rare for Noct to talk in pessimism like that, so Lux got driven by guilt.

「Tha, that’s not true. I think that Noct is also really cute……」

「……Is that so? Then more specifically, from Lux-san’s point of view, which part of me is charming?」

「E, err, that……. Well, the line from your collarbone until your chest, is really──」

「Nii-san……do you remember what I just talked about?」

When Lux said that while looking at Noct in her suit, Air retorted with a chilly expression.

「Yes. I think that Lux-san ought to be a bit more careful when dealing with female. That way of praising that feels indecent, Lux-san might get accused as someone obscene and get tricked by someone because of it.」

「Even though I did my best to give praise, you are picking fault on it, and on top of that you also tricked me-!?」

Lux plainly felt shocked from being toyed around by a girl who was his junior and he hung his head down.

Beside him Airi was,

「I’m relieved in a sense. Usually Nii-san was praised to the sky of how cool you are, but as I thought Nii-san is someone like this in truth.」

Like that, she was somewhat in acceptance.

(Fo, for some reason I’m feeling very vexed……-! She is hitting right on the mark……)

Lux was anguished so inside his heart, it was then,


He noticed Noct was watching over Airi who was walking beside her with a small smile on her lips.

『Can we talk for a bit?』

『……? What business do you have, to use dragon voice in this kind of distance?』

The dragon voice was a communication method through the medium of Drag-Ride.

When Lux sent dragon voice limited to Noct beside him, she sent back a questioning voice to him.

『Don’t tell me, Lux-san is going to secretly sent me an obscene verbal abuse that you cannot say in front of Airi──!』

『That’s not it-!? Just how indecent of a person I am!?』

『Yes. I know. Lux-san is quite an indecent person despite your face that looks harmless, but I don’t think that you have that kind of guts.』


As always it felt like he was being toyed around by Noct, but he somehow endured it and continued his words.

『That……thank you. You were intentionally making cheerful talk for the sake of Airi who is uneasy because this is her first time exploring a Ruin right?』

Thereupon, Noct showed an amazed face for a moment as though she was taken by surprise, but,

『No. That’s not it. I was merely wanting to make fun of Lux-san. That’s why, I think there isn’t any need for me to be thanked.』

Her expression immediately returned to her usual composed face and she answered like that.

Even so Lux said his thanks with a smile.

『It’s really a big help, Noct.』

Noct was denying about her consideration toward Airi must be because of her pride as someone who descended from a lineage of attendant family.

Covering up for the master and guest without being noticed was the family precept of Noct’s family. It was something that Lux remembered hearing from Tillfur who was also of the Triad.

『I only need to be appreciated by my master, so it’s unnecessary for Lux-san to be concerned of me.』

Noct replied like that through the dragon voice with her usual calm tone.

『I see.』

『──But, a part of me that is outside my position, feels just a bit happy hearing those words.』

But, she gave such respond to Lux while showing a faint smile.

『If Lux-san become my employer, it looks like it will be difficult to act in a casual manner isn’t it?』


『I’m joking. Rather than that──』

Suddenly the presence of Noct who was walking beside him changed.

「Please stop, both of you.」

Noct used her physical voice this time to let out a voice that was tinged with tension.

Airi backed away while Lux readied his blade and stepped forward, then,

「It’s not Abyss……but, under the rubbles a few hundred mel ahead from here, there is a human-like shape present there. There is no heat or movement reaction, perhaps it’s some kind of trap……, it can also be something like that.」

「Got it. I’ll go look.」

Lux didn’t wait for any reply and flew his <Wyvern>.

If it was by any chance a corpse, he didn’t want to show it to Airi──but,


Lux who lifted up the huge rubble doubted his eyes reflexively.

That human shape which was laying down on the ground was beautiful.

It was a green haired girl wearing a dress with strange silver lines. She was lying down as though she was sleeping.

She looked like she was around eleven or twelve years old, her figure was young and petite.

Her well-ordered feature, combined with her silently closed pair of eyes made Lux vaguely felt a mystique atmosphere from the girl.

