Episode 1『The Beginning of Revenge

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ー  Hero Amatsu.


The Hero who advocated an ideal to obtain world peace.

Amatsu already died at the time when he was betrayed by his companions.


Right now I’m no longer a Hero, I’m just Amatsuki Iori that is partnering with the former Maou.


For being killed,it was detestable.

Also it really is regrettable being betrayed.

Moreover, I’m really offended for having my ideal being made fun off.


But most of all, to pretend supporting my ideal while putting an act to intimately become my dear companion was something unforgivable.






I’ve recalled that there was no glimpse of betrayal that will be committed by both of them.


For example Luserー


「  If you can’t overcome a matter of such degree, just abandon that Hero title, you hear me! Just quit it, the weight of the title is probably too heavy for you to handle it!  」(Luser)


Till now I still remember that rough disposition of him whenever he tried to encourage me.


Even Dionis.


「 Your preparation is not enough. What can I say, You will just walk to your death in the future  」(Dionis)

「  He~, as expected of Dionis-sama. That insight is really something out of common!  」(Lucifina)


He really was sarcastic toward others. Even though he was like that, he took really good care of his subordinates.


Yet, all along the journey he always seemed to try and conceal that weakness of his.

Because of that, I’ve thought that they were my trusted companions.

When I try to recall everything that they did, it was probably just an act.


I felt the urge to vomit.


But there is only one person, only Lucifina from the first time when I met her, she never showed that she got tired of me.

She was a gentle woman who readily sacrificed herself for the sake of others.

She was the biggest reason that drove me into having a desire to save the world.


But, that doesn’t matter anymore.

I’ll face off those companions of mine and finally I’ll kill every single one of those bunch that betrayed me till no one is left.





The Forest of Urugusu.

Its located in between the Kingdom and an Federation, its a really vast forest.

The passage was quite dangerous because there’s lots of demons and beasts inhabited in it.

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「  How much magic resistance is needed to nullify the  『 Karma of Reverse Burial 』?   」(Iori)

「  It should be the level which is able to nullify magic from those King Four Devas class. Well, if its us from back then, we might be able to handle it to some degree  」(Elfisuzaku)

「……Its really troublesome magic, huh  」(Iori)


Several hours after teleporting from the labyrinth.

In order to reach our next destination toward the Federation, currently we are in that forest.


「  To nullify that magic…… We might be able to nullify it if we use either lost magic or mental image magic class that greater exceeded it, right  」(Iori)

「  Either way is impossible. Because to begin with, we can’t use neither the lost magic nor the mental image magic  」(Elfisuzaku)


Something like mastering both of magics.


First one, the lost magic.

The consumption for magical power was high, moreover it’s difficult to handle and now nobody could use that type of magic.

Something as reproducing it, the possibility to use it is only by mastering it.


The  『Karma of Reverse Burial   』, the one used by Luser is classified among those Lost Magics.


Then for mental image magic.

As according to its name, its magic to manipulate the human  『  Heart State  』.

The effects are different for each person and it was a similar thing that consumed quite a large amount of magical power.


For this mental image magic Lucifina was able to use it.


There are few humans that can use either one of this magics.

Therefore, the mages will only be able to master either one of it.


It was impossible to use Lost Magic if one doesn’t completely understand the principle of the magic itself.

For me that depends on the “Proof/Mark”, it was impossible for me.


In addition, even for heart manipulation magic it was not possible for me to do it.


「   After all, there’s no choice but to go to the labyrinth and regain my power, huh  」( Iori)

「  Umu. Regain our power quickly, then kill all those traitor!  」(Elfisuzaku)


It was Elfisuzaku the one that said those dangerous remarks.


While we had such a talk the temperature fell.

The sun goes down, as the light of the madder red passes through the gap of the trees. T/N madder red = Akane-iro


「   Its not long before sunset.  Looks like we will camp out here today  」(Iori)

「  Eh? But there’s no pillow and bed?  」(Elfisuzaku)

「  As if there will be one  」(Iori)

「  Wh………WHAT?  」(Elfisuzaku)


Leaving the stunned Elfisuzaku, I look around to start the camping preparation.

There’s open space among the trees ahead, there would be a good base area.


「  Camping……camping is it. Iori, what do I need to do for the encampment?  」(Elfisuzaku)

「 First of all, we need to prepare a place to rest. A barrier as countermeasure for demons, collecting firewood for our source of fire. After that we gather some food and water. About the prevention against demon, the magic stone will do the trick  」(Iori)


Fortunately, I was able to find a clear/clean river near by.

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I make a barrier to ward off the demons.


「  Iori knows a lot, huh  」(Elfisuzaku)

「……well 」(Iori)


When I was on my journey, the matter concerning the encampment I remembered it briefly.

……but, I don’t want to remember about the person who I learned it from.


Unexpectedly Elfisuzaku acted obediently.

She collect the firewood and dead leaves quickly without complaining.

I thought that she seemed to avoid such a troublesome thing, but.

On the other hand, she moves her steps while humming.


「  It seems that you’re in a good mood, huh  」(Iori)

「  Yeah. It is my first time camping and I cannot help for being excited 」(Elfisuzaku)


She looks like such an outdoor “I can do it” former Maou.


Then in a few minutes, I’ve secure our bed spot.

Because I use the magic stone to set up the barrier, the low-class demons and beasts will probably not come near.

We were able to secure the firewood quickly all thanks to the herculean strength of Elfisuzaku.


