Dionis Harberg

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He was a water ogre who excelled with the water magic among the highly capable Onizoku and he was my former companion who joined the brave party on behalf of the Onizoku.

Yes, that’s right.

He was one of my former companion who had betrayed me and one of those people who I want to take my revenge the most.

――I do not want to see anyone from my tribe get hurt anymore. So Amatsu, I will fight with you too.

When we first met, Dionis told me that he wants to fight forsake of protecting his people and for I who was always being dragged by the situations was admired such firm-willed Dionis.

Dionis also approved my ideals of wanting to create a peaceful world. “If you want to make such a wonderful world, I will do anything to help you to realise it”

That’s what he said.

He was my precious friend who has to fight together with me for the same goal.

That’s what I thought so.

Unfortunately, such trust was crushed in astonishment.

It was during the battle at the Demon King castle and what was waiting for me there is no other than the betrayal of my own friends as my chest had been pierced by the surprised attack of Dionis.

And while smile and grinning, he said,

――Your role is over when you had weakened the Maou and brought us here.

――We can kill the Moau even if there is no power of the brave after we transferring your magical power to Luser.

――With this, your role is over, do you get it?

I still can see those scene in my dream even now. My comrade who had fought back to back with me until then has laughed while exposing his malice frankly at me. Dionis reply to my word of saying “are we not fought with the same goals?”

――I wonder if those dreams are better to be seen while you asleep?

That was Dionis true feeling.

Back then he always agreed and said that he wanted to be my strength many times. Yet, he had said that just to deceive me after all.

It would be better if he just denies those ideals. Because the current me can understand my own naivety from back then. Nevertheless, it was something unforgivable to be thrown away while been laugh as having served one’s purpose.

It does not matter even if it is a demi-human or even if it is the spy of the demon king forces. Those debts which I was killed while being ridicule at, I will return it back by all means.

In order for me to move on.



「Please step back for a while」(Dionis)

When Dionis said so, the surrounding demonic beings stopped moving. I have heard it from Elfi before and I guess that he has been recognised by the Demon King for him to be able to control the demonic beings in such way.


My head went blank filled with anger as I saw an appearance of a man with delicate features who hardly changed since thirty years ago. For I who is instinctively almost about to cut him with my sword out of anger, are grinding my teeth while clenching my fists to repress my rage.

That’s right.

Because I won’t reach that fellow even if I act out of my anger.


Besides, it was not only one me who was suppressing an anger. For Elfi whose subordinates was killed by Dionis. It would be impossible for her to not feel anger by it.

「……It’s been a long time, Mizu Oni (water ogre). It really amusing for a man who once a party member of a brave that ends up becoming the Water Demon Lord himself」(Elfi)

「Hello there, Elfisuzaku. Actually, I have my own circumstances in various ways, too. Leaving that aside, I was surprised too. That you were able to slip out from the seal of Lucifina. Well, congratulations for that」(Dionis)

Followed by Dionis *PachiPachi* clapping his hand while looking down at this place from the sky. In his friendly tone and expression, but his intention to make a fool of her is transmitted too.

「Hmph, do you thought that you could continue to seal me with such level of sealing? Surprisingly an underestimator, aren’t you?」(Elfi)

「Haa, I should apologise then? Being deprived of the seat of the demon king along with the life of an important subordinate. I thought that the seal of that extent was enough for a loser who had been torn apart, you know」(Dionis)

Then Dionis provokes Elfi while overlooking this place from the sky. But Elfi only squinting her eyes slightly and eluded the provocation. On the other hand, Dionis had the expression which seems a bit unpleasant on his face as averted his eyes from Elfi.

Then fake and disgusting smiles are directed at me.

「You, too. It’s been a while, wasn’t it?」(Dionis)
「You do not need to pretend ignorance, you know. Because I’ve known all the events that had occurred in that basement」(Dionis)

With those kinds of smiling face which are directed to an old friend, Dionis said.

「――Long time no see, Amatsu」(Dionis)

……I see.

Probably at the underground of Olivia’s mansion back then. Those eyes that made off water actually was the magic that used by Dionis.

