Saving Unpermitted

Chapter 89

Chapter 89: Special One

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The screen was contaminated by the Erosion Swamp, becoming increasingly distorted and deformed. The crackling electromagnetic noise mixed with the muffled sounds of collapsing ruins, as one by one, the lights went out. The air became oppressively murky. The mutated synthetics didn’t go berserk; instead, they returned to calmness after feeding.

A peculiar and desperate army.

Only the largest monster was rampaging wildly, seemingly the only creature with emotions, now venting without any regard. These images were distributed to all the senior researchers, and the conclusions were drawn quickly:

“The larger monster undoubtedly has a higher resonance rate with the Erosion Swamp, allowing it to manipulate the Erosion Swamp and transform into a gigantic monster.”

“The other synthetics didn’t integrate well with the Erosion Swamp and received an unknown treatment, which has put them in an unstable state of mutation. They will soon die or lose their sanity, becoming true mutant beasts.”

“That’s good news. Not many synthetics possess top-tier destructive power. With such an attack, our fortifications can definitely withstand…”


Zhu Sheng pinched his brow, sighing softly.

In the end, those reports were just results derived from the images, and their accuracy was still questionable. Based on the information in the footage, Zhu Sheng had a rough guess—

The leader of the synthetics had similar interests to the Old Fourth and had reached an agreement with them not long ago, secretly hoarding resources.

Subsequently, they prepared underground strongholds in the settlements. During the Reunion Festival, they gathered everyone together and informed the synthetics of the truth behind the player system, then urgently relocated them underground.

The reason the synthetics had been lurking before could only be because they harbored hope—minimal casualties and human collaborators. The synthetics didn’t want to perish along with the humans; they wanted to find a way out.

So, they were cautious, gradually accumulating their strength. When humans suddenly lost this purifying force and had to change leadership, the social system was bound to undergo changes, at least causing a period of chaos. The synthetics could take advantage of the most vulnerable moment within Y City to launch an attack, severely damaging humans and seizing the opportunity to plunder resources and demand compensation.

…It seemed that the synthetics had a capable leader.

The other side acted cautiously, without an impulsive attitude. Zhu Sheng had figured out this route. They prepared for a preemptive city-wide lockdown, guarding against a potential attack from the synthetics. However, with the revelation of the settlements, his rhythm was completely disrupted—

The Blackbirds and Groundwater were undoubtedly the two strongest teams among the synthetics. Now, they were heavily damaged by the Erosion Swamp and were attacking humans. The largest monster—the leader—was likely in a state of half-despair.

Before the war even started, the strongest forces were unable to recover, which was a disaster capable of shaking people’s hearts.

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The synthetics were expendable, one less meant one less, and they couldn’t be replenished. The synthetics were already in a difficult situation, and when such events occurred, people’s hearts would crumble like loose sand. Despair would spread rapidly, with no companions left to save, leading to scenes of chaotic battle and eventual mutual destruction.

Things had reached this point, and regardless of whether or not the settlement’s population was incited, the outcome wouldn’t differ much—once these synthetics lost control, they would undoubtedly slaughter the settlement’s residents as their first victims.

This variable was too significant, and Y City wasn’t prepared.

How did this happen so coincidentally? Zhu Sheng sat on the stool, unusually stunned for a few seconds—how did this happen so coincidentally?

How could such a large Erosion Swamp suddenly appear and attack the settlement where the majority of the synthetics were located? If the leader of the synthetics could manipulate the Erosion Swamp, why didn’t they notice it earlier?

Upon closer examination, this large Erosion Swamp was extremely peculiar. While coincidence could explain it, if it wasn’t fate…

What else was there?

Zhu Sheng retreated into the darkness, thinking quickly.

There must be something hidden behind the synthetics, attempting to instigate a conflict between humans and synthetics. With this in mind, perhaps the leader on the synthetics’ side was aware, and their lack of action could be due to this consideration.

But what other forces could there be? He couldn’t figure it out.

…Well, regardless of what lurked in the shadows, their available options were extremely limited at the moment. The most pressing matter was to defend against the potentially rampaging synthetics at all costs.

At any cost.

“Completely seal off Y City and stop accepting returning residents.” Zhu Sheng spoke up. “Increase the number of purifiers around the city and have all citizens evacuate to the city center. Be prepared to raise the second wall around the city center at any time. We must prepare for a prolonged siege.”

The assistant standing beside Zhu Sheng was startled.

“They are similar to mutant beasts, needing to feed to survive. This condition is difficult to treat, so they won’t last much longer,” Zhu Sheng said calmly. “Go, arrange a meeting, and I will discuss the specific arrangements.”

Y City must be defended, and every effort must be made to minimize losses. If Y City fell, the surrounding cities wouldn’t survive for long either.

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Underground stronghold.

Of the initial thirty thousand people who were relocated, only a few thousand remained. Although it was a bit challenging for the several tens of thousands of people in the settlement, considering that it was only temporary, everyone endured it—every room was filled with people; even the corridors were crowded. Special large rooms were reserved for the elderly and children, and while the air was filled with a mix of various odors—overall, it was tolerable.

They had enough food to eat, good lighting, and no trace of the Erosion Swamp seeping in. For most of the settlement’s people, it was already sufficient.

The more capable players were assigned to “Suppression” work, stationed at important ventilation and water inlets to assist with purification. This work wasn’t particularly tiring, but it was mechanical and monotonous, leaving people restless.

Perhaps considering this, all the screens in the stronghold were turned on. The Erosion Swamp blocked all long-range signals, and only the local signal source managed to survive—every scene Zhu Sheng saw was projected accurately to the people in the underground stronghold.

