Saving Unpermitted

Chapter 100: 100

Chapter 100: Cicada

The evening event took place inside the Grand Theatre, and ordinary people weren’t allowed to enter. For a moment, everyone stood still, stunned. Zhu Sheng was the first to react. He gestured to his assistants to go after Xia Yufeng.

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Then the old man turned his back, calmly walked up to the stage, and signaled for communication to resume.

He politely patted the host’s shoulder, took the microphone, and turned towards the camera. “I apologize sincerely. Recently, we have been tracking the infiltration of synthetic humans among humans. They can control the erosion substance and disguise themselves as others… Take a look. This is the report.”

Zhu Sheng displayed a report on the Mirror Erosion Swamp of the Blackbirds. It clearly stated that the erosion substance could mimic the appearance of humans to deceive them. The commotion in the venue subsided for a while, and people more or less breathed a sigh of relief.

No one wanted to admit that their leader had truly changed and become a terrifyingly selfish person. Now that they finally caught an excuse, the people in the theater subconsciously wanted to believe Zhu Sheng. Unlike the people on the square, most of the individuals in the theater belonged to the three major families. Despite their two hundred years of open and hidden conflicts, at critical moments, they were still tied together by a common thread.

People with a natural advantage were easy to fool, especially when Zhu Sheng was always persuasive.

The old man stood upright on the stage, showing no sign of panic in his expression. This momentary show of authority temporarily deceived the people present. However, this aura of authority was greatly diminished for those not present.

Since the uprising of the synthetic humans, the citizens had been in the square for several weeks, approaching the end of the month.

The weather was getting colder, and resources were becoming scarcer. The box meals distributed by the rescue department, which had eggs and oil at first, had turned into overcooked dishes with average taste but balanced nutrition.

As time passed, the box meals with both meat and vegetables became flatbread with condiments, and eventually turned into just flatbread and fermented sauce. When biting into the hard flatbread, they could only taste the pickled vegetables without any oil flavor. Even so, people were reluctant to consume nutrition supplements. The unpleasant texture was still preferable to no texture at all.

The once well-dressed crowd now resembled refugees. Their hair clung together with dirt, and their thick clothes were covered in grease stains. Each person emitted an indescribable foul smell with a mixture of sweat, decomposing blood, and the sour odor of garbage, turning the air into liquid.

The people in the square had long forgotten about the three major families. They only knew one thing—regardless of whether Zhu Sheng or Zhu Yanchen was in power, their leaders had failed to fulfill their promises. Their stance was contrary to that of the three major families, as they simply refused to believe that the Erosion Swamp could mimic humans to such an extent.

Outside, the fake Zhu Yanchen was fighting, indicating that the situation wasn’t as dangerous as it seemed. If Zhu Sheng had sent the right people earlier, they might have made it home by now.

God knew how much they hoped that reality “wasn’t dangerous”.

“Fraud!” the young people shouted loudly. “It’s all lies!”

One of Zhu Yanchen’s previously arranged individuals discreetly stuck his head out and shouted even louder, “We need more concrete evidence!”

“We want the real Zhu Yanchen! Zhu Sheng must apologize!”

“Change the leader! Change the leader!”

“We want to go home!”

Xia Yufeng had already put on his mask and merged into the crowd, being jostled by the people around him. The crowd moved like seaweed, and with a slight tiptoe, he could be carried away by the flow of people.

Being swept along by the impassioned crowd, Xia Yufeng felt a bitter taste in his heart. These people seemed to understand the situation even less than those in the theater. They just wanted a seemingly “legitimate” outlet to vent their emotions and alleviate their heaviness.

When Zhu Yanchen was still the marshal, people scorned this “second-generation official”. Now that Zhu Sheng had become the target, Zhu Yanchen had suddenly turned into a buried tragic hero.

Xia Yufeng suddenly found it amusing. He had been frightened for so long, only to realize that he was just a drop in this timid river, as ordinary as could be. After two hundred years after the apocalypse, humans still remained terrifyingly primitive in some aspects.