「That woman, Olivia’s was showing some strange movement, that’s why I was monitoring her tentatively and I was surprised that you to appear there too, you know」(Dionis)

Olivia was manipulating the demons and was going to subjugate the labyrinth. Does it mean that we were reflected in the magic that Dionis use to monitoring her?

「Those wound that I inflicted on you is completely nowhere to be seen, and your appearance is different from what it used to be. Yeah, well, it seems that Ortegia’s plan seems to go out to an unfortunate result, huh」(Dionis)

「……It was Ortegia plan?」(Iori)

「Oops. It’s all right, you don’t have to worry about it」(Dionis)

After I made a slip out of my tongue, Dionis suppresses his mouth while smiling. From his gesture and attitude, I can’t feel that he wasn’t surprised that I was alive. A reaction of the level which met an unexpected person again.

Dionis says to dubious me while spreading his hands.

「I’m glad to see you again, Amatsu」(Dionis)


On the other hand, I have no choice but to agree.

「Me too, Dionis. I always wanted to meet you, too」(Iori)

How I’m going to make you suffer.

How I’m going to make you regret that you had betrayed me from the bottom of your heart.

How am I going to make you apologise for every wrong that you had done to me.


「I have been thought about how I’m going to kill you all the time」(Iori)

A revenge target who came over nonchalantly. There’s no such fine blessing as this for me.

「I don’t know what is your intention for go out here, but it saved me a lot of trouble because I will deliver the grudge of my subordinates right here, right now」(Elfi)

Elfi also stepped forward while saying so. Her magical power was overflow from her whole body as she got ready for the battle.

「Revenge and vengeance? Pardon me, but I’m not interested in such kind of thing because I just came to correct some mistake」(Dionis)

With a tone that admonished a naughty child.

「It is said that『Amatsu is the strongest Hero』or what being told by the human, right. It’s the mistake at which I can’t laugh at all, isn’t it? You are the strongest, huh. After having some thought, I’d like to correct those mistakes. Then, I’m gonna crush you and become the strongest myself!」(Dionis)

Dionis shouts so while completely erase those fake smiles of his before replaced by a distorted smile that filled with malicious intent.

Thus, Dionis also entered the battle posture while floating. By his signal, neighbouring demonic beings begin to move again.

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It’s a little troublesome to fight against Dionis and the demonic beings at the same time but it was depending upon the way he fights. As for the fellow combat power, I have grasped it from thirty years ago.

It is time to say that the battle might begins at any moment as we have been facing each other.

「Daddy……Daddy……」(Little Girl)


At such timing, the voice of the girl who clung to her father’s bodies from my back came into my ears. A tense atmosphere was scattered by the presence of a girl who lost her father. I was completely forgotten about her cause by the presence of Dionis.

「――Are you concern about her?」(Dionis)

At the same time, I could see Dionis face sharply distorted.


Still floating in the air, Dionis raises overhead. While in such height, there are numerous water spheres was formed around him.

Instantly after that, Dionis shook his arms vigorously with a grin on his face.


A countless of water bullet is poured down like a rain and the aim of all those water bullets was not for us but for a girl who kept kneeling and weeping.

I don’t even have time to make a decision as I instinctively pick up the girl and starts running from that place.


What are you doing, me?

Dionis is not some opponent who I can fight while protecting someone.

「Uwaaa……」(Little girl)

The girl is crying in my arm.
She will get in the way of the fight.
I should have abandoned her.

――The girl was crying?


Why did I help this girl earlier?
Is she even useful for revenge?
Would she become a fighting force to kill Dionis?

No, she won’t.
Because it’s impossible for her to do so.

Then, I should throw her away right now.


I grind my teeth.

As I do not understand my unconscious self.
Because there was no reason for me to protect the girl. I should just cut her down rather than having her experienced more gruesome death.

And yet, I――

「You are gentle as ever, aren’t you? But there I wonder if there such leeway for you to do so?」(Dionis)


My self-absorption was interrupted by the voice of Dionis that contain with ridicule before an explosion happens on my back.