Of course, her clothes and skin were dirtied with mud, showing how long the years had passed for the girl, even so she looked so beautiful it was unthinkable that she had died.

And then there was a mechanical decoration that was designed like bunny ears on her small head.

「Is everything all right, Lux-san?」

While Lux was staring at the girl half in a daze, Noct and Airi caught up with him.

「This is……!? This child, what on earth──」

As expected even Airi seemed to have no clue, she was speechless after catching the sight of the girl.

Under the bluish white lighting that was like the moonlight, that place was filled with silence for a while, but,

「Noct, is Krulcifer-san’s group nearby?」

「There is reaction in the location 200 mel from here. It seems she is not wearing <Fafnir>, but it’s possible to contact here if I send dragon voice to the member in her group.」

「Thank you. Can you call her for me?」

「Roger. ──But, why her?」

Noct was having a bit of doubt even while she was quickly taking action. To that Lux,

「Just a bit of something……」

He returned an ambiguous reply.

<Fafnir> came flying in less than a minute after Noct sent the communication.

Perhaps it should be said as expected from a user of a Divine Drag-Ride, she came flying in high speed through dark path where the ceiling was low and trees and rocks were lined up.

「You said that you found something mysterious but,what is it I wonder?」

As soon as Krulcifer who finally arrived saw it, her usual cool voice vanished.

「This is……. No, this child is?」

「We don’t know. But, I thought that if it’s Krulcifer-san who has seen the Ruin in Ymir, then you might know something……」


Krulcifer stiffened with her gaze still fixed seriously on the girl.

Her reaction was understandable, Lux thought.

For Krulcifer whose origin was from a Ruin, this girl might be her brethren that she was unable to find throughout all these long years.

This was her first time seeing with her own eyes that body existing for real.

「Even the ancient text I am translating doesn’t record the existence of someone like this. What do you think, Krulcifer-san?」

Airi who had been pondering until now seemed to grow restless and asked that.

「It’s dangerous.」

Suddenly such whisper leaked out from Krulcifer’s mouth.

「The two of you, can you join up with the group I was with before? There is a chance you can get entangled into danger by staying here.」


Krulcifer’s face returned to her usual expression. Her long beautiful hair shook and she continued.

「In the past, I heard about a story that there might be human shaped trap in the Ruin of Ymir. I’ll try to examine this girl right now, but if a battle ensued, it will be difficult to protect you.」

「……I understand.」

Having been told that, Airi left that place together with Noct even though she looked reluctant.

After the figure of the two completely vanished, Lux raised her face.

「Krulcifer-san. What you said just now──」

「Yes, of course it’s a lie.」

Krulcifer said nonchalantly.

She was a girl who originated from a Ruin. She was someone who was standing in a peculiar position. Her true identity couldn’t be exposed that lightly toward anyone.

If that secret was leaked out from somewhere, then fellows who would try to use her existence would appear and she would get aimed at, just like how Lux’s secret as the Black Hero was.

He didn’t think that Airi and Noct would blab, but there was also a precedent like the existence of Saniya in Syvalles, so they couldn’t let their guard down.

「Sorry. Even though I need to pay attention in something like this.」

Lux thought so and he tried to apologize, but then,

「Don’t worry about it. Rather than that, this child……isn’t a human isn’t she?」


Krulcifer told the perplexed Lux with her usual calm and collected expression.

「Of course, she is also not an Abyss. I cannot think of any adequate definition but──」

Krulcifer was caressing the girl’s cheek while talking ambiguously. Right after that, the little girl’s golden eyes opened with a snap.


『Supervisor’s living reaction is confirmed. System reboot.』


It was an inorganic voice that resembled a heavy metallic sound.

At the same time the dress with strange silver lines running through it fluttered and the girl got up.


Lux and Krulcifer who was wearing Drag-Ride reflexively took distance quickly. They readied their respective weapon.

When they directed the greatest vigilance toward the standing up girl,


The girl turned her head left and right restlessly, she was staring at Lux and Krulcifer, then at the completely devastated sight of the surrounding, after that──.


Suddenly the girl fell prostate on the ground.

