Episode 6 “Into the bottomless hole”

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At the end of the room was a dimly lit passage.

As soon as we walked through the door, a sweet, raw odor drifted in that made the back of my head tingle.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked through this place and it stinks like crap.

I wish they’d clean it up.

I and Elfie slowly follow behind the men who are complaining.

As we proceeded, we came across a passageway and saw a myriad of jails.

…and, of course, the women inside them too.

“……..that’s awful.”
At Elfie’s spiteful mutterings, I agreed wordlessly.
Those being put in jail were mainly half beast women.

There are a variety of sub-races, including warcats, werewolves, elfs, and even dark elfs.
All the women were stripped of their clothes and are completly naked.

All of them seemed lifeless, crouched in a of the cage with hollow eyes.

There are even some that were most likely drugged, mumbling unintelligible rubish, while other were giggling with feeble voices.

After going on for a while, I now saw a row of small rooms.

We could hear coquettish moans and screams along a man’s vulgar laugh coming from the room.

The unpleasant smell that permeates this passage is apparently due to what is going on in that room.
“… They’re burning something that is similar to incense. My nose is going to be crooked.”
A poisonous-colored smoke leaked from a crack in the door.

Elfie sniffed the smell with a snort and pressed her hand against her face to endure the nausea.

It’s true, the smell has a nasty sweetness to it that tingles in the back of my head.
“It’s an aphrodisiac. It only works on werewolves and warcats.”

“Aphrodisiac…it’s like a stimulant, isn’t it? Do you know sort it is?”

“I’ve caught criminals dealing with illegal drugs in my travels before. That’s when I saw that they were using something close to this.”

There is an aphrodisiac that doesn’t work on humans and only works on half-human races.

It is often used by those who lust after the sub-races and wish to be evil.

“The moment half-human races smell it, they go into heat… and if it was only that, salvation could still be possible but…”

“There is something more to it?”

“Yeah… This aphrodisiac has a strong effect on the brain. It has side effects that can damage the brain.”
It is said that the two first times cause memory loss, but if used repeatedly, it drastically reduce the thinking capabillities.

Little by little they become unable to think, and eventually they end up becoming a vegetable even lacking a sense of self.
(TN: don’t know if it sounds right :/)

Naturally, it is designated as an illegal drug in every country and is strictly forbidden to use.
“Damn, I can’t believe you’re getting along while we are working.”

“I hope Mr. Marx will give you the green light.”

“But man, you took a broken woman again? You’ve got a weird hobby.”

“Huh? You’re the same way, aren’t you?”
The vile laughter of the men walking in front of them echoed down the aisle.
I wonder what the Melt believers would think if they saw this.

It is said that half of the Meltists are still pro-subhuman.
“I wonder if they would sneer at me, if I asked them what they would think of being treated the same way.”
Either way, it’s rotten.

Then, in the process of going through the aisles, I passed some guys.

Using the men we’ve brainwashed as a cover, we move on without being noticed.
In the process, I saw multiple rooms.

“Ga …ohhh !!”
“ Aaaaah!!!”
Two women of the werewolf race were fighting each other in a large circular room.
No reason could be found on both faces, they were just biting each other mindlessly like beasts.

On one of the exposed arm could be seen a painful-looking injection mark.

It could be a drug that makes you lose your mind and become violent, or it could be a drug that abnormally increases hunger.

They most likely used such drugs.

This horrific scene is watched by several people from a safe place.

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They seem to be shouting toward the two who are fighting, surely to the one they bet on.


Soon after, the game was won.

“One of the women used a body strengthening spell and ripped off the other woman’s arm.”

The woman whose arm had been shredded twitched in pool of blood, while the other woman collapsed to the ground with a sedative spell cast on her.
“Don’t lose, hey!”

The man sprinkled the liquid of a small bottle on the woman who was lying down.

Immediately afterwards, her arm swelled up like a bubble and regained its original shape.
The loss of body parts should not be able to be cured by magic.

No matter what kind of magic or potions you use, the best you can do is seal the wounds.
“It’s a drop of God.”

“A drop of God?”
The Drop of God.

Elfie says it’s made from medicinal herbs from the lands associated with Hardia, the Fallen Light God.

The mountains and valleys that seem to be inhabited by mighty demons are probably associated with Hardia.

If it is around this area, it must be Reizan.
The Divine Drops, made from drugs, are like a potion and have a extreme healing effects on wounds.

It is said to be so effective that even a missing limb can be healed.

“However, The Drop of God has some intense side effects.”

“If you don’t continue to use the Drop of God, the parts it restored will begin to decay within a few days.”

