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Translator: Norva

Editor: Norva



It reminds me of two alchemists, the alchemists who I once met in the Religious state.

George Ignas Elvancht.
Lily Famina Ambram.

Ignas and Famina, the two who have the baptism name taken from the name of the holy city and both of them belonged to the Knights Templar at that time.
George was the captain of the fourth corps, and Lily was the deputy captain of the fourth corps.

「I’m glad to see you. I am George Ignas Elvanacht
and I act as the captain of the fourth corps」

「I’m Lily Famina Ambram, the deputy captain of the Fourth Corps」

I remember the two of them talking to me who arrive at the Religious state with my party member.

George is a middle-aged man with a good physique and Lily was a meticulous woman in her early thirties.

While they belonged to the Knights Templar, it was said they were doing experiments using the alchemy for benefit of others.

「Amatsu-dono, I will say this frankly. I want you to provide us with a part of your body, such as your hair and blood」

The two said.

Alchemy is not just a magic of making money.

「We are now doing research to create parts of the human body」

「When the internal organs and the limbs are completely lost, the healing magic is unable to restore the lost parts. That is why I come up with whether I can recover it back with alchemy」

However, they had to keep their research as a secret.

To artificially produce human bodies is something blasphemy against God from the Melt religion point of views.

「It may be a blasphemy to Melt-sama……Still, we want to save people who have lost their limbs cause by war, accidents, or sickness」

「Therefore I want you who has a high magical power to cooperate with us. Please, Amatsu-dono……!」

To such entreaties by two of them, I reply it favourably.

I don’t know the circumstances of the Melt religion, but their research is done『For Sake of Helping』people.

Then, I was willing to cooperate with their research because there was no reason for me to refuse.

Hair, nails, skin, blood, saliva, and magical power.
I gave it to them unreluctantly.

If it’s for sake of helping people.

「As is expected from――”Hero Amatsu” the saviour who stood up to save people! I sincerely appreciate it from the bottom of my heart」

「Thank you very much. With this, our research can proceed to the next stage!」

They accepted it as for granted as for their wish for keeping this a secret from others.

「I heard that Amatsu is seeking a world peace. I want to cooperate to grant your ideal」

「I will do my part as a member of the Knights Templar」

I was pleased to listen to such words.

When I recall it now, I see the past me no other than just an idiot. To blindly believe the words of someone that I just meet for a day, have I lost my reasoning?

It is too harsh to say such a blunder as a mere black history.

After all, I do not know what has become of that research.

However, even after thirty years, there are no ways to restore the lost limb.

……Well, it is probably such a thing.

I do not know what those fellows use my body for.
All I know is that they were complicit in my killing for their own self-interest.

The condition is to give my body as research material.
They seemed to compromise with Olivia who gave the same condition.

Perhaps, Georges might have a connection with that woman.

「Then we’ll do something with the equipment that will be sent to Amatsu. Let’s lower the resistance to magic power and make it fragile」

「Oh yeah, I will tell you the movement of the Knights Templar at that time too. Regarding the collaboration with other countries, let’s make the castle assault fall behind the scedule」

「On that day, it will be the first and second corps will attack first. Let’s sabotage their equipment as well. Rigged it with the magic that activates after a period of times, it is going to be interesting having their hands and feet blown off during the battle. Still, it will not be used because it might be noticed Amatsu」

「I’m not quite sure yet, but I’ll be looking for someone who I can use. If I can control the transportation staff of the magic item, we will be able to do various of things」

The conversation I saw in the memory of Luser.
There is the thing which most memorable among them.

Overflows like a drool.

Like a meat juices dripping from the steak of the plumply fat pig.

Two people were saying by the expression which had been stained by desire.

「I wonder why are you asking for Amatsu’s body?」

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「Oh my, ain’t such a thing is already decided, is not it? Right?」

「Hahaha, that’s right」

「「――It is decided because it will become money, is not it?」」



Two days passed since the day there was a raid by the pterosaur.

By gathering information at church libraries and cities, we have gathered a lot of information that I wanted to know.

First of all, information about the labyrinth of Mourning Light.

I found out that it has not changed that much since the last summoning.

The measures against the labyrinth will be the same as the last time. However, demonic being is being strengthened. Even if partnering up with Elfi, it seems better to be prepared for unexpected difficult struggle after all.

I also know that the Knights Templar are preparing for the subjugation of labyrinths as well.

Inspired by the labyrinths subjugation by the Kingdom, Federation and Empires have caused the momentum towards subjugation is increasing in the Religious state.

It was mostly received by the upper echelon of the Religious state―― I guess those bunch of the Melt religious doesn’t want to lose to other countries, that is why they ordered the Knight Templar to subjugate the labyrinth.

The fighting ability of the Knights Templar is also higher than other fighting organizations in other countries.

Even the fight with the former demon king forces was taken care of by the Knight Templar several times.

I do not know their current ability, but if the knight templar who made every measure and fully challenge the labyrinth『without fear of annihilation』, perhaps, it might be possible for them to subdue it.

I’m not sure when they will go for the subjugation specifically, but let’s be aware of the Knights Templar movement.

