Episode 3Class Promotion Exam

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Part 1

Those three people were looking down on the ground from the sky.

Light that was faint like candle but wasn’t from flame was illuminating the cold space.

Light images that were like countless small windows were projected on a wall surface inside that unique room.

Four male and female with varying figure were there.

「Is that so……. So Hayes didn’t wait for my awakening.」

A silver haired girl wearing a shining dress as though it was inlaid with gems was whispering so inside the darkness.

There was a huge transparent pillar in front of the girl. That pillar was filled inside with water that was shining bluish white. A naked girl was floating inside the water.

The girl that had the same silver colored hair was hanging her head down. Her body wasn’t even twitching as though she was dead.

When the girl in dress let out a lamenting sigh, a tall man kneeled in front of her.

「The responsibility lies within me who was unable to protect her highness the third imperial princess. Please give me any punishment that you deem fit.」

「I heard the detail from Mishis. The fault doesn’t lie on you. After all that girl, since the past she won’t listen to anyone when she has set her heart on something.」

The girl in dress muttered apathetically as though she wasn’t despondent at all.

Then, the blue haired maid standing by at the back──Mishis vi Exfer lifted her face.

「Her highness the second imperial princess has already blended in as a close aide of a certain country. She told me that when Listelka-sama wake up, she wish you to contact her through me.」

「Is that so, well, surely Aeril has some kind of thinking. Among us that girl is a bit peculiar, but her ideal should be fundamentally the same with us.」

After saying only that, she stood in front of the kneeling man and gently presented her hand.

And then, while her long hair that was dangling until almost reaching the floor swayed, she whispered calmly.

「Please lift up your face Fugil. I am different from Hayes, I wish to borrow your strength. Will you help me, the priestess of oracle?」

「As your will wish it, your highness.」

Fugil smiled fearlessly while bowing. He then took her hand.

Listelka gazed at that affectionately while smiling.

「Thank you. And then let us take back our country together. You who prevented the betrayal toward us the LordCreator and destroyed that clan, saving us, my ──hero」

With that word as the last, the inside of the room was filled with silence.

Only the quiet sound of the Ruin’s working could be heard for a while in that place.


Part 2

「Nn, nn……」

Lux could hear the chirp of small bird.

Warm sunlight was shining in through the room’s old curtain.

The morning at the land of foreign country was just a bit warmer than usual and invited sleepiness, even so a voice from the side awakened Lux’s consciousness.

「Good morning Lux-kun. Was the bed here hard?」

Coral who already woke up at the neighboring bed was wearing short underclothes similar like Lux. For an instant Lux felt his heart throbbed seeing that slender body and androgynous face.

「N, no. I slept well, thank you.」

Lux felt embarrassed when he thought whether his sleeping face was seen. He immediately averted his face while replying back.

「I’m glad. By the way, coffee or tea, which one that you like?」

Coral smiled and asked him that with a friendly tone.

When Lux answered tea, Coral went to the service room and he brought back cups for two people.

「It has been a long time since someone brewed tea for me in the morning.」

Lux muttered while quietly sipping the tea.

「Is that so? As I thought, that’s ──Lux-kun is the one usually brewing it, because of your work then?」

Coral was asking in a bit of roundabout way, perhaps because he was avoiding from mentioning the nickname chore prince.

Lux smiled wryly at Coral’s friendly consideration and he nodded.

「I didn’t do that kind of work that many times, but I like a chore where I can brew tea. When the result comes out good, for some reason it feels good.」

「Aa, that feeling. I also understand that. There is only slight difference, but you can understand right away from the taste and aroma──」

Like that, Lux and Coral had fun talking with each other about trivial daily things.

But, the bell that informed them to wake up immediately rang inside the building and they decided to head to the dining hall in order to take breakfast.

「Ah, sorry. Even though you have exam today, I took your time to prepare.」

「No. Thanks to you I could relax.」

Lux was changing uniform on the spot while replying smilingly.

Lux was worried last night about the matter of Yoruka, but it seemed it was the correct choice for him to receive favor from Coral.

After he was showed the way until the dining hall, Lux parted from Coral for the moment and he joined up with everyone from Academy.

The content of the meal was substantial to some degree, but as expected it was inferior when compared to the meal in the AcademyRoyal Officer Academy.

(Without realizing it my tongue has also become used to luxury huh……)

Lux was thinking about such thing while finishing his meal, then the Triad and Airi came before Lux.

「Morning Lux-chi! Were you lonely last night staying alone? You can come to our room to play you know?」

「Good morning Tillfur. That’s, I’ll just accept your feeling gratefully.」

After Lux smiled awkwardly, the other member of Triad, Sharis smiled to him.

「Fufu, Lux-kun is also the same like usual huh. ──That’s what I want to say, but that absentminded face isn’t like the usual you, you know?」

「Yes. As expected, Lux-san seemed to be worried about Airi. I should have visited to report that she is safe.」

「Thi, this is unrelated with me. Geez……」

Airi who suddenly got the talk directed at her pouted shyly.

It seemed although they had nervousness before the exam, but these girls was still the same like usual.

「Everyone is different from me, you all don’t look nervous.」

「Is that how we look like? Then, my acting skill must have gone up.」

Sharis suddenly smiled and folded her arms after hearing Lux’s words.

‘Eh……?’ When Lux observed the Triad really carefully, Tillfur was vaguely looking fidgety, Noct too looked like usual in a glance, but her expression was a bit stiff.

Furthermore even Sharis who looked composed in a glance also said such thing, so she must be really nervous too.

「We are Middle Class right now, so going up from here is gonna be really difficult right─」

「Well, as SyvallesKnight Order too we are going to lose face if we keep relying on you all the time. Today we are going to do our best──to show result.」

At the end Sharis concluded beautifully like that befitting her status as the leader of Triad.

「It will be fine. Everyone’s strength has been growing up rapidly after all.」

When Lux said that to reassure the three, Airi sighed in exasperation.

「What is Nii-san saying when you are still in Low Class yourself? Surely there won’t be any problem with Nii-san’s practical skill, but if you fail at the written test then it’s hopeless you know?」


Lux flinched from the sharp retort and without paused Airi sidled up on Lux.

「I’m sincerely telling you Nii-san, please don’t do anything that will make you really stand out. After all this country is a place that has discord with the old empire.」

「Right. I understand that.」

「Also, I’m not asking you to force yourself……. But──」

Airi muttered silently and brought her mouth close to Lux’s ear. She then whispered to him.

「If possible, please pay attention to everyone else. After all this seem to be their first promotion exam in foreign country. They too are a bit nervous.」

「Right. I understand.」

Lux immediately gave that response before he suddenly made a smile.

「Even so, it looks like Airi too has returned like usual……I’m a bit relieved.」

「Wha, what are you saying? I’m worried whether Nii-san will do something unneeded and stand out──」

「Sorry to always worry you. But, I’m really thankful.」

「If Nii-san think that then please reflect a bit……」

Airi said that with a small voice and she looked down with her cheeks slightly reddening.

Like that he parted from the Triad and Airi and moved to the designated place outside.

「Well then, from here we are going to move to the written examination venue. Is everyone’s preparation all right?」

Everyone gathered toward the corridor from instructor Raigree’s brief words.

Lux also opened the instruction manual for Drag-Ride and did his last review.

At present Lux’s position was Low Class, but the exam question for promotion to Middle Class wasn’t that difficult.

Although the difficulty level was different in proportion to the Class, the program of this time’s overall exam was something like this in general.

The first exam – the written exam, related to knowledge of things like Drag-Ride’s operating procedure, function, and so on.

The second exam – exam of basic physical strength, from hand-to-hand combat, as well as sword fighting skill and unarmed fighting skill.

The third exam – the exam of practical skill in operating Drag-Ride, regarding the basic operation and its practical application of the type of general purpose Drag-Ride the examinee used.

The fourth exam – the exam of combat practical skill, testing through mock battle the examinee’s tactic and battle strength assuming they were facing against AbyssPhantom Divine Beast.

And then──, the scores from the first until fourth exams would be judged comprehensively, depending on the situation it was also possible for a supplemental exam to be carried out.

Currently, among his close acquaintances, Celis was High Class, while Lisha, Krulcifer, Philuffy, Sharis, Tillfur, and Noct were Middle Class.

Counting out the girls of the raid squad Syvalles, the female students who were participating this time were mostly in Beginner Class, the lowest kind of license, so first they would aim to be promoted to Low Class.

Regarding this time’s first exam──the written exam, Lux was able to finish filling in the answers safely without any particular problem.


He let out his breath and for the time being he was going to exit the venue, it was then──,

「Hahah, you sure look composed, but it will be the practical skill exam at the afternoon. There is not only piloting test, but there will even be test in the form of real combat. I don’t know when the pretension of you guys will get peeled off, but I’m looking forward to the bout y’know?」

The moment Lux exited from the hall of the exam venue, a man came. It was the man with scar on his face who previously came picking trouble with Lux and others.

A military officer of Wanheim Principality──a man called Buzzheim said such thing to them with a disgusting smile.

It was a transparent threat, but several of the girls were trembling seeing that.


Lux hesitated whether he should make rebuttal, but his thought halted just before he could say anything.

Quarrelling within new kingdom’s territory was also troublesome, but right now they were in the territory of foreign country which could be even more troublesome.

This thing caused one’s feeling to be bad, but they must not get provoked by something of this level.

「Don’t worry. They too have their own official position, they won’t be able to meddle with us that openly.」

Suddenly Krulcifer stood beside Lux while coolly brushing up her hair.


Lux uneasily raised his voice like that, but Krulcifer’s face was serious.

「From here on, those girls can only bet on their own effort. It’s not something that you need to be responsible until that far.」


「But, if it bothers you that much, then there is something that you can do.」


「If the weakest you──you whose true strength is by all rights nearly the strongest is taking the exam for Low Class, then depending on how you do it, you should be able to become the strength of those girls. Then, let’s meet again later.」

Krulcifer only said that before she slowly left.

An examiner passed her on the way and entered inside. When the break was over, the examiner told them to prepare for the next exam.

Lux was thinking of Krulcifer’s words while following behind the military officers of Wanheim Principality. He changed into his pilot suit at another room.

He did light warm-up before exiting the room, then the time immediately arrived.

「──Then, the exam for the basic stamina as well as practical skill of hand-to-hand combat will begin now!」

The man of Wanheim Principality who was the examiner raised his voice and announced that.

The exam of basic stamina was running through designated distances with the objective to clear each distance within the allocated time.

This time they would run through the road at the outer circumference of Ruin’s Gear.

Lux also felt it when he received the exam at the new kingdom in the past, but he thought that it was a harsh exam for girl.

「Haa, the distance is still all right, but just why is the road this bad─」

Those who could complain like Tillfur was still fine, but the majority of the girls were suffering from the steep slope of Ruin’s Gear that they weren’t used to.

「This is really pitiful. It’s because there is no decent man at new kingdom that weak children and women like all of you has to have a hard time of it.」

「How about you all stop forcing yourself and go back home? Or should I carry you on my back with my hand on your ass?」

Amidst that running, three men running along the girls were making fun of the new kingdom’s girls who were gasping for breath.

The faces of the three men were the same like the soldiers from yesterday. The men who were observing what was happening from far away also had familiar face.

This must be the instruction from the scarred man with examiner tag on his chest, Buzzheim.

These men wanted to clear up their resentment from the discord against the old empire in the past by venting it to the new kingdom.

Lux tensed his expression and wracked his brain for a plan to stop that, it was then,

「You three are really composed isn’t it?」


A dignified expression without any opening in it, and an aloof presence that overpowered other people.

The existence of the girl who completely changed even the surrounding air caused the man to hold their breath.