He knew that those troublemakers were synthetic humans sent by Shu Jun, but in this strange emotional state, Xia Yufeng no longer wanted to avoid them. He tiptoed and let the crowd carry him away, shouting angry slogans at the top of his voice.

The demands of the people were numerous, but in the end, they converged into a unified slogan.

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“Zhu Yanchen!” they yelled hoarsely, desperately calling out to the imagined ghost. “Zhu Yanchen!”

The square patrol team couldn’t control the unruly crowd anymore. Everyone pushed forward with force, but no one knew where this strange “temporary legion” was heading.

In moments like this, a few black sheep were enough in the flock. The synthetic humans in the front carefully adjusted their direction, leading the crowd towards the brightly lit Grand Theatre.

Seeing the illuminated building, there was no need for words to explain; people could determine their target. In the midst of decay, those lights were infuriatingly bright.

During this time, many people used screens to contact their loved ones and engaged in intense discussions about the sudden situation at the evening event.

It was impossible for the millions of people in Y City to all take to the streets. Most of those living in the city center chose to stay at home. Those who were willing to take action were mostly young and passionate individuals, as well as disgruntled migrants who had recently moved in from the outskirts. Apart from the largest gathering on the central square, people poured out from underground shelters, abandoned hotel rooms, and tents tucked away in corners. Like water flowing downstream, they converged from all directions towards the Grand Theatre.

“We want to see Zhu Sheng!”

“We want an explanation. We want the truth about Zhu Yanchen!”

The young people were especially enthusiastic. They cut dirty pieces of cloth and made impromptu banners, holding them high above their heads. Y City had never seen a protest or demonstration since its establishment. The people didn’t understand the procedure and desperately tried to squeeze through the sealed doors. The security guards attempted to block them, but the difference in numbers made them hesitate to use their firearms. The people at the forefront seemed more like they were being swept forward by a wave rather than actively charging.

The angry crowd had turned into a strange beast. It had tens of thousands of eyes, tens of thousands of mouths, and countless heads to match. At this moment, it howled in grievance and anger, emitting a terrifying stench.

Countless hands aimlessly pounded on the theater windows, striking the tightly locked doors. Many people were pressed against the glass, on the verge of breaking bones. It didn’t take long for the glass to shatter like thin sheets of sugar, and people fell to the ground, leaving countless wounds. The shards of glass, stained with blood, gleamed brightly under the warm lights.

Fortunately, there was a medical team from the Old Fourth nearby.

The members of the Old Fourth didn’t hesitate like the guards; they acted without restraint. Over a dozen tall and sturdy men pushed through the crowd, dragging out the injured individuals, without causing any fatal accidents.

Seeing the presence of doctors nearby, the people felt more reassured. The crowd surged into the hall, filling the corridors. They swung their fists, and the exquisite decor of the theater turned into fragments. The pristine wallpaper became smeared with dirt, saliva, and phlegm. If it weren’t for everyone being tightly packed together and unable to move, a few individuals might have even picked up lighters to vent their frustrations by starting a fire.

Zhu Sheng didn’t run away. He simply ordered the wartime protective doors of the theater to be closed. The thick metal door slammed shut, despairingly trapping the people outside the grand theater.

“Continue the show,” Zhu Sheng gestured, instructing them to continue broadcasting the footage from the center of the theater.

Seeing Zhu Sheng’s calm demeanor, others felt a bit relieved. Only the actors backstage, preparing for the program, remained unaware; their faces still beaming with smiles.

Onstage, light and shadows intertwined as the dancers’ graceful steps captivated the audience. The images from inside the theater were projected onto the surrounding walls. The previously fervent crowd quickly grew despondent—the beautiful and peaceful dance gave them the illusion of peacetime. However, the walls and the cold, heavy metal doors couldn’t be pushed open with flesh and blood.

If Zhu Sheng stayed inside overnight, by the next day, they would be without food or drink, and it would be impossible to keep them contained.