「I’m sorry. Looks like no one is calling for me here……. Good night.」

「Wait a second!? Why are you collapsing again!?」

「I, I wish you won’t misunderstand, I don’t have any memory at all regarding this disastrous scene. But still, I’ve a hunch that this is surely isn’t my fault, so if possible I want to beg to not get disposed, but just a program correction is─……」

「……She is suddenly starting to shift responsibility. Just who in the world this girl is?」

Krulcifer turned toward the girl with a questioning expression, then,

「Eh……? By any chance, you don’t know about me, Xfer(Key’s Supervisor)-sama?」

The girl said incomprehensible thing like that.

「I don’t know. More importantly, what are you? Your name?」

「This is, my deepest apologies. My name is La Cruche. The Gear Leader(Controller) of this Ark. To explain it in an easier to understand term, I am the personification of the system that is governing this facility──an existence that everyone is calling as Automaton. Pleased to make your acquaintance from here on.」

She bowed reverently like a maid that was serving her master.

Judging from her behavior, it seemed the relatives of Krulcifer was in the position as the one who managed the Ruin.

The system’s Automaton that remained inside the Ruin.

Until know they had never heard of such existence in the history of any country.

If this girl’s words were the truth, then this might be the first contact with someone who knew about the history of the ancient era.

「Lux-kun. Perhaps, we are──」


Lux also understood the meaning of Krulcifer’s anxious voice.

The moment he realized that, Lux’s heart was also pounding fiercely.

The existence of Ruin that was mostly wrapped in mystery until now, that mystery might be solved in its entirety right now in this place.

「Then you, you know about everything of the ancient era?」

Krulcifer’s impatient voice shook the forest’s air.


A moment later, the Automaton who introduced herself as La Cruche tilted her head and made a thinking posture.

「Regarding my memory of the past, my deepest apology but──」

Amidst the fierce tension where one hesitated to even breath.

「……It looks like I overslept too much that I seriously forget it. Really, sorry.」

The machine girl said so with a slightly apologetic look, she then bowed her head down.



「Aah, I beg you don’t look at me with that kind of eye. Also please don’t scrap me. I really don’t remember anything. It appears that because of this unknown incident, my memory data was completely blown away temporarily, it’s true!」

La Cruche desperately made excuse after seeing Krulcifer’s chilly gaze.

They didn’t really understand, but it seemed this girl also had personality, or the concept to protect herself at the very least.

「We don’t have any such intention, but we want to question you a little.」

After letting out a little sigh, Krulcifer questioned La Cruche, and La Cruche answered her.

First, the girl was the Gear Leader of the Ark and an Automaton. She was connected to the central of this Ruin and it was possible for her to manage the Ruin.

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She recognized Krulcifer as an Xfer(Key’s Supervisor) that was the constructor of the Ruin, and she was intending to obey Krulcifer’s will and command.

And then the last, because of the impact from the incident that occurred in this Ruin at the past, La Cruche confessed that it seemed she lost her past memory.

「Forgive me. Originally as the Gear Leader, I should be able to connect to the central right away if the main unit is safe, and from there it’s possible to recover my memory but……」

The girl exaggeratedly prostrated herself and apologized.

「I can mostly imagine the cause. Most likely it’s the same cause that make this room dimly lighted like this, the majority of the Ark’s function right now is being suspended, is that it?」

「Tha, that’s right. As expected from Xfer-sama. You are not only beautiful, but you are also really wise.」

La Cruche’s rabbit-like ears were moving twitchily and she jumped on the spot.

Krulcifer who saw that made a slightly wry smile and she patted the girl’s head.

「I don’t need flattery. I still don’t understand what kind of relationship ought to exist between us, but you can talk to me more casually you know?」

「Those words are too good for me. Then, while presumptuous for me, I wish to express an advice so you can become more beautiful. Xfer-sama is a bit too thin. I think that if you eat a bit more meat, then a part of that humble body of yours might be improved──」

La Cruche spoke with a cheerful smile, but it felt like the air suddenly froze and cracked.

