Episode 4『The Moment of Despair』

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In the magic atelier that fell in silence. Luser’s face was getting paler seeming like blood was drained from his body by the knight’s sword that was pointed at his throat.


「Whats wrong Luser. It looks as if you’ve seen a ghost」 (Iori)

「……..Is that really you Amatsu? b-because you had been」 (Luser)

「I should have been murdered by you?] (Iori)


To have spoken the information that should not be known by Amatsuki Iori, that moment he seemed to have understood that I am Amatsu. Then with his eyes wide open suddenly he began yelling in a trembling voice.


「It’s impossible! I certainly summoned a hero without a doubt! But why are you bastard here!? Whats with that appearance!? Why…..」 (Luser)

「Shut up!」 (Iori)



Even the knight’s sword that is enhanced with magic, it was unable to go through Luser body completely. The robe which this bastard wears seems to have protection magic with a high defense.


「Please wait AMATSU! Please don’t kill me!!」 (Luser)

「…… Don’t kill me? Don’t you think your request is too selfish? 」 (Iori)


Do you think that I will forgive you?

Even a joke has its limits.


「It’s different! I was tricked by Dionis too!!」 (Luser)


I heard that name right when I was raising up the knight sword, a name that stopped my movement instantly.


“You were deceived by Dionis?”


「Both of Lucifina and Dionis, said that ” If Amatsu is killed we can divide the glory of slaying the Moau for ourselfs!”」 (Luser)

「…..Oi, are you still trying to spurt lies even at your last moment?」 (Iori)

「NO! IT’S TRUE! Is the truth, both these bastards were saying that as they approached me!」 (Luser)


With a really desperate look, Luser explained.


A few days before we marched towards the Maou castle. “We will wait until the right timing before we kill Amatsu”. Both of them approached Luser while suggesting that.


「After that you board in, right?」 (Iori)

「Ye…yeah…….B-but, it not just me! As for the people who participated as a support for the fight at the Maou Castle, there are lot of people boarded in and participated in this!」 (Luser)


Allied forces that consist of humans and demi-humans banded together to defeat the Maou forces.


An ogre group and several other races such as wolf races also participated in that, He says that they cooperated with the plan to kill me.


Luser spoke a name of the people with “Bera Bera”.


[Ah…… those fellows] (Iori)


I remember instantly after I heard that name. That nobody, a guy that approached me by approving my ideal but was unwilling to cooperate. I smile because I still remember the voice of those people that I proposed cooperation with.


So they took part in exchange for money and honor for killing me.


「Kuku…..」 (Iori)


“For peace sake, I will cooperate with the humans”. As I remember believing such word being told by them, my laughter overflows unintentionally. I want to beat to death the former me from that time, the one that was happy because he was recognized as a Hero.


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「After that?」 (Iori)

「Hiiiii!?」 (Luser)


Calmly I urged Luser to continue, he was edging back as he saw me who bursted into laughter.


「Thus, we moved according to the strategy made by Lucifina」 (Luser)


The demi-humans that were following my party, they were instructed to pretend to be a Mazoku and hold the humans who were going to march into the Maou castle. To create a situation where nobody will come to help me.


「Oh …… that’s why the army that was attacking the enemy from behind us was unable to enter the castle, huh?」 (Iori)


I understand Luser words. Looking from his expression while telling what had happen I can tell that he’s not lying.


Afterwards, it was something that I knew.


They cut my right arm which had the power of the hero dwelling in with the timing when I fought against the Mazoku. With only the magic from Luser it is enough to defeat the Maou that was weakened. Therefore, after I used up my magical power fighting against the Mazoku, they planned to get rid of me who was unnecessary.


「Now I get it……….」 (Iori)


For those two who worked out such a strategy, in the end they casted both Luser and the demi-humans away.


「Well, you were deceived and why should I care about that?」 (Iori)

「Both DIONIS and LUCIFINA were spy for the demon force,don’t you see!」(Luser)

「….. What?」 (Iori)


Those two were spies of the Maou forces? Unintentionally I responded in a shocked tone. But the desperate expression of Luser did not seem to tell a lie.


「After killing you I was surprised by Dionis “With AMATSU dead, you’re done, too!” then I was betrayed by them, too!」 (Luser)


After he said that, Luser turned up his hem and showed his arm. I can see a deep wound like being carved there. He said that it was a scar left by Dionis.


After killing me, those two seem to have discarded Luser and their promise with the demi-humans.


「Then how did you survive?」 (Iori)

「Lucifina said, “A human who conveyed that the Hero has lost is necessary”, hearing that Dionis stopped attacking me…… !」 (Luser)


Luser has been overlooked just to convey about [the defeat of Amatsu] and [betrayal of Lucifina and the Dionis] to the humans. Luser which fled back to the kingdom seems to have reported that “Lucifina and Dionis have betrayed him and Amatsu was killed.”