My back being hit by a shock that almost blown off my consciousness. Biting my lips, I managed to keep my consciousness somehow.

「Hey! If you do not do your best, that child will die, you know?」(Dionis)

Thus, I slip through the side of the demonic beings that stand in my way while using them take my distance. Those demonic beings were being swallowed by the destruction which was run after me without mercy, too.

The remains of the demonic are scattered as they were caught up by the continuous explosion. Without paying any attention to it, Dionis annoying laughter could be heard from behind.

「Ah……!」(Little girl)

As the little girl scream.
The destruction befalls to the place where the corpse of the man was. Needless to say, the man body has not retained its original form anymore.

「Dada……addy, daddy, uwaaaah!!」(Little Girl)

The girl has seen the spectacle while being held by me while screaming and rampaging in my arms. In such behaviour, it would be impossible for me to cope with the water bullet.

「……ah」(Little Girl)

I poured my magical power into the girl’s head and thrown her consciousness.

She lost her strength and fell asleep on my arm.

……Not to lose her consciousness, but to abandon it.

「You have become really weak, Amatsu. Having a hard time just from protecting a girl from this level of attack」(Dionis)

Simultaneously at time Dionis was mocking and shooting more water bullet at me.

「――”Demon Eyes・Complete Destruction Explosion”」(Elfi)

While beating the water bullet, in the same way, the demon eyes of the Elfi which had accumulated the magical power exploded. As for we were moved to another place, the attack of Elfi has swallowed the laughing Dionis.

It’s her highest possible single blow in the state where she still wearing the disguise magic item on.

The crimson flash covers the sight and the blast from that blows was shaking the ground.

「How is it……!?」(Elfi)

Simultaneously when Elfi muttered that.


The smoke that causes the explosion disappeared and an intact Dionis appeared. I can see that the water barrier is covering his body.

Did he completely offset the demon eye of Elfi?

「Say, Elfisuzaku. Elfisuzaku Giraldo. I wonder if you really think that you can even damage me with such level of attack? Well, if it so, then you have made a fool of me, don’t you think? Is that demon eyes of yours gone rotted?」(Dionis)

「……So, its lack of firepower」(Elfi)

With bitter expressions, Elfi takes distance from Dionis. And, it was time to take off the『Bracelet of Disguise』

A slight frustrated, Dionis snap his fingers.



Just after that, Elfi had an agonising expression on her face before she suddenly kneeled down on her knee. When observing it, there’s a sword was stabbed deeply in her right thigh. There should enough distance between Dionis and her, besides there were no any weapons in the first place.

I can’t understand what Dionis just did.

「Look Amatsu. Your friend is in a pinch, but don’t you need to help her? Or are you going to abandon her because she a Mazoku?」(Dionis)

As Dionis tries to release water bullets towards Elfi who kneeled down and stopped moving.


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While holding the girl, I slip my other hand into my pouch and grab a magic stone.

It’s when I was going to stop the attack of Dionis using the “Magic Break”.

「NOO! You’re the target, Iori!」(Elfi)

Simultaneously with Elfi’s screams, Dionis snapped his fingers.

It was when he still turning his back at my direction, the water bullets floating in the air are fired towards me.


I throw the magic stone while leaping back to fall down.

As soon as the water bullet and the magic stone came into contact, the “Magic Break” was activated and jumping alone won’t get me out from the blast range. Thus, I was being hit by a burning blast.

「Ka, ha……h」(Iori)

My breath stopped as I being slammed to the ground while my burned skin gradually to aches. Because I was protecting the girl, it wasn’t possible for me to successfully defended myself.

In a somewhat blurred sight, I grasp the figure of Dionis somehow.

「It regrettable but you don’t have time to rest, you know?」(Dionis)

In the sight which becomes blurred with pain, it was visible that Dionis was going to use magic and it isn’t possible for me to dodge it at such timing.

……The only way to overcome this is by using the degraded version of “Magic Break Suppression”. Plus it will be impossible to counterbalancing such power.

It is the time when I prepared to receive the damage.