「…………. Come to think of it, in the end you don’t know about anything essential aren’t you? In other words even if you are destroyed here, it won’t be any inconvenience for us──is my understanding correct?」

「My, my deepest apologies-!? I have only this one personality, so if it’s possible that I can receive mercy──」

(S, so, Krulcifer-san is actually bothered about that……)

Seeing the chilly smile Krulcifer displayed, Lux swore inside his heart to absolutely not touch about this kind of topic with her.

「And, what should we do to restore that thing you called the central system?」

「Ye, yes. By going to the control room area and have Xfer-sama authenticated there, it’s possible to give out the restoration command after that.」

「Where is that place called control room area located?」

Lux held his breath while waiting for the answer that Krulcifer asked dispassionately.

「Everything is located right before the deepest level of the Ark in the underground eleventh level, the tenth level──if we can go there, we will understand everything.」

La Cruche reverently bowed her head and declared.


Part 10

「Does that kind of girl really exist? I cannot believe it right away.」

An hour after Lux and Krulcifer parted from the Automaton(La Cruche).

After exiting the Biome Sphere, everyone reached the sixth floor. After that they returned to the surface before the sunset.

They encountered and fought Abyss only two times since they infiltrated the Ruin until they reached the sixth floor. The Abyss was in the weak category, so their advance was favorable.

After that, they had dinner early. In the information report meeting they carried out in the boarding house, Lux and Krulcifer informed Relie about La Cruche.

「Her appearance is like a girl, but she is undoubtedly a doll that was created by the ancient technoloqy. She──La Cruche herself is the Gear Leader of the Ark, so she cannot get out of the Ruin thoughtlessly, that was what she said.」

It seemed that it would be possible for her to come out once the Ruin’s system was restored, but at the present time it was impossible so they parted for the moment.

However, they had arranged for a place and time to meet again, so there should be no problem to reunite with her.

「And──where is that girl right now?」

「I told her to hide in a room at the sixth floor’s residential area, because it feels like it will become complicated if she meet with Marquis Dobar’s group.」

「I see……. It’s fine if we can meet her tomorrow but, if possible I wanted to see her today.」

「The Ruin’s Automaton huh, it’s really interesting that there is even the existence of machine doll.」

Continuing after Relie, Lisha muttered so.

「But, according to the story of Lux-kun and Krulcifer-missy, what the girl know is few anyway until we recover her memory, right? It’s better like this rather than having everyone gathering there and barraged the girl with question instead.」

The leader of the Triad, Sharis concluded like that in the end.

Their objective this time was reaching the deepest floor in the end.

Seeing how La Cruche lost her memory, it was pointless to investigate about her until they reached the control room area and restored the system.

「At any rate, today is reeeally tiring. The training was hard, then strange people also came, and the Ruin investigation is wearing down the nerve──」

When Tillfur fell prostrated on the table and grumbled like that, the headmaster Relie lifted her face.

「Then, the sun has also set while we were talking, how about we have the fun talk now?」

「What is it now headmaster? I’m already at my limit here……. After this I also have my personal work so──」

Perhaps because they were always hearing troublesome talk from Relie, Lisha was being alert toward her.

「My? So you are going to abstain? That’s too bad. Even though we finally can enter the island’s hotspring──」

When Relie said that mischievously, the fatigued everyone got excited a moment later.


「Eeeeeeeh!? Is that true-!?」

「If I remember right, it’s reserved just for us right!?」

「We can enter now!? The preparation──」


The selection members raised their voices. Even Celis and Krulcifer’s eyes were secretly shining.

It was difficult to secure fresh water in Ries Island, so there was no bathtub here like in Cross Field. They were basically making do with just wiping their body so far, but as expected, for girls their age taking bath was something they really had zest for.

Especially when it was entering a hot spring. In the new kingdom few people had such experience.

「I understand your feeling, but calm down a little. Even here all of you are the students of the Royal Officer Academy you know? Please act more gracefully like a noble lady.」

Relie said that to the excited girls and calmed them down.

(I think that Relie-san is the one who is acting not like a headmaster the most though……)

Lux wanted to say that, but he somehow endured it and listened to the talk.

