« Phew. It’s refreshing. »

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Elfi, who went to the bathroom, returned to the room with a satisfied expression on her face.

As an inn of the holy city, it is well equipped. Therefore, the accommodation fee is quite expensive, but it’s not a problem because I have more than enough money on hand.

« It’s hot », Elfi mutters , while taking her clothes off as if it was a matter of course.
I looked away from her naked body.

« Hmm. »

Elfi, sit back in her chair and stared at me.
I knew what she was thinking, even if I didn’t want to.
‘I want you to dry my hair.’

« First, get dressed, even light clothes are fine so please wear something. »

« eeh. »

« I won’t dry them otherwise. »

« Muh …  how selfish. »

This girl ….
As soon as I saw that Elfi was dressed, I went around to her back.

Elfi’s silver hair is still wet and shiny from the water.
I put on her hair a piece of cloth we brought on the way.
While supporting the hair with my arm, I gently wipe them with the cloth.

« Hmmm. Good work, as usual. »

« Thanks. »

Now that the water has been drained away, it’s time to use magic.
I use flame magic and wind magic at the same time to create hot air and apply it from a short distance.
I then run my fingers through her glossy hair, while adjusting the hot air to dry them entirely.

Using hot air as a hairdryer is a technique I devised during my travels in my Heroic period.
although there was originally a magic spell called « hot air », I remember being told that using it to dry hair was a revolutionary idea.

 I think I like having Amatsu dry my hair.

… I once dried the hair of that woman.


 »Hmm. Iori, what’s wrong ? »

« ….. no, it’s nothing. Is it hot? »

 »Hmm, no problem. You may continue. »

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… As bossy as usual.
I can’t tell the number of time I’ve dried her hair.

We had left the empire and were on our way to his country.

« It’s a pain to dry them myself! But if I don’t do it, my beautiful hair will turn messy! So you do it, Iori! »

She said, and like this, I had no choice but to do so.

« Hmm, you may have the honor of drying my hair. »

« ………… »

« Hot !? »

« Huh … »


« Hey, Iori it’s hot! It’s hot! »

After a few minutes, I finally finished drying them off.
Every time, It takes quite a long while.
It would be a little easier to dry if you just cut it off.

As I was thinking about it.

« Ei! »

« Huh. »

From behind me, Elfi pulled my hair out with a plop.
(TN: the plop here is supposed to be an onomatopeia but sounds weird …)

« …what are you doing? »

« No, I was just wondering. »

« Here, » said Elfi, while showing off the hair she plucked.

Caught in her fingers was gray hair…not white hair…but gray hair.
There’s a bunch of other ones in there, too.
While she was looking at my hair, Elfi pulled them out in a series of plop.
Stop that, you lose hair too you know …

« gray huh… »

It’s the color of my hair when I was still Amatsu.
Due to the influence of the immense amount of magic power that was residing in my body, my hair had changed to this color.
The reason my hair has turned gray now is probably the effect of [Hero Reappearance](the raise).

It was only for a short time, but it’s no wonder as that I was using the same amount of magic as before.

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If I use too much, I might end up with all my hair turning gray.

Well, even if i worry about the side effects, I don’t even know how to activate it in the first place.
I was able to use it naturaly in the fight against Ryuzas and Olga, but I wasn’t able to trigger it since then.

Maybe it only works against people stronger than me.
It needs to be verified… but it’s hard to do.
I want to keep the triggering conditions in check.

More than that now.

« Fu, fu, fu. »

This guy started pulling out other hairs because she found it fun.

« That’s enough. »

« Aww! »

Elfi stopped pulling my hair out the moment I chopped her.

 »Ugh. …Now that I think about it,weren’t those homunculus made out of Iori’s hair ? »

Olga, that guy.

« Oh. It looks like there were other magical sample used as well, like nails and skin. »

 »I can’t believe you can make a homunculus that’s a doppelganger with that…. What if they made an homunculus of me…. »

It seems that he was using lost magic, so it won’t be something that can be easily reproduced.

As for my homunculus, I’ve wiped out all of it’s data, so it shouldn’t be possible to make it anymore.

« Come to think of it, isn’t a part of your body similar? »

Elfi’s torso is a fake made of magic.
The real thing is still sealed somewhere in a labyrinth.
Recreating a body member solely with magic should be quite difficult.

« It’s completely different. Unlike Homunculus, the body part can be controlled by my own will. This is a magic of the demon race. It takes a huge amount of magic power and some pretty precise magic manipulation skills. »

« I see. Are there any other demon who can use it? »

« No, there was only me and Ortegia who were able to use this in the Demon Castle. »

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Well, I guess so.
It would be annoying if this kind of magic was easy to use.

« So Ortega could use it too. »

I fought that guy once, but I didn’t do enough damage to cut a part of his body.
When you think about the fact that even if you severe a limb, it will regenerate, this magic is really troublesome….

« … Oh, I’m very proficient, but he was even better than me at it. Well, this can only make up for a lost body part. It doesn’t matter in his case. »

« ………..yeah. »

Let’s leave the Ortegia stuff aside for now.
What I need to think about now is who I’m going to target next.

–Marcus Pietro Sandalphon.

Knights of the Sacred Hall, Captain of the Second Squadron.

Up until a few years ago, he was the second-in-command of the second squadron, but when the previous squadron commander died, he was promoted and moved up to his current position.

A skilled captain who fights using both swordsmanship and magic.

He also has some leadership skill and is quite popular among his subordinates of the second squad.

Usually, he stays the second squad’s quarters in the ‘Seikou District’.
He also has a residence in the ‘Seikou-ku’, and it seems that his subordinates frequently come and go to visit him.
Apparently, he is also known to be a fervent believer of the melts cult, a cult preaching human supremacy.

That’s all the information I could dig up after the orphanage incident.

He hadn’t gotten a connection with Lily and the others yet, but there was no doubt that they were related from Michelle’s words.

It’s unlikely that we’ll get any more information, and it’s about time to sneak into their quarters.

I would like to examine the information on the target of revenge carefully if possible.
Because it’s possible that they’re hiding something nasty, like Lily and the others.
Plus, it makes it easier to take revenge if the target is some trash that deserve the worst treatment possible.


Tomorrow I will begin my investigation into the vicinity of Marx.
I can’t stand the idea of a traitor living in peace for even a day longer.

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I decided to do so, and it was soon enough.

« ……….! »

« ! »

With a thud, there was a knock on the door.
I can sense only one person behind the door.
However, we can’t let our guard down.

It’s possible that the selectors, who numbed out, are attacking.
(TN: 痺れを切らした選定者達が攻撃を仕掛けてきた可能性があるからだ )

« …………Elfi. »

« Yeah. »

Be ready to fight at any time.

« Who is it? »

« I’m sorry for disturbing you so late. I need to talk to you for a minute. »

« ……………………………… »

What he heard was the voice of a young man.
That also sounds familiar from somewhere.

I slowly opened the door, and there stood a man with a hood.
The man checks his surroundings and then slowly removes his hood.
What was there was the face of a man I didn’t expect to see.

Well-groomed, short indigo hair.
This man with a piercing gaze was familiar.

‘….Leo William Disfrender?

Knights of the Sacred Hall, Vice Commander of the Second Corps.
There stood the figure of the subordinate of my revenge’s target.


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