Saving You, Villain

Chapter 30

Saving You, Villain - Chapter 30 - Drunken - Hades House

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5-6 minutes 12.06.2023

“I only need to appear beautiful to you.”


“What need is there for my subjective opinion?”

Such madness. To casually utter such nonsensical words.

Drunk Kamian had shed his sharpness and only the submissive part remained, which made it amusing to tease him. However, due to his ability to shamelessly throw embarrassing remarks like today, there were moments of bewilderment more than once.

If a beloved lover had said such things, they might have laughed heartily in response. However, considering the circumstances, it was difficult to enjoy this situation.

Nevertheless, one cannot help but have saliva accumulate in their mouth. [Slurp]. Swallowing the saliva and regaining some semblance of composure, I tilted my head slightly.

“You, even in your right mind, should know that you spewed such words.”

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Why is it always my share to feel embarrassed? Before Kamian’s relentless flirting could drain my energy, I had to leave my seat.

“Stop babbling and go wash up quickly. I need to wash too.”

Confirming Kamian, who leisurely rose to his feet, I stepped out of the room first.

“Did I say I would sing after I finished washing?”

Lying on the bed restlessly, waiting for my turn, my eyelids were gradually becoming heavy. Should I fall asleep like this?

If Kamian comes out before I fall completely asleep, I’ll go wash up. Otherwise, it can’t be helped. I decided to leave everything to fate.

Just as my mind was about to cross the threshold of unconsciousness, I heard a knock.


Unintentionally, a sigh escaped my lips. In reality, it was just an excuse to say it was fate. I had simply wanted to fall asleep. After an irritated sigh, I mustered the strength to move my heavy body and stepped out of the room.

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As soon as I opened the door, I saw Kamian’s sturdy chest. It was too bothersome to raise my head, so I passed by without lifting it and headed towards the bathroom.

As I turned on the water, my drowsiness was slightly alleviated, but the fatigue in my body increased. When did I last dry my hair and sleep? I should have just left my hair undried. It was too late to regret now. After placing a dry towel on my head, I hurriedly walked back to the room with occasional strides.


Amidst the faintly trickling moonlight, a round figure encroached upon the bed. Why is it here instead of in its own room?

I removed the towel that was wrapped around my head and walked towards the edge of the bed.

“It’s cramped. Go to your room and sleep.”

With a swift motion of lifting my feet, I pushed the intruder away, and Kamian stretched his head out from under the blanket. Despite hearing my admonition, he remained steadfast.

“My bed is wet.”


I recalled Kamian lying on the bed with his clothes soaked in alcohol. Such a variety of situations. That’s why you shouldn’t show kindness to a drunkard.

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“Then sleep on the floor.”

Instead of getting up, Kamian lifted the blanket that was covering him. It was an invitation to enter his embrace. I chuckled and responded.

“Oh, should I wipe my wet hair all over you then?”

Even in the face of my threat, Kamian showed no sign of concern and even stuck out his tongue. Wrestling with a drunken person, or rather a drunken demon, is a losing battle. Alcohol dominates the rationality of a demon, rendering logic ineffective.


I should sleep on the couch then. After giving him a stern look, I sat down on a chair. As I wrung out the dampness from my hair with a towel, Kamian, who seemed determined not to move an inch from the bed, suddenly got up.

Extending his long legs, he swiftly approached me, snatching the towel from my hand. I looked at my empty hand in puzzlement, then raised my head…


The towel wrapped around my entire head and wildly thrashed about. It wasn’t painful, but it was enough to startle me. The towel that obscured my vision was quickly removed, and his large hand gently gathered up the loose strands of hair cascading over my face.

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“What are you doing?”

Kamian emerged from his kneeling position, eye-level with me.

“I don’t know.”

What a peculiar statement. Who would understand your actions if not yourself? As I furrowed my brow slightly, Kamian narrowed his gaze, mirroring my expression, and added:

“I find it hard to leave you alone when I see you.”


“I want to touch you, play around with you, and engage in conversation.”


It’s the behaviour of an inexperienced child in love. When I used both hands to stretch Kamian’s narrowed brow, he began to rub his face against my hand.

“That way, you would pay attention to me.”

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