Elfi which has pulled up the sword from her thigh has sprung upon Dionis.

――”Demon arm・Rupture Break”――

As the five magical claws going to hit Dionis. The target of the water bullet of Dionis changed to Elfi. That ends up with the nail to collided with the water bullet that creates an extreme explosion.



As both of them are thrown by the blast. Elfi regains her balance in the air before withdrew to us.

「……Are you alright, Elfi?」(Iori)


The wound on her thigh has already clogged because all except her arm and face is an alter ego body. Moreover, she has mentioned to me before that she was able to reconstruct it with magical powers.

「That water ogre status is different from the previous Demon Lord, and even if he is corrupted, he still the party member of the former hero」(Elfi)

「He is not an opponent who I can win if I don’t fight with my full strength」(Iori)

Unless Elfi removes the『Bracelet of Disguise』, there is not the chance of victory except I do something with the girl in my arm.


Either if he has already perceived that, a harsh voice echo.

「Say, Amatsu. Why don’t you just get rid of that child? You can not fight properly because of her, right?」(Dionis)

「……It is not necessary because I can fight plenty even in this state」(Iori)

It’s just a bluff.

He is not the opponent who I can win in a situation where I unable to put out my full strength.

「Then, I’ll tell you what」(Dionis)

Dionis blows out a sigh while fumbling his brown hair in a circle with his finger.

He scowled and told me as if he were amazed.

「What the hell are you, a fool?」(Dionis)

「……What did you say?」(Iori)

「Though you were betrayed so severely, do you still help another person? Though thirty years passed, you haven’t grown at all」(Dionis)

「……You’re wrong」(Iori)

It is different.

Absolutely different.

I don’t help anyone.
I already abandoned such optimistic thought.
I have decided to use anything I can for sake of my revenge.

「Then, why don’t you abandon that child?」(Dionis)


That’s right.

Why did I not abandoning this girl in this circumstance?
Though I understand when she would only become a drag.


「Iori do not listen to that」(Elfi)

My reasoning is interrupted as Elfi’s hand was hitting my shoulder.

「There is no worth to hear the ravings of a traitor. What are you seriously doing you moron」(Elfi)
「……Ah, right」(Iori)
「Don’t lose your composure, just fix your eyes on the enemy. Just look forward」(Elfi)

I shake my head and abandon those unnecessary thoughts because of it is a suicide act to hesitated on the battlefield.


「You should hold that child and deal with it as much as possible, while I keep his offensive out and
in that gap――」(Elfi)

「Oh, I’m sorry, Be・Cau・Se, that would be impossible!」(Dionis)

Dionis swung down his hand while interrupting our talk.

Before a lot of water bullets being released once again.


Elfi shoots it down with her Demon Eye while I defend us using the “Magic Break Suppression”.
But Dionis will not slacken his attack.

Knowing that there’s no escape, he was aiming at me who hold the girl. I have been forcibly driven into a defensive fight and I don’t even have time to drink the potions that caused my magical power and physical strength are gradually being scrapped. Moreover, removing the “Bracelet of Disguise” won’t make any difference for Elfi too.

Before long.



The defence was broken and the water bullet burst up in front that causes me to be blown away by the impact and roll on the ground.

Elfi also on her knees while breathing a rough breath.

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「Are you kidding me~? Hey, hey for a former brave and a former demon king to be this weak. What kind of joke is this? That would be a problem, don’t you think? Moreover, I have been preparing a variety of thing too」(Dionis)

Dionis raises his arm.

「I’m not gonna kill you yet. First of all, I killed that girl in front both of you before I’ll torment both of you thoroughly, okay?」(Dionis)

Thus, the water bullet is given off――――.


「――We won’t have time to……!」(Elfi)


Suddenly, a barrier is arisen to surround us.



I saw a woman who had her red hair swayed on shoulders with a rough breath. Behind her, there are several armed soldiers.

The barrier that she had created have saved our lives――――


That reminds me of something from back then.
Once, there was a man who helped us in a predicament. A red-haired man with a tender heart.

