Saving You, Villain

Chapter 14

I slept through until nighttime without waking up until dinner. After my stomach was full, I got food coma, so I charged myself up with a light nap for about half an hour.

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In my heart, I wanted to sleep in like this until morning, but Camian’s words a while ago forced me to lift my heavy head.

“He told me not to sleep first.”

I knew it but my mouth kept yawning, and my mind was clouded.

Had I known today was a full moon, I wouldn’t have gone out to get those tomatoes. My tired body was not recovering easily. At this rate, I might lose control and attack Camian.

“…I most likely will.”

I had to do something. I swept down my dry face with my two hands and lifted my heavy body. My eyes flashed as I scanned the familiar room slowly enough to draw it even with my eyes closed. I opened the last drawer on the desk, which I didn’t normally open.

All sorts of clutter were piled up in a disorderly manner. I crouched down to sit, then practically pushed my head in the drawer. While digging through scissors, stationery, and the hairpins I had used as a child, I pulled out the fabric left over from making curtains this summer.

“This should be enough.”

I covered my mouth with a cloth and tied a tight knot behind my head. If I seal my mouth, I can stop the nonsense saying like I can’t stand it… I want to do it with Camian like last time.

Reinforcing my will, I waited for Camian to come.




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A warm sensation caressed my eyes and brushed my cheeks. My mind, which had been sinking into the unconscious, slowly returned, and I opened my eyes. The faint outline of a face could be seen in the darkness.

“Did I sleep?”

“You even snored.”

At one point, Camian, who was occupying the spot next to my bed, lightly touched the corner of my lips.

“You’re also drooling.”

“I wasn’t going to sleep…”

“What’s this? Why are you doing this dangerously?”

The cloth I had tied over my mouth before sleeping was hanging from my neck.

“I’m going to keep my mouth shut today.”


His voice fell deeper than the darkness. Just as much as he knew me well, I could also easily recognize Camian’s changes. It was clear that my words were not to his liking.

“I’m afraid I’ll be saying nonsense again.”


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“If you don’t want to see me die out of shame, don’t stop me from doing this.”

I pulled the fabric over my mouth and tied it tight again. I lay down looking at the ceiling and tapped my abdomen to signify that I was ready. Camian made a sound that I was not sure whether it was a laugh or a sigh, and then climbed up onto my body.

The warmth gently pressed on my body. We looked at each other in the dark and talked only with our eyes instead of our mouths.

Camian didn’t take his eyes off me, and he stroked my hair, which had become ruffled on the pillow. I felt his hand push the clothes under my shoulders. The cool air warmed the skin sensitively. My body was tense for a while. Contrasting hot breaths poured down my neck. Then, the soft flesh of his lips suckled on my throat, and his moist tongue gently swept up the skin. I had goosebumps all over my body.


It hadn’t bled yet, but the sound of pain came out of nowhere. Unable to overcome the embarrassment, both my cheeks were burning hot. Did Camian hear it? It wasn’t even loud… he didn’t hear it right? Please don’t hear it…


He suddenly raised his teeth as if trying to blow away the thoughts in my head. Something sharp and pointed pierced the flesh. A hot pain radiated from my throat. I hugged Camian’s back and trembled. Each time Camian moved his mouth to suck my blood, the pain slowly subsided and my body became relaxed. And as though there was a scorching liquid spreading throughout my body, I could feel myself being overcome with erogenous sensations.

“Huu… Mmh, mmm!”

This arousing feeling rushed from my toes, ran through my blood vessels and spread through my body. My head felt dizzy, and the place between my legs was throbbing. Thump, thump, thump, thump. My heart started beating like crazy. Gradually, as my breathing grew faster, my body started trembling without my knowledge. Haa, haa… I tightened his body and hugged Camian fiercely, then scratched his thick arms with my nails.

I’m going crazy. If I didn’t do it right away, I thought I could suffocate and die. My head and my instincts pursued only one desire like a stallion.

It felt like tens of thousands of burning flowers were blooming in my body. I didn’t know how painful it was to lie still and do nothing. Immediately, I wanted to climb up on Camian, devour his lips, and feel his splendid nudity with my bare skin. But a solid body was blocking my body like a rock. I struggled like a fish tossed ashore.

“Mmmh, mmh!”

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I sandwiched his thighs between my legs and rubbed my lower body on him. Camian scratched my neck and gently rubbed his firm thighs between my legs. Still, the desire did not alleviate in the slightest. Rather, it was clearly engraved. This erogenous feeling that fills my stomach up to the point that it was burdensome and even felt bizarre.

Camian, my body’s hot.

The cloth covering my mouth blocked the words from the tip of my tongue, and only a muffled moan rang out.

“Mmh, hnn, nngh!”

The more Camian sucked blood, the stronger the feeling of arousal grew. Both legs struggled on the bed, then wrapped him by the waist. A blatant desire for something to dig into the damp interior came to mind. I want you to drive me to the pinnacle of pleasure in a frenzy.

I shed tears of excitement and scratched his forearm and back. At this time, I felt a low vibration on my neck. Camian moved away from my neck and looked down at me. Even in the dark, it was clear that his red eyes were longing for pleasure.

Each other… We were longing for each other’s bodies. Not only me, but Camian, too. I stretched out my arms and embraced his neck.

I rubbed my lips roughly with the thin cloth in between our skin. I moved my head back and forth and felt his warm flesh. On the other hand, Camian was as hard as a rock.

“Nngh, mmh…”

I rocked my hips over his, rubbing myself against Camian’s erection, and my hand couldn’t stand still and tightly grasped Camian’s hair.

The thin cloth was wet with the exhaled breath. Tears are dripping down my face. It was like embracing Camian, who was like a stone, and running wild on my own. My situation was so shameful that I wanted to die, but the thought did not stop me.

Now… If I could relieve this boiling erogenous feeling, I could have done something worse.

“Mm, mmmh!”

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It’s not enough. I need your body, Camian. It’s okay to break my body with pleasure, so please do something for me. All rationality had become completely swallowed up by desire. Where I was, who I was, and what kind of relationship Camian and I had—it was all torn to shreds.

I pulled out my hand from Camian’s ruffled hair, and grabbed both sides of his face. Then, with our foreheads pressed against each other, I stared into his red eyes.

I want you. I suppressed the urge to struggle to pursue my desires and begged Camian. The deep red eyes glinted in an instant. And the hardened lips touched me. Slow and smooth. I was engulfed in great joy and ecstasy just by his small reaction.


Camian didn’t take his eyes off me, and moved his lips as if to bite. Hot, damp lips gently teased the fabric. And the contact became increasingly dense. He pressed his lips to the thin cloth and let out a hot breath. Gnawing at the cloth with his teeth, he drew out his tongue and licked my entire lips.


Without a warning, Camian moved his waist suddenly. The long-awaited pleasure spread as the thick and hard manhood plunged against me. More. Harder. Grasping the frame of his raised wings, I brought his lower body closer to mine.

Pound, slam! Every time Camian moved, a violent noise echoed through the room. The tip of the blunt manhood pressed hard on my entrance, rubbing my cl*toris for a long time—moved back and repeated the motion.

“Mmh, nngh! Mmph!


Camian moved his waist frantically. I even felt a tingling sensation in the movement of hitting the bottom. The ferocious girth was about to pierce my clothes and shove into me at any moment.

“Mmmph… Mmmh!”

Excited, Kamian couldn’t keep his hands still and swept my hips and waist thickly. The kiss grew wilder, and it felt like a thousand lips were eating me. I couldn’t get over the urge spewing out. My body trembled.

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