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Then, before long we have caught up with Karen who ran away. She were waiting with Jean in front of the exit.

「……I am sorry I got disturbed」(Karen)

As I noticed, Karen still lowered her head with a pale face. Her red hair which tied with string is swaying as it is.

「It’s okay, please don’t worry about it」(Iori)
「Umu, I am rather thankful because I am hungry and wanted to go out of the castle soon after all」(Elfi)
「Eventhough, you ate a lot of bread a while ago」(Iori)

Rubbing off her red eyes, Karen smiles and laughing at our interaction. It is a pitiful smile that even I can understand that she pretend to be tough.

「Elfi-san stomach seems to be hungry and shall we return after taking light lunches in the Imperial capital?」(Karen)

I nodded to the stouthearted Karen and we left the Imperial castle after receiving our weapons and luggage.

Two hours later.

We left the Imperial capital after we having lunch and purchased things that seemed useful. The large castle gate is getting fades away as our distance gets further away.

「Elfi, it’s about Olivia……did you notice something?」(Iori)
「Of course I did. She seems a bit cunning but that doesn’t seem to be good enough, though」(Elfi)

I guess this fellow would have noticed it, won’t she?

「With a series of events and after listened to your story. I can predict it even if I do not like it. Moreover, I could get information even in a conversation with that woman」(Elfi)
「Then, afterwards, we just need to get some evidence, huh」(Iori)

We could march into the mansion of that fellow directly, but before that, we need to thwart off our sole concern after all. When I have done with that, it’s possible for me to do whatever I like later on.


After a conversation with Elfi, I turn my eyes to Karen. She seems to have calmed down somewhat as time passed.

Judging from her appearance, Karen has just become twenty herself. Still, it would be painful she must keep calm from that. Being called over to the Imperial capital in acting present head of her house albeit having been dismissed from the important role that has been granted up till then.

As if she notice the gaze, Karen opened her mouth while looking down.

「Although I just made a request, I have only shown you an unsightly sight, haven’t I……」(Karen)
「You don’t have to worry about it as for this fellow is always unsightl」(Iori)
「That’s incomprehensible Iori!」(Elfi)

She smiles just only for a moment before Karen the shadow cast over expression once more. And while she having such expression which seems to be sneering at herself, I continue my words.

「Please do not take the words of Olivia Elieresire seriously」(Iori)

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A surprise expression appears her face that leaves a feature of Gouache itself.

「Gouache……Gouache-san is not irresponsible. He was a kind person who can not leave people in trouble, although he is not good at fighting」(Iori)
「There is no reason to be scorn badly by that woman and it was unnecessary for you to concern yourself with what she have said」(Iori)

A woman who thinks only to use people and only to make food out of them have no right to disrespects Gouache.

「So Karen, you shouldn’t worry about it and please wait and think only about your territory. Because we will solve this case as requested」(Iori)

Karen is looking at me with her round red pupil.
After a few seconds pause, she beat her cheeks with her palm.

「……Got it. I will do my best, for now, 」(Karen)

Karen who regained her complexion boldly nodded.
Same as Gouache, this person is strong.



I shook my head so that I could not think about it.

Then it is several hours later.

We have returned to Rayford territory. The sun has completely gone and the chirp insects could be heard from outside.

After dinner, Karen went to her room to organise the documents. Afterwards I and Elfi organised our luggage in our room before exchanging our opinions while endeavouring reading the books in Gouache library. There was no information that I could found, but there were many books about the hero “Amatsu”.
What was Gouache doing since I was gone?

「Isn’t it dark?」

While reading a book, an employee has brought a magic item that produced a light. At that moment, I’ve recall something that bothering my mind.

「Around here, isn’t there a Lahm village? What happens to it now?」(Iori)

It is one of the villages which have received a favour from me when I came to the empire. However, I have no intention to go there, I just concerned what happened to it. After that, the servant had gloomy look on her face.

「It has been destroyed by the Mazoku’s for nearly three decades ago」
「―――, is……that so」(Iori)
「Everyone was murdered cruelly on the spot……master have grieved over it, too」

I speak of some names of the village which have received a favour from me. Every time the servant shook his head, he said that it was destroyed by the Mazoku’s.

「……I see」(Iori)

The servant looked awkward and left the room. Then, it becomes only Elfi and me again to remain in the dusty study.

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「……Are you okay, Iori?」(Elfi)
「Don’t mind it, It’s a story about when I was drowned and held a superficial ideal, after all」(Iori)
「You being drowned……?」(Elfi)
「Yeah, that’s right」(Iori)

A lot of villages such as Lahm village could be found. There were many people who suffered from the war and were suffering. I had longed for Lucifina who was fighting while sacrificing her own body forsake of those people.

「I was being completely infatuated by Lucifina who was doing that kind of “acting” as I exclaiming with confidence that I did everything forsake of helping others and for a peace.……So it’s about time for we to return to our room, isn’t it?」(Iori)

It is not a pleasant feeling but it’s not something that needs to be bothered with right now. Because the revenge is more important to me right now, so, I can not afford to be distracted.