It seemed that the maintenance work of the hot spring that was carried out since the day they arrived at the island had finished just now.

It was fully reserved for them, so after this everyone would go to enter it right away but──,

「Lux-kun. Can I talk with you a bit?」

When the girls were heading to their shared room in order to prepare entering the bath right away, Relie was staying behind by herself and called out to Lux.

「Eh? Relie-san isn’t going to enter after this?」

「I’ll do that later. This training camp is a rare chance, so I want them to enjoy themselves without an adult present. Or else──, does Lux-kun want to enter together with me?」

「Look here……」

Seeing Lux’s troubled face, Relie let out a small chuckle.

Her teasing him like this hadn’t changed since the past.

「This is a special request to protect everyone. It’s great that the hot spring can be entered, but there is something a bit troubling too.」

「Something troubling?」

「Yes, can you come with me for a bit? I’ll explain your special job.」


Part 11

Ten-odd minutes later.


Such water sound shook the night air of the quiet Ries Island.

White vapor enshrouded the surrounding area, the sound of waves that could be heard from afar brought small elegance with it.

The selection members added with Airi numbered twelve people in total. They soaked inside milky white hot water together.

The maintenance and the management of the hot spring was difficult, so it was left alone for a while, but thanks to the workers Relie brought with her, the hot spring was completely put in order.

The place was cramped but there was also washing place, the surrounding was fenced with high board fence.

The color of the hot spring’s hot water made it difficult to see through, but Lisha entered the hot water with a towel wrapped around her waist so that the mark on her abdomen wouldn’t get seen.

「Haaa. It’s different from the bath in the girl dormitory, there is the feeling of liberation with the sky visible like this.」

Tillfur who wrapped her hair with towel without even trying to hide her nakedness muttered in satisfaction.

「Yes. This is the first time I enter a bath like this, this is really interesting.」

When Noct muttered back in response, her classmate Airi smiled too,

「You’re right. Though everyone’s style is nice, so it’s a bit embarrassing……」

She said that while pressing her reserved breast.

「Fuh, the youth of the juniors is really envious isn’t it, Celis?」

When Sharis muttered that with deep feeling, beside her Celis made a doubtful face.

「I think that you are usually acting relatively childish though……」

「Oh, now you’ve said it. Then I’ll fool around like a kid! Eat this, how’s that!」

「Please stop! Our juniors are watching!」

Celis struggled and brushed away the hand of Sharis who moved to touch her breast.

Krulcifer watched that while saying 「How lively」 with a smile.

「──But, he is a bit pitiful. Although it can’t be helped, he has to enter alone later.」

When Krulcifer whispered with slight sympathy entering her voice, Tillfur nodded behind her.

「I guess. ……But see, I feel sorry for Lux-chi, but there is also some talk we can do because there is no boy nearby right?」


Several students including Krulcifer reacted toward that suggestive statement, then,

「Yosh! Then, because this kind of chance rarely come, how about we open up a confession convention, about how does everyone think about Lux-chi!?」


Everyone who was soaked in hot water stiffened from hearing Tillfur’s suggestion.

「Then, I’ll start as the one who suggested it. Nnn, Lux-chi really feels like a great prince I think. His manner is pleasant. Then even though he is an imperial family member of the old empire, he ain’t putting on air at all. Also……well, ain’t matter! Yes, next person please!」

For some reason Tillfur words were ambiguous at the end before she moved the talk toward Noct beside her.

Noct stared still doubtfully at Tillfur for a while, but she was helpless against the stare from the surrounding and she nodded.

「Yes. I guess so. I think that Lux-san is a really interesting person. Normally he is someone whose position will make you hesitate to call out to him, but when you are beside him, for some reason you will want to call out to him.」

「Hee, even Noct who looks like she don’t have any interest at boy is conscious toward him too?」

Sharis who soaked in hot water with her upper body above the water surface said that to Noct teasingly, but,

「I will be lying if I say that I’m not somewhat interested as a person, but in the first place I don’t understand about the emotion of love itself.」


「That means, that you’re expecting for an impetus from here on, is that it?」

「By the way what about Sharis?」

Against Noct’s counterattack, Sharis pffted and her cheeks loosened,

「Right. The first time I met him, I only saw that he has cute face but……, right now he is a junior that is worthy of trust. It will be fun if a child like him is my little brother.」

After she asserted so with an earnest tone, she directed her eyes toward everyone around.