Celis who was a part of the four great nobles cut in between the men.

「If you three has that much confidence, how about having a match with me?」

The calm but vaguely overpowering tone provoked the three men.

「What are, you saying? This is an individual exam you know? It’s not a place to start any unnecessary match.」

The man’s attitude suddenly changed. Perhaps Celis’s fame was known even in Wanheim Principality.

「Then, if you three can win against me in this competition, I’ll listen to anything you say before our return home, how about it?」


But, the words that Celis said caused the men to turn stiff for a moment. They looked at each other’s face.

Next their gaze crawled on Celis’s face and breasts──and continued further to around her hips that was wrapped in pilot suit. Before long a gulping sound could be heard.

「……As a noble of the new kingdom, there are no going back on those words right?」

The men licked their lips without even trying to hide their vulgar desire.

「But of course. Although, that’s only if you three win against me.」

「Hahah! Don’t regret that later-!」

The three men only said that before they suddenly raised their pace and ran ahead.

Until just now they were purposefully slowing down in order to harass the girls.

Celis who was receiving exam to be promoted to EX Class was starting from quite far away behind the other examinees. The distance she needed to travel was long.

Since her childhood, as the heiress of Ralgris house, Celis trained up herself severely, but there was no absolute guarantee that she would be able to win.


When Lux called out uneasily, Celis smiled confidently.

「Please rest assured Lux. I won’t lose against them.」

She told him as though it was only natural, as if she wasn’t even pressured.

「Yes. But──will you allow me to help a little too?」

Lux thought of her existence as reliable, at the same time he also thought of an idea.

A way to oppose the harassment that was sent by that man called Buzzheim.

When he told his suggestion with a low voice, Celis immediately agreed with it.

「Understood. I’ll rely on you, Lux.」

Celis accelerated her pace right away along with a calm smile.

She immediately overtook the three men running at the front and in the blink of eye her figure disappeared from view.

「Everyone, don’t worry for the rest.」

Lux said that to the girls who were menaced and he too increased his pace gradually so that he was starting to catch up with the back of Celis and the three men.

And then──he began his tactic.


「Hahaha, that stupid noble girl. Just as planned, she got angry and came opposing us.」

The three military officers who came harassing the girls──the men who were moving following Buzzheim’s instruction, one of them uttered those words and made a vulgar grin.

It was unexpected that the other side was the one that came proposing a match, but seeing Celis running in a high pace was a happy miscalculation for the men.

These three knew very well the environment of the running course around Ruin’s Gear.

The road surface at the latter half would be steep slope with neglected stone paving. That course would double one’s exhaustion.

It didn’t matter that she was a trained military officer cadet, her stamina should be unable to hold out and she would self-destruct there.

But, even after the men continued to run and finished climbing the long slope, they weren’t unable to catch up with that back at all.

「Chih. Are we going easy too much? Let’s hurry up a bit.」

The men who were impatient with the situation that deviated from their expectation accelerated right away at the descending slope.

But, the distance was only shrinking slightly.

「Why, why aren’t we catching up!? ──, you bastard!?」

They continued to run until their breathing turned rough, even so Celis’s back was far away.

Furthermore Lux who looked tired with his head hanging down was running parallel to them, so the men’s complexion changed.

「──Kuh! Don’t underestimate us! We have been running through this path everyday all this time!」

The men raised a spirited yell and raised their pace even further.

At that moment, the match’s outcome was completely decided.


「Guu, haa, haA……u, Ah……」

The men involved in the match were sitting down hard on the ground with gasping breath.

Naturally they were unable to win the 『competition』 against Celis. Their own pace got messed up, they self-destructed, and they ended up nearly at the last place in the exam.

In the end, the plan that they executed didn’t work against Celis and they were struck by trap instead.

Celis normally was running by her own initiative on path that wasn’t paved, separately from the general exercise.

Therefore, she was mostly untroubled even when running on unstable path that she wasn’t familiar with.

In addition, was how Lux who looked knackered in a glance was running parallel beside the three men.

Those three became impatient seeing Lux who looked exhausted was running beside them, and so they raised their pace further.

「You helped me Lux. As expected from the grandson of Wade-sensei.」

「No, I was just getting on Celis-senpai’s tactic.」

As expected, Lux wasn’t a match with Celis who was talking without a single disorder in her breathing, but at the end he managed to reach the goal in top ranking, so Lux thought that he too had run quite much in his own limitation.

Lux wiped his sweat and took rest there while letting out a relieved sigh, it was then,

「I heard the rumor but──the two of you are amazing.」


Suddenly the strained atmosphere was gently dispelled.

A girl with appearance that was out of place in this exam was standing right behind him.

She was wearing a luxurious pure white dress, that was decorated with ornaments that looked like flower petals of many color piled up on each other.

On top of her blond hair with trace of brown that was partly tied with ribbon, there was a small golden tiara decorating her head.

That beautiful face was filled with gentle smile.

「Ah, my apologize for my belayed introduction. I am Milmiette Crhodel. The princess of this Wanheim Principality.」

Right after she introduced herself like that, Celis and Lux kneeled almost at the same time.

A moment later, the officers around the venue also took saluting gesture in panic.

「Forgive our rudeness of not noticing the arrival of your highness.」

Even Raigree who was a slight distance away also saluted, but Milmiette shook her head slightly with a smile still on her face.

「Please be at ease. All of your are our sworn friends who has expressly made your way until this land. I’m only intruding here suddenly merely because of my curiousity.」

After Milmiette said that with a smile, everyone there silently stood up.

Then, the princess talked to Lux and Celis once more.

「Today the Class Promotion Exam is being held in this Ruin’s Gear, and so I too have the privilege of observing it, but I was surprised by the ability of the two of you. I’ll pray so that everyone of the new kingdom will receive encouragement, and so that the officers of our country will also put even more zeal into their training.」

「Yes, it’s an honor to be granted your highness’s praise.」

Lux was lured by Celis’s words and he also lightly bowed his head.

Buzzheim who was standing at slight distance away was gritting his teeth seeing that scene.

‘I see’, Lux thought.

Here Lux finally guessed the reason why a part of Wanheim officers and the examiner called Buzzheim were losing their temper.

Originally they were roused up already with the visit of their country’s princess to observe the exam, then in addition the exam became shaped like a competition against the country that was formerly their bitter enemy. It explained why their reaction was outspoken like that.

「Well then, now I’ll leave to meet with my knight, so excuse me for the present. May luck be with you, everyone of the new kingdom.」

The princess said only that before leaving with elegant footsteps.

After that, her bodyguards and servants who came late followed after her in a rush.

「She is a person with quite unique atmosphere isn’t she?」

Celis whispered with a smile after the princess’s presence left completely.

Lux was also in agreement in regard to that.

He thought that if it was the royalty of Wanheim Principality, they would be harboring bad impression too toward the new kingdom without doubt, but unexpectedly it didn’t seem so.

(By any chance, it could be that the advocate of her highness and the supporter of Buzzheim are split from each other.)

While he was thinking such thing, his back was suddenly tapped from behind.

「Looks like you were doing something quite fun huh, Lux.」

「Ah, Lisha-sama. Everyone too, thanks for your hard work.」

After the princess left, Lisha, Krulcifer, and Philuffy, the three who were at another place also came before Lux.

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「You suddenly have attention showered on you. Well, for a person with a position like you, it will be even stranger if that’s not the case though.」

「Running with the two of you, unfair. I also want to run with Lu-chan.」


Lux smiled wryly hearing Krulcifer and Philuffy’s words.

Thinking that it would be too standing out if he was grouped with the users of Divine Drag-Ride too much, he was deliberately avoiding to approach the girls, but in the end he became completely involved with Celis.

「I’m sorry. This is my fault. I was relying completely on you again, what a blunder.」

Celis muttered with slightly awkward look. In response to that Lux shook his head in panic.

「That’s not true. Thanks to Celis-senpai, those girl were also saved, besides, senpai were really cool.」

When Lux honestly conveyed his feeling like that, Celis’s cheek flashed red.

「I, it really help that you are saying that. After all, that’s with myself alone I’m not confident, whether what I’m doing is really correct or not……」

She spoke bashfully while averting her face a bit.

Lux who saw that was going to smile wryly, it was at that timing,

「Both of you, this isn’t the place to flirt!」

Lisha cut in with flustered tone.

「Tha, that was rude of me. We are still in the middle of exam. We must not lose focus here.」

「Yes, certainly that’s true. After all it seems they too are feeling even stronger rivalry toward us.」

Lux and others ran their gaze at their surrounding after hearing Krulcifer’s words.

Buzzheim who was observing their way from afar had approached until right in front of them unnoticed.

Those sharp eyes that were like a beast were boiling with hostility toward the new kingdom.

「You guys are really composed huh? No, perhaps it’s more accurate to call it being overly conceited.」

He snorted scornfully at Lux and others while kept walking to pass through them.

When they were passing each other, he came to a stop and twisted only his neck, directing a grin at Lux.

「Don’t push your luck just from passing the basic stamina exam. You all after all are nothing more than remnants of the old empire.」

Buzzheim spat off those words before going toward the next venue together with his hangers-on.

It was something expected already, but it seemed that man didn’t plan to back away just with this.

Next would be the second exam’s second part, an exam of unarmed fighting skill and sword fighting skill was carried continuously.

They had heard from Raigree that in any kind of country, there was an inclination for man to have superior skill in unarmed fighting and sword fighting.

「Will everyone be okay in the next exam……?」

「No matter how disadvantageous battle it is, it’s still too early to give up winning against them you know?」

In respond to Lux’s muttering, Krulcifer told him that with a suggestive expression.


Part 3

「Then, continuing the second exam of sword skill as well as unarmed fighting skill will begin. Form a line following the order you are called!」

At the next exam the officers of Wanheim Principality were really high spirited, forcing the girls of the Academy into a hard battle conversely.

In order to avoid injury, the exam was basically examinees having practice match against each other to see who could hit the other following the proper stance, but as expected there was difference in pure physical strength between male and female, so the Academy students were falling behind.

It wasn’t a subject that was considered as that important as a Drag-Knight, but on the whole the new kingdom was being pushed back.

「Now then, I too have to go all out as a member of Syvalles.」

When the turn of Sharis of the Triad came, a brawny man was waiting as her opponent.

Normally, the opponent should have body build and gender that were as close as possible to the examinee, but it seemed that this was Buzzheim’s instigation at work.

「I believe that my opponent is obviously different, but it’s a painful thing to be unable to assert that I’m a woman in this kind of time.」

Sharis sweated and made a bitter smile. Almost at the same time the large man mercilessly attacked.

It was an exam to see how much the examinee could get the better of the opponent using martial art and wooden sword in place of Sword Device, but in order to avoid injury, a special regulation to not use direct attack as much as possible was created.


Sharis evaded the attack of the large man that was aiming at her shoulder and swept away the opponent’s leg.

「Should I say that it was a blessing that I was usually defeated utterly by Celis? I won’t be defeated by mere brute strength you know?」

Right after the man tumbled, Sharis quickly thrust the tip of her wooden sword on his chin.

With that stance, according to the rule the match was concluded──was how it supposed to be. But,

「That’s naïve, girl.」


Instantly, the leg of Sharis that was moved into the stance for the winning condition──was swept. By the foot of the man collapsing on the ground.

Sharis was reeled and she almost fell. Her wrist was caught and the large man stood up.

「Wait!? What are you planning to do!? I should have fulfilled the win condition──!?」

「The examiner didn’t give the end signal right? That’s unfortunate for you!」

The examiner Buzzheim intentionally overlooked the end of the match.

The moment Sharis’s face paled, the man’s finger caught the seam of her pilot suit.

