Episode 12 『Child’s Play』

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It was the military unit of the kingdom which is being led by Luser entering from the entrance of the labyrinth.


……A troublesome fellow has come.


Time has passed after the fight with the Earth Demon Lord ended. They might have entered the labyrinth while I was still unconscious.




「I certainly thought……that you will be thrown into the prison」(Iori)

「Ah, that was about to happen. It was hard to prove that I’m innocent, you see?」(Luser)




Because he led the combined forces consisting of knights and mages of the kingdom, he would avoid his plan to kill me for the time being.

There are fifteen knights and ten mages. Including Luser there are twenty six enemies lined up.




「This magical power. That woman…… is a Mazoku!」(Luser)

「Tsk, detestable」




As the knights that waited behind Luser noticed it, they showed detestable looks on thier face.








Elfisuzaku just murmured lightly and she does not show any great reaction to it.

This time its like I was the one caught up in a problem, for now I don’t have any intent to deal with it.




「My dear Amatsuki-kun. What’s with that Mazoku? I’ve never thought that you……would defect to the Mazoku side?」(Luser)

「She’s unrelated with all of this」(Iori)



But my reply, seems to not be taken by the knights that are waiting behind him.



「As a Hero, What kind of attitude is that, to overlook the Mazoku! KILL THAT MAZOKU RIGHT NOW!」

「Stealing the national treasure and in addition associating with the Mazoku, on earth, what are your intentions!?」

「Stop all this foolishness!」


While the Knight was shouting towards me, his saliva was scattering.

It seems like the pair of Hero and Mazoku was something unforgivable for them.


“Stop it”was what Luser said when he opened his mouth.




「Well, that’s fine.For now,the main subject. Amatsuki Ioriーreturn the national treasure along with the Magic Stone that you took, and come back to the Kingdom. If you pledge to devote yourself to the Kingdom, all your crimes will be forgiven」(Luser)




Luser said that fluently while pointing to the『Magic Bracelet of Defense』 and 『Magic Ring of Strength』 that were worn by me.



「ーIs that what His Majesty The King says……Do you intend to come back to the kingdom obediently?」(Luser)

「……But do you think that’s it?」(Luser)



Even if there’s conditions, I cannot return to the kingdom. It also seems that Luser is the one who came with such ideas.


「Well?As for your reminder. His Majesty permits us to kill you if you are trying to resist, you see. For me, that is more convenient.」(Luser)


As he laughed lasciviously. The party waiting behind him was holding their weapons.


「But……I don’t know how did you defeat that Earth Demon Lord, as I see it took quite a toll on you, huh? With that, do you think that you’ll be able to defeat all of us?」(Luser)


For those behind him, it was just a small fry, but in this exhausted state it was impossible for me to fight Luser head on. In the first place, I can’t kill him while he wears that robe.


「And of course, I will not let that Mazoku live either. We will capture and torture her, then execute her by gibbeted her?」(Luser) * for those who want to know what gibbeted

「Pardon me for saying this, but Luser-dono. To let such filth step her foot into the Kingdom, it is something intolerable」

「Its better to torture her here, then kill her in this labyrinth」


Is what the Knight responded to the words of Luser.

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Either way, they really intend to kill Elfisuzaku.

It was different from the incident with the Earth Demon Lord, where I just got involved in between them.


Not long after that Luser clapped his hand.


「Ahh, That’s right. Then, let’s give the last chance to the hero. Kill that Mazoku using your own hands. Afterwards surrender yourself to us, then we will not kill you. Aren’t I merciful, right?」(Luser)

「As expected of Luser-dono, a good idea indeed」

「Not to mention a Mazoku, It was unworthy to keep her alive and its better to let the foolish Hero get merit by killing it himself」


As if it was a good idea, those people nodded at the suggestion of Luser.


「Hero Amatsuki Iori-dono. If there’s barely any pride as a Hero remaining, CUT DOWN THAT MAZOKU RIGHT NOW!」


Those guys jeered as they insisted to make me kill her with my own hand.