As he was discarded by those two, he can’t laugh about it shrewdly like he did to me, huh.


「With that, Lucifina, Dionis and those demi-humans. Everyone who approved of this strategy, where are they now?」 (Iori)

「Both Lucifina and Dionis are with the Maou forces together with Onizoku that came along with them too. The demi-human wolf races are being cut off, they probably are at the hot spring city that is under allied powers now……!」 (Luser)

「Is that so…..」 (Iori)


There are no guarantees that what Luser said is the truth.


But I understand that the name of those two have disappeared from the book records. The Hero that was murdered by his companions is something that would not be published. Besides, one of the traitors was the knight whom the kingdom elected itself.


The consistency matches with various things.


「T-then!? Is not my fault, right! They tricked me too! I’m a victim too, right!!」 (Luser)


Luser was shouting while stomping his foot.


What he said is the truth. Certainly, he and those demi-humans have been tricked by those two. When I remember that both Lucifina and Dionis continued acting to deceive me, only the urge to kill springs out.



Even so, it does not change the fact that Luser had betrays me. I cannot allow it.


「Then will you cooperate with we, Amatsu! We will kill those two who had betrayed us! You may retaliate to those demi-humans who had betrayed you! So let’s defeat the Maou together this time! If it you, I’m really sure that you should be able to do it!] (Luser)

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Luser which has a twitched smile is extending his hand towards me.

On the other hand I–


「Shut up!!」 (Iori)


I swung down my sword vigorously. Then fresh blood begins to spurt as the flesh that was protected by the robe is slightly slashed.


「Ahhhh……! The blood is……Amatsu, what are you–」 (Luser)

「Do you think that what you’ve done is forgiven?」 (Iori)


As Luser realized his coerce was being rejected he fell on the ground. Surely this bastard has been deceived.


However. The fact that he had betrayed me does not change.


Did he think that I will let him cover my back again, huh.

I laugh at his absurd foolishness.


「……Luser, tell me how to get to rite of passage and the way to unseal the treasure storage」 (Iori)


It’s an important place that is being sealed by mages carefully. To untie this either destroy it using magic that exceeds the seals or speak of words that had been decided beforehand.


「Seal? What are you gonna do with it?」 (Luser)

「Just spill it」 (Iori)


When I thrust my sword at him, Luser tells me the cancellation method for the seal with his screams. Judging from his expression, I can tell that he’s not lying. With this, I have everything that I need to know from him.


But, one more.


「……Finally tell me 」(Iori)


I want to hear it, even if I knew “it” nothing will change. However, there’s one thing that I still want to hear by all means.


「It is about my past aim that I wanted to bring the…… war to an end and create a world in which every race can coexist. I thought that both Lucifina and …… you all thought the same and fought with same objective as me. However as for the truth,is that all of you, having sneered at me, did I had such thoughts by myself ……?」(Iori)


Because there were the three of you, I was able to continue fighting. For the first time, for me that was always dragged by the flow,I was able to set my objective that I want to achieve in my life. Was all of that just a mistake?


[I…….t-thought that it was an impossible dream. Even if the Maou is defeated, the possibility to coexist was zero」(Luser)


Is what Luser said.


The human did not intend to coexist with the Mazoku. The side that resisted will be annihilated and the side that surrendered will be turnd into slaves. Such a future will be waiting for both sides after the war end.


「Ah…Is that so?」 (Iori)


The answer came out of me.


Something like coexistence is absurd. I was only been dragged in by the ideal that was told by my former companions after all.  If I cannot do well with my own companions, then to coexist with many other races surely will be impossible.


Hah, I was disappointed. For me to believe all of them, even though they themselves weren’t.


「Hah, everything that I need to hear from you is–」 (Iori)

「That’s right Amatsu, There is something that I must show you」 (Luser)


Luser impatiently interrupted my words and pointed to the shelf inside the atelier.


「…..WHAT?」 (Iori)

「It’s something that concerns Lucifina, rather than mentioning, It is better for you to see for yourself」 (Luser)

「I understand, walk to the place」 (Iori)

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I make Luser lead the way while thrusting the sword towards him. There was a shelf that lined with the research materials.


「I never thought that you will be able to survive……..By all means how did you survive from that? And this appearance」 (Luser)

「… Shut up and just walk. There is nothing that I need to tell you」 (Iori)


Even I want to know myself what happened. About me being alive it was related with the summons by the kingdom for the second time. Even so, I don’t feel like I should thank the kingdom for it.


[There it is …… here] (Luser)


As Luser arrived in front of the shelf he opened a door by stuffing his hand inside.


「Now, Amatsu. Did you say that symbiosis was not possible a while ago? I surely thought so at that time. However, now it is different」 (Luser)


Luser’s talking while moving his hand with a rustling sound.