「Wai-, sto……!?」

「Oops, my finger got stuck in a strange place so it can’t be he──guah!?」

The moment the seam of the pilot suit was slightly tearing, the man groaned and crouched down.

Sharis got dragged down with him, but someone caught her in their arms. It was Lux.

「Are you all right, Sharis-san?」

「Eh……, ye, yeah……」

When she looked, the man was writhing while pressing his side.

Lux buried the handle of his wooden sword on the man’s side.

「The new kingdom examinee over there! That’s considered as obstruction to other match, you are disqualified!」


Buzzheim announced with annoyance, but Lux accepted the decision calmly.

But, because Lux moved as though he accidentally stumbled during the match against his opponent and collided on Sharis’s opponent by chance, the other examinees stopped that decision and after a discussion, it ended with only point reduction for Lux and Sharis.

「I’m sorry, Lux-kun……」

「It’s me who am sorry. The exam’s point, got reduced──」

Sharis hung down her head in respond to Lux’s wry smile that looked troubled.

Buzzheim didn’t learn from experience and he made the large man just now to do another match.

Most likely they intended to do the same thing like before, but that scheme immediately collapsed.

「WHAATT-!? A, against a small girl like this, IiIIIII-!?」

This time the large man was beaten up thoroughly by the hand of Lux’s childhood friend, Philuffy.

In the end, although the result was that on the whole Wanheim was slightly above in the average result, but the top grades were seized by Celis and others, the members of new kingdom.

「Those bunches, are they really officer cadet……!?」

「They must be special group even among the new kingdom right? I, if that’s not the case, then how to explain──」

At first they were in fervor purely not wanting to lose against the new kingdom, but gradually they were shocked and instead now they were even directing respectful gaze toward the Academy students.

But, even so Buzzheim and his hangers-on were obstinately causing hindrance even at the third exam.

「Uwah!? It’s going to cra──!?」

Tillfur who was doing practical test of basic operation of Drag-Ride was shaken by other Wyvern that was fast approaching and she halted midway.

「Oops, sorry there. Looks like my track deviated a bit. After all our testing ground here is narrow, really sorry.」


His manner was polite, but that voice which was containing obvious threat caused Tillfur’s face to become stiff.

「Number 32, warning for you. You’re going to get disqualified the next time you leave your course.」

The examiner was the said Buzzheim as expected.

It was an exam to cover the designated route within the allotted time using the basic operation of each Drag-Ride, like running or flying.

From Lux’s point of view it was apparent that the man who was doing his exam at the same time with Tillfur next to her was making obstruction, but it was hard to prove it.


Tillfur groaned in distress.

She understood that it was harassment from Buzzheim, but the stress that she might get hindered anytime added with the tension of doing exam in foreign country for the first time, her control was more disarrayed than she imagined.

The male officer who saw Tillfur’s gliding and laughed approached to menace her again.

「Look, I’m coming from your left again. Watch out!」

The male officer intentionally called out while flying in a way that felt slightly off from his own course, but when he approached until just barely,

「The flag that is your target is over there you know?」


Lux who was similarly in the middle of practical exam using Wyvern to fly grazed the route of the officer that was menacing Tillfur.

Lux had been flying ahead toward the route of the man that was trying to approach Tillfur.

Perhaps the officer was panicked and mistook his control, because his trajectory kept deviating without him being able to correct it, and he was falling to the ground.

「Watch out-!?」

There, the Drag-Rides around that area yelled──but, Lux who swooped down using Wyvern picked up the Wyvern of the male officer just before he crashed.

「Ku……, u」

「Please be careful. If you don’t pay attention to the angle of your propulsion nozzle, you will fall right away.」

When Lux indifferently said that, the obstructive man fell silent in frustration.

「Diving down and making it in time in that situation……」

「I see, the new kingdom too isn’t half bad.」

The officers of Wanheim Principality uttered their admiration at the act that Lux displayed nonchalantly, while the expression of Buzzheim and his underlings distorted in displeasure.

The officer that was making nuisance of himself failed, on the contrary he even got saved from his predicament. There was no greater humiliation than that.

On the other hand, a part of the officers were honestly in admiration seeing Lux’s skill in handling Drag-Ride.

「Oi, do you guys really have the leeway to worry about the officer of other country?」

On and on, there was even voice raised in support of the new kingdom.

The attitude of Lux and others who didn’t yield against pressure and also their strength, and then the dirty method of Buzzheim were in the process of changing the atmosphere of the venue.

This was Lux’s aim.

In Wanheim Principality, there were military officers who supported Princess Milmiette who was taking friendly stance toward the new kingdom, and the bunches like Buzzheim who were treating the new kingdom as enemy.

In order to slant that air of rivalry to one side, he deliberately made the detractors to do their harassment openly instead, and then he showed how they smashed through all those schemes.

「Just as expected from my knight, he pull it off really well.」

「Yes, that’s right. But──there is no way we can just let him take on their squabble by himself alone.」

Lisha and Krulcifer who were watching from some distance away were talking with a hint of delight.

「Then, we too, let’s go.」

Philuffy too, although her face was blank as usual, but she was starting to line up for the exam briskly as though she was triggered by Lux’s action.

In the end, even after that the obstructions didn’t go well, and half of the top ten grades had the name of members of the new kingdom placed in there when Greifer and Coral were excluded.


Part 4

「Then from here it will be the last exam of today. The fourth exam──the test of combat practical skill will begin!」

And then at the afternoon, the last exam was finally started.

If this exam was over, an examination would be carried out by the examiners and the examinees’ success or failure would be decided under the basis of each of their total score.

But, the examiner who was obstructing the new kingdom in each exam──Buzzheim was finally taking action personally.

「Lux Arcadia, Noct Leaflet, both names are to go to the practice ground at the northeast block and hold a mock battle with an examiner. Finish your preparation and then standby.」

In order to shorten the time needed and also to inspect cooperation between Drag-Knights that was an indispensable aspect, a mock battle in the format of a pair challenging an examiner would be held.

Lux formed a pair with Noct, and the two of them sat side by side on spectator seats that were located on the high ground of the outer wall.

「Take care of me, Noct.」

「Yes. I will do my best not to drag down Lux-san. I wish to do every effort that I can.」

The girl was calm like usual, but her voice was a bit stiff. It looked like she was a bit nervous.

「Did Airi look well?」

When Lux asked that to make a small talk, Noct was unusually speaking hesitantly.

「──Yes. At the surface……, but」

「At the surface……you mean?」

「This is my personal conjecture, but perhaps Airi has been worrying about something from some time ago. But, I don’t know what that crucial something is.」

She muttered matter-of-factly, and before long she leaked out a quiet sigh.

「I tried to probe in my own way through normal conversation, but I didn’t to find out anything. My deepest apologies for not being useful.」

Noct made a small bow with a quite tone.

Lux who saw that shook his head in hurry.

「This isn’t something Noct need to apologize for. This is like the failure of me, her big brother for not understanding about his little sister. I’m really thankful just from you feeling that concerned about it.」

「Is, that so?」

「Yep. Besides see, Airi making fun of me when in front of someone else, usually that is something that doesn’t really happen. That’s why, for her to do that in front of you, her best friend, surely means that Airi too is letting her guard down around you so──」

Lux talked brightly to Noct who was unusually looking dejected.

「I’m thankful for your consideration. Thanks to that I feel a bit relieved. Then, at the mock battle against examiner after this, I will lay a barrage of support fire from behind. I’ll entrust the charging role to Lux-san.」

「Suddenly it’s a merciless tactic like that!?」

The change of topic that was just too drastic caused Lux to raise his voice reflexively.

「Is that so? Then, Lux-san is telling me your junior, to come out to the front as vanguard using Drake then.」

「No but, I, when I’m using Wyvern, I’m not suited for offense……」

The exam this time was for examining the examinee’s skill purely as Drag-Knight. Using things like remodeled weapon or Divine Drag-Ride wasn’t permitted.

Therefore, things like Scale Blade that Lisha developed couldn’t be used, they would have to fight using only basic armament like normal Blade, Dagger, Breath Gun, Wire Tail, and so on.

「I only remembered now by chance but, at the practice ground the other day, Lux-san was peeping at everyone’s underwear from the second floor didn’t you? Even mine──」

「……Please allow me to take on that role by all means.」

Toward Noct who was purposefully talking in monotone, Lux could do nothing but agreeing with a dry look.

「Yes. Thank you very much. But, Lux-san isn’t denying about you staring fixedly at my underwear, so I’m feeling a bit creeped out though.」

「Denying or not, I didn’t stare until that much you know-!? No, that’s, because Noct’s underwear was curious, so I unconsciously almost watched in fascination, but it’s not like I was planning to peek right from the start──」


When Lux said that with flustered state, Noct fell completely silent.

(Wait, this is bad……! I spontaneously said the truth──!)

Lux was in panic while he fearfully took a peek at the girl’s face thinking of what to do so she would forgive him, it was then,

「Haa, Lux-san is really a troubling person.」

Her cheeks were vaguely blushing. She averted her gaze while muttering that with reproachful eyes.

The rare reaction that came from Noct who was always taciturn and calm caused Lux’s heart to throb from shock.

While the two were doing such dialogue, the voice of the examiner could be heard.

「Next, Lux Arcadia and Noct Leaflet. Your exam will start at the third block! Make your preparation at the designated place!」

Lyx changed his look while Noct’s expression also returned to her usual look after hearing those words.

「Let’s go, surely Buzzheim’s aim at present is us.」

「Yes. It looks like this will become a fight that is worth doing.」

Noct responded to Lux’s words by standing up from the bench.

They passed through the corridor and stood at one of the rings of the practice ground that was divided into four.

There, Buzzheim was waiting as expected with a challenging grin pasted on his mouth.

「I’m tired of waiting here. I can take you on personally──is only at this time.」

After Lux advanced to the center of the ring, Buzzheim who was wearing pilot suit pulled out his Sword Device.

Even without saying anything, his eyes were brimming with enough hostility.

「The exam time limit is ten minutes. It’s real battle format where combat skill and coordination of the pair are evaluated. The fundamental rule will conform to the rule of official sham battle. Are you ready?」

「──Come, the winged dragon of crest, the symbol of power. Obey my sword and soar, Wyvern.」

「──Come, the dragon of illusions that arrive at the origin. Establish a flickering form over and over again, Drake.」

Lux and Noct pulled out their Sword Device almost at the same time and pushed the trigger on the handle while muttering the passcode.

The faint phosphorescence converging before their eyes formed shape and two Drag-Rides were summoned.

「Connect – On」

Right after the two equipped those, Buzzheim also similarly deployed his Drag-Ride and equipped it.

In a glance, his Drag-Ride was similar with Wyvern, but its armor was a cut above the common Wyvern.

「EX Wyvern……is it? You’re using a powerful Drag-Ride just for a mere test.」

Noct pointed out without letting out her agitation showing at the surface.

SpecialEX general purpose Drag-Ride was fundamentally given only to human of High Class or above.

Just from this it showed that this man wasn’t only all about position, but that he was also a powerful person of higher order.

「After all I’m taking on two opponents here. I heard that the Drag-Knight of the new kingdom is excellent. Surely I’m not going to be able to take on you two without at least this much right?」

Buzzheim bared a smirk, perhaps in sarcasm toward the good result that the new kingdom had scored until now.

Lux once again sensed that as expected, this wasn’t just a mere practical exam.

「Drag-Ride’s equipping is confirmed. The combat practical exam will begin after this……」

The voice of the officer who took the role as a referee resounded in the ring. The atmosphere was tensing stingingly.

The moment the tension heightened to the limit, Buzzheim’s arm moved slightly.

「──Battle, Start!」

Right after the referee’s yell resounded, the back wings of Buzzheim’s EX Wyvern shined and vortex of air whirled on his back.