「Well then, that’s all from us. How about we now listen from the main cast? First is, Krulcifer-missy.」

Krulcifer who soaked in hot water at slight distance away slowly raised her face toward that question.

「it feels like you three were also avoiding the crucial part but, ……well, it’s fine. Regarding about how do I feel about him, I don’t need to use that many words to express my feeling.」


Sharis showed her interest.

「Wha, what does that mean Krulcifer!? Don’t tell me, you are still thinking about things like wanting to become Lux’s lover or something──」

Lisha who soaked in another spot cut in with her yell.

「He is someone important for me. I also want him to feel the same about me. That’s all.」

Krulcifer asserted that with a cool face.

「Uwaaa. Krulcifer-san, that’s really adult……」

Tillfur muttered that. The expression of everyone around was also in a daze for some reason.

「And you, how do you feel I wonder, about him?」

When Krulcifer moved the talk to Lisha, Lisha quickly dipped herself into the water until her shoulder. She then entangled her fingers fidgetingly while her cheeks were blushing red.

「E, even if you ask me how do I feel……. That, my feeling swell up when he is staying at my side, and when he praise me, I feel like, really happy……. He is a man that make me want to work hard, like, because I want to experience that feeling more──」

「Somehow, it’s us who is listening that get embarrassed, when hearing that kind of speech……」

When Airi whispered so with a complicated look, beside her Noct turned her gaze to Airi.

「As the one closest to him, what does Airi think?」

「For me, Nii-san is Nii-san. He is my only blood relative, so I don’t have any special feeling or anything like that about it.」

Airi answered like that without hesitation toward the question from Noct.

「But, recently Nii-san get overestimated a little bit too much. Even though setting aside his strength, he is actually a really clumsy and introverted person……. As his little sister, I feel a little complicated in regard to that.」

「Even though it’d be better if you just honestly say that you don’t wanna him to get taken away.」

「Tha, that, the next person──what about Celis-senpai?」

When Tillfur spoke teasingly like that, Airi moved the talk toward Celis in hurry.

「I, I also need to speak!? Tha, that, cannot be permitted……! This training camp is something important for the sake of the international tournament, so I think we ought to take our bath quietly and restore our energy.」

「Celis. Your opinion is correct, but don’t you think that you are setting a bad example to our juniors if you say that after listening to everyone’s talk until this far? As the leader of Syvalles, I think the correct attitude here is to take up the gauntlet fair and square.」

「Ah, uu……」

When Celis was hesitating to say from Sharis’s retort,

「That’s right! Please tell us!」

「It’s unfair if it’s only captain Celis who doesn’t talk!」

The members called out like that one after another.

「The, then just for a little……. He is a really reliable boy, so, it’s like I want to know more about him──. Incidentally I also want to take the opportunity to be taught a lot regarding boy. For the sake of my growth too……」


The girls went silent for a while after hearing Celis squeezing out those words timidly,

「I really misjudged you Celis. For you, the captain to make that kind of erotic confession is──」

「Ho, how do you perceive it like that-!? I’m just, for the sake of everyone」

「Yes. Captain Celis is only being a bit self-unaware. If the other party isn’t Lux-san, then she might have really indecent thing done to her already a long time ago.」

While the talk was suddenly tinged with such fever, Lisha’s gaze suddenly turned toward Philuffy’s absentminded face.

「Come to think of it, what about you? Other than the little sister, it’s only you who know about Lux in the past, right?」


Toward that question, Philuffy held back from speaking for a while,

「Lu-chan is, Lu-chan you know?」

She declared like that with a serious face.

「No, not that. In other words, that……I’m asking what kind of feeling you’re harboring toward Lux──」

When Lisha continued asking with an exasperated face,


Such sound from a bush suddenly came into hearing. Everyone ducked their body into the water and raised their vigilance.

