Episode 15『Across The Fervor Domain』

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Translator: Norva

Editor: Oscuras




After the battle with the flame dragon, the subjugation corps has taken a break again after confirming that no demons are nearby.

Fortunately, although we received such a surprise attack, the damage was hardly inflicted to the subjugation corps.

Although, there’s people who suffered injuries, but it’s to the level where a potion and magic is enough to deal with it.


I’ve used most of my magical power during my fight with the flames dragon. However, almost all of it is recovered and it’s all thanks to the Jade Longsword.

Although it is unknown, either because the long sword itself is amazing or my magical power is scarce.


A few minutes later, the meeting to decided our next plan was held.


「So far the progress of the subjugation corps was always stopped halfway up the volcano/labyrinth. There are a lot of casualties and it keeps increasing at the halfway up the “Torrid Region”」


It’s an advanced level of flame attribute magic.

Because during those time when we came here there was no such magic, probably it’s the power of the new Flame Demon Lord.


Considering the consumption of water and physical strength because of the heat and fighting against the demon, they must decide whether to withdraw halfway.

If they decide to advance from here, they must resolute themselves with death if they want to defeat the Flame Demon Lord.


「This time there aren’t any casualties. Moreover, there’s physical strength and water remaining. Shouldn’t we proceed?」


There are a lot of adventurers that gave their opinion to advance ahead.

For us, it was really convenient.


「What about both of you?」


Therefore, both mine and Elfi opinion is being enquired.

Though they just ignored us a while ago, is their attitude changing toward us just because we’ve defeated the flame dragon.


「No objection」(Elfi)

「Me, too」(Iori)


Therefore either because is supported by both of us or not, the conclusion is, the subjugation corps will keep advancing.





After we proceed from the halfway, approximately 30 minutes has passed.

As might be expected from the depths of the labyrinth, the miasma gets thicker causing the number of demons to keep increasing.


From beyond the halfway up of the labyrinth, there’s no figure of the fire loper which is a low-class demon. However, there’s a lot of flame lizards and flame rock tigers instead.

In addition to that, the strength of each one of them has increased, too.

I gradually sense that the adventurers begin to lose their composure.


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Despite how good they are, if demons appear they wouldn’t be able to handle it in this state and because of the large group, it will be impossible for them to avoid it by breaking through demons.

However, if they want to capture the labyrinth. Then several powerful people at the level of the best in the whole country will have better efficiency to accomplish it.


Then after several minutes, we encountered herds of demons and in correspondence to that we are suffering from a pincer attack from all around.




A flame rock tiger has breakthrough the vanguard and is headed toward the mages unit.

The other adventurers that are still busy handling the incoming demons are unable to react to it.




Then, Elfi invoked her demon eyes.

A small explosion was created right in front of the flame rock tiger and it had stopped its movement.

In the meantime, the other adventurers have finally reorganised their stance and begun their counterattack.


Then after several minutes, somehow we were able to annihilate the demons which ambushed us.


「Awesome, “Explosion”!」



The adventurers have expressed their gratitude to Elfi as they’re getting attached and over familiarly with her as they’re calling out her name.

It’s a sight which I’ve watched many times over since a little while ago

When the battle formation might collapse from the enemy attack, Elfi will reorganise it back with her demon eyes.

Because of that, till now there were no casualties occurs.


「……Elfi. Can you try to preserve your magical power?」(Iori)


Because it was impossible for the adventurers to defeat the Flame Demon Lord.

Similar to the time with the Earth Demon Lord, Elfi’s Demon Eyes will be our main attack against the Flame Demon Lord.

The bottom line is that Elfi gets absolutely nothing out of it and she will just wear out her magical power.


「No problem, because I’ve minimised the consumption of magical power」(Elfi)


Although she said that, however since then Elfi’s always reliably helped those adventurers.


「Why did you go that far just to protect those guys?」(Iori)

「……Although there’s a bunch that I can’t get along with. However, right now we are comrades that have similar objective to subjugate the labyrinth」(Elfi)


Comrades……those adventurer’s, huh.

Certainly, she’s right that we’re in the same subjugation corps. However, to treat them as a comrade is……….


Suddenly Elfi’s said while smiling.


「If I could……I won’t let any of my friends die anymore」(Elfi)

「……, such naive thinking」(Iori)

「Yeah. Even Ortegia himself said that I was naive, you know」(Elfi)


At that time, the enemy’s raid roars sounded.

This time, the flame lizards crawl out from the crack in the ground.

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One of them is leaping toward the adventurer who has a delayed reaction.




I threw my spare sword there.

The flame lizard died as the sword pierces through its eye.


「You help me there-ze, thanks, man!」


I’ve nodded back at the adventurer that expressed his gratitude to me, then I tell Elfi.


「If it’s the case, I’ll move until my magical power is restored with Jade Longsword.

You mustn’t use your demon eyes too much, you got it?」(Iori)


It doesn’t mean that I’ve recognised what Elfi thought, at least both me and Elfi are fellow accomplices.

Since we have a similar objective, then it will be necessary for us to compromise with each other.

With a look that was a little surprised showing on Elfi’s face, she smiled, the end of her lips moving upwards.


