Saving You, Villain

Chapter 11

I placed the relic on the palm of his hand. In Camian’s hand, the relic was nothing more than mere stones.

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“Are you okay?”

Camian put the relic on the bed and tried to stand up. I hurriedly caught him.

“What about holy water? Are you okay even with holy water?”

Camian looked down at the holy water silently. Of course, I expected the answer to come right away, but the silence became longer.

“Does holy water hurt?”


Camian’s response was delayed enough for me to wonder. I noticed it quickly. This kid is lying.

As I held the holy water tightly in my hand and stared at Camian, one of his thick, straight eyebrows twitched.


Before I came here, there was this part of what I read in the novel. ‘… All attempts to annihilate that cruel slayer were thwarted in the face of Camian’s mighty power. Humans who had lost the will to resist simply put their hands together toward the sky.’

…Does it make sense that a person like that would get hit by a single holy water that is commonly available when they go to a temple?

When I opened the stopper with the cross decoration, Camian’s face was subtly distorted. I looked at Camian like that and smiled brightly.

“By the way… My senses say you are lying.”

“Your senses never hit the mark on anything. Take the holy water away.”

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“This. If I sprinkle it all?”

Even though his arms seemed to flinch as I was going to do it, Camian remained calm without showing any signs of surprise. I put down the holy water and asked.

“The hell. See. You’re not even afraid. You’re lying!”

“Don’t you know that if you’re really surprised, you don’t react and just freeze up?”

“Your face isn’t hardened in surprise, but it’s just a dull reaction.”

“No. This is a very surprised face.”

Camian pointed his index finger at his face. He has a blunt and arrogant face that is no different from the usual Camian. Come on. If you want to tell a lie, you at least have to show some sincerity.

I was really going to sprinkle it, but I gave up because of the unpleasant feeling getting scattered little by little like crumbs. Really… Anyway, the risk is too great if Camian’s words are true.

“Fine. Why are you lying about that, like playing with the novel? If you’re going to do it, tell a funny lie.”

Camian puts his hand out to me. He meant to return the book. Are romance novels so much fun?

‘It doesn’t suit you.’ I said to myself and turned around. The moment I tried to grab the book on the edge of the bed, I heard a ‘pop’ and a light sound.


A low sigh flowed from Camian. Then I felt my knees on the bed getting wet. When I looked down, I saw that the lid of the holy water was lying face down on the bed. Transparent holy water comes out of the round hole.



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I hurriedly raised the holy water, but all the contents inside were gone. The holy water not only wet the blanket, but also seeped into the hem of Camian’s pants.

Camian couldn’t help but fall to the side, grabbing his shin, unable to put a hand on his ankle, where the holy water had touched him. He buried his face in the blanket and exhaled painfully.

…Wasn’t that a lie?

My heart crashed to the ground. If I hadn’t been able to stand my playfulness and sprinkled that holy water on Camian’s face… Just imagining it was enough to make my stomach churn.

“D-Does it hurt a lot?”

What would you do if you were knocked down by just one holy water even though you were the strongest in the world? The pounding in my chest rang in my eardrums. Perhaps because the image of Camian in the novel is strongly engraved in my mind, the surprise could not be washed away. This feeling was more like fear.

Considering the time when I couldn’t stop Camian turning evil, it’s no different than finding out about his weakness, so it’s right to be relieved. But instead of feeling relieved, only anxiety soared.

In the corner of my head, Camian’s gruesome corpse, melted in holy water, was drawn. As I was being engulfed in my turbulent imagination, a certain speculation suddenly entered my mind.

Perhaps… Is there a difference in ‘strength’ before and after him becoming evil? I’ve come across a lot of clichés like this in various novels. Those plots where the latent power is awakened by the turn to the dark side.

In other words, the current Camian may still be vulnerable to holy water before that would transpire.

My confused head was pulling out all sorts of strange assumptions.


But now was not the time to think like this. It’s time to start taking care of the injured Camian. Camian moaned while still holding his leg.

“Oh my God. Camian, I’ll roll up your clothes. If I accidentally touched it and it hurts, just scream.”

Camian didn’t seem in the condition to answer. I carefully grabbed the hem of Camian’s pants. The damp touch on my fingertips felt loathsome.

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“… What if you can’t use your ankle for the rest of your life? Should I carry you then? Can I really do it?”

My hand holding his hem trembled. Like the demon skin that had melted by the holy water, maybe Camian’s ankles were like that, so I didn’t dare to look at his clothes.

There’s no time to delay. Even now, the holy water is melting Camian’s skin. I pulled his pants up, giving strength to the area around my eyes, which were burning brightly. At the same time, it was time to wipe off the holy water with my clothes.

“Before, you looked at me and suspected that it was a lie.”


“You fell for it.”

Contrary to my worries, Camian’s ankles were smoother beyond fine. As I lifted my head in dismay, Camian smiled with a smirk. In an instant, something shriveled up. Suddenly, I slammed the boy’s protruding foot with my fist. Camian groaned, but I wasn’t sorry at all.

I hate this man who turned my head and stomach inside out with anxiety. As I clenched my teeth and looked at him, the smile gradually faded from Camian’s face. He got up and grabbed me by the waist and locked me between his legs.


He tucked my hair behind my ear and asked in a friendly tone. My heart was still beating hard. When I met Camian in the novel, I only saw him as a villain who wouldn’t be cool even if I beat him to death, but after being sucked into this world and living with him for fifteen years, I guess I must have gotten attached to him. Earlier, just imagining the guy getting hurt, my jaw was clenched and my head was dizzy.

“I’m going to cry.”

A warm, large hand wrapped around my cheek and gently caressed my eyebrows.

I shoved his hand away and walked out of the bedroom. The sound of footsteps pounding on the floor showed how depressed I was. I’m not even a teenager, so why was I so angry that my emotions were going rampant?

It was good until I got out of the bedroom by shoving Camian wildly, but there was nowhere I could go. It was very cold outside and the sun was setting. However, I went to Debra and Jax’s bedroom on the first floor. But as soon as I open the door, they’ll notice that I fought Camian, but I didn’t want to cause them any worries.

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In the end, the place Camian wouldn’t want to look at, ironically, I went to Camian’s bedroom. I swung the door open and went inside, lying on his bed and pulling the blanket over my head.

Not long after that, I heard the door open and footsteps approached. As one side of the bed dipped, I leaned against the wall.

“Are we going to change rooms today?”


“It must be difficult to sleep together. The bed is small.”

“Go away.”

“It’s cold. Let’s cover each other with a blanket together.”

Camian laid down on the spot next to me, pulled out the blanket and dug into it. He called me quietly with the blanket over his head, just like me.



“Do you want to know about my weakness?”

At the unexpected words, my body turned to Camian involuntarily. A faint smile crept onto Camian’s lips.

“Ah, finally.”

Does he even have a weakness? Is he trying to tease me again? I didn’t respond quickly and just kept my eyes wide open. Unlike me, who was bewildered, Camian’s smile grew deeper and deeper. As he smiled nicely with a handsome face, I forgot that I had been angry a while ago, admiring him inwardly.

Camian moved his body closer to my face. It was close enough that the tip of our nose barely touched and we could feel each other’s breath. And he whispered secretly.

“My weakness is your blood.”

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