As he observing my reaction, Luser was smirking with “NIYANIYA”.


Briefly, I turned my gaze towards Elfisuzaku, but I cannot read any emotions from her expression.

Without saying anything, she simply just closed her eyes and kept silence.


To kill Elfisuzaku with my own hand, huh.


It’s you who I want to kill, and there is no reason for me to kill this woman.


「Hah! Is Hero Amatsuki-sama too soft and that makes him unable to kill that Mazoku?」(Luser)


Luser was provoking me whom stood firmly on the ground.

That bastard already knew from the start that I will not pay heed to everything that has been told by him.

He was simply, waiting for my reasoning to be clouded with anger.


「Such as 『I want to protect my little sister』, then letting your attitude soften suddenly, its like a attitude of some Hero that I knew!」(Luser)


Its a cheap provocation.

He was trying to plunge me into anger, but I don’t heed to his mimicry.


「It’s a masterpiece! Little sister? There’s no such thing, you know!!」(Luser)


Indeed, it’s harsh.

To stop that foul mouth of his, I’ve extended my hand into my pouch.


「Geez, the race known as Hero, is there only a flower garden in their headsー」 (Luser)

「ーShut up」(Elfisuzaku)

That instant the atmosphere froze.

To the extent that it makes them feel a chill just from the bloodlust given.

Luser held his breath, and the knights on his rear were shrieking.


「Shut your trap, I don’t want to hear anything from each and everyone of you bastards」(Elfisuzaku)


Elfisuzaku which was devoted to watch till now,stepped forward.


「W……what, you bastard……」(Luser)

「Are you deaf? I told you to SHUT UP」(Elfisuzaku)



Elfisuzaku glares at Luser coldly.

Luser edged back, as he held his breath like its been cut off.


「Judging from the flow of the story, I understood the circumstances of Iori somehow」(Elfisuzaku)


「I’ve been laughed at by the Mazoku and you were being cursed by the humans. Hey Iori, don’t you think that we are similar?」(Elfisuzaku)



I got tired of it.

Both of us mutually agree, to hell with the racism.


「All of you get ready!」(Luser)


Receiving the bloodthirst of Elfisuzaku, the opponent was in their battle stance.

Targeting both me and Elfisuzaku, they were ready to invoke their magic.


「Won’t you say “Stay out of this”? To receive such an insult, I am not very tolerant to just overlook it, you know」(Elfisuzaku)

「……Yeah. But, don’t kill the man in the middle. That’s my game」(Iori)

「Fuu, got it」(Elfisuzaku)


Elfisuzaku nodded while laughing a bit.



「Don’t hesitate! The enemy is just a worthless Hero and a wounded Mazoku, its just two of them!」

「Oi, you guys, KILL THEM!」


By doing that, the bunch that came to their senses launched an attack simultaneously.

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Multiple types of magic came flying all at once.


Probably they intended to kill us from the start, they’re already done with chanting beforehand.

Every type of magic has deadly power in it, probably in order to certainly kill both of us.


Luser kept his composure, as he had self-confidence of being able to surely kill me by the first hand.


While watching the incoming magic, in a state of unwavering Elfisuzaku says.




「Leave the rear to me. If it is you, you won’t be taken down by those bunch, right?」(Elfisuzaku)

「Of course I won’t」(Iori)


Elfisuzaku let out a small laugh, and right after that her eyes turned into crimson blaze.




Luser laughs, as he’s convinced that the magic will hit us.

Right before the magic hits, Elfisuzaku.


「ー【Demon Eyes・Heavy Collapse】ー」(Elfisuzaku)   *T/N if there anyone could find a better wording for this 魔眼・重圧潰 for me just use the comment.


All magic attacks fell to the ground due to the gravity which was created by her magical power.

Each of those magic attacks is destroyed one after another without reaching us.



「Demon Eyes!?」


While Luser has a disturbed expression on his face, I throw multiples magic stones at the feet of this bunch simultaneously.

As those guys gained back their senses, it was already too late for them.