Buzzheim accelerated until maximum speed in one breath along with a terrific eruption of light and he charged ahead.


It was only for a few second, but he had controlled his Drag-Ride before the match started to take his opponents by surprise.

Lux noticed the fact that the referee was someone under Buzzheim’s influence and he was overlooking the foul play but──too late.

The enemy was already approaching right before Lux’s eyes, swinging down a medium sized Blade.


Buzzheim’s rule violation and violent assault that was unthinkable for an exam.

The attack of the great sword that had the weight of accelerating Drag-Ride put behind it drew a sharp trajectory.

The moment Lux strengthened his barrier and took a stance with his Blade to use it as a shield to parry the attack──he noticed that.


In a timing of mere instant, Lux quickly used the Blade that he readied as shield for blocking to sweep horizontally. With that motion, he was barely able to divert the trajectory of Buzzheim’s slash that was feigning to attack him while aiming at Noct.

「Uu, aa……!」

──But, that attack which had maximum energy filled into the Blade couldn’t be completely blocked. The Drake’s barrier was shaved and a part of the shoulder armor broke.

Unable to endure, Noct leaped backward and escaped from Buzzheim’s range.

Using that opening Lux laid out a barrage with his Breath Gun and cut off the flow of a pursuing attack.

「Oops……, aren’t you better than I thought. I might have done something bad making my subordinates trying something on you guys……. For those idiots this is something over their head.」

Buzzheim was blocking the barrage using his barrier while showing a smug smirk.

As expected, a Wyvern that wasn’t even tuned was a little in disadvantage against the output of EX Wyvern that was a strengthened version of general purpose Drag-Ride.

Buzzheim’s composure was exactly because he knew that.

In this situation where Lux was unable to use Critical Hit using Scale Blade, destroying the enemy using normal method was next to impossible.

The only method to breakthrough this was to make use of the opponent’s low aptitude for Drag-Ride because he was a male, and waited out for him to run out of breath, but because this was an exam, the time limit was short, so that method couldn’t be used.

If Lux was alone, he would be able to continue to defend without problem.

(But, what do I do in case he continued to aim at Noct?)

The match result itself shouldn’t be directly connected with their exam’s success or failure, but there was no way he could let the enemy injured them.

「What’s wrong? It won’t be an exam if you just defending you know? Show me the skill of you two.」


After hesitating for a few seconds, Lux advanced forward by himself just like he had arranged beforehand with Noct.

『Please be careful Lux-san! This man is──serious!』

Noct who had a part of her armor broken urged for caution using Dragon Voice from behind.

『Please don’t worry about me! If you recklessly start attacking from your end, you will be overcome from the spec difference. In the worst case that Lux-san get hurt, I won’t have any face to look at Airi.』

Noct’s prediction wasn’t wrong. ──But,

『You’re wrong, Noct.』

Lux talked to Noct behind him with a calm voice without any fervor or unease.

『If I let him hurt you more than this, it’s me who will be the one that cannot face Airi.』

『Lux, san……』

『Let’s fight together. If it’s us──we surely can win.』

『……Yes. Then──can I ask you for instruction?』

「You guys aren’t coming? Then it can’t be helped. I’ll use all the remaining time──to crush you!」

Buzzheim who exposed a wicked look flew aiming at Noct once more.

The remaining time limit was approximately seven minutes.

The enemy’s Drag-Ride danced in the sky in order to settle the match during that time.


Part 5

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「……So this is where you are, Sir Singlen.」

Outside the outer wall of the practice ground’s ring, the metal window bars that were set at the high ground.

On the audience seat that was created not for military officer making use of the facility, but for important guest who visited, the Blue Tyrant──Singlen Shelbrit was crossing his legs while sprawling down.

The tip of his excess sleeve fluttered from his casual hand wave. That was his only response to his subordinate’s voice.

That overcoat with strange design was a special item even among the White Ridge Knight Order of Blackend Kingdom.

It was something specially developed by combining pilot suit with Drag-Ride’s armor, an item that was called armor suit.

The man who called out to him had half his face hidden with a white helmet, the long hair that was peeking out from the gap belonged to man with age past middle-aged.

In contrast with Singlen who had small stature like a young boy, this man was an owner of a tall body that was approximately 2 mel.

「You are going to catch cold if you stay in this kind of place. In the first place, something like the promotion exam of this Class isn’t something that will be worth watching for you at this point.」

His tone was calm and courteous.

But, the voice of the old knight was containing an emotion that couldn’t be hidden even with his attitude of keeping up appearances.

Disdain and disgust toward the weak. And then, something like an irritation.

That old knight was giving off a personality that was characteristic of a soldier who had overcame several thousand verge of death, and came to consider only strength and carrying out duty as righteousness.

「This show is not something that contemptible. There is a way to enjoy a game as a game. You are too serious. How about you relax for a bit huh, Zweigbergk?」

Singlen smiled while lightly shaking the wine glass that was filled with crimson liquid.

Even after being soothed like that, it seemed that the old knight called Zweigbergk found it hard to agree with his master’s words. He kept silent.

「You see, Zwei. I’m different from you, I don’t have a taste that is unable to enjoy fellow small fries killing each other. Something that is really not worthy to be watched, is a fight that is only of pretension. I call something like that a farce. It doesn’t matter even if it’s this very patient and tolerant me, I won’t be able to endure if I’m made to see such thing in front of my eyes. A small fry of that level won’t even become useful to measure the Black Hero. Just watching is a pointless waste of time.」

「Then, my lord──」

「Yeah, I’ll leave cleaning up this alcohol to you. I’m going to ascertain that guy’s true character.」

Singlen threw the glass that still had wine remaining in it to the old knight and he quickly cleared out the sheath in his sword belt.

He formed that strange smile that didn’t reach his eyes, and at the same time he directed his sharp eye glint to below.


Part 6

「How long you are going to keep running around? Try showing me the pride of new kingdom!」

Buzzheim laughed loudly while repeatedly flying in order to take the back of Noct persistently.

Lux cut in on his trajectory again and again in order to prevent that. He blocked the slash with his sword.

With general purpose Drag-Ride Drake that was specialized for rear support and gathering intelligence, it was nearly impossible to exchange blow properly with Buzzheim due to the spec difference.

Therefore, Lux was forced into a one-sided defensive battle in order to cover for Noct.

「Aren’t you going to take revenge for those noble girls you are wagging your tail to? Or else, are you getting cold feet?」

Buzzheim was swiveling around in the sky with high speed so that he couldn’t be locked on while laughing fearlessly.

Seeing Noct that was devoting herself to evasion and Lux who was protecting her, he attempted such provocation.

But, that was Buzzheim’s trap.

He planned to aim at the moment the opponent switched to offense and became defenseless, shooting them down then instead.

(However──this is a chance)

The moment Buzzheim deliberately stopped his attack and showed his composure, Lux saw through that and moved.

「Hah! Taking the bait huh you fool! ──Howling Howl!」

The vortex of shockwave that shook the air was fired from the head part of Buzzheim’s armor.

But, Lux who predicted that transmitted his energy and turned his Blade into shield, breaking through the wall of shockwave.


It was difficult to see through the opponent’s attack pattern just from a few minutes of battle.

But, the option against highly mobile Wyvern, and how Buzzheim’s attack was mainly using the difference in spec between the Drag-Rides.

Lux calculated the answer using his countless battle experience based mainly using those two points.


But, even so perhaps it was as expected from the ability of an EX Class that possessed EX Wyvern, Buzzheim shifted his trajectory without delay and without pause he dodged Lux’s slash toward him.

Aiming at the opening that Lux exposed from making a big swing, he held aloft his large Blade.

「Drop dead, you old empire’s dog-! ……──tsu!?」

The moment Buzzheim bared his wicked look and he was going to swung down his sword, he noticed Lux’s calm eyes.

The angle of Lux’s gaze wasn’t directed at Buzzheim, but behind him.

When he reflexively looked above the ring, Noct’s figure was vanishing.

It was the camouflage ability that was one of Drake’s special functions.

It was a stealth ability to cover one’s own figure by assimilating into the surrounding landscape, but the figure would become exposed when the Drag-Ride turned to offense.

「Planning to outwit me huh!? That method is──obsolete already!」

He feigned to slash at Lux, but he then twirled in a circle and flashed his sword to behind him.

But──that Blade cut empty air along with Buzzheim’s confidence.

「──Yes. The cause of your defeat, is that you are looking down on your opponent thinking that it’s obsolete.」


Noct wasn’t behind Noct.

For flying type Drag-Knight, having their back where the propulsion device was located taken by the enemy in a defenseless state was a situation that they should be the most vigilant against.

If a Drake with its basic performance that was inferior by one or two level wanted to find means of survival, this was the only moment where that was possible.

That was why Buzzheim saw through Lux’s aim, and he predicted that the Drake which covered its figure with camouflage would attack him from behind.

He was convinced by none other than the direction of the gaze of Lux who he was facing. Lux wasn’t staring at Buzzheim but at behind him.

But, the location where Noct was standing was right behind Buzzheim.

The Blade that was swung with semicircle trajectory didn’t hit anything, and then Buzzheim’s open stance was in a position that was approaching near.

「Don’t tell me, you bastards──!?」

「Yes. Please be careful so that you don’t get injured.」

In a flash, Noct pulled the trigger of her cannon that had been filled with energy.

「Guh, OOOO……-!?」

The violent torrent of shockwave that was fired from close range blew away the EX Wyvern.

Because Buzzheim allocated the energy from his Force Core into his slash, he was unable to deploy a solid barrier and his armament was smashed.

「Ga, HaaA……!」

Buzzheim’s back struck the stone wall at far behind and he fainted in agony.

With that, it looked like the match was concluded for the time being.

「Thank you very much for the tactic instruction, Lux-san.」

Noct’s tone that was indifferent as usual was really like her, Lux thought.

「No. It’s thanks to Noct. Your positioning and reaction, both were really skillful──」

When Lux said that with a smile in respond, Noct showed an expression that looked just a bit surprised.

「No. Those words are too generous for me. I was only carrying out Lux-san’s instruction, both in strategy and tactic. A person who is just performing what they were told cannot be called as a full-fledged servant.」

「Is, is that so……」

Lux smiled awkwardly. He wondered if she thought he was just flattering her.


「Yes. But, it’s also a lesson for me. After all, I almost feel completely satisfied just from receiving your praise from doing something ordinary.」

Noct looked at Lux and floated a faint smile on her lips while she muttered that.

As though she was conveying to him, that by no means she was thinking anything bad of Lux’s words──.

「Then, is it better if I say it like this? Don’t let me down okay, Noct.」

「Yes. I’m looking forward to work together with you, Lux-san.」

Noct lightly bowed her head while still wearing Drag-Ride.

That moment when he was going to return a smile at her, a cold dread ran through Lux’s spine as a chill.

「What the hell you two are prattling there! The exam is still──ain’t over yet-!」

The EX Wyvern that crashed on the outer wall with its driving force suspended.

It rallied over itself unnoticed and readied a large sword that was clad with energy, rushing ahead in super low altitude with a speed like an arrow.


Noct quickly readied her Blade against that expression that was distorted from rage and humiliation.

But, the killing intent that Lux feared wasn’t that.

Buzzheim’s charge that was like a raging squall.

The EX Wyvern that was drawing a straight line while leaving behind afterimage had its armored arm lopped off along with a thunderous sound.


That destruction and impact that attacked his body without any advance warning at all caused him to lose his balance and crashed on the ground.


Not just Lux and Noct, the other Drag-Knights who were receiving their exam also stopped moving simultaneously.

「Guh, GaaAAAAAAAH……!」

A hoarse scream resounded in the area, the blood soaked Buzzheim was toppled sideways along with his Drag-Ride.

