Episode 2 『To Grasp The Situation』

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The request asked by King, it was a simple one.

『I want you to fight and defeat the Demon King』(King)

That’s all.


If I fight as a Hero, my well-being will be taken care of by them and I expect them to fulfill everything that I desire.


Such as, a much better treatment than my first time. They really need a Hero, right. I understand it as they decided to not punish me.


When I ask whether I can return to my original world, 『It is impossible at this stage』is the reply I got. The magical power is exhausted after summoning me, the kingdom does not have enough magical power to send me back. If its six years, I will able to return back safely, thats what the King said.


Hah, so funny.


Back then it was 『four years』 and this time it is six years. So it increased by two years, huh. What this King says is not reliable at all.


But still, I said.

『As a Hero I will fight』


Of course, there is no such intention. It is just as pretext, to be shown on the surface as it will make everything easier and I’ll be allowed to do a lot of things.


There should be a lot of opportunities to kill Luser.


In addition, I just got summoned and I do not understand the circumstances yet.

Finally, it is very likely that several years have passed because the current King is different from the last one. Before starting any actions, It will be wise for me to gather information first.


Thus, I became a Hero for this Kingdom on the surface.


「That’s right, I still don’t know your name Hero-dono, can you tell me your name?」(King)


As we were parting, I answered to the words asked by the King.


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「It’s Amatsuki Iori」 (Iori)


Of course, I do not answer using my last name,Amatsu.



I will be made to obey the schedule that has been prepared by kingdom starting the following day.


In the morning I was teached about the knowledge of this world.

In the afternoon I have been taught tactics by a knight.

After dinner, I was instructed about magic by a mage.


In between, lunch break is being inserted, roughly like that.


Honestly, it’s just a waste of time. The knight movements is so wasteful, even the guidance of the mage is inefficient and useless. The proficiency of the Knights corps and the mage is far lower than the first time I was here.


However, I must pretend to hear it like it was the first time so that I will not be doubted.

Because of Luser case the impression about me was worst. I was being monitored by the mage around the clock.


It is possible for me to pass through supervision, but that isn’t a wise choice.

It is necessary to proceed carefully, the reason is because in my present condition I am unable to use magic.


I decide to devoted myself to information gathering until the supervision loosened, and act as an obedient Hero for a while.



Ten days have already passed after being summoned.

Since then, the supervision has loosened and it was possible for me to walk freely at night.


I go to the library during the sunset after completing all the schedule for the day.

In the library that is filled with the smell of old paper, I pick up the book that describes things regarding the ex-hero “Amatsu”.


Performing information gathering around this for a few days, I came to understand.

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Somehow it seems that already thirty years have passed since that day,

As expected, even knowing this I’m surprised with how much time that has passed.

Of course a new King is on the throne.

When reconsidering carefully that guy, Luser was getting old too.


Even though.

Apparently, the Maou Ortega seems alive.


「It’s completely a masterpiece」 (Iori)


When knowing this, I have bursted out in laughter unconsciously at such absurdity.

In brief, Luser has failed in the subjugation of the Demon Queen.

Although he laughed saying that “I can slay the Demon Queen even if you aren’t here”.

Just for what reason have I been killed, my laughter stopped from that question.


Afterwards, the Maou continues to collect his power inside the Demon King castle.

Before the Maou begins to move, the Kingdom summoned the Hero in a hurry.


Because the library of the kingdom had books about Hero Amatsu and the Maou, it was easy to examine it.


And the description was quite different from the facts.

Apparently it seems that I’ve been killed by the Maou.

Despite the fact that I’ve not even reached the original Maou.


Then, there was a strange point that caught my concern about the books in the library.


The names of Lucifina and Dionis are not described anywhere. As if the existence of those two suddenly disappeared from the party. If they died it is understandable, but this is quite abnormal.


There is no figure of those two in the castle either. Except for Dionis that came from Onizoku. Anyhow, as for Lucifina who has belonged to kingdom knight corps to be nowhere found was a bit strange. It seems to be necessary to check information about them in one way or another.


「So, there no result is it..」 (Iori)


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After all there is no name of those two, even though I searched in “Amatsu” related books.

After getting my hands on the book that piqued my interest, I left the library.


By deliberately taking a detour, I headed to my room. The reason is because I want to completely grasp the structure of the palace. It has been renovated, the position and number of the room has changed in some places, but I roughly memorize it in my head.


In the middle of my walk, I pass by several palace attendants. Although everybody lowers their head and greets me, all of them have expressions of despise on their faces.


「…..that, did he go to the library again?」 (Palace Attendant)

「He should train his magic before searching for books. 」 (Palace Attendant)


As I heard two persons that passed as they criticize me behind my back.


Is the matter about me being unable to use magic exposed already?

As fact, the events with Luser are being related, there seems to be a lot of dissatisfaction towards the second generation Hero. At first it was 「Hero-dono」 and now 「That」 so that’s how they refer me behind my back, huh.


Even if the magical power is not usable, there is some technique. Because I learned how to use my senses in a battlefield, I can hear some voices even if its far. Those guys don’t think I’ve heard that, huh.


「Amatsuki Iori-dono. Is he really a Hero? He can’t even use magic, isn’t he just a brat?」(unknown)


When passing by a room, I stopped abruptly when I heard my name. Apparently, it is likely that they talk about me. Four or five people are in there.




They are discussing in a low voice, but I heard a familiar voice.


「Without a doubt he is a Hero. Even if he’s like that. When he’ll face off the demon army, he’s going to die instantly, right? 」 (unknown)


The one with the hoarse voice was Luser. Somehow, it seems to be a talk among his the fellow mage friends.


I calm myself since I almost stormed in the room, I feel the killing intent inside me.


「Unable to use magical power, he is not useful at all」 (mage)

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「Yeah…even if he is the worst at least being able to face off with the King Four Devas, its not likely that he’s going to be completely useless」(Luser)


I’ve been taken back as Luser said those words.


「…….damn」 (Iori)


My head becomes blank from the anger. Somehow manage to refrain myself by biting my lips. If I start the fight here, my act created by behaving obediently will be wasted.


「The days of Luser-dono fighting together with Hero Amatsu. Why did Amatsu-dono…….」(mage)


Luser answered the question as such


「He was a brave man. That aimed for world peace, he had somewhat of an ideal that was suited for a Hero. I want to realize the ideal created by him, but…… I regret that it turned out to be like this」 (Luser)


And that’s.

What Luser said while perform an act without the slightest bit of shame.


—-It was only you who had fought with such an aim, only YOU.


Then who was that person that smirking at me back then?


「Oh… I understand」 (Iori)


After all he was that kind of guy.


「There are still uses even if the Hero is useless」 (Iori)


As Luser said such words behind my back, I returned to my room while holding back my boiling anger that wanted to kill him.


Then, after one week.


—I begin carrying out my plans.


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