Prologue [The Frenzy Hero]

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[Welcome Hero from the another world. Please, I want you to save this world from the demon king] (unknown)


Suddenly I heard the hoarse voice of a unfamiliar old man.

I come to my senses from the voice and look around.

Then I noticed myself standing on top of a strange pattern.


[Where am I….?] (Iori)

[This is “Leytesha”, a world different from the one that you Hero came from] (unknown)


The hoarse voice answered the question which was unconsciously being spurt out from my mouth.


I lift up my eyes to look up to the voice direction and there was everyone regardless of age or sex who wore the clothes like the noble of the Renaissance era lined up in a row.

The one who answered my question was the middle-aged man that was wearing a crown and stands out the most among them.



[Yes,currently Leytesha is in the brink of destruction because of demon king]


I was standing dumb in surprise while the middle-aged man keeps continuing his word.

Wait, and don’t just push forward the story selfishly. Words do not come out because of my dry throat.


[Because of that the kingdom decided to summon a hero in order to slay the demon king] (King)


Am I having a transient dream? Or am I not able to distinguish between reality and delusion? The middle age man was saying something but the words did not get into my confused head.


However, strangely I was able to be understand what he was going to say.


[You are the hero….] (King)


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First of all, lets calm down


I try to ignore the speech from that man, trying to calm my confused head

And trying to remember what happen a few minutes ago


I remember clearly what happen on that moment.

I wonder… what had happened to me.

I laughed loudly unintentionally while holding my aching head.


[Are you listening to what I’m saying?!] (King)


I feel upset as my sight was cast down on the ground.

Suddenly there was a shout came from the middle age man.


I look up to the direction of the harsh shout. In front of my eyes, there stood a man that was wearing a black robe and was holding a cane which was embedded with a red jewel. When I look toward that man instantly my confusion disappears.


[You are in the presence of his Majesty the King! Raise your face!] (Men in black robes)

[Its fine Luser’s, the hero seems still confused and there no need to rush it] (King)


what “Luser’s”!!?


The middle age man with the red hair that was shouting at me is named Luser’s, at the same time when the rebuke word enter my ear, suddenly my thoughts went blank as if I being struck by a thunder.


–damn you, I have had it with the “hero”


At the same time my head reached its limit with the gushed memories, then I stomped the floor as if I crushing it and started running toward Luser’s.




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Toward the roar yelled by me like an animal, as Luser’s reacts to it

but it’s already late.


Before that guy raises his cane, I struck a blow direct to his face.

I fired a fist full with hatred directly to Luser’s face.




Causeed by the momentum, Luser’s is sent flying and crashes onto the wall.

I pierce a glare straight at him as I was about to faint


Not yet.

This is not going to end just like that.


As I ride on top of him, I land punches.

The sound where my fist strikes the cheekbone echoes.


[Wait Hero! what are you trying to do!?] (King)

[Arrest him quickly!!] (King)


The people around rush towards me

with a quite force, I was being held down


[Luu….seerr!!!] (Iori)


Still, I keep beating Luser’s.

At that time, all the emotions that were accumulated in my heart were cleared up.


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[Fuck you…..only you!] (Iori)


Luser’s faints completely.

However, it not gonna end just with this.

It is not finished.


–The pain I received from him, is greater than this


As I want to land one more hit I was pinned down to the ground.

Immediately I was trying to shake off the people that pinned me down

however for some reason my strength does not come out.


[I won’t forget the things that you did to me!] (Iori)


Still, I struggled and extended my hand towards Luser’s

However a dull shock runs at the back of the my head

as my vision flashed I felt my strength leaving my body


[What the heck…] (unknown)


Someone among the people who arrested me said such a thing


–“What the heck” you say?


As my consciousness fades away the words enter my ear.

For such an obvious question, I answer it in my heart.


This fucking guy is my murderer.


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It isn’t for the first time that I, Amatsuki Iori, am being summoned to this world.


Until several minutes ago, I was being summoned as a hero to protect this world.


In the end what was waiting for me was a betrayal from my fellow companion that I trusted


Having my arm cut off and being stabbed in the chest, I still remember everyone laughing to the dumbfounded me.

That red haired guy, Luser’s is one of them.


By murdering me the achievement for subjugating the demon king will be claimed by themselves.

When the war ends,the hero is just an obstruction.

You are already unnecessary.


While being told so by my laughing companions I was being murdered.


For some reason I’m still alive.

I still don’t understand the reason but I’m really thankful for my luck

Because I’ve been given an opportunity to take revenge on the people who betrayed me


–I’m gonna make them regret.

Having betrayed me.


I laughed until I lost my consciousness.

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