The hot spring’s surrounding was half covered with fence, while the other half was surrounded with boulders, but someone could come closer from outside.

Of course there was rope stretched around the area with notice board that it was forbidden to enter, to clear out the people but──.

「I don’t think that anyone will come here but, would it be better if we prepare some kind of countermeasure?」

Celis grabbed a stone the size of a person’s head, her voice tone was tinged with tension. But Krulcifer stopped her.

「It’s fine. If it’s just a simple peeping tom, then he surely will do something about it.」


The moment Lisha tilted her head, the dull scream of a man could be heard.


Part 12

Around the time Lisha and others who were in the middle bath heard a man’s scream, there was a battle ensuing at a road inside the forest that led toward the hot spring’s fence.

「Guaah……! I, it was my bad! Let go of me……」

「I cannot. Please be quiet……. And done.」

Lux kept his hold on the hands of the young man while tying the man’s feet and hands with a rope, binding him on the nearby tree.

A while after that when Lux returned to his given position, he let out a small sigh.

「Fuu……. It’s the eleventh people with this……」

Lux’s special mission that was given by Relie was to catch the men of this island who came to peep.

Because half of the hot spring was surrounded by boulders, this was the only path that led toward the fence.

But even after Relie told him that, Lux was half in doubt whether anyone would really come in this island with its small population, but in the end his prediction was greatly betrayed.

Perhaps there was islander who excelled in information gathering, or perhaps it was because in this small island any happening would immediately get told to the nearby people, because a lot of people starting from a young man around Lux’s age, a middle aged merchant, a carpenter in the prime of his life, and even a white haired old man gathered in this place.

Even Lux had accumulated considerable training in hand-to-hand combat, so he somehow managed to apprehend everyone, but,

「Oi you! I don’t know who you are! But, are you fine with this-!?」

The captured young man around Lux’s age yelled toward Lux while still being tied to the tree.

「What do you mean by that?」

Even though Lux didn’t need to respond, but he replied back honestly.

「You, you must be a staff of the academy……, but you’re a man right!? Just what are you thinking not peeping using this chance of your lifetime huh-!?」

「……No, that’s a crime.」

Lux answered properly after thinking about it for a moment.

By the way, perhaps because the surrounding was dark, it seemed the man didn’t notice Lux’s hair and eye color, and also the criminal choker on his neck, and the man didn’t notice that Lux was the chores prince.


「That’s right-! When I was young, I climbed down the rock cliff naked, I went to peep even with my life in danger……」

The white haired old man who heard the young man raised his voice in respond.

「Exactly! Kids these days are pathetic-! Did you lose even your balls just because you have girly looking face huh!?」

The carpenter at the prime of his life also joined in.

「Wai-, please wait a second!? It’s not like I──」

「Oi brat, don’t you want to see the naked body of those young ladies-!? They are the beautiful girls of that academy you know, where the aristocrat daughters are gathered!」

「That’s right, can’t you understand our feeling that is trying to chase after the endless romance-!?」

It was absurd…….

Lux was exasperated, however because he was a man, it wasn’t like he didn’t understand their feeling.

There was still a bit of time for the girls’ turn in the bath.

If he approached until near the wooden fence that surrounded the bath, there would be a crack where he might be able to catch sight of the girls.

And then it was dark inside the forest, it should be difficult for the girls inside the bath to notice him.

「……Wait, just what am I thinking!? No way I can do that!」

Lux who was about to imagine that scene for a moment shook his head flusteredly.

In the first place, this was a request that Relie appointed to him because she said he was someone that could be trusted.

However, when he could listen the voice of hot water and the voice of the girls making merry, he got curious no matter what.

Before Lux went to guard this place, he met Krulcifer and she said to him 『If you want you can enter together with me secretly later you know?』 teasingly, so his feeling was heating up even more.

Surely that was a joke, but it was bad for his heart.


Lux passed the third night of the training camp with his mood in anguish like that.


Part 13

Under the same dark sky of the night.