「Sorry for being late」(Karen)

I was helped again by the woman with the glimpse of Gouache.


Dionis shot off his water bullet as he knit his brow in discomfort. Following that, a succession of explosions occurred after it hit the barrier that developed in front of me. The barrier is creaking and the crack spreads before long.



Karen has developed a new barrier faster than the spreading of the destruction. Thus, another barrier appeared from above of the cracked one and it keeps repelling the water bullet.

Karen set up the barrier repeatedly over and over again while she finally exhaling out a rough breath.

Those exchange lasted for several minutes and before long Dionis has stopped his attack.

「……Ah, I know you. You’re the woman whose father was murdered by becoming the *BoriBori* munch for those demonic beings by your own neighbouring Lords, right? Actually, I’m an acquainted of your father, you know. As for sake of our friendship. If you solve the barrier and disappear right before my eyes right now, I will overlook this?」(Dionis)

Dionis bloodlust is transmitted through the barrier that caused the shiver runs through the soldiers which were waiting behind Karen.

As for Karen which has been directed the bloodthirstiness directly, she was trembling and shuddering.

「…… I refuse」(Karen)

But Karen answered it in a trembling voice.

「……What was that?」(Dionis)

「As for me, the head of Rayford house――Karen Rayford. It was absolutely unforgivable act for damaging the territory and hurting the population of the fief along with my important guest」(Karen)

I saw the figure of the Gouache was clearly overlapped on her back.

「”It’s my mission to protect what my parents left behind”. Is was something like that, isn’t it? Oh well, it’s rather cruel, isn’t it? To stick with the things left behind by the dead. I hate people like you who don’t know their own standing the most. Therefore, just get lost already human」(Dionis)

「I won’t step aside. No matter what you say, I will protect this territory」(Karen)


Dionis closes his eye and says nothing.

Before he suddenly,「Ah, that’s right」while clap his hands together.

「You wanted to protect this territory and its people, are not you?」(Dionis)


The expression of Dionis is distorted into ugliness that caused Karen breathing to be taken away after hearing those evil phases.

「If so, shall I do it this way?」(Dionis)

As soon as I thought that the floating Dionis would be landed on the roof of a private house, he made a swift big leap towards the labyrinth direction.

There’s a big pedestal had been installed ahead of that.

「……That’s impossible」(Karen)

There an orange stone of a person’s head was placed on its pedestal and Dionis destroyed the pedestal and took the stone on it.

「――This, it’s called as the『Keystone』, wasn’t it?
A magic item that is necessary to seal the labyrinth, right? Then, I shall confiscate this. Though I could destroy such a barrier anytime, this thing is getting in my way, you know」(Dionis)

While *PonPon* playing with the stone like a handball,

「I wonder if you know it? That there are a lot of poisonous swamps in the Labyrinth of Death Swamp.
The poison from those swamps will kill everything, either it was living thing of plants they will wither and died」(Dionis)

Dionis declared it while combed his hair upward in dramatic gesture while gently smiling.


「――I shall discharge the swamp poison into this territory」(Dionis)



「If you don’t like it, then you can come to the labyrinth to stop me. I think those two are right for the job, won’t they?」(Dionis)

Unilaterally saying so, Dionis let a loud laughter before disappeared. What remained was the ugly scarred earth as if was devoured by the beast and the people who stand in dumb surprise.


The barrier which had spread over the sight has disappeared suddenly. At the same time, Karen who held her ground while shaking has collapsed on her knee before the soldiers rush up, but Karen commands them by her hand.

However, on her pale face, there’s a sweat that resembles a bead appears on it.

「……Let’s rescue and evacuate the residents」(Karen)

Karen was wobbling when she raised up before gave instructions with a pale appearance. Before the soldiers begin to move according to it

Soon after, we were treated by the healing magic.

At that time, I explaining the circumstances of the girl who was held by me before I entrust the soldier to take care of her.

I thought for while looking at the back of the soldiers that were leaving at a swift pace.

A girl who just lost her family in barely several hours. Witnessing the death and the site where her father corpse was being devastated while being exhibited in front of her very eyes.

