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Translator: Norva

The mud bear came closer after turning its bloodshot eye this way.
As it is, we intercept the two of them which came to us.

The mud bear is a ferocious demon but is a coward at the same time.
When it being attacked by their opponents, they would get frightened after being inflicted with pain. Furthermore, they should escape if you inflicted more damages to them.


It evades my downward blow that put all my strength in it as the mud bear scoop it up with its hand in a flash.
Though it was visible that there’s blood gushes out from it, it seems that it doesn’t enough to cut it off.
While groaning in pain, the bear once again swung down its arm.

Countering that, I avoid it by dance it off and at the same time, I concentrate my next attack on the part that I cut earlier. The blood was scattered all over as the mud bear right arm movement speed has fallen as it is.

So, I back off deliberately to provoke the mud bear to go on the offensive, and aiming toward the arms that flung against the ground, I swung down my sword from the overhead position that ends up with the mud bear right arm fallen to the ground.

With this, the mud bear should try to escape after being inflicted by damage that cost it one of its arm――


Or should it have been, while it swung down it remaining left arm aiming at me.
I elude it with the Jade Longsword while I jumped backwards by using the recoil created by it.

「These mud bears condition are strange」(Iori)
「You’re right, I’ve performed some light observation with my demon eyes on them, too. Far from being frightening it seem they’re going all out」(Elfi)

The line of sight of all six mud bears is facing our way. They seem to have regarded us as a threat rather than those people who riding the carriage. There are some mud bears receive the attack from Elfi’s demon eyes and losing parts of their bodies, but they do not seem to feel any pain from it.

「It probably a new species that born during thirty years」(Elfi)
「That might be the case too, however………」(Iori)

Six mud bears have begun to move at the same time. Running on the ground with their four feet and make a semi circle fighting formation. Obviously, they are cooperating with each other.

「For now, let’s eliminate it with my arms and Iori, you withdraw from there」(Elfi)

Thus, Elfi steps forward.

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「Now, pay your attention closely to me. So, you can worship me from the moment when I showed you the real power of the (Former) demon king……!」(Elfi)

Elfi said those line in high-spirited voice while she says those (Former) part in a subdued voice. Not on her both eyes, but the magic are concentrated on her right arm. She spreading five of her finger as she taking a stance that was about to stab her nail.
「――”Devil Arm・The Destructive Ripping Of Judgement”――」(Elfi)
The magical power which covered her arms has formed a huge five claws. As it is, Elfi mows her right arm at the mud bears that headed towards her.

Nails that reminisce those of the dragon kind is being thrust toward the mud bears and reaches them simultaneously. With that, the body of five mud bears was torn up to pieces and scattered all over. While five deep scars are carved on the ground, the shock wave produced out of it are shaking the neighbouring trees and plants intensely.

Indeed it’s an overkill.

The one which could be avoided that was only one of them which get a late start. That sole mud bear has been blown away after receiving Elfi’s shock wave, too.


That last one of them is turning its body as it turning around to changed its target from us to the carriage.

Moreover, it’s the one which I cut off it right arm earlier.

The people at carriage seemed to be distracted by Elfi’s blow and because of that, they reaction is delayed and being catch off guard by the sole mud bear which turned over toward their direction.

……It’s inevitable.


Aiming the hind leg of the mud bear which ran toward the carriage in its four pairs, I threw two knives. That knife has pierced deeply on the hind leg of the mud bear which turned its back on us. That was the knife which forges by Zoorutsu and it has a considerable sharpness.

The mud bear stopped moving after being stabbed by the knives.

Passing through the side of Elfi’s, I come close to that mud bear and it turns its body at my direction while opening its mouth as it trying to intercept me.

Meanwhile, I concentrate my magical powers as I fired rocks at――


The mud bear wasn’t able fired it magic.

The reason is because the mud bear was killed swiftly before it able to do so.

The head of the mud bear with its mouth open is fallen on the ground as it is.

With that, the battle was over with six of the mud bears which disturbed the highway being entirely wiped out.

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「Thank you very much!」

After the battle with the mud bears.

A woman quickly jumped out of the carriage and thanked us loudly. As it is, she comes running over toward us.

The lady in running is a woman in her twenties who is in a dress. Besides the dress, she wearing ornaments such as necklaces and rings, too. From her appearance, she probably an aristocrat.

「……probably an aristocrat, don’t behave impolitely because it’s troublesome when you make them angry」(Iori)
「Of course, I wouldn’t」(Elfi)

Simultaneous when I give a warning to Elfi in a low voice, that woman has arrived in front of us.

