Saving You, Villain

Chapter 46

I welcomed the vacation but began my day earlier than usual. The remnants of impure thoughts that lingered within me last night were still floating inside, causing a disturbance. Believing that forcefully moving my body would restore vigour, I vigorously threw off the covers.

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Without even knocking, I barged into Kamian’s room and shook him awake. Kamian, with a makeshift nest of tousled hair, slowly blinked his eyes and looked at me. Though his lips were tightly sealed, the thought of “What’s the matter with you?” was clearly written all over his face.

“Hey, time for breakfast. This isn’t the time to dawdle around.”

Kamian pressed his palms against his eyes and sat up. Due to his sudden growth spurt, he had to tilt his head far back.

“Since when did I become responsible for breakfast?”

“Starting today.”

Breakfast was supposed to be Jex’s duty, but it was impossible to wake them up at this early hour when the drowsiness had just lifted.

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Kamian suddenly bent down and gripped my cheeks with his large hands. With his hazy eyes, he intently studied my face. I, too, rested my face in his warm hands and admired his flawlessly handsome face, even in the morning.

“Why couldn’t you sleep again?”


His low voice tickled my heart. I averted his gaze, scratching my chest. Did it show?

“Could it be that you stayed up all night?”

“No? I didn’t even dream and slept incredibly well.”

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It wasn’t a lie. I didn’t stay up all night. I simply closed my eyes when the faint glimmer of the sun peeked over the mountains, as the sky blazed with a reddish hue halfway through revealing the sun.

Kamian wiped my eye area gently with his thumb and passed by me, heading for the bathroom.

“Lie back in bed after breakfast.”

“Why do you insist on me lying down? I’m not sleepy.”

“Do it before you’re tied up.”

“You really have a way with words.”

I spoke sincerely. Kamian was taken aback for a moment, but he still went into the bathroom. I know he does it for the sake of my health, but I didn’t appreciate his attempt to control my body. Irritated, I kicked the bathroom door with my foot, making a loud bang!

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A painful current shot through from my toes to my brain. I leaned against the wall with one arm for a moment, wiggling my throbbing foot. Then, the bathroom door opened.

He looked down at me with a pitiful expression. In the fleeting moment when his refreshing lips were about to form words, I beat him to it.

“Enough with your nonsense. Do you really prefer this? What are you doing? Next time, I’ll have your place.”

“Don’t waste your energy on trivial matters. Go back to your room. Come downstairs when I call for you later.”

Ignoring my response, she closed the bathroom door. After shooting an innocent wooden door at a glance, she limped back into Kamian’s room.

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Since there was nothing else to do in my room, I planned to pass the time by reading a novel that Kamian enjoyed.

“Ugh, look at how these letters are sorted. It’s like some perverted arrangement.”

As I observed the neatly arranged bookshelf without a single error, I flexed my forearm. If it were someone else, they might have concluded that Kamian was simply good at organizing, but knowing that it was a bookshelf, it seemed like an unusually peculiar reaction.

Not only the bookshelf but also the neatly hung clothes with razor-sharp creases, the inkless and immaculate desk, and the neatly arranged bedding. Kamian’s room always maintained a tidy appearance without any signs of disarray. Living like this, doesn’t it get tiring? Well, thanks to Kamian’s tidiness, my room also reaped some benefits.

As I discarded my clothes like discarded husks and climbed into bed, Kamian would follow behind, picking them up and tidying them neatly.

I picked up one of the books within reach and sprawled on Kamian’s bed. Despite being a random pick, the novel turned out to be quite fascinating. It revolved around the fiery love between two rival families’ daughters and sons, only to discover later that they were siblings with a mind-blowing twist.

“What’s the genealogy like in this one?”

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