Thenceforth, I’ve actively supported the adventurers around me.

I’ve used the magic stone as much as possible as long it was in the range that it can be restored with the Jade Longsword. However.


After that, around thirty minutes later.

We’ve arrived at the deepest part of the labyrinth.



On the spacious foothold in the depths of it, there’s a river of magma flowing.

If I look up above, the sky peeps out from the opened crater greatly.

Judging from the structure of the labyrinth, it’s the deepest part.

From the density of the drifting miasma, there’s no doubt that the『Labyrinth Core』is here.




There isn’t any figure of the Flame Demon Lord or Beltoga to be seen.

However, the presence of the demon can be felt.

It must be lurking somewhere in this space.




At that moment, Misha suddenly flicked as she turned towards the magma.

Elfi’s turns her gaze toward the same direction with her demon eyes, too.


Simultaneously, when Misha calls for caution.

There were multiple roars that can be heard as a silhouette begins to emerge from inside of the lava.


What had appeared is not the Flame Demon Lord itself, but

it’s the Flame Dragon which Elfi has defeated with her demon eyes some time ago.

There was three flame dragons that appeared at the same time.


「Could it be, this is the Flame Demon Lord!?」

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While the adventurers are confused.




As the labyrinth is being shaken by the triple roars.


Three of the flame dragon’s opened their mouths at the same time, then they’re releasing their breath vigorously.


「”Water Wall”!」


The mages had set up a defensive wall and because of that, we manage to endure it.

However, the flame dragons keep pursuing without giving us time to rest.



「――Don’t lose your composure you idiot」


Elfi’s using her demon eyes rapidly toward the sky.

The small scale explosion that has appeared stopped the movement of the startled flame dragon.

Matching this timing, I throw the magic stone by taking advantage of that opening.


「”Magic Break “」(Iori)


The flame dragon which was swallowed up by the explosion is still alive although it has been wounded.


As expected, a single blow isn’t enough to defeat it.


「Follow up with those two!」


The adventures began to make their move accordingly.

As they’re reorganising their formation to counter offence the flame dragons.


Hence, a desperate struggle has started.

As the flame dragon gave their breaths, the mages will defend against it.

By using the gap, swordsmen are attacking the flame dragon at the same time.


It was the man wearing a full armour who has played the most active part.

Without knowing the reason, he had to throw off his gauntlet, then he follows it up with a swung off his great sword that has broken the flame dragon talon.

Therefore, the flame dragon is trying to let out its breath after it loses one of its weapons. Countering to that Elfi has invoked her demon eyes that had created an explosion in its mouth finally exploding the flame dragon.


Meanwhile, Misha is moving around on the battlefield with her movements that surpassed that of a human being as she leaps to the wall and cuts off the flame dragon talon by a stroke of her sword.

Aiming at the falling flame dragon, me and the rest of the swordsmen assault it with our swords.

By repeating such conduct, the adventurers finally succeeded in the repulse of the flame dragons somehow.


However, it has left quite an amount of casualties on our side as well.

Those who were blown off by the flame dragon’s charge and those who became a victim of the breath has turned many of them incapable of fighting.

There’s some of them who are exhausted after using up their magical power.


「It’s going to be dangerous if we don’t have those “explosion”-na……」

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「I agree. This time those two have performed the most merits-na」


Nevertheless, the adventurers are still making a satisfactory expression as they said that.





It isn’t over yet.

The three flame dragons with such level can’t be the Flame Dragon Lord itself.


At that instant, the stream of magma has erupted which created several pillars with it.

The whole labyrinth has shocked violently.


「Wh……what is it!?」

「Oi, it’s a lie right!?」


From the lava, a giant of flame with several-fold size of a person has appeared.

With a magical power that can’t be compared with the flame dragon being burst out from its roar as it came from the bottom of the earth itself.

Then, it swung down its large arm.


In that instant, a flame is blown out from there.

The adventurers that seem to cram inside the chamber have let out screams as they barely invoked the protection magic.

I, who understood that it will happen beforehand has jumped away from the flame range, while Elfi has endured it with her demon eyes.

When the flame vanished, most of the adventurers have let out voices of agony.


「It was in comparison with the breath of the flame dragon……!  Ridiculous!」

「Is that the Flame Demon Lord!? How can we win against that……!」

「Run for your lives!」


The adventurers who had lost their fighting spirit are turning their backs as they start running away.

It’s not some merciful opponent that will just let its prey escape.

With a roar, the Flame Demon Lord has raised and swung down its arm.

At that instant, a flame has burst out from its arm.

After that, the Flame Demon Lord is turning around to this place.


「There isn’t the figure of Beltoga. Be careful because he might lie hidden somewhere」(Iori)

「I understood」(Elfi)


Thankfully, till now I’ve managed to preserve my magical power.

Now the role of those adventurers its over.


――Because we going to take over from here.


Beltoga is nowhere to be found.

However, if it happens that he was here, he should make his appearance before the Flame Demon Lord is defeated.

Come out and show yourself.

Because when it happens, it will be your last breath.




As the Flame Demon Lord howled and begun to move.

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