「……I see, so those bitches already overtook us. That’s unfortunate.」

At the dock of Ries Island, the sound of sea breeze and surging waves could be heard.

In that place far away from the base of Lux and others, there were the figures of Marquis Dobar and his private forces.

「We have no excuse. For us who aren’t used to Ruin investigation, also coupled with our encounter with Abyss, it will be hard to raise our speed further than this.」

A man in the prime of his life who seemed to be the leader of the group made his report quietly.

「I see, it’s something that I have anticipated beforehand. Don’t worry.」

In contrast Dobar showed a large-hearted smile without any sign of impatience.

Dobar’s post in the new kingdom was as an adviser to the military, but he almost had no experience in commanding a real battle.

He was a man who was rising only by buttering up the strong, disdaining the weak, and made liberal use of trickery.

The person himself was almost powerless in using Drag-Ride or battle.

But, the man who was the group’s leader thought that this man’s point of favor was that he understood about that fact

Therefore, even in the mission this time to snatch the treasures of the Ruin, Dobar wasn’t hastily doing anything reckless but──,

「Then, let’s triple our marching speed tomorrow. We will choose only the shortest route that is easy to pass through.」

Dobar showed a smile that filled his whole face which distorted his flabby cheeks.


That very reckless plan caused the leader’s face to cramp.

It was his first time questioning the sanity of his master since he worked for this man named Dobar.

「With all due respect, certainly we will be able to progress faster if we choose the path that is easier to travel. But, doing that will raise our encounter rate with Abyss, if we move in high speed through path where our sight is obstructed, it might cause various incident. With our force’s composition and the troop’s proficiency, our speed today is our limit──」

The leader took a deep breath and objected.

This kind of common sense was applied not only in the Ruin, but also when marching undeveloped area that had wild beast or Abyss living in it. Surely there was no way Dobar didn’t know about that.

Therefore, the leader didn’t understand about the true intention of his master who was trying to force his way.

When everyone present gulped their saliva nervously while observing Dobar’s reaction──,


After a pause of a few seconds, Dobar raised his voice and laughed out.

It wasn’t a crazed laugh, but a bright voice.

The men of Dobar’s private force showed a dubious face, it was then Dobar snapped his finger toward the large ship behind him.

「No, sorry for that. Looks like I surprised everyone a little. Of course, I’m aware of the problem you mentioned. Don’t worry.」

「Then……, our march tomorrow will be the same like today?」

「……No, there is no change in what I said. Triple the speed, just like I said.」

Dobar’s cheerful smile went through a round-about change and his eyes glared fiercely.

「It’s not impossible if the unit’s composition is focused on mobility. For the sake of the new kingdom, no matter what method I have to use, I have to expose the deepest part of the Ruin!」

「Ho, however……. If we are lacking in vigilance and encounter a lot of Abyss or trap, our force might get annihilated. More than this is──」


A dull sound of scraping metals resounded. Dobar’s private force all raised their face.

A square lump of iron was dragged out by a <Wyrm> from the military ship behind, it crossed over the ship and brought to the land.

When the lump of iron was placed above a stand that was attached with pulley and arrived before their eyes, the troops shuddered.

「Oo, it finally arrives. My trump card.」

「Trump card……? Is it a new weapon? Or perhaps──」

The leader felt an air of unrest and reflexively asked that.

That box that could also be called as a lump of iron──.

No, that thing that was encircled by firm lock and chain looked like a cage.

「Open it.」

Dobar didn’t reply and instead gave instruction to the soldier lowering down the cargo.

The thick iron door was opened and the content became clear.

「This is……!?」

The men of Dobar’s private force became speechless after taking a glance.

It wasn’t an armament, it also wasn’t a Drag-Ride, it wasn’t even a weapon.

It was a person.

A shackled black haired girl, her eyes blindfolded, and her body clad in foreign outfit they had never seen before.

Not even caring about the binding that was painful to even look at, the girl’s mouth was smiling.

「Gentlemen, I’ll introduce her. This is the trump card that was hidden by that old Empire Arkadia──she was called the Empire’s Assassin Dagger, the worst and the strongest Drag-Knight.」

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