Without pause he crashed on the stone wall at the opposite side, and this time he didn’t twitch anymore.


The sudden horrible accident caused everyone there to hold their breath.

What cut apart that silence that was created for a few seconds was the voice of a certain man.

「Really sorry, I missed my aim a tiny bit. My bad, my bad.」

A small figure wearing blue coat appeared while scratching his head with a look that showed not even a shred of guilt.

The Blue Tyrant, Singlen Shelbrit was looking down to the ground from the audience seat above, in a state of wearing a special equipment general purpose Drag-Ride, Drake. (TN: Just o avoid confusion, it’s not that Singlen’s Drake has special equipment, but it’s that Drake is categorized as special equipment general purpose Drag-Ride, what’s with all its nifty function.)

「……The Blade just now, was your──?」

Lux asked with a voice that was tinged with caution.

「You aren’t going to say even a single thanks? The youngsters this day is really disagreeable huh.」

In respond Singlen grinned fearlessly and jumped down on the ring’s soil along with his Drake.

「Thi, this is……what in the world is going on!? Sir Singlen!?」

When the examiners at the area who saw that came rushing in panic, Singlen shrugged his shoulders in exasperation.

「I’m requested to act as the general manager of this exam. Take away the examiner license from the idiot sleeping over there. Originally the exam should resume from square one after someone get blown away until outside the ground, but that guy broke the rule and launched surprise attack. ……You need me to explain the exam’s regulation further?」

「Uu, aa……. Si, sir-……! Understood-!」

With a glare from Singlen, the examiners who were asking question backed away in panic.

After the fainted Buzzheim was carried away by stretcher, Singlen turned a smile toward Lux and Noct.

「Now then, that was an annoying hindrance huh, chore handyman. Unfortunately it seems that there is no free examiner here, but you still got four minutes left. In their place, I the overseer here will personally give you your exam.」


──’It’s dangerous.’ Warning bell was ringing inside Lux’s head.

This man threw a Blade at a Drag-Ride flying in high speed and lopped off an armored arm with that one attack, like shooting down a termite dancing in the air.

It was abnormal. Whether it was that miraculous feat that was done by using general purpose Drag-Ride. And also that mercilessness where there was not even a twitch in his expression from almost killing Buzzheim.

But, till the end it was within the scope of an exam. Then──,

「Noct, you can still go?」

「Yes. It’s possible if it’s the remaining four minutes.」

「……Then, it’s decided. Let’s begin right away, oi.」

The officer that received a glance from Singlen raised his voice just as he was prompted to.

「Battle, Restart!」

Together with that voice, Singlen drove his special equipment general purpose Drag-Ride Drake and lightly readied his Blade.

「You are also using Drake? It’s basic spec is the lowest even among the three types of general purpose Drag-Ride, is it okay?」

Noct pointed that out while frowning slightly.

Singlen’s choice was also unexpected for Lux.

Of course, although it was the special equipment type, Drake, it strength depended on how the Drag-Knight used it, but to take on two opponents on a ring with good visibility like this time, it should be a type of Drag-Ride that was definitely in disadvantage.

Although he was a member of Seven Dragon Paladins, a large part of his ability should also be made up from the Divine Drag-Ride that he used.

From what Lux was seeing, the Drake in front of him didn’t have any sign that it had been specially remodeled.

And yet why, he chose that kind of Drag-Ride?

「Is the handicap not enough? Should I throw away several of my weapon too?」

Noct fell silent seeing Singlen’s condescending smile.

In exchange Lux spoke as the proxy of her will.

「It’s fine like that. Then──here I come.」

Lux and Noct readied their weapon in a distance of ten-odd mel apart.

They had a light briefing with each other using Dragon Voice and concluded their talk.

「Four minutes remaining. You two can come at me, or running around to escape──I mean, enduring the battle. It’s your freedom.」

The way he was talking was provocative like usual.

But, they needed to be even more vigilant in this battle than before.

『Noct, we are going to split and hold him back in place with medium-range attack. If it looks dangerous then I’ll move forward.』

『Yes. Roger.』

Drake itself shouldn’t have high attack power, but Lux who saw that it was dangerous to forcefully attack or to thoroughly defend gave such instruction.

They would split into two unit and took distance where they would be able to support each other and also to take advantage if Singlen attacked one of them.

「Kukukukuku, so you are taking the worst choice of all thing……」

In respond, when SInglen saw that, he sniggered while standing still.

Lux who saw Singlen stopped moving aimed at his armored leg using Breath Gun.

Because Drake didn’t have flying function, if bullet barrage was laid out under its feet, its movement would be stopped.

As though seeing through that, Singlen’s Drake quickly leaped aside.

Light and wind were ejected from the back of the armor’s feet. It was a StepLeap that was performed by a jump and high speed movement that was limited to a single step. But, Noct was waiting for that moment when he moved.

「──Yes. Just as aimed.」

Noct who activated the camouflage function and hid showed up her figure in order to attack.

She flowed energy into her Blade and reinforced it──with the shortest motion she aimed at his shoulder.

‘Get him’──even Lux was convinced of that.

That attack couldn’t be dodged using Singlen’s Drake right after using Step.

Even if he wasn’t defeated by this attack, it was possible to press him back.

「Aa, certainly it’s just as aimed. ──My aim that is.」

But, that instant when the Blade that Noct swung almost touched Singlen’s Drake, that slash was easily repelled by barrier and it was parried away.


Noct was dumbfounded with a face that didn’t understand what happened.

Right after that, faster than Lux could react, Singlen’s rotated the Blade in his hand, drawing a semicircle arc.

A sharp slash struck Noct’s back and she was blown away until outside the ring.

She crashed on the wall at the edge and cloud of dust fluttered intensely.

「Kuh, u……!?」


「──Yes. I’m, all right, so……」

Noct somehow replied with an expression that couldn’t hide her pain.

Perhaps because she was taken by surprise, or perhaps because her Force Core was accurately aimed, her Drake was forced into inactivity with just one strike even though it was done by the same kind of Drake.

And yet──Lux didn’t understand how did Noct got done in instead.

「How about stopping the farce any time now? It’s because you cover for that gloomy small fry and try to score point by playing with petty trick that she met that kind of experience.」

「……-!? Tha, light is──!?」

The instant Lux reacted to Singlen’s provocation, he noticed.

Countless figures of light floated around the general purpose Drag-Ride the opponent was wearing.

Rectangle figures displaying enumeration, symbol, and graphic of ancient language.

It was the mode of tuning that was often seen when using the Systemcontrol system of Drag-Ride.

But, Lux thought that till the end it was a function for use outside of combat.

「What are you surprise about? I was just tampering a bit to release the output setting of a part. I’m still not doing anything significant you know?」

Singlen floated a battle hungry grin and he readied his Blade.

The remaining time was two minutes.

Lux’s survival rate would go up if he ran around like this, but there was no way he could stay quiet.


Lux readied his Cannon and quickly loaded it with energy, and he fired.

It was a diversion in order to see through the opponent’s technique, and also to probe the enemy, but Singlen reacted in an unimaginable way.


He didn’t pull back or even dodge against the cannon shot, but leaped forward.

That option that was originally impossible caused Lux to open his eyes wide, right after that──, he saw that.

(The barrier──, it’s not deployed at the front!?)

Against the opponent’s attack, it was natural to reinforce the barrier──even if not, the barrier should automatically get deployed.

But, Singlen’s Drake didn’t do that.

It wouldn’t make it in time. Death would wait if they attack hit directly on the flesh──, the moment Lux feared that would happen, something hard to believe occurred.

「──Battle Array – VicissitudesSenjin – Ruten.」

Singlen’s lips distorted and whispered something. Right after that, the torrent of impact and heat fired from the Cannon was deflected to the side with a spark.

Without even blocking using barrier or evading, that attack was warded off from the front.


「Do you still have such leeway with this me as your opponent?」

Singlen sharply drove his four armored legs and stepped into Lux’s bosom in one breath.

The moment Singlen’s Drake came while driving in a high speed thrust, Lux quickly flew away from that spot.

He laid out a barrage using his Breath Gun in order to cut off the flow of pursuing attack.


Singlen dodged that by jumping to the side and he swung his Blade once more.

「I see! But that’s──don’t tell me」

Lux was struck with admiration at the same time he noticed that truth.

Singlen’s 『technique』 that parried his attack──he noticed its terrifying true identity.

「You are forming the barrier itself to move and deflect the attack!?」

「I’m really pleased you noticed. It pays off showing it to you several times.」

Singlen snorted and stopped his legs.

However, even after seeing through that, Lux couldn’t hide his agitation.

Normally, the Drag-Ride’s barrier would react to the danger toward user and activated automatically, furthermore changing the degree of its strength from the user’s control was the basic.

But Singlen deliberately stopped the Drag-Ride’s automatic generation of barrier. And then, her generated force field just before the opponent’s attack hit him, then the momentum from that repelled the attack.

From right to left, or from below to above, he didn’t block the attack, but parried it.

It was certainly possible in theory──but,

(If he mistake a step, he will get hit fully by the attack and get serious damage……no, it’s possible he would even die instantly from receiving attack directly on his flesh. Such thing, this man is──)

It was an undisputed superhuman feat. An advanced technique that was unusable without transcending even the fear of death.

This man who easily pulled that off caused Lux to shudder.

「What’s wrong? If you don’t come then I’ll be the one who go there.」

One of the Drake’s four legs kicked on the ground and the Drag-Ride charged toward Lux in one bound.

The Blade struck, which Lux blocked in a hair’s breadth. He was pushed back for a few mel due to the impact running from that sword tip.


──Heavy. A single attack of a general purpose Drag-Ride that wasn’t even modified went through his armor and numbed his arm.

Singlen unleashed his slash by operating together the driving force of every part in his Drag-Ride, in addition he put the propulsive power from his Step behind the blow.

Pushed back by that attack power that was unthinkable to come from a mere Drake, the best Lux could do was only protecting himself.

「Lux, san……」

Noct’s armor was dispelled outside the arena and she was brought away from there. Her voice could be heard distantly.

But, there was no way he could just keep getting done in like this.

The remaining time was a few dozen seconds. If he didn’t return at least a blow during that time──.

「Hah, are you also thinking about wiping the ass of that small fry? You want to make her feel better by returning at least a blow at me?」


Singlen laughed as though he had seen through Lux’s thinking.

「What a really despicable man. Are you satisfied like that, if you are getting used so that you can say something like 『it’s for the sake of someone』?」

「──Shut up!」

Lux whispered while driving away the high speed consecutive attack Singlen unleashed.

「You saved them from their predicament many times while you still keep wearing the collar of criminal, I saw that the new kingdom too is a gathering of low-life.」

「……You’re wrong, the criminal’s collar is something that I myself wished for!」

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Lux tried to take distance by attempting to fly to the sky──but, it was as though even that was seen through. Singlen didn’t overlook Lux amassing a bit of propulsive power and he leaped to attack.


It was an attack from overhead that took him by surprise.

But, Lux was waiting for that.

The super high speed attack that came by meant of complete alignment of mind control operation and body control operation, Quick Draw.

Lux operated the frame of his whole body and swung the blade that he was holding in backhand grip into an upward thrust.

His aim was the vital spot of Drag-Ride, the shoulder where the Drake’s Force Core existed.

It should be impossible for the Drake that had leaped to change trajectory midair but──,

「……What a bore.」

*Bachii-!* A barrier was deployed once more just before the attack hit, parrying Lux’s Blade.


The attack that should hit with certainty was dodged and his opening was exposed instead.

(How!? Did he predict even until my use of Quick Draw……?)

It was an impossible reaction speed, but that was the only explanation he could think of.