Mercilessly the explosion of magic stones swallowed the people who failed to escape.





The bunch that got caught by the explosion raises their screams.

Most of the mages were blown off, and some of the knight rolled on ground, too

Being barely able to exercise the defense magic right before it, they weren’t annihilated completely.


But, his reaction time is considerably slower in comparison to his prime days.

If it was in the past, an attack of this degree would be easily prevented by him.


「You’ve become weak, Luser」(Iori)

「Wha……This, SHIT~!」(Luser)


Luser which is consumed by rage, raises his hand to invoke magic.

As the magic is invoked, at that time there’s a knight who lost his self-control and is rushing out towards me.





Its convenient.

I jump aside and derive the movement of the knight.

The enraged knight, unawares that he enters in his own companion magic range.


Luser canceled his magic as he was trying to avoid friendly fire.


「How dare you, trying to make me to……you low-life!」(Luser) T/N* How dare you my companion……you low-life!* #from direct translation

「……Heh, I don’t want to hear that especially from YOU」(Iori)

「Hah, eh?」


As I dodge the Knight’s rough swing, at that instant.

With the spare sword that I took from the pouch, I’ve chopped off the knight head.

Thus, the chopped head fluttered in the air with a dumbfounded expression on his face.


「DAMN YOU!」(Luser)


As the death of a companion being confirmed, the magic came flying all at once.

At the same time I kick the body of knight who just lost his head to become my shield.

I lower my stance that seems like I’m crawling on the ground, as I evade from the magic I’ve approached the knight.





For the knight who stands to protect the mages, I’ve swung my sword aiming for his ankle.


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「HI, HIGYAAaaaaa~」


The knight that I’ve cut through the ankle, fell into the ground with a scream.

After what I’ve done to their companion, everyone in that place has set their attention towards me.


And Elfisuzaku didn’t miss such good chance.




As I heard her voice, I’ve jumped aside as hard as I could.

In that instant, the eyes of Elfisuzaku glow into crimson blaze.


「Fools, in FRONT!」(Luser)


Only Luser was able to correspond to that.


【Demon Eyes・Complete Destruction Explosion】(Elfisuzaku)


At the same time when the demon eyes were unleashed, the mages created a barrier to protect themselves.

But,as for those knights that are unable to take a countermeasure against it, raised their screams as they were being swallowed by the explosion.

What remained is only their ashes.





Seeing the knights which have been exterminated completely, the remaining mages fell into a state of panic.

Because of their companions who died in an instant, the remaining ones lost their composure.


「……surprisingly, to bring only the guys who aren’t used to battles, huh」(Iori)


Probably they were only involved with safe fights before, huh.

The mages mortified by the death right in front of their eyes, it made them unable to invoke any magic.


ーTherefore, they can’t react to the magic stones that I throw at them.


「Tsk, what a useless bunch!」(Iori)

「Eh, Argh!?」


I’ve kicked the clueless mage, while Luser managed to put out the barrier.

With clueless expressions, all the remaining mages were caught in the explosion.


Only Luser remains now.


「Damn, such a good-for-nothing bunch! Why did it happen at this time, isn’t there anyone who could fight better,hah! Damn, DAMN IT! 」(Luser)


His composure from before is gone.

He trembles and begins to curse his fallen subordinates abusively.





Before I noticed it, Elfisuzaku already stepped forward.

With awfully cold eyes, I’ve looked at Luser.


Its two against one.

Because he lost his advantage in numbers, Luser face was drawn.


「W,wait! Don’t get closer! Please wait, I beg you!」(Luser)


Judging that his situation is disadvantageous.

Luser lifted both of his hand to make a surrender pose.


「I, I understand! I won’t attack anymore! And I won’t chase you anymore! Forgive me!!」(Luser)


Luser who lowered his head says this with his trembling voice.

Elfisuzaku stopped her movement hearing those words.


That instant.


「Got you, as if I would say that!!」(Luser)


He raised his right hand that had flames on it, as he turned it towards Elfisuzaku.