A missing person appears regularly in the city and I’ve aware that the knight templar is in the midst of investigating.

Well, this will not be related to our actions.

Next, the information regarding the revenge target.

I have found out the name of the captain of the Knights Templar second corps.

It’s Marx Pietro Sandalphone.

It seems that my deja vu was right.

Just recently the predecessor’s captain died and Marx seemed to be the new captain as his successor.

Other than that, I didn’t get much information.

So, I want some more information about this guy.

And about the orphanage that caused me to come here.

There is a small forest a little away from the Schmelz and it seems that the orphanage is located in the place that surrounded by that forest.

It seems that they have taken custody of children who have lost their families caused by war.

The orphanage is managed by a couple who once belonged to the chivalric of Templar.

George and Lily.

They are the ones who betrayed me by participating the scheme of Lucifina.

A gold rascal alchemist who tried to kill me and the crafty scum who revise those plan.

However, aside from that, the reputation of these people was good. A kind couple who devote themselves to the child that they look after.

I heard from Karen in the empire that they have the reputation as the Holy Parents.

『”Orphanage? Oh, is it George’s place? They take a child without a relative for free……They are really good people』

『I saw they walking around the city with the kids
and they seemed very happy』

『Yes, I know them too. There are some people who call them the holy parents』

It’s simply positive opinions from everyone.


You think that those who betray me for their own self-interest are the holy parents?

Those scum who was covered with greed?

Don’t fuck with me!

There is no way I’m gonna believe it.

So, I decided to visit the orphanage directly to judge it with my own eyes.



Leaving the holy city Schmelz and we head to the orphanage.

The orphanage is in the northeast direction and it doesn’t take much time on foot.


Elfi is walking next to me while eating something that looks likes an apple pie which she got in a beautiful blue apple pavilion.

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……I am irritated now.

Although indirect, there’s a lot of people praise those scum who killed me.

Is there something that is more annoying than this?

I make me sickened just by remembering the expression of the likes of the holy parents.

Therefore, I intended to act alone as much as possible. So, I was telling Elfi that I can do it alone because I just going for observation.

I can still recall the shocked expression of Elfi at that time.

『You moron, what are you going to do if I let you do it alone and end up getting attacked by those kingdom bunch?』

After being told so, I finally noticed that I was losing my patience. I was preoccupied with those two and had completely forgotten the possibility of being attacked.

Even in the heroic age, it is a big disadvantage to focus too much on one thing and narrow your horizons.

There is nothing I can do regarding this frustration, but I must try not to narrow my horizons.

「Nom…… Umu, this is a good one. The outside of the dough is crispy while the inside texture is unbearable *ToroToro* creamy. The crunchiness of the apple is really irresistible」(Elfi)

I have to thank Elfi for it.

「Say Iori, what’s the matter with staring at me like that?」(Elfi)

「……No, it’s nothing」(Iori)

「NomNom. Well then, are you still in love with me, aren’t you? I’ve been suspicious about it since labyrinth of hades, but」(Elfi)

「You got it wrong」(Iori)

「Fufun~ Do not be shy or embarrassed. Like this blue apple pie, it is inevitable that you fall in love with this beautiful and intelligent me」(Elfi)

The example itself is not that intelligent though.

「I allow you to view this sexy body of mine and you should be grateful for it because if it was my subordinates, they would be crying gratefully」(Elfi)

「I said that you were wrong, didn’t I?」(Iori)

「It’s okay because I understand. Look at me! Yes, look more. Look at me! Look more! 」(Elfi)


「Look! Look at me! Look more! Lo, Ouch!? 」(Elfi)

I got a bit irritated by Elfi attitude.

To be honest, I was grateful to her.

I wonder if she deliberately annoying me just to distract my irritation.


Then after tens of minutes.

「……Over there」(Iori)

I saw the forest where there was an orphanage. Although it is said to be a forest, it is not as dense as the Urugus Forest between the Kingdom and the Federation.

It is a small forest to the extent that almost no demonic being would be born from it.

「Around here……”Hero Amatsu” is being witnessed」(Iori)

During data gathering, I also heard the information that “I” was being witnessed in the vicinity of the holy city.

A tall man with the grey hair.

It seems to have been seen in this area several times. Just by listening to it, it probably just saw a man who looked like me.

A tall man with grey hair, they were scarce even in this world

I have no idea, but……

I don’t think it as a mere coincidence.

「Maybe what appear in this forest is no other than the grudge of Amatsu who was killed by them」(Elfi)

「If it’s the case, then who am I?」(Iori)

「…………Maybe there was two Amatsu?」(Elfi)

As if there were such a thing!

We advance through the forest.

I keep my vigilance while we are talking.

「……There are “Earth Golem” everywhere」(Elfi) TN Soil Giant=Golem

With Elfi demon eyes, it turned out that there was an earth golem in the forest. It probably for monitoring purpose since it does not attack us even we approaching it.

Even at the time of information gathering, I heard the demonic being is rarely born in this forest and there are soil giants to protect a child who gets lost in it.