Singlen’s attack that was unleashed in a flash scraped off Wyvern’s barrier and blew Lux away to far behind.

Wyvern’s output lowered with its shoulder’s armor destroyed instead.

Lux just barely held on so that his armor wasn’t dispelled but, his defense──was completely destroyed.

「──I’ll say it one more time. Stop protecting the useless small fries. You are just wasting your strength.」

Singlen looked down on Lux with a pitying look. Lux silently took a stance with his Blade against Singlen.

The only option left was for him to make his final gamble at the remaining ten-odd seconds.

「Hahaa, I get it. You are scared right? Of the reality that the thing that you once accomplished by believing it as correct, might be mistaken.」


Lux’s head was rapidly turning cold the instant he heard those words.

At the same time a boiling impulse welled up inside him. He followed that impulse and held up his Blade.

「Hahahahaha. Really, what an effeminate man. In the past you took action by your own will and strength, and fought 『for the sake of the people』. But, it unreasonably failed and ended in the worst result. That’s why right now, you are basking in the feeling of atoning by directly listening to other people’s request──their wish and fulfill it.」

*Thump*. Lux’s heart pounded along with a sharp pain.

Why, this man was able to speak as though he knew about those circumstances in Arcadia Empire──as if he knew about everything?

Lux deserted even such doubt and his emotion was highly strung.

「But see, that won’t even do any good to the requester──to the bunches at that academy. What you’re doing is nothing more than diverting yourself from your own desire by looking after the bunches around you. They will rely and you, get spoiled, thinking that you being there with your battle strength is only normal, thinking that the result obtained by making use of you is a matter of course. Hey Lux, come together with me. You should stand in a place where your true strength and worth can have practical use.」

「──Shut up-!」

Lux’s Wyvern burst out light from its back wings, giving rise to a sudden gust and it flew.

His three hidden techniques couldn’t be used with this half-broken Drag-Ride.

Even so Lux moved and struck with Blade that was clad in energy.

「Is being used just as you are told your wish? It feels like something thought by you who were abandoned by both the country and its people, and even lost your own great cause.」

Singlen continued to dodge and parry all of Lux’s slashes using Battle Array – Vicissitudes.

He didn’t counterattack.

He continued to dodge the attack that was Lux was unleashing in earnest.

It was just like Lux’s nickname the Weakest Undefeated, as though he was showing off a transcendent defense.

But, Lux didn’t stop his attack even then.

He sent out his sword to shut up Singlen’s mouth, so at the very least he wouldn’t have the composure to talk.

Within less than a few second, a few dozen slashes cut through the air.

「What an unreasonable man──then it can’t be helped. I’ll make you meet a painful experience here.」

Singlen who was showing composure amidst that offense evaded using Battle Array – Vicissitudes. At the same time he used the momentum of his Drag-Ride’s turning around and struck his Blade on Lux’s back.


Lisha who finished her exam and was watching from the audience seat yelled.


「Howling Howl!」


Lux whose attacks were evaded and exposed an opening generated shockwave from his head part and struck the ground. With that repellent force, Singlen’s attack that aimed at his back was shifted.

Naturally Howling Howl didn’t hit enemy that wasn’t in front of him, but for the first time he could derail the enemy’s calculation.

(Now, if it’s this instant──!)

Singlen was completely taken by surprise.

Lux was convinced of that and unleashed a counter attack with sword’s returning movement, right after that,


Singlen certainly could be seen grinning within a time that was even less than a second.

*Pakii!* The Blade that Lux’s Wyvern swung was instantly broken apart and countless fragments scattered before his eyes.

「Blocking with Blade……!? But, how!?」

Singlen’s dealt with the attack merely by immediately using his basic weapon the Blade to meet the slash.

The general purpose Drag-Ride Wyvern surpassed Drake in the energy output that could be poured into weapon.

Therefore, even if Lux’s attack was blocked, originally it wouldn’t be him who got outpushed.

And yet──how?

Looking closer, countless light images were floating around Singlen’s armor once more.

Tuning that was done by mind mental operation. That meant,

「-……!? Don’t tell me──」

「──Battle Array – Aeon FireSenjin – Kouka.」


Singlen’s Blade that was tinged with intense light attacked Lux.

His guard that consisted of his half-broken Blade and barrier that was automatically deployed were broken through, and a part of his armor was smashed apart.

「U, ah……-!?」

Impact pierced his pilot suit and he was blown away.

His armored arm grasped the ground and he held his ground.

He was just barely still within the battle zone.

「The power just now, what in the world……!」

「……Battle Array – Aeon Fire. Another technique that is using tuning.」

Singlen told that to the bewildered Lux.

「Tuning……!? Just now, the energy output that is poured into the armament is──!?」

「That’s right. I cut the Force Core energy that is normally used for the driving force of other part and concentrated it solely into my weapon. Although, in that state, other operation function and my defense power drop down. It will be suicide if it’s used poorly.」


Lux readied his Dagger to try to resist somehow, but the Wyvern that received impact on its Force Core didn’t move properly.

He couldn’t dodge the attack from the Blade that was raised by Singlen who was approaching from the front.

「Weakest Undefeated, your alias ends here. You find a bad match here.」

The match was going to be decided along with that sentence of Singlen, it was then──,


「──The match is over! Stop fighting, immediately dispel your armor!」


The officer who served as referee yelled that along with a high-pitched bell sound.

SInglen’s Blade stopped just before it touched Lux’s armor.

「Ku-ku-ku, alas, that’s disappointing, good grief how unfortunate. Even though I almost bring you down in less than a second.」

「……Why did you stop your attack?」

Lux dispelled Wyvern’s armor while objecting with a chilly tone.

With Singlen’s strength, he should be able to bring down the blade before the referee called for a stop.

No──in the first place this man was fighting while completely grasping the remaining time.

Singlen who similarly dispelled his armor was slowly walking toward outside the ring, then he stopped midway.

「What a selfish guy. Even though you didn’t listen to my talk the other night. Good grief, what a really selfish handyman.」

SInglen turned only his head toward Lux, showed a smile that only distorted his lips, and continued.

「How many times you’re planning to make me say the same thing? Stop protecting the weak without any ability or talent who are only clinging on your strength. Like that you won’t be able to reach your big brother forever. No, far from that, you will get dragged down by those bunches and someday you will lose something.」


*grit* Lux gripped his Sword Device hard, but now that the exam was over he couldn’t lay his hand on Singlen.

「Such thing──」

「I’ll listen to you again later. Staying here will cause a hindrance for the next exam. ……I’m praying that good thing will result from this okay, my future compatriot.」

Singlen ended with that and turned his back as though to say that he didn’t feel like responding anymore.

After wordlessly seeing him off, Lux also left.

The Blue Tyrant.

His contact with the man who was a preeminent powerful person even amidst the Seven Dragon Paladins closed its curtain for the moment with that.


Part 7


After that, Lux received health checkup in the medical office before returning to his shared room in the lodging house. There he changed into his plain clothes and took a rest.

It was a dreary room with simple furniture lined up.

He sat in front of the single table that was put inside and silently rested his body.

The Class Promotion Exam was over with that combat exam being the last.

The result became a draw because of Singlen’s intrusion, but the battle against Buzzheim himself ended up in their side’s victory, so they still didn’t know if they failed or passed the exam itself.

Even Noct who was sent flying outside the ring didn’t seem to be particularly injured.

He wasn’t bothered that he was cornered until an inch before defeat by an opponent that was similarly using a general purpose Drag-Ride.

But──he somehow couldn’t calm down.

He understood that the words that Singlen said in the middle of fight were provocation.

And yet for some reason the scene of the past that he should have gotten over with right now were resurrected in the back of Lux’s mind.

(Why am I──continuing to do chores for five years?)

In order to chase the whereabouts of Fugil who betrayed, or perhaps tricking Lux right from the start and destroyed the plan of revolution.

And then, there was no other path Lux could take, except looking around at the state of the country that was caused by his own responsibility.

But, he met Lisha and others, and he thought that he wanted to become the strength of the girls who would become the new kingdom’s cornerstone.

Right now when the battle he tried to accomplish was over, that was the wish of the present Lux.

「And yet, why──, ……eh?」

When Lux whispered to himself, he suddenly felt a presence outside the room.

He thought that it was odd and went to check the situation, he could hear some small voice from across the door.

「But this is a problem. I’m bad at consoling or cheering up someone, but……」

He noticed that the owner of the voice that sounded somewhat vexed was Lisha.

But, what was odd was that she didn’t knock the door for some reason.

When he tried opening the door quietly, he could see the figure of Lisha loitering aimlessly with her back turned to the door.

「What should I do to make Lux cheer up? That, perhaps holding hand is……」

「What are you doing, Lisha-sama?」

「──!? UWAAAAH……!?」

Lisha turned around in panic when Lux called out.

Her face was bright red. She looked his way while looking flustered.

「Do, don’t surprise me so suddenly! I’m, that’s──, I’m a bit, concerned with how you’re doing……I guess.」

「Anyway, how about talking inside the room?」

Lux smiled wryly while inviting the blushing and fidgeting Lisha inside.

「I received tea from the dining hall, so please wait for a bit.」

「I, I don’t need it. It’s not like, I’m coming to get you fuss about me……」

When they sat down side by side on the bed, Lisha spoke that with a small voice.

She stared still at Lux with an upward gaze and a look that was slightly nervous.

「Is something the matter?」

「……No, I’m just thinking that you aren’t completely as down as I thought. That, about the match just now, I thought that you are bothered by that but──」

「The match just now……is it?」

「Yeah, based from the rule the match wasn’t settled, but it was the first time I saw you cornered that far, so──」


Lux finally noticed Lisha’s intention from that sentence.

She was coming here because she was worried about Lux who was completely helpless against Singlen.

「I’m sorry. Even though I’m Lisha-sama’s knight, I showed you something unbecoming……」

When Lux apologetically smiled bitterly, Lusha shook her head hurriedly.

「N, no such thing at all! Your strength is something that I know best more than anyone. That’s not it──」

Lisha faltered once more and she averted her gaze to the side, then she murmured.

「I always got helped by you, so I also want to do the same to you. That, I was thinking how to cheer you up, and when I was loitering there, you found me out but……」

Seeing Lisha looking down shyly, Lux suddenly felt warmth inside his chest.

「Thank you, very much. Just from being able to see Lisha-sama’s face, I’m feeling really full of energy.」

Lux said that with a smile, then he grasped the hand of Lisha beside him.


When Lux conveyed his feeling of gratitude straightforwardly, Lisha’s face turned bright red.

「Lisha-sama is always bright, a forward-looking hard worker, so just from looking at you I feel strength welling up from inside──. That’s why, I’m happy just from Lisha-sama coming like this.」

「U, au……」

Lisha’s face was red until her ears. She staggered with a dazed expression.

Her body losing strength could be felt through the hand that Lux was holding.

「Lisha-sama? Is something the matter?」

「N, no, it’s nothing. Rather than that, it’s──. The, then, can I also do, a good luck charm so you can feel even more energetic?」


「Clo, close your eyes a bit for me. If you do that then surely, I’ll be able to do it so──」

「Under, stood.」

Lux obediently closed his eyes even while thinking vaguely that it was strange.

‘What is she planning to do?’, he thought inside his head, then right after that.

*Munyuu-*, something soft touched Lux’s upper arm.


The moment his eyes reflexively opened in surprise from that sensation, an unexpected scene flew into his eyes.


With her eyes closed, Lisha was slowly pushing out her lips, moving toward Lux’s direction.

Because she was trying to bring her face close to Lux like that, her breast pressed on his upper arm.

Lisha’s breasts that were largish for her petite body.

The sweet softness and elasticity from them caused Lux’s heart to throb while he let out a panicked voice.