「I understood that you were right starting from that time. I even regretted that I murdered you all this time. That makes me think that I’d like to atone for my sin……!」(Luser)


I only heard Luser talking quietly with a shaking voice while his shoulders were shaking.


「So, Amatsu. You gonna leave the kingdom, right? Then, please let me help. I should be able to take you out safely! Please I’d like to cooperate with you!」 (Luser)

「…… Do you really think so?」 (Iori)

「Yes! It’s true!」 (Luser)

「Is that so……?」 (Iori)


In the middle of the talk, the thing that he was searching for has been found. The hand Luser stuffed in the shelf was returned.


「Watch this…….before that, there’s something that I want to tell you」 (Luser)


Luser that seems to have grasped something turns towards me.


「Even from back then you’re still too naive!!」 (Luser)


With his hand imbued with magical power, he thrusts it towards me. His fingertip is strengthened by the magic, and has sharpness rivalling a blade.


「BAAAKA!」 (Luser)


The finger sharp as a blade thrusted towards me is able to split my body easily if it hits.


That is “If it hits”.


「Wha!?」 (Luser)


Without letting the knife-hand blow reach me. He just cut the empty air. As I was being cautious getting attacked by Luser, I already prepared myself by staying in a position that enables me to dodge immediately.


「 You never change, huh. Everything about you」 (Iori)


I already understand it. A good thing to say, everything about the fact that concern with his perfidious attack–.


This bastard was excellent for a mage, but really bad for close combat. Maybe the old age was getting him, or probably because of the wound inflicted by Dionis, his movement is getting dull.


Even to the degree of an easy dodge, it is possible even with the current me.


「Hiii」 (Luser)


Luser twitched his face and screamed. The moment that I dodge his attack I was going to slash using the knight sword aiming at his neck.


「Take a look at this!」 (Luser)

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That instant Luser rolled up his robe. On the back of the crimson robes is carved with shining coat of arms.


「The moment I die, the magical power that is being stored packed inside my body will explode! If you kill me here, will you die together with me!?」 (Luser)


He stored his magical power, and it was packed? From the crest which shines in red, I felt an ominous amount of magical power from it. If I kill Luser, an explosion would really happen on a scale that will blow off the entire palace.


「Hi,Hihihi」 (Luser)


Luser laughs with his whole heart.


「In addition, it not just you will die. Everyone in the whole palace will be wasted! The innocent people that are not related with your summoning will be burned too! THEN, do you still want to kill ME!?」 (Luser)


Luser changed completely from a frightened expression to a smirking and aggressive smile. I was impressed unconsciously when I saw that a human being could turn into such unsightly form.


「 So you don’t have the guts to kill me? Back then, you bastard couldn’t even slay the Maou,huh. THATS because you are really soft!」 (Luser)


By showing the arm of the coat, Luser cut down our distance by making himself a bait. While putting his finger near his neck on purpose he was showing an arrogant attitude.


「Try it, if you dare to kill me! Huh, Ama–」(Luser)


I draw a kick which sank onto Luser’s face. The feeling where the bone of the nose breaks is transmitted from my foot.


「GOhEh!?」 (Luser)


From the impact of my kick, Luser crashed through the window made for ventilation which was right behind his back. As he broke through it  he fell in a upside down position.


「Gyaaaaaa」 (Luser)


His last moment squeal left its traces till I didn’t hear it anymore after that. This room is pretty high. If a human fell down, certainly he won’t survive.


However, there is no explosion.

Even falling from this height, that scum is still alive.


It is the story of three decades ago, that bastard was the world’s strongest Mage. He may have gotten considerably weak, but it’s impossible for him to die from such a degree.


「Such unpleasant confidence」(Iori)


I see, as far as there is that robe, Luser can’t be killed. At a glance, even if I strip him forcibly it seems that the device is still gonna be activate.


And even if I fight him one on one with my current state, it wouldn’t be possible to win against him. I may have succeeded this time, but I can’t think it will work for the second time.


「……It is necessary for me to recover my power」 (Iori)


If I have my former power, even if that robe is invoked I can withstand it.

Even if I fight him head on I’ll surely be able to kill him.


And I also have to go to meet those two who were the spies of the Maou forces. To the people from the demi-humans which I heard their names from Luser, I must give my gratitude to them.


The future plan was decided. I must regain former power and retaliate against those people. A plot about how to regain my power back, I thought of it already.


For that purpose, let’s move to the next action. There are several things which should be done yet. Gratitude must be shown to the kingdom which summoned me here selfishly.


「Oh, thats right」(Iori)


I let out a small laugh, at the memory of the falling Luser. It’ll also be fun to try if it will cost him dearly afterwards.


「Just you wait」 (Iori)


I muttered as I left the magic atelier.

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