One hour passed, then another. As time went by and the night grew darker, the slogans became increasingly disjointed—Zhu Sheng was too calm, as if it was an adult facing unreasonable children. This attitude only made things more frustrating, and people started to doubt their own judgment.

Could it really be the work of the synthetic humans?

If it was Xia Yufeng impersonating Zhu Yanchen all along, the battle outside the walls wouldn’t be so intense, right? Even now, the sound of artillery fire outside the protective wall continued relentlessly.

The monster formed by the crowd lost its momentum, and the previously energetic atmosphere faded away, hinting at a sense of despondency.

The synthetic humans that blended into the crowd exchanged glances. One of them struggled to make their way out of the theater, disappearing without a trace. Seeing someone leave, the older individuals were the first to consider retreating.

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But the hall was packed too tightly, and except for a few tall and strong individuals, the average person couldn’t squeeze out at all. The crowd roiled for quite a while, and people entered a strange state of semi-abandonment. More than half of the people fell into silence, gazing sorrowfully at the images on the screens.

“Before the next program, let me say a few words.”

Zhu Sheng cleared his throat, and the host, accustomed to the situation, quickly handed him the microphone.

“Many friends have arrived outside, and I know you don’t believe me.” Zhu Sheng cleared his throat. “Regarding the arrangements for the future—”

Before Zhu Sheng could finish his sentence, one of his assistants hurriedly ran onto the stage and whispered something in his ear. Zhu Sheng frowned slightly and sighed. “I have much more to say, but unfortunately, time is not on our side. The synthetic humans have suddenly intensified their attack, so I ask everyone to return to the designated shelter.”

“The theater is relatively safe, but it cannot accommodate so many people.” Zhu Sheng smiled politely. “I don’t mind squeezing in with everyone, but half of the people must return to the central square—the defense there is quite complete, making it one of the safest places within the city.”

“I suggest that the elderly, women, and children stay behind. We can make room to accommodate them.”

People looked at each other, pushing and shoving, but no one seemed to have any intention of leaving.

Zhu Sheng didn’t appear surprised.

“Delay the next program by an hour, clear the nearby hotels, and temporarily relocate people inside the hotels. The expenses incurred by the Tang family will be my responsibility. As for the recent situation, I will explain it in detail later.”

The voice of the elderly man was low and powerful, bringing a great sense of reassurance.

“In times of emergency, I admit that we have not done enough to provide for those outside the city. First, I would like to apologize to everyone here.” He nodded slightly, his words carrying an apologetic tone but still sounding authoritative as always. “For the next hour, I ask everyone to quickly return indoors. Miss Xia Liang’s performance has been postponed. Once you have found suitable rooms, you can continue to enjoy the evening celebration…”

The young people couldn’t match the craftiness of the old fox. With a set of tricks and a sweet date, the tens of thousands of people outside the theater immediately showed signs of softening. However, just as this passionate gathering was about to disperse, a terrifying rumbling sound came from the protective wall on the west side of the city center. For a moment, the city alarm blared, leaving people’s minds in chaos.

The monstrous crowd, on the verge of death, regained their energy and jostled and collided with each other. Zhu Sheng had to move to one of the private rooms on the highest floor of the theater, temporarily allowing some people to take refuge inside the theater.

Every move in the theater was seen by someone on the other side of the wall.

“Chai Xuyang did a good job,” Shu Jun said casually as his claws slid on the armrest fabric. “Disperse according to the original plan and let the Alpha Erosion Swamp invade the city. I’ve already gathered everyone. A’Yan should be able to handle this.”

“Captain Shu, Xia Yufeng has followed your arrangement and fled. Is it inconvenient for Marshal Zhu to appear again?”

“The desired effect has been achieved. Look, we have successfully broken through their blockade, no longer serving as mere cannon fodder.” Shu Jun smiled and said, ‘The deputy officer arranged by Zhu Sheng is good, but still far from A’Yan. He lacks experience in fighting against the Erosion Swamp and will definitely retreat on the spot. The defense will be disrupted, and chaos will ensue internally. What a great opportunity.'”