“That’s my face!” Yu Jin held a can of meat, pointing at the man kneeling before him. “Captain Shu is being unfair! He made me kneel like this? How could anyone possibly bully me, umph—”

He had only shouted halfway when a piece of compressed biscuit was pressed against his mouth. Hu Yan looked coldly at Yu Jin and pointed at the swaying “synthetic” on the screen. “That one has my face on it. Captain Shu specifically instructed me to give you some spiritual compensation, but I ended up with nothing once it came to me. You don’t want the canned food? Fine, give it back to me.”

“You used my face, so there’s no reason not to give me something.” Yu Jin scratched his bright yellow hair, clutching the can tightly to his chest.


“But the effect is pretty lame.” Yu Jin hid the canned food and sighed. “Our faces are all exposed. It’s fine for the older folks, but the young ones might think it’s some kind of show. Later, I’ll have to argue with them again.”

“Just hold steady.” Hu Yan crossed his arms. “Captain Shu said that with this development, Y City will definitely be completely sealed off and too preoccupied to bother with us. Once the cameras break, no one will come to investigate. At most, one more day, and once Captain Shu finishes cleaning up, we can all come out.”

“Easy for you to say. Your team has taken over quite a few houses, and the stronghold still needs to accommodate more people.”

“We’ll compensate with meat.” Hu Yan raised the “Suppression” prototype in his hand. “When the time comes, we’ll go out hunting and purify some mutant beast meat. It tastes pretty good.”

“Get more bird-shaped mutant beasts. The meat is tender,” Yu Jin turned his eyes around.

“…No special requests,” Hu Yan said, then chuckled to himself.

People were crowded together underground. The young gathered in front of the screens, gasping in astonishment, while the middle-aged formed groups and chatted. Several elderly people with spinal deformities piled up a few crates of supplies and sat on top, playing cards. The air wasn’t exactly fresh, and the light bulbs were dim and flickering, but the surroundings were filled with a vibrant human atmosphere.

The chaotic festival had long passed, and the players’ mindset had more or less adjusted. Now enveloped in a long-lost sense of camaraderie, they unconsciously joined in the conversations.

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“Although I still can’t forgive certain people,” Hu Yan took a bite of the protein energy bar in his hand, “but, how should I put it? I like this feeling.”

Just as if they weren’t different from each other.

“Who doesn’t, right?” Yu Jin opened a can of meat and handed it to the nearest pregnant woman. “Now I only have one thought—let’s not mess things up anymore and put an end to all this nonsense. I can’t wait for Boss Zhu to become the leader, truly.”

The two candidates for leadership had vastly different reactions to these scenes.

Yi Ning’s face turned pale, and he squeezed his palms until they left bloodstains. Just as he had mentally prepared himself to confront Shu Jun and Zhu Sheng, everything went off track.

Was there still hope for the settlements? Yi Ning wondered absentmindedly. With such monsters, what kind of people would they send to fight?

This was no longer a war; it was an utter natural disaster. Yi Ning subconsciously wanted to speak up and ask the person he used to discuss matters with, but then he remembered that Luo Duan was no longer around.

Right, Luo Duan was also a synthetic.

He vaguely realized something, but no matter what he did, he couldn’t grasp that thread of inspiration. A sense of panic seeped into his mind, subsequently capturing his full attention—his hometown was about to be destroyed, the people he cherished the most were going to die, and he was likely unable to do anything.

At this point, should he join forces with Zhu Sheng?

Even if they joined forces, could they save those who were about to fall into despair?

Yi Ning sat back in his chair, somewhat unsteady, and looked up at the bright ceiling of his office. His eyes felt sore, and soon tears welled up.

…Was he wrong from the start?

No, he couldn’t allow such a weak thought to surface. In any case, he should first find the researchers and hear how the experts analyze the situation. Yi Ning wiped his face a few times, opened the screen, and a thought unexpectedly struck him.

If Zhu Yanchen were still alive.

If it was that tactically astute genius, who knows, he might come up with a way to save most of the people.

‘How funny,’ he thought. Previously, in order to obtain the position of leader, he guided the people to recognize the true “Zhu Yanchen”. Now that the plan had reached its final step, he found himself wanting the return of this opponent the most.

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However, the atmosphere around Marshal Zhu wasn’t particularly heavy—

“Forget about your father. His heart is as frozen as a piece of meat. But if you do this… Hey, you’re scaring the poor Yi kid to death!” Tang Heyu looked at the information Yi Ning had passed on to the Tang family and made a sound similar to slurping noodles.

“To deceive Sigma, we must first deceive the humans themselves.”

Zhu Yanchen mumbled with an energy bar in his mouth, his voice muffled. As he spoke, he nibbled on the energy bar—Marshal Zhu’s hands were covered in oil stains from mechanical parts, and his face was smeared, with no free hand to grab food.

“Tang Lao, stop looking. This needs some adjustments.”

“I need a rest!” Tang Heyu glared, his eyes widening. “I admit you have great stamina, but don’t make things difficult for an old man. Let me take a good look… Oh my, this person looks so realistic. The power of the Erosion Swamp shouldn’t be underestimated…”

The old man clearly wanted to watch the excitement, so Zhu Yanchen wiped the sweat off his chin and let him be.

“Oh my, Shu Jun is here! Hey, this is too bloody… Chenchen, even if you like men, they should at least be human first… Is this the person? My goodness…”

“It’s him.” Zhu Yanchen stopped his work and leaned over to look. “His control over his abilities has improved.”

“What’s with that smug look on your face? I can’t understand young people nowadays. If your father finds out…”

As the old man said that he suddenly fell silent and his expression became serious. He let out a low sigh and continued to gaze at the screen.

“I will let him know.”

Zhu Yanchen stared at the roaring monster on the screen with an unusually gentle gaze.

“…It’s almost over.”

The author has something to say:

Tang Heyu: Young people these days are too trendy with their XP.jpg

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