Even if used continually, at one point the body won’t be able to bear it’s great effects, and the user’s lifespan will be greatly shaved off.

It seems that even the demon race, who have particularly strong bodies are no exception.

“It is said that the deomn king of a few generations ago used to make his subordinates use the Drip of God, but the demon tribes that were eroded by the effects of the medicine suffered hell.”
“Look,” said Elfi with a bitter expression, pointing at the woman.
The woman who had regrown an arm from ‘The Drop of God’ suddenly started shouting.

The men laughed at it and showered her with buckets of water.

Immediately afterwards, the woman thrashed around on the ground, screaming.

“… The ‘Drop of God’ that entered through the wound makes the nerves of the whole body extremely sensitive. Like that.”

Even if she was simply showered with water, she would still be in intense pain from the side effects of the medication.

For this reason, even the Demon King’s army forbade the use of “God’s Drops” and burned all the medicinal herbs.

“I never imagined that I would see it be used for fun.”

They must have fun seeing a woman scream by a mere touch.

I can see the men laughing as they gurgle.

The men dragged the screaming woman and threw her into the jail.
“… Are you all right…? H-Hey!”

The others inside called out, but the woman could only scream in pain.

Deeply amused, the man calls out from outside the jail to those inside.
“I don’t know if you should be worried about her, because you may be the one who’s going to end up like this tomorrow.”


“You can look forward to it.”

The men walked away from the jail while laughing.

Inside the jail, the women could be seen trembling with their pale faces.
There was a woman with clenched fists and tears streaming down her face.


The call for help came to my ears.

I turn my back on the women and move on.

I’m not going to stop walking when I’m asked for help.

I’m here for revenge.


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“Wait for me”

Because I will definitely come back after everything is done.

I muttered to the women while walking away.

The door to Marx’s room was visible just beyond.

Marx’s private room at the end of the underground passage.

Marx was in the middle of working in his own room.
“…You’re late.”
Marx glared at the three who had entered the private room.

In a cold sweat, the men reported the situation to Marx.
Sneaking into the orphanage and capturing both “Michelle” and “Sheena”.

That they then killed them and brought their bodies back here.

They insisted on the fact that they weren’t seen by anyone, so as to not worsen Marx’s mood.
Hearing the report, Marx was flared up.
“If you had done your duty carefully, then that’s good. I will look over your lateness”

“… Thank you, sir.”

“You don’t have to worry about it. I’m a good boss who cares about his people. Isn’t that right?”

“Ha. That’s right, sir.”
Perhaps put in a good mood by his subordinate’s words, Marx grinned as he put his elbow on the desk.

Then one of the men pointed to the bag he was carrying on his shoulder.
“Are the kids inside that bag?”

“Yes. Do you want to check?”

“Yeah. Just in case.”
The man carrying the bag walks up to Marx.
“Ha… Master Marx.”

One of his subordinates opens the bag in front of the man.

What came out of it was a single sword.
“Please open thi–!”
The man slashed at Marx, who was bared his eyes.

Behind them, the remaining two drew their swords as they followed suit.
Immediately after Marx made a small snort, the man who tried to swing down his sword on Marx fell down with fresh blood flowing out.
Marx now had the man’s sword in his hand.


While passing over the corpse of their comppanion, the two came slashing at Marx at the same moment.

The sword in Marx’s grip blurred.

At the same time, the upper body of one of the men slipped and fell to the ground.

The last man swung his sword down, showing no reaction to the death of his companion.

Faster than that, Marx grabbed the man’s arm with one hand.

Marx twisted his arm, the man’s body spun around it’s shoulder and slammed to the ground.

The next moment, a sword swung by Marx decapitated the man who had fallen on the ground.

“Did you really think you’re capable of killing me?”

He says coldly, and Marx swipe the blood off the sword.

He was caught by surprise by three men but was still completely unharmed.
“…I see. I thought you were a captain for decoration.”
After making sure the men were wiped out, we stepped into the room.
“What the… you guys… What are you doing here?”

“What? I just wanted to get back at you. –Marx Pietro Sandalphon.”

Marx let out a small gasp as he released the intimidation.

I guess he decided that it was not a good idea to deal with the two of us at the same time.
“… intruder! Anyone, come!!”

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Marx shouts loudly, but there is no response.
“….what does that mean!?”

Well, it’s a obvious.

“Your men who were waiting outside, have already been cleared up.”


“All that’s left is a bunch of idiots trying to make nice.”
It means there’s no one here to help you.

No matter what happens here, no one is going to notice.
There was no sign of any other humans in the room.