「Wha, what are planning, Lisha-sama?」

「……-!? UWAAH!? Wha, what are you doing huh!? I told you don’t open your eyes──」

「I, I’m sorry. B, but that, your breast touched──」

「U. a……」

Perhaps she finally noticed what Lux pointed out, it was like fire was blowing from Lisha’s face and she backed away.

「Wha, what the hell are you thinking you pervert!? A, after finally it’s just a little bit more, I can, kiss on your cheek──」



「I, it’s nothing-!? Ra, rather than that, is there something else that you want to do!?」

Seeing Lisha prattling without pause as though to cover up something, Lux thought for a bit.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Lux resolved himself and spoke.

「Then, please teach me a bit. Regarding the Drag-Ride tuning that Singlen was using──」


Part 8

「I’m back Lux-kun. Thanks for your hard work in today’s exam.」

After hearing about the detail of tuning from Lisha and they parted from each other, Coral returned to the room.

The face of the youth with androgynous features pulled back Lux’s mind from the reverie he was absorbed in.

When Lux was unable to reply back well, Coral sat down beside him.

「You are unusually absentminded huh. Are you worried about the exam?」

「That’s not, it but……」

He had settled on an answer to a certain degree regarding the matter of Drag-Ride from his talk with Lisha.

However, at the exam this time the Triad received obstruction from Buzzheim. He was a little worried regarding how their evaluation would drop.

Coral was staring with a pondering look at such Lux, and before long he muttered.

「……Hey, Lux-kun. You want to try going out to play after this?」


Lux was bewildered at Cora’s sudden proposal.

「You said after this, but it’s already night, it should be forbidden to go out──」

Lux held the impression that this youth was friendly but diligent, but the current Coral was making a mischievous smile that looked like a young kid.

「Not really, though we were told that 『unnecessary outing』 is no good. But, slipping out at this time will take a bit of effort, so I’ll prepare first.」

After saying that with a smile that wouldn’t accept any refusal, Coral rushed away busily.

Putting aside Lux who was baffled and wondered whether he misheard, that chance soon arrived.


Part 9

「──And, why is even this me has to accompany you guys going out?」

Dozens of minute later. Inside a small bar at the urban area of Ruin’s Gear, Greifer was showing a bitter face.

Inside the old gloomy bar built from wood, men who had finished their work for the day were crowding the place full.

It was the first time Lux entered a bar of another country, but fundamentally the air was the same.

However, looking at the surrounding men’s scar and tattoo, this place gave off heavy smell of outlaw.

「Because, Greifer is the one most used to playing out. Even in the worst case that some kind of trouble occur, it feels like the punishment will turn lighter because you are a Seven Dragon Paladins.」

「……Can I go home? Or rather, I’m going back yeah?」

Greifer’s chair made a sound *gata-* from him standing up, but Coral swiftly pulled down Greifer’s hand and he smiled.

「It’s fine to stay a bit more right? Remember how I’m staying quiet to Mirmiette-sama about the incident before this too.」

「Haa, just why is someone like this became my aide. Master, alcohol. Give me a strong one if possible.」

When Greifer sat down with a sigh, Coral ordered alcohol for Lux.

Somehow looking from the atmosphere of the two, it felt like it wasn’t just once or twice they were coming to bar like this.

「……Or rather, is it okay for us to be here? Won’t it be bad if we got found out?」

With the ordered ale before his eyes, Lux was hesitating with an awkward face, it was then,

「It’s fine. After all this is a little-known good place where you need introduction to enter. Now now, try to take a sip.」

Urged by Coral, Lux tilted his beer jockey on his mouth.

It was slightly bitter.

Unique flavor and aroma that was like bread turned into liquid came out from the nose. Heat was welling up from deep inside the throat.

He had been tasting alcohol since his childhood at banquet, but since he came to the academy he rarely drank.

Perhaps the modest dinner from the dining hall had already passed through his stomach, because he became tipsy in the blink of eye before the jockey even became empty.

「Hey, ask him quickly already, Greifer.」

「……I don’t get what’s your meaning yeah? What about?」

Greifer was responding to Coral’s deman with a dubious face.

「Lux-kun looks like he has a bit of worry, so it’s fine right?」

「You ask him! Why do you need to go through me huh!?」

「Really Greifer, how cold. Is it because you lost from Lux-kun before this? That’s not manly you know?」


Greifer fell silent with a face that looked displeased from the bottom of his heart. Seeing that made Lux smiled wryly.

This kind of unreserved dialogue between fellow man of the same age felt fresh.

In the end, seeing that Greifer wouldn’t start talking, Coral put the snack of cheese into her mouth with a sullen look.

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「Haa, too bad……. Then Lux-kun. Once again let me say──thank you for today.」


Suddenly Coral said such thing to him.

When Lux was bewildered from not getting what it was about, Coral leaned his body forward suddenly from the seat beside him and he brought his cute fate closer.

The face of androgynous youth was blushing slightly from alcohol, which caused Lux’s heart to throb for a moment.

「It’s about Buzzheim. Sorry, we allowed him to obstruct you all many times and caused discomfort to your group. Even like that, the guy is the son of a big shot in Wanheim Principality. Even us cannot carelessly lay our hand on him.」

The smile from before vanished and Coral murmured with a somber expression.

Lux who saw that smiled wryly with a ‘fuh’ while,

「Don’t worry about it. I also have heard about what the old empire did to the other country, so something like that won’t just go away immediately.」

「I feel a bit at ease that you are saying that but──as expected, I think it’s not a good thing to bring in resentment into unrelated event. Right, Greifer?」

「Oi Coral. ……Are you bringing me here to harass me?」

Coral smiled mischievously. Greifer clicked his tongue.

Previously Lux’s impression was that the diligent Coral was supporting the audacious Greifer, but it seemed these two’s relation was taking balance like this.

「But, if you are worrying about the past, then I think it will be better if you ask Greifer. He too is a Seven Dragon Paladins right now, but in the past he got a lot of difficulty.」


When Lux’s interest was attracted and he asked, Greifer sighed a bit.

「Then, I’ll leave my seat for a bit, so the two of you talk cordially with each other okay?」

Coral waved his hand to Lux and Greifer and then he left the bar right away, vanishing into the town at night.


Silent flowed for a few seconds.

The awkward air that was starting to flow between the two caused Lux to try to say something, it was then,

「I’ll say this first but, it’s not like I got anything to talk yeah. I’m also ain’t planning to get buddy-buddy with a guy of other country.」

Lux hung his head down from that curt rejection.

(As I thought, am I being hated……)

Lux was depressed inside while silently tilting his beer jockey into his mouth.

While he was getting even more drunk and looked dazed, the bearded master called out from the counter.

「Ou lad. How about taking some snack on the side? You’ll get drunk quickly if you only drink beer.」

「Err, is there something that you recommended──」

「What about this? You’ll get a kick eating it yeah?」

The master grinned widely while pointing at a part of the menu.

「Then, please give me──, eh?」

When Lux was about to nod, Greifer’s arm quickly crossed in front of Lux’s eye.

The movement of the youth who should have been looking aside until now gave Lux a shock and he stiffened.

「Master, cancel that one just now. In exchange give us my usual.」

「Wai-!? Oi! I’m asking this lad here for order──」

「Aa, I’m fine with that!」

It looked like it would become a quarrel, so Lux followed what Greifer said.

The master backed down grumpily and in the end he allowed the change of order.

「Err, the food I was going to order just now, was it no good?」

「You, are you a glutton unlike your appearance?」

Greifer kept his gaze averted while responding curtly at Lux’s question.

「No, I’m not like that though……」

「Then give it up, that menu is a whole roast with a lot of fat meat. The spices are also strong. It ain’t something you eat with a tired body after the exam. That master is greedy, so he was only trying to take an order for expensive food.」

「……I, is that so.」

While they were having that talk, the food Greifer ordered arrived.

It was a half-solid soup with bread and vegetable boiled until simmering.

「De, delicious. What’s this taste, I might really like it──」

The simple taste of the soup was healing his tired body gently.

(Could it be, he is being considerate of me?)

Greifer was showing a slovenly attitude like usual, but as expected it seemed he was a youth that was good at looking after someone.

Lux didn’t know it at the All-Dragon Battle, but it seemed that Greifer’s personality was really interesting.

「Then, I’ll cut loose. Oooi, old man, bring more alcohol here. The strong one.」

「Wait, it’s no good if you drink too much you know!? We are still not adult──!」

「Haa? It’s fine. In its own way it will be a challenge of how to return back in a state of complete drunkenness.」

「……That, rather than a challenge, it’s just a simple recklessness isn’t it?」

「Weell, I cannot deny that, but that’s how my disposition is.」

Greifer turned his eyes that were unfocused from tipsiness to empty air and he leaked out a small sigh.

「Originally I was a noble young master, but when my father, a military officer was caught by the old empire──he was indicted as a traitor to this country. The top brass of Wanheim also believed it seriously, my house was ruined and my family scattered. I too was living at the back alley since I was little. In order to earn money or eat food, I always gotta get reckless, if not I wouldn’t be able to keep living yeah.」


「It’s the same regarding Drag-Ride. At first I was told that I got no aptitude and talent, but everyday I continued to use it until I almost fainted or vomited blood. But, one day I suddenly became able to use it skillfully, and I caught our princess’s eyes.」

His doctrine, 『reckless challenge』 seemed to have the meaning that he would be unable to survive without constantly acting recklessly as though gambling.

For the cause to be the old empire made Lux felt complicated.

「Well, I ain’t got any direct resentment to you, but the case about my father is smoldering inside me. I might wanted to settle it, at least once.」


When Lux asked back by repeating that word, Greifer huffed and showed a smile that was filled with jest.

「……Yeah, it ain’t gonna end with everything staying half-baked. Whether it ends in failure or success──, I wanted to settle the feeling and thinking that were in me until now. Surely, that’s all there is to it.」


「Well, even that ended in total failure though, but I accept it more or less. Weeell, when I challenge you next time, I’m gonna win for sure then.」

Greifer muttered that with a fearless grin.

Lux smiled wryly with a troubled look. Even so he didn’t feel bad from that.

(Settling one’s own wish and thinking, huh……)

The night’s tumult that was enveloped with the faint light of the lamp, which felt somewhat detached from reality.

The words that Greifer told to Lux from the side were permeating inside his chest.


Part 10

──At the same time.

At another bar in the urban area of Ruin’s Gear, the Drag-Knights of the new kingdom’s army were drowning their worry in drink.

「……Sheesh, I got awful grades. That’s why I didn’t want to do something like exam in an unfamiliar country.」

「Exactly. Besides the young ladies of the Academy are really motivated. If it’s only them who get promoted, we are going to be come laughingstock.」

Several men were gathered at the corner of the cramped bar.

The male officers who belonged to the army accompanying the students to take exam together this time──these men were a few names among them. They were sick of how hopeless their prospect was in the Class Promotion Exam and they grumbled to clear up their resentment.

Among them, there were also the aristocrat officers who once got beaten up by Celis and then came to Academy picking a fight for clearing up their resentment.

「In the first place we who got low aptitude for Drag-Ride has limited time even for training. We’re handicapped no matter what. Aa, I’m beaten.」

One of them men emptied his glass in one gulp and sighed exaggeratedly.

Dilwy who had commanding role this time was staring at that sight quietly while drinking beer.


Originally, if it was the him with serious personality, this was a night playing that he ought to stop, but he instead accompanied they young men.

Inside his eyes that had the color of hollowness vaguely emerging, there was no disappointment that the Class Promotion Exam didn’t go well or disdain toward these depraved officers bunch.

Just, his right wrist that was holding the glass with some beer remaining in it.

His gaze was often attracted at the deep scar remaining there.