But, because there are no sleeping bags. I sleep leaning against the tree.

If there’s cloth, I might make a bed to put it over the dead leaves.


「……If only I brought some cloth with me.」(Iori)

「 Hmm, do you want some cloth? 」(Elfisuzaku)

「  Do you have some?  」(Iori)


With a nod, Elfisuzaku stuck her finger into her head abruptly.

“ZUBUZUBU” thus her finger tip sunk.

Right after that her hand pulled out two pieces of cloth.


「  Here  」(Elfisuzaku)

「……but wait. What did you do just now  」(Iori)


How did the cloth came out from her head.


「  It is storing magic. Because it leads to the small room from a different dimension, I can store many thing to some degree  」(Elfisuzaku)


The magic which is applied is the same as the pouch that I have.


However, It was the first time that I saw someone using storage magic on one’s own head.


「 However, it’ll be crowded if I’m to store too many items  」(Elfisuzaku)


……It’ll give some considerably shocking image, huh.

It piqued my interest a little, I want to see it.


After that I make our dinner from the hare and the fruits we secured earlier.

For the water that I took from the river, before drinking I sterilise it by boiling it first.

I put both the food and the water into the container that Elfisuzaku took out from head.


「T……this  」(Elfisuzaku)

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Right after Elfisuzaku tasted the food that I made, she opens her eyes wide.


「  Iori ! CALL THE CHEF WHO COOKED THIS!  」(Elfisuzaku)

「  It’s me who cooked that  」(Iori)

「  Is that so?   」(Elfisuzaku)


What’s with that so suddenly.


「……Is it not to your liking?  」(Iori)

「  No, not that. It was more delicious than I imagined and I really intended to praise it  」(Elfisuzaku)


With a smile on her face, Elfisuzaku chews the hare meat.

Even to say cooking, its just to the extent that I seasoned it lightly with some spicy grass and salt.

It’s good if its to your liking.


「  Umu, after all you’re my exclusive chef that’s under my contract  」(Elfisuzaku)

「  I decline it  」(Iori)

「   eh……  」(Elfisuzaku)


For the present, our stomachs swelled and our throats were moistened, too.



After dinner.


On the simple bed that I made out of leaves covered by cloth, I perform some experiment with magic.

Thanks to the Labyrinth core, I was able to use magic to some extent with the magic stone.

Right now I want to try reproducing the skill that uses a small quantity of magical power.


「  It seems that I’m able to use it to some extent  」(Iori)


Although it was degraded and its effect is also falling.

For the  【 Magic Break Suppression  】, even if its scale of power is substantially lost, I may be able to exercise it depending on training.


Right before I was about to end my experiment.


「  It can’t be denied that the outside world is a beautiful thing  」(Elfisuzaku)


Elfisuzaku which plopped herself down nearby muttered alone.


「  There’s light, sound, breeze and even something nice to eat   」(Elfisuzaku)


「 Because I was being sealed in the darkness isolated from the outside world. It was somewhere with no sound and light, you see. Its been long time since I went outside  」(Elfisuzaku)

「……It was thirty years ago, right  」(Iori)


I heard that right after I died Elfisuzaku got sealed.

That means Elfisuzaku was in darkness for thirty years.


「  The scene just before I was sealed comes across my mind. Ortegia which laughed at me after killing my subordinate. The Onizoku man that was jesting and laughing at me. Moreover,

With a despising look from the bottom of her heart, Lucifina drew her sword to me. It made me bare an intolerable amount of hate, hate, hate, hate toward those guys  」(Elfisuzaku)


After she declared that, Elfisuzaku breathed out to control her emotions.

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「  Its been quite a while since I had some conversation and having you as my conversation partner its really a unexplained feeling  」(Elfisuzaku)

「……Elfisuzaku  」(Iori)

「  Iori. The way you call me is so long, right 」(Elfisuzaku)


Elfisuzaku said that to cut off the heavy atmosphere.


「 ……Just especially for you, I permit you to call me Elfi and you should be grateful for it  」(Elfi)

「  You’re self-conceit as ever, huh  」(Iori)

「  Of course because I’m the exalted one, you know  」(Elfi)


Which part of it?


「……gosh! I get it 」(Iori)


Elfisuzaku  ー  Elfi in return, she nodded lightly.


「  Then from now on call me Elfi  」( Elfi)

「 That’s fine. I’ll put out the bonfire then  」(Iori)


Right after I say that Elfi fell silent.

Not long after, only the sleeping breath is audible.




Even with that carefree attitude, this fellow seems to hold considerably darkness inside her.


To the extent that in each conversation Elfi stares through my eyes like she’s seeking for an answer.

As if she can’t believe ” is this really reality?”, seems that she’s unable to distinct it.


「……Fuu  」(Iori)


I end the thought and lie down.

The fatigue from the fight with The Earth Demon Lord is still there.

As I closed my eyes I lost my consciousness and fell asleep right after that.



Several days have passed after that.


「……It came into view」


Finally, we arrive at the exit of the forest.

As we left the forest, the maintained highway spread out.

There’s a city at the foot of the huge volcano coming into my view.


The Federation.

Its the county where the Purgatory Labyrinth resides and I must go there to regain my power.

Afterwards, for the traitor residing there that I saw from the  『 Golden Sword of Probing  』.


By saying “For peace sake”, the demi-human from the wolf tribe that approached me trying to appear a good person.


I’ll surely come to you by all means and I’ll kill you first for my vengence.


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