Even Elfi’s magic eye confirmed that.

“Stop scrrerwing with me, intruder. Did you think I wasn’t prepared for something like that?”
With a ding, Marx put his hand on the desk and let the magic flow.

“[spell disaster].”(TN: may have been TL as magic usurpation before)

“What…? Why isn’t it activated?”
Of course I knew about it.
Before stepping into the room, Elfie’s magical eyes had already checked the interior of the room.

Inside, there are countless ‘turrets’ that release magic against intruders.

It seems to work in conjunction with Marx’s flow of magic.

So we decided to disperse the magic that was in stock beforehand.
“…I’m coming, Marx.”
I draw my sword and stepped in front of Elfi.

I had a bad feeling.

It’s the same kind of chill than the one I had when I was trapped by the demon king’s army.

This hunch told me to get away from him right away.

“Kuh-ha, I didn’t think you’d really come….!”
I could see Marx’s expression warp in delight.

It’s a grin full of ease, sure of victory.
No, more than that.

It was shortly after I shared my feeling about this situation with Elfie.
Marx slammed both of his hands into the ground of the room.

With that alone, the floor of the room shattered and the whole surface began collapsing.

Marx shouldn’t have magical powers anymore.


As the floor collapses, Elfi and I fall down the room.

I was struck by an uncomfortable floating feeling, as if my internal organs were floating.
Perhaps some kind of work had been applied, but only the part where Marx was standing didn’t collapse.

Marx looks down at us as we fall, with a grin on his face.
“Iori, hold onto me!”
–“Demon Legs of Heavenly Wind.”
Kicking through empty space, Elfi moved through the air.

I grab Elfi’s hand, and we rise toward the scaffolding.

“Come on, try to save them! Ghost of a Hero!”
It was at this very moment.

Marx sneered and kicked something down the hole.
I soon found out that it was ‘human women’.

Quickly, two women are falling.

The women, with their hands and feet bound, can only fall, screaming.
“No…. help me!!”

Shit, he’s done it.

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At this rate, the women are going to collide into us who are going upward.

But if we dodge them, only a certain death await them.
Even though I didn’t want to expose them to danger.


At the impact, Elfi and I begin to fall once again, holding the women in our arms.

“In this state, can you use the Demon Leg again?”

“Not that I can’t, but…”

When Elfie said that, she tried to flow magic in her legs.

he air in the hole changed in an instant.

The magic that had been trying to gather on Elfie’s feet dissipated unnaturally.
“A barrier huh…”([magic disturber])
The meaning of the kingdom-style barrier being triggered at this timing.

At the same time as I was trying to figure it out…

Suddenly, the women we were holding began to vomit large amount of blood.

Quicker than we could react, the sound of flesh being shredded resounded from within their bodies.

Eventually, countless worm-like things appeared through the hole made by devouring their abdomens.
A large circular mouth with countless sharp looking teeth peeking out from a long, slender snake-like body.

The worms that came out of the women’s bodies, with red and black pulsing veins, slowly made their way toward us.

The Worm’s teeth are blocked by my armor of the Red Lotus, so they can’t touch my body.
“These things! They are sucking my magic!”
Just touching their circular mouth was enough to feel the magical power being sucked out of my body.

Elfi also seems to have been sucked out of magical power as she was using it to use her ‘magical legs’

A physical contraption that Elfi’s magical eye cannot find.

The women who can’t move.

It’s a blocking shield that seals our magic.

And then there’s the worm that eats the magic that were lurking in the women’s bodies.

It’s a quite effective trap to restrain our movements.

“I see…”

A trap that seemed to have the proportions of a pitfall.

That’s probably why it was “intimidating” at the right time.


We were falling head on into a deep hole.
(TN: i suppose he made a connection between the kingdom style barrier and luser)

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“No other way around.”

Marx snorted as he saw Iori and the others disappear into the hole.

I doubted Luser’s sanity when I heard that “Hero Amatsu” was alive, but apparently it was true.

I was right to follow the guy and set up a bunch of traps, just in case.
By now, Iori and the others probably became minced meat by crushing into the ground.

Even if they were to get out of that situation, we’ve made sure we’re going to be able to finish them off.
With a snort and a grin, Marx stepped out through the hidden door he’d made built behind him.

We’re headed to the ground.

It’s about time for the appointment made with kyrie.
(TN: the knight childhood friend)

“The power of ‘Hero Matsu’… Kuku, yeah, I’ll eat it later.”
First of all, I have to deal with Kirie.

With a grunt, the sound of Marx’s tongue-licking echoed through the basement.



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