I guess they already noticed us.

It is just reconnaissance this time.

There is no problem even if we are exposed.

I advance while grasping their numbers, position and method of monitoring.

To ensure that we will be able to invade without being exposed when we coming next time.

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Ten minutes later, we arrived at the orphanage without incident.

「……The outward look seems normal」(Iori)

What was in the depths of the forest was a very ordinary orphanage.

As it is said that it run by couples, the scale is not so big.

I saw there were children playing with the playground equipment.

In particular, there is no strange appearance.

While looking at the appearance there’s a figure of someone is going out from inside.

It is a green hair woman with a worried look that seems in her late thirties.

Though it is considerably fat than before……that the youthful appearance has hardly changed, isn’t it?

……This is.

「……is there something wrong?」

It was Lily who came over called out to us.

Obviously, I’m wary of her.

In addition to that, we responded with the lines we had decided beforehand.

「Excuse me, I heard that there is an orphanage near Schmelz, have we make a mistake here?」(Iori)

「Yes, this is it. Is there something I can help you with……?」

「Yes, I was wondering if there’s someone that I acquaintance with was here」(Iori)


Telling Lily the name and the setting of the lie that we used to live in a village somewhere in the Religious state.

However, the village was destroyed by the attack of the demon king forces, and everyone got scattered apart.

Therefore, I have been looking around the orphanage in the Religious state looking for the acquaintance from the same village.

「Oh really……」

Lilly looked apologetic for hearing about our story.

That irritates me.

The expression which was drowned in desire like the one I saw in Luser memory seems to be a lie.

「I understand. Please come inside」

It was decided that we will enter the orphanage according to our expectations.

I have assumed that we might be refused too, but it was surprisingly smooth.

……It’s too smooth.

She does not show the behaviour to be troubled with it either.

「Ah……forgive me for my late introduction, I am Lily Famina Elvanacht and I run this orphanage with my husband」

As expected, it really is Lily.

「I’ve heard the rumour that both of you were known as a holy parents」(Iori)

「That are such an exaggeration, we are only managing an orphanage for ourselves. We just like to look at the faces of the children」

「It’s wonderful…… It seems like the real person is somehow are not different from the rumour itself」(Iori)

I felt like to throw up when I said that.

Then, I asked something that bothers me.

Such as, “you look surprising young, aren’t you?”

Thirty years have passed since then. However, she almost has not aged at all.

Olivia was so, too.

Lily smiled happily at my words.

“You get young when you are mingling with children” is what she replied.



Let’s say from the results.

I found out a number of the magical device, but there was nothing strange.

There was a lot of surveillance, but the number of the war orphans with a trauma is not that strange.

The only thing that was dubious is the room which was severely sealed in the back.

When I ask Lily casually, she replied that it was alchemists’ laboratories after explaining that they were alchemists. They seem to operate the orphanage with money from selling the research results and support from the Religious state.

It seems that children are not allowed to enter because of danger.

There is nothing strange about the explanation.

There was nothing unusual about the children here.
The little children were looking fine, too.

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I saw several children of demi-human, but it is not uncommon in the Religious state where they indiscriminately hitting the weak demi-human.

Both Elfi and I have secretly spoken with them, but it seems there’s nothing suspicious.

On the contrary,

「They are very kind!」

「They give us a lot of snacks!」

「They found my family! I can meet them soon!」

「Yesterday, Sheena went to see her family」

And it looked pretty, favourable.

I checked it either it some brainwashed line for just in case, but it’s not.

I met George, too.

That guy was quite young, too.

His appearance has hardly changed from those days.
But that’s the only strange thing.

The two devoted themselves to the orphans and most of all the children were also happy.

Beyond normal, it was a good orphanage.

There was nothing weird at all.



We thanked them and decided to leave.

「There are also orphanages in Famina, why do not you visit there too?」

「I’m sorry I couldn’t help you, I hope you both meet your acquaintance from the same village」

When parting, they said that with an apologetic expression.

They looked like a good couple, unlike when they killed me.

「……beyond perfect」(Iori)

「To the extent that it seems to be faking it」(Elfi)

There was nothing.

However, it impossible for those fellows did not do anything because they should be committing some evil deed behind the scenes.


Such a thought was cut off by Elfi’s word.

「The children seemed to be happy, aren’t they?」(Elfi)


「……What are you going to do?」(Elfi)

I silently listen to Elfi.
Would you kill those two?
Do you know what that means?


「If those two are repenting after having betrayed you」(Elfi)


「If they are running this orphanage as atonement. Iori, what are you going to do?」(Elfi)


Because of those fellows, I died.

They killed me.

Even if they regret and make amends, it does not change.


Whether they are sorry or making amends for their own satisfaction.

Nothing’s changed, and I hate them.

I want to go back and kill them right now.


Supposing that they really are raising the children at this orphanage as atonement?

What will happen to the children if I kill them?

「Whatever choice Iori makes, I respect it」(Elfi)

As for me.

「But I still……」(Iori)

After all

Even after we arrived at Holy city of Schmelz, I still didn’t find my answer.

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