When he was going to shoot that, simultaneously Luser’s face was being warped by a smile.




Luser’s right arm flew into the air, right after I chopped it off using my sword.

As the arm that fluttered in the air fell on the ground.

Luser watched it with a dumbfounded expression on his face.


「Hi, a, aaaAAAAHHH!?」(Luser)

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Luser screams after he paused for a few seconds.

He writhe on the ground, while he was putting on pressure on his severed arm.


Finally, the sword went through.

The Knight’s sword from before was unable to go through the robe defense, but with my present sword it seems possible.

Back then when the Knight’s sword was unable to cut through the robe, I was awfully discouraged by it.

Finally, I’m able to return back what he owes me.


「Just now, why did you stop your attack?」(Iori)


I averted my eyes from Luser which writhed and asked Elfisuzaku.

Do you yield to Luser who was begging for his life?


「This fellow is your game, right? That’s why I thought that I should leave it to you」(Elfisuzaku)

「Ah, that right. That’s really helpful」(Iori)


I’ve no intention to let Elfisuzaku finish him off.

Because I’ll be the one to kill this bastard.

In addition, I cannot kill him right now because he wore that self-destroy robe.


「Amatsu……! Ho, how dare you……to, to my arm!!」(Luser)

「When you say so, didn’t you cut off my arm thirty years ago. And how did it feel having your right arm being cut off?」(Iori)



Luser’s wound was getting healed naturally, while he screams.

It seems like there’s some kind of magic on his body.

If I try to kill him off, he might still be fine if that self-destroy robe is still worn.


「To look at me with such eyes……I wont forgive you……I wont forgive you……!」(Luser)


The murmuring Luser turned his gaze towards Elfisuzaku suddenly.


「That’s right……you, I’ve remembered you! At that time, the Mazoku that I fought at the Demon Castle once……!」(Luser)


Thus, he had a smile “NYARI” as if he found means of escape.


「You remember too, right!? At that Demon Castle, Amatsu party that you fought before! He is Amatsuki Iori, the Amatsu who defeated you its him! 」(Luser)


「So, you should hold a grudge towards Amatsu, right!? I’ll lend you my help! Therefore, both of us should kill that Amatsu together! 」(Luser)


He tried to persuade her as he was trying to keep his life.

While his ass was still down on the ground, Luser reached out his remaining arm towards Elfisuzaku.

When his arm was about to touch Elfisuzaku, right after that.


A “MEKIRI” or something like cracking sound was echoes.




The arm which stretched out to Elfisuzaku was crushed by gravity forces produced by the demon eyes.

As the sound of breaking bones sounded, the screams of Luser echoed with it.


「……Iori. This is just my advice to you, you should choose your friends wisely, you know」(Elfisuzaku)


「You’re right, I’ve got nothing to say about it」(Iori)

He should realize that there’s no room for negotiations.

“HII”, leaks from Luser’s mouth, who lost both of his hand while crawling back.


「A,Aa……! Do,Dont joke with me. You bastard, do you know who I am!? I’m Luser Gilban! The Kingdom Strongest Mages, YOU HEAR ME!」(Luser)

「I don’t know」(Iori)


「Amatsu only knows, Lucifina the swords-woman or that wise Onizoku. But for a nobody like you, why would he bother himself to remember you. To begin with, there no meaning by doing so」(Elfisuzaku)



Luser had a despair expression on his face.

Elfisuzaku raised her foot as she wanted to silence him. * T/N because Luser’s keep ranting


「Remember this……! I’ll remember your face! Altogether with Amatsu, I’ll absolutely send both of you to hel~Gahh」(Luser)


Elfisuzaku threw a kick directly on Luser’s face. Right after Luser produced some strange voice, he lost his consciousness.


Because there’s still a self-destroy on him, I can’t kill him right now. Besides, I have something that I need to confirm from him.

The number of traitors.

I need make him spit it out.

Because I’ve got a method to do so.

I wonder if this is what they call a “child’s play”.




With this, all the pursuers from the Kingdom were annihilated.


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