As it is I was about brought to an end to our conversations and it when I was going to stand up.

「――Is that really the truth?」(Elfi)

My body stiffened as Elfi’s line of sight were turned straight on me.

「……That’s right. I have said that I just became a hero just because I was influenced by my friends」(Iori)

Dragged by the flow of lives, dragged into a fight and dragged to embraced an ideal.

I was just being dragged by the flows. Therefore, I swore to myself, not to be swept by the flow no more.
I shall accomplish my revenge by all means.

「……Is that’s so?」(Elfi)

While showing a reaction that seems to be have caught on something, Elfi stood up, too. Then, she *PanPan* slap to remove the dust from her clothes


We turned off the lights and went outside the room.

「……Please forgive me」(Jean)

Jean stood in front of the room and he was lowering his head as soon as we met with each other.

「What did you apologies for……?」(Iori)
「I have only shown discourtesy since the time when we have been saved from those demonic being in the forest back then」(Jean)

……This is so sudden.
Toward us who were surprised, Jean said.

「Olivia Elieresire is dangerous」(Jean)

She even said something with attention to harassing Gouache all the time before she occupied the labyrinth. To shed such unfavourable criticism and try to bribe the servants.

「Back then, she also appeared before me and told me to obey her」(Jean)

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Since that incidents, Jean was wary of everyone who tries to approached Karen. Because he thought they might be hired by Olivia. Since Gouache has become missing, Jean was more keen on protecting Karen.
Therefore, that is why he seems to be strongly wary of us, too.

That I might be trying to take something from the Rayford family by selling sell a favour to her.

「Why did you tell all of this to us?」(Iori)
「After hearing those words that you said to Karen-sama in the carriage……it somehow, it make me to thought that I could trust you」(Jean)

Lowering his head, Jean has begged us, Master and Karen-sama are very kind people. I want you to save those two somehow.

「Please leave it to us」(Elfi)

I nod and consent to that.
It goes without saying.

「Thank you very much……!」(Jean)
「So, did you come here for something?」(Iori)

As I pointed that out, Jean cleared his throat as he recalls it out.

「Karen-sama calls out both of you because
she want to explain everything」(Jean)

While Jean told it as having made up his mind, Elfi tilted her head in response.
「――About the day when master disappeared」(Jean)

I received a brief explanation on the day when the commission was made. However, it is better to have more information.

We were guided by Jean and went to the room where Karen was. It is a large room where dinner was taken.

「Please pardon me for having called out for both of you」(Karen)

After done guiding us, Jean went out of the room. Then Karen offered us to have a sit.

「It was a detailed situation about the time when Gouache disappeared, right?」(Iori)

Karen told about the situation of those days once more.

Gouache went to check a state of the barrier before he just disappeared as it is. At that time, he seemed to take several servants with him, but it is said that nobody has noticed that gouache has disappeared. There’s also an opinion that he might have gone into the labyrinth, too. However, one’s can not enter the labyrinth unless by dissolving barrier first. There was no trace of the barrier of the labyrinth being dissolved nowhere.

The population of the fief doesn’t get close to the labyrinth where a barrier being set, either. It seems that there were no one have saw the figure of Gouache, too.

「Gouache-san is to be somewhere which isn’t the labyrinth, shouldn’t he」(Iori)
「……I searched all over the territory, but I could not find him anywhere」(Karen)

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Where should Gouache have been?
On earth how did you disappear?
Is there a mystery like this?

「The employee who was there at that time,――――」(Karen)

Then, *Buchin* snap.
The room light went off abruptly. Thus, the room that had been illuminated so far is covered in darkness abruptly.

「……Is it out of magical power?」(Karen)

When Karen murmurs and at the same time she rises from her seat.

「Got it!」(Elfi)

Then simultaneously both I and Elfi intercepted those presences which aiming at Karen. When I throw a knife that I kept in my bosom, it felt like the blade is pierced into some flesh. At the same time, Elfi fired her demon eyes in a different direction.


Something that being struct by the Demon eyes that seem to run out of the strength could be heard falls into the ground. As I also throw my knife continuously to seal the opponent’s movement.

「What’s happening!?」(Jean)

Then during those several seconds gap, Jean has barged into the room. He was holding a light in his hand and had the room which covered by darkness being lighted up by it.


Inside the room, there are two serpents is being scattered about. There’s a mottled pattern floated on its purple skin and it is a demonic being that can easily swallow a person.

「……”Acid hammer large serpent”, huh?」(Iori)

The acid hammer serpent is a dangerous demonic being which spits out the gastric juice that can even melt the iron. It did inhabit in the empire, but it doesn’t exist in this vicinity.

「Th-that was dangerous…… On earth, how did such demonic being……」(Karen)

Karen is weak on her knees while her face turns blue.
Jean had a similar look, too.

「……So, it has already been decided, isn’t it Iori」(Elfi)

Although in the beginning it just a mere expectation but it became clear with this.

―― Olivia Elieresire can manipulate the demonic beings.

And one more thing.

In this mansion, there is a person who is connected with Olivia.

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