What will become of the girl’s mental state?

「――Hey, Iori」(Elfi)

Then, I came to my senses after being hit on my head softly. Then I turn around and noticed Elfi who was standing with a stern look on her face.

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「I could not do my best, but you’re being too troubled」(Elfi)

「……Ah, my bad」(Iori)

「Is it concerning the revenge target or is it…………that child?」(Elfi)


I don’t have a word to say because she had hit the mark.

「If a fight happens, the sacrifice will be made.
You should know it well, right?」(Elfi)

「……That’s not it, at that time, I……」(Iori)

Why didn’t I abandon her?

「……nevermind. Anyway, let’s go to Karen’s place」(Iori)


Elfi did not pursue it further as she simply nodded “Got it” and followed me.

I look nearby, but I don’t see Karen figure.

Thus, I looked for her for a while before I spotted her who stood still on the back of the partially destroyed private house.

Then, I call out for her from behind.

「Thank you Karen-san, we were saved because of you」(Iori)

In returned, Karen nods and said「I’m glad you’re safe」

But her face is pale while having a vacant eye.

「……Are you okay? You have a bad complexion」(Iori)

「……Eh? Yeah」(Karen)

While looking absent-mindedness up at the sky.


「My house」(Karen)

In her feeble voice, Karen started to speak eloquently.

「We have been keeping the labyrinth seals for a long time and my dear father is really proud of it while my dear mother keep supporting him, and…… I wanted to be like that, too」(Karen)


「Therefore ……after my dear father and mother are gone……I had to seal the labyrinth properly」(Karen)

As Karen keeps her head down.

「Even so, the foundation of labyrinth itself the Keystone have been robbed……! I, I have! I should have done my job properly!」(Karen)

Followed by Karen *GariGari* scratching her head.


To be obligated to protect the territory by her own. Karen was about to be crushed by such heavy responsibility.

「Although, I should protect the territory……」(Karen)

Having both her parents killed, then followed by the solving of the labyrinth seal after became a Lord. On top of that, being attacked by the Water Demon Lord. There is no way for her to be in a normal state of mind.

「Although, I……I must seal the labyrinth, but I’m hopeless……!」(Karen)

Did the things that held down by her start to overflow?

Tears overflow from the eyes of Karen like a rain.


――A lots of weeping faces.

The appearance of her crying face while scratching her head. Though I’m supposed to have come here to say「I come for the reward for solving the problem with Olivia」

As I become conscious of it, I already seizing Karen hand that scratches her head.


I put my other hand on Karen’s shoulder.
I fixed my eyes on Karen who had surprised after looking squarely in my eyes before I say.

「――You don’t have to seal the labyrinth anymore」(Iori)


The words came out arbitrarily as I wasn’t thinking about anything.

「Because we will defeat that Dionis――Water Demon Lord」(Iori)


「So……it’s okay now」(Iori)

I declared it in a reassuring tone.

「B,but……but that’s too dangerous」(Karen)

「We are adventurers. A friend of mine has told me before that what are we if we won’t do the『aventuring』itself, right?」(Iori)


「Leave the labyrinth to us and Karen-san should do what you can」(Iori)


In a trembling voice, Karen was asked me.

「Why……you are willing to go too far?」(Karen)

There is no answer.

I should just tell her something such as entering the labyrinth forsake of reward for solving the problem.

But why did I say such an unnecessary stuff?

「……I owes Gouache……Besides, Karen saved me and I just want to return……those favours, nothing more」(Iori)

I turned my back on Karen before leaving her after declaring such words.

Thus, I advance towards our destination without turning around.

We are heading to the Labyrinth of Death Swamp.

「……You’re very enthusiastic, aren’t you?」(Elfi)

Elfi who was walking next to me was saying so as if making fun of me.

「Obviously, because the revenge target is just ahead of this」(Iori)

I’ve mentioned the stuff that I don’t need to say, but my purpose doesn’t change.

It’s revenge.

Just you wait there for me, Dionis.

Because I’m going to kill you.

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