「Haa……Haa…….Thank you so much for helping me who was in a dire situation!!」

With long red hair which showed it been taken good care off, it was a woman a characteristic of a big madder red eyes. Wearing some light makeup while having some attractive red lips. She seemed to wear perfume as those sweet smell drifted softly.

…… It is supposed to be my first meeting with her, but somehow I have a sense of deja vu from it.

Apart from that, I felt a different magical power from her. Rather than human magical power, it is close to Elfi and Mazoku ones.

「You don’t need to thank me, but is it fine your side over there?」(Iori)
「Yes, although it was a dangerous situation, none of us had serious injuries」

According to the woman’s story, when they passed the highway with a horse-drawn carriage, it seems that they were suddenly got ambushed by the mud bears. This neighbourhood is maintained one, so there should be a few demons. As a result, that’s why they don’t have a suffice fighting powers and it seems that they were in a grave situation if we were not here for helping them out.

She had a loud voice but her good upbringing is transmitted from her tone and conduct. However, unlike those aristocratic in the kingdom, she doesn’t have those arrogant attitudes on her.

That alone is a good impression.

If it those guys, they would be shouting from the very beginning such as「Why did you not help ME earlier!」


From the carriage, a man who looks like an attendant came over here. It is a yellow-haired man just before in his thirties.

「We do not know whether it’s really safe, please don’t move around mindlessly」
「It’s OK! Because these people have beat those demonic being and it’s safe!」(Karen)

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A man who called that woman Karen, turned his eyes *Chirari* glancing toward us. From that gaze, I felt something like there are sharp thorns from it.

「……Judging your clothes, it looks like both of you, not someone from around here. Excuse me for my rudeness, where did you come from?」

With a sullen look, that man asks for our identity. Do you want to say that “a lowborn shouldn’t get close to a lady?” As a result, it is a very attitude of the person which receive help from me, huh.

「……We are these sort people」(Iori)

While not showing it on my face, I just took out my guild card from the pouch. For this kind of occasion, I was an adventurer.

「Adventurer of the Federations…….In addition to that, both of you is A ranked……!」(Karen)

In amazed that woman is putting her hand at her mouth. That man narrows his eyes while staying silent. At least, with this, we won’t make light of.

「Forgive me for my late introduction, My name is Karen Rayford!」(Karen)
「……I’m Karen-sama’s attendant, Jean」(Jean)

Karen emphasised herself as an imperial aristocrat and was the lord’s daughter of the Rayford territory that lies ahead.

I have heard a family name of Rayford.

That deja vu that I felt when seeing Karen a short while ago, could it be…….

「I’d like to ask……Did you know Gouache Leonard?」(Iori)
「That is my father’s name……do you know my father!?」(Karen)

Gouache Reynard.

It is the noble who got to know when I came to the empire thirty years ago. We have fought together and that alone leave my impression at him. He was one of those who I wanted to meet the most.

「He like an old……acquaintance of mine」(Iori)

Karen darkened her expression at my words for some reason.
A slightly bad feeling is float across my chest.

「By any chance, did you come here because you had some business with my father?」(Karen)
「No, it is a coincidence. We had some business with the Labyrinth of Death Swamp」(Iori)

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Karen holds her tongue once is shooking her head.

「……Unfortunately, you can not enter the labyrinth right now, even if your is an adventurer that probably come here to subjugate the labyrinth」(Karen)
「…………Why is that?」(Iori)

I have a premonition of something bad from it. I heard Elfi letting out some breathing small while keeping her eyes closed.

I feel the same, too.

「……This is because the barrier has been set up in the labyrinth」(Karen)
「The barrier, isn’t it?」(Iori)

Karen said.

The barrier is being set up in order to prevent the demonic being from going outside.

It is good until that.

The barrier should have been set in the labyrinth of the Kingdom.

Judging from Karen way of talking, there seem to be some complicated circumstances had happened too. But that was a good thing, too.

But the problem was her next word.

「The one who put up those barriers to Labyrinth are――――」(Karen)

The name of the aristocrat who set up the barrier to the labyrinth are.

「It’s the aristocrat called――Olivia Elieresire」(Karen)

Unexpectedly, my body has shaken a bit. However, Karen does not seem to be able to see it as I suppressed my mouth.


I was surprised that the woman who I helped was a daughter of my former acquaintance.

It’s was a wonderful coincidence itself.

However, it was something unexpected for me to heard that name from the woman(daughter of my former acquaintance) itself.

Olivia Elieresire.

It was the name of the woman who had betrayed me.

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