He made a name for himself as a trueborn warrior even amidst the old empire and for a time he almost climbed up until EX Class. But Dilwy’s arm was wounded by a certain incident and he became unable to move properly.

「Nothing goes my way……」

Dilwy was born with knight pedigree, his talent with sword was average.

Dilwy wasn’t blessed with physique or stamina, but he obtained the power of Drag-Ride that was starting to appear at that time and he ran up the royal road as a knight.

Until he bore this wound in that land, the Blackend Kingdom──.

Because sometimes he was distracted by the ache of that scar, he was relying on alcohol like this.

「……Captain, Captain Dilwy?」

「Nn, aah……. Is it the bill?」

The one who called out to him was a young officer who had just graduated from military school.

「No, just want to talk. This country──no, recently in various countries there is a rumor going around, does captain know about it? It’s about a secret medicine found in Ruin, called Elixir.」

「──My bad but I’m not really knowledgeable about medicine. I also haven’t got near Ruin for some time.」

「I’m also not that detailed about it but, it seems that it’s a medicine that increase aptitude for Drag-Ride.」

「……Is that so? That sounds interesting. I want to get a look at it by all means.」

He had heard about that type of suspicious secret medicine many times since Ruin and Drag-Ride were discovered.

It was a topic who would make the male officers who blamed their lack of strength to their low aptitude for Drag-Ride, but Dilwy couldn’t get along with that story.

「Right? If it’s really true that a secret medicine was discovered from Ruin, it’s something that I want to be shared with us by ll means. I heard that there is a guy selling it, and his figure was seen at the back alley around here.」

「……Strange. It shouldn’t be something that the underling could easily get though.」

「What’s wrong captain?」

The rookie soldier felt the presence of Dilwy that was suddenly making a forbidding look which caused him to slightly wake up from his drunkenness.

「No, nothing. I remembered that I have an urgent business so I’ll return early, the drink here is on me. You guys enjoy yourself slowly tonight.」

Dilwy only said that and left the bar without waiting for reply.

Like that he headed to the back alley. There a silhouette could be seen inside the darkness.

「And──do you have any business with us?」

Dilwy was making a calm smile while his hand touched the Sword Device on his waist.

It was most difficult to summon Drag-Ride in a confined blind alley.

Therefore Dilwy was putting up his guard against the robed man before him while calling out in order to prevent the man from doing anything.

「I heard about the rumor even in new kingdom. Dragon Marauder──the warmonger Drag-Knights who recently became famous, they are secretly maneuvering in various places. Could it be, you are also someone of that kind?」


The robed man didn’t stir at all hearing Dilwy’s words.

There was only a calm smile emerging on the robed man’s smile.

「You have been following behind us since before we entered this bar haven’t you? I don’t know what is your objective, but if you cannot answer──I’ll have to arrest you.」

Dilwy pulled out his Sword Device with no question asked.

And then, he closed in with one breath and put strength into his toes in order to thrust his sword, in that instant──,

「Stop it, you are planning to swing a sword with that injured right arm?」

When Dilwy stiffened from the surprise of those words, the man’s figure vanished from before his eyes.


The alley in front of him was completely a dead end, there wasn’t even any cover for hiding.

「──Don’t move. And then, stop with the foolish drama. Though that must be an acting to protect yourself huh.」

The voice that talked calmly to him could be heard from behind.

Dilwy kept readying his unsheathed sword while he was stiffened and unable to move.


The robed man’s breathing could be heard from behind such Dilwy.

「──That’s a nice Sword Device. It’s maintained properly. I can see how much you are sending your heart into that Drag-Ride in these few years where you lost your right hand’s freedom. But right now you are filled with despair. You lost everything, you’re defeated. Even so you don’t throw away hope and struggle. Even if you have to sell over your pride──」

「……. What are, you saying?」

Dilwy somehow made only that reply while his back was still turned toward the man.

「Kukuku, don’t act brave. I’ll grant your wish earlier than those guys. What can save the current you isn’t something like Divine Drag-Ride or anything. The power that you once possessed. I’ll grant you the only method to take that back.」

It was a sweet voice that permeated directly into the skull.

At that moment when the border between reality and dream melted and the world turned hollow, the robed man pulled out a knife.

「Wh, at──that’s?」

It was a bizarre knife.

Its shape was common, but the handle was lacquered jet black.

And then an unfathomable pattern emerged on the blade, emitting strange light of seven colors.

From a glance he thought that it was a kind of Sword Device, but something was different.

「Are you curious about this? You see──this was once a seed of war.」


「At distant past. No, it’s a time that is equal to an instant from my point of view, but human classified human into several races.」

The robed man apathetically whispered while staring at empty air.

「There was a clan of influential people who obtained a power to rule the world. Among them a secret medicine that is able to transcend over human was created. The act of implanting a part of it into human was called Baptism. People who received Baptism will obtain ability that was hidden inside themselves and stood at height, reigning over as ruler.」


「But, before long the oppressed people wished for a world without unreasonable rule, and a war that span over a long time began. ──That was the beginning of everything. The beginning of this shackled world that is like hell, continuing infinitely.」

「What are you saying──? You are, just what……」

「Rest assured, your wish will be fulfilled……, that’s what I’m talking about.」


A sharp pain ran through Dilwy’s right wrist. Heat burst out.

The knife the robed man was holding emitted strange seven colors, sucking Dilwy’s blood.


His brain burned.

The blood in his whole body felt like boiling at the same time with the intense pain. Dilwy groaned.

He couldn’t even breath. After a few seconds that felt like eternity passed, the pain in his wrist vanished.

「──Let’s meet again, oh the defeated wishing to become hero. After all, you still have that qualification.」

When Dilwy noticed, the robed man was vanishing.

The bluish white moonlight peeking from between the clouds was illuminating the alley silently.

Only the stone paving that was soaked with fresh blood and the knife emitting light of seven colors were remaining there.


Part 11


After the Class Promotion Exam was over, Airi finished taking a bath together with the Triad. She was looking up alone at the ceiling inside the shared room that was allotted to her.

Although it was an exam that was full of trouble, everyone was safe. But Sharis, Tillfur, and then even Noct who were obstructed by Buzzheim met painful experience.

The three were behaving stout-heartedly, but they couldn’t hide their discouraged mood fully.

Even though Airi understood that, but she was unable to be considerate toward the three. She hated herself who was like that.

「I want to become their strength. But──」

Right now, even Airi herself didn’t have any leeway.

A part of ancient document that was carried out from the deepest part of Ruin.

It was a proof that showed the ties between the old empire, and the race that was called as LordCreator who seemed to exist in Ruin. Airi was putting distance with everyone, even with her best friend Noct so that it wouldn’t be found out.

But, when the time comes that the truth came to light, Airi wondered what she should do.

She couldn’t find the answer no matter how much she thought.

「Nii-san, we are──」

When she was letting out a sigh of who knew how many times, a knocking sound could be heard from the door.

「……Ah, welcome back──Noct」

Of course, she couldn’t forget to hide the ancient document.

But, her attention was taken by her hurry in hiding it that she opened the door without even checking.


Airi was speechless at the visit of the very unexpected character.

A few hours ago, her big brother Lux was cornered in the Class Promotion Exam. By this person here──the Blue Tyrant, Singlen Shelbrit.

He was wearing a blue coat with excess sleeves and pilot suit furnished with metal plate that was called armor suit. And then under his hood, he was wearing a strange smile that didn’t reach his eye.

「Wha, wha……!?」

「How do you do lady, I have something to talk with you for a bit──is it okay?」

In respond to the dispassionate words, Airi was backing away in fluster.

「The, there is no way it’s okay right!? Just where do you think you are!」

With her frozen thought and her tense expression, it was the best she could do to reply like that for the time being.

「Don’t speak loudly like that. What a lady who lack in manners. With that kind of big brother, perhaps it’s only natural that his little sister is like this, good grief.」

But, Singlen shrugged his shoulders in respond as though he had no ill will at all.

「While it might be rude, but it’s Sir Singlen who is lacking in prudence! This is the lodging for female. What kind of business do you have at this late?」

Airi was purposefully acting angry than necessary.

She was doing that to encourage herself so that she wouldn’t dragged away by this Blue Tyrant’s pace.

「I faced your big brother in the exam. I’m concerned whether he is alright. I only came here thinking that I’ll ask about his condition. Be grateful.」

「That’s, why did you come to the place of me, his little sister then……? ──Wait, please don’t come in as you please!」

「It’s dreary just as typical for an army’s lodging huh. Lack of discrimination is a good thing.」

Singlen briskly entered inside and sat down heavily on the chair inside the room.

AIri was enveloped in bewilderment, even so she shortly stood in front of the desk.

「……I’ll call other people you know?」

「You’re bad at lying former princess. It’s you who will be troubled if you call someone right?」


Airi’s expression froze just for a moment. Singlen didn’t miss that.

「When human is placed in a dilemma, they will stand in front of the thing they want to protect the most. And for a young woman at that age, they will mostly stand in front of their bed or their closet. Even though both of those are right nearby, why are you standing in front of your desk that is the farthest?」


He hit the bull’s eye.

The best Airi could do right now was pretending to be calm and not letting her agitation coming out to her face.

Because at the gap of the board that was laid out in the desk’s drawer, a part of that ancient document that Airi had never let go from her sight was carefully hidden in the cover of her diary there.

「I have heard the rumors about you criminal former princess. It seems that you will find any excuse to go along in any Ruin investigation that is few in number. A human that cannot even handle Drag-Ride and should be nothing more than a hindrance, why are you behaving like that then?」

‘……How did he know until that far?’

Airi couldn’t speak that question out loud.

If she said it, it felt like he would take advantage of it even more.

「I hear that you are also a survivor of that old empire, but it feels like you also have other secret.」

Singlen walked closer toward Airi who was standing in front of her desk.

When her body reflexively stiffened, his feet stopped still.

「Let’s enter the main topic, I came here to warn you. The bunches called Dragon Marauder. Those warmonger Drag-Knights are starting to secretly maneuver in various places. They are a gathering of mercenaries who staked their life to snatch the treasure of Ruins and tear down country.」

「That’s, what about it……?」

「Those guys are sending spy to every country. It will be dangerous if they know you are hiding the secret of Ruin. What I want to say is be cautious.」

Singlen only said that before he turned on his heel and moved to leave the room.

「……No need for worry, because I know nothing of such secret.」

When Airi said that with fortitude, Singlen’s shoulders shook slightly.

「The fellows targeting you aren’t just Dragon Marauder. Better remember my warning for just in case.」

Singlen said that without turning around and he left.

Right after his presence vanished, Airi closed the door and locked it.

She slowly sat down on the bed and sweat oozed out suddenly from her forehead.

「It’s all right……. No one, haven’t seen it yet, so……」

She took out her diary from the desk, took off the leather binding and flipped the backside.

The text of ancient document that Airi deciphered was held there without change.

Just as Singlen said, it might be something that she couldn’t hide forever.

Even if the origin of their──the old empire that perished five years ago was connected to the Lords of Ruins, nothing could be understood with just the content recorded here.

Then, what was it that she was fearing until that much, Airi questioned herself.

Was it the risk of even more crime getting piled up on Lux and Airi as criminal?

Was it that they would have to shoulder the responsibility that was being hidden together with the mystery of the Ruins?

「No──, what I’m fearing is, surely……」

That Lux would know about this truth.

And then, his big brother who had obtained this current meager happiness would get dragged into this unknown fate, with the situation near him changed drastically, and he would leave to a place where Airi’s hand couldn’t reach. That was her fear.

Losing her beloved family Lux was what she feared the most.

「Nii-san. Just what, should I……」

The voice that was whispered with a small voice so that no one could hear, reached the ear of a man standing alone outside the door.

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