“Are you suggesting…”

“Let the Erosion Swamp take the lead and enter the city, while we act as the praying mantis capturing the cicada—Luo Duan always acts cautiously. He will certainly strike after we are severely weakened, playing the role of the ‘oriole’*.”

*Clarity: This is referencing the idiom “The praying mantis catches the cicada while the oriole follows”. It refers to while coveting the gains ahead, one should be aware of the dangers behind. || In this context, Shu Jun is planning for the synths to play the “mantis” role, lulling Sigma (as the oriole) out.

“Boss, are you really planning to start a war? That Erosion Swamp belongs to Sigma, and it won’t show any mercy.”

Shu Jun released his grip on the armrest and hugged Monday, who had become increasingly stout and strong recently. His smile gradually turned cold. For a moment, there was an uncomfortable and strange aura emanating from him. Hu Yan thought that some large beast from somewhere was panting at him.

“Both A’Yan and I have passed the age of playing house, so this is undoubtedly a war. I just gave humanity enough face in advance—the right timing, advantageous conditions, and the right people are all in place.”

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“Let me count—I exposed my abilities, allowing A’Yan to create anti-erosion weapons; to prevent the settlements from panicking, I deliberately gathered them together for better management; fearing that Sigma would personally attack them unexpectedly, I didn’t kill that Erosion Swamp, giving them an opportunity for practical training; fearing that A’Yan’s prestige wouldn’t be enough to convince others, I forced Xia Yufeng to stage a big show… With these conditions, A’Yan cannot lose.”

“But… his compatriots will suffer casualties.”

Shu Jun’s smile grew wider. “What’s this? Do you want to protect humanity again?”

“No, no, of course not! I’m just thinking about your relationship… Haa, you know.”

“What are you thinking? I won’t forgive humanity on your behalf; I don’t have that right. Besides, I love A’Yan as a person, not his species.”

Shu Jun’s tone remained relaxed, but there was a suppressed feeling that couldn’t be clearly explained.

“This war is something humanity should endure. How can there be a war without sacrifices? If he hates me because of these things… it can only mean that I misjudged him.”

Hu Yan’s expression was quite complex. “Captain, not to criticize, but you can be quite ruthless.”

“Sigma stuffed my head with a bunch of first-person death records. Can’t help it.”

“What if Marshal Zhu has other intentions… Should we prepare for both scenarios?”

“No need. He knows. Even if I turn into a monster now and launch a surprise attack with the Erosion Swamp, we could easily kill off all the members of the three major families. But even so, he hasn’t shown up immediately with the purification weapon.”


“No ‘buts’. Later, we’ll move to the east side of the city, near the refugee settlement. Let the humans deal with the Erosion Swamp, and we’ll focus on guerrilla tactics for self-defense. When Sigma comes on its own, we’ll have a tough battle to fight.”

“…And then?”

“Afterwards, we’ll watch their war closely.” Shu Jun’s smile disappeared. “Y City is the wealthiest city for humans. They will definitely fight to the death.”

“At first, I thought everything was planned between the two of you, but it seems like it’s all improvised.” Hu Yan sighed. “To be honest, I’m even more worried now.”

“The situation is constantly changing. Unless we stay together every day, we can’t come up with conclusive plans.”

Shu Jun lifted Monday and casually ended the conversation.

“I’ll go see how that Erosion Swamp is doing.”

The Erosion Swamp wasn’t feeling very pleasant. More precisely, it couldn’t understand the difference between “pleasant” and “unpleasant”. It only felt itself being squeezed into the cracks of a wall, moving very slowly.

It permeated the cracks with its erosion substance, transforming them into sharp spikes, forcibly prying open the wall. If it had taken the direct approach, who knew how long it would take to erode a hole.

Carefully, the Erosion Swamp squeezed itself inside the protective wall, but as soon as it showed itself, it was surrounded by various purifiers. The buzzing of those machines made it uncomfortable, causing it to sprout countless thorns that stabbed into the crevices of the machines.

With the hissing sound of erosion, expensive purifiers were scrapped one by one. The identity of “Zhu Yanchen” was in doubt, and he had disappeared again. The captains of several teams had to take out their hidden weapons and use their own skills to quickly drive away the Erosion Swamp.

Now it seemed that their approach had completely backfired.

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The peculiar Erosion Swamp not only didn’t avoid the purifiers, but it also seemed slightly angry. If it weren’t for their sturdy armor, the recent soldiers would have been turned into hedgehogs.

“Until the new orders arrive, we must keep it contained in this area. Not far ahead is the residential area, and if this thing slips in…”

“The latest news is that most of those people have gone to cause trouble at the Grand Theatre. There aren’t many left. I’ve already started evacuating quite a few on my side.”

“Is it true or just a coincidence?”

“Who knows? The current problem is who will deal with them… I have no idea how to fight against the Erosion Swamp. We need to come up with a plan before the outer purifiers are destroyed.”

“…Is that Zhu Yanchen really fake? I feel like he’s quite skilled.”

“I’m not sure. I caught a glimpse of the show as well, and that person on the show doesn’t seem like him… Forget it. Let’s discuss it later. Hurry and contact the experts for a solution! Wait, what’s that sound? Why is there music?”

“The Grand Theatre is nearby. The show probably hasn’t ended yet. The building there has better protection, at least it can give the people some peace of mind.”

[Next… Miss Xia Liang will specially… perform a song… written for this period…] The intermittent voice came from a distance. The piercing alarm mixed with the sweet voice of a woman, creating a rather eerie sensation.

[Now, let’s welcome Miss Xia Liang… to bring us “Sleepless Night”…]

[…This song is dedicated to… all those who can’t fall asleep in the flames.]

The sweet and gentle voice started, mixed with the sharpness of the alarm and the hoarseness of electronic waves, sent chills down people’s spines. The Erosion Swamp wasn’t obediently trapped. It transformed itself into a hollow ball of spikes and sagged onto the protective wall, trying to break through the encirclement of purifiers from above.

And it succeeded.

The protective wall was incredibly high, high enough to escape the main influence of the purifiers. The wall’s anti-erosion material allowed it to anchor itself more securely. The massive ball of spikes rolled onto the top of the wall, rushing towards the most densely populated area of humans in this region—the Grand Theatre, just a few kilometers away, wasn’t far for it.

As it released erosion substance and continuously transmitted recorded information, it relied on instinct to charge toward the most bountiful prey.

It was late in the night, and the crowd was still surging outside the Grand Theatre. Those outside wanted to enter the well-protected theater, while those who wanted to leave couldn’t squeeze out. The scene became chaotic. The soft and beautiful singing voice enveloped the people, but the chaos showed no signs of abating.

No one noticed that in the most secluded corner of the theater, a young man kept his head down, displaying no signs of panic.

“You’re quite ruthless, Shu Jun. You’ve left us a way out, step by step. Thank you for your hard work.”

Zhu Yanchen extended his finger and made a few gestures on an invisible sand table in front of him. The chaos in front gradually faded, and he returned to that small virtual apartment again. Two children sat on opposite sides of the sand table, pouting in a game of strategy.

The “sand table” in front of him didn’t have cute architectural structures or monsters. It only had fear, chaos, and living, breathing people. This game couldn’t be escaped, nor could it be undone. A slight misstep meant someone’s life would be sacrificed—just like his previous work, except this time the commanding target had changed from synthetic humans to humans themselves.

Fortunately, Marshal Zhu didn’t need to make any adjustments to his command style. This time, he would ensure the survival of as many humans as possible.

Zhu Yanchen stood up and gave his seat to a confused elderly man. He patiently squeezed out of the theater and looked at the sky, tinged orange-gray by the lights. Shu Jun had changed their plans at the last minute, disrupting his retaliatory preparations. Thankfully, they had cooperated countless times on the battlefield, so he didn’t need to speculate on the “enemy’s” psychology again.

This might be the most brutal yet gentle enemy he had encountered.

“As the cicada, I should scream in agony more convincingly,” he murmured.

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