Saving You, Villain

Chapter 52

I grabbed Kamian who was standing upright. Suddenly, his fingers were caught, and Kamian looked down at me with a slight frown.

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“When I tell you to go, do it. Why are you holding on?”

I’m worried about what your lousy tongue will say to Debra.

“Just stay here.”

With soapy hands, I playfully flicked Kamian’s index finger. After catching a glimpse of it, Kamian relaxed his body again.

“Don’t get soap on my hand.”

“Since it’s already soapy, how about using it for washing dishes?”

“Without wasting any water. It’s your job.”

“What if I use you as my sponge? You can be a brush, so why not a sponge?”

It was truly a remarkable idea, even in my own thoughts. I could delegate the dishwashing and treat Kamian as a tool, killing two birds with one stone.

“Well, I’d rather be used differently than a sponge.”

He touched my nose with his soapy hand. The foam dripped down, tickling the area under my nose. Ah-choo! A cough suddenly burst out. Kamian forcibly grabbed my wrist while I rubbed my nose with the back of my hand. He briefly stuck out his tongue after looking at my reddened upper lip.

I pulled my captured hand away and focused on washing dishes again. I intentionally splashed water and soap bubbles in all directions, even causing them to spray onto Kamian’s bare arm.

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“It was an accident.”

“Would you rather pour it into a bowl and splash it on my face?”

“Would that be okay?”

As I pretended to lift the bowl filled with foamy water, Kamian burst into hearty laughter. I let out a small chuckle as I watched his refreshing smile. It felt good.

At that moment, Kamian stood closely behind me. When I tilted my head back, my hair touched his chest. I raised my eyes as high as possible, gazing at his graceful jawline.

“What are you doing?”


He snatched the bowl from my hand and placed his own hand beneath it.

“Grab it.”

In one fluid motion, I slipped my pinky under the back of his hand. Kamian began rinsing the bowl I had just used. Despite the slight discomfort caused by my fingers that occasionally got in the way, he effortlessly continued washing the dishes.

“…Is this a sponge?”


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“The sponge I mentioned is one that washes dishes effortlessly without me having to hold onto it.”

“Oh, I see. I should have explained properly from the beginning. It’s a magical sponge.”

Kamian spoke with a genuine sense of pity, his audacity piercing the heavens. I exerted all my strength, squeezing his hand, but Kamian simply smiled without a hint of pain. A faint tremor emanated from behind. Despite my firm grip, he didn’t even bat an eye. Earlier, he had made a fuss about a mere thigh tap.



“Lower your head. Closer.”

His chin grazed my shoulder as I turned, sinking my teeth firmly into his cheek.


“Why do you keep telling Debra? I already told you.”

I spoke without releasing his cheek from my bite. Only after hearing the words that slipped from Kamian’s lips did I let go of his cheek. Yet, he still remained with his chin pressed against my shoulder.

“Why are you asking again?”

“You got saliva on my face. It needs to be wiped. Oh, is your saliva crystal clear, so it’s alright?”

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The sensation of his index finger digging into my mouth made my toes twitch once more.

“As you can see, I’m like a sponge.”

I could feel the bones and tendons protruding beneath the palm of my hand.

“…There’s still a lot of foam on my hand.”

Kamian’s response was an expression of ignorance. It irritated me that he made a fuss over a mere speck of saliva when I even ate the rice he had eaten with the same fork. Well… if we’re going to argue about it, he openly sucked up my saliva, so we can call it even.

But isn’t my saliva something he shouldn’t care about? What does it matter if it’s just a little smudge on his face?

“I suppose I should wash my face with your saliva. Should I wipe the other side too?”

“Don’t say filthy things.” He couldn’t help but retort. Irritated, I shot back at him with a single remark, causing Kamian to raise his head. Our noses lightly brushed against each other.

“You’re the filthy one. Hurry up and clean it.”


“Cursed. Whenever I converse with this person, I always feel stifled. Yes, if you ask me to wipe it clean, I’ll wipe it clean. I firmly pressed my cheek against the smoothness of Kamian’s cheek and vigorously rubbed it. Well then, is that enough? It’s done, isn’t it?”

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Kamian didn’t know how to conceal his laughter, no matter how funny it was.

“You asked me to wipe it clean, so I wiped it thoroughly.”

“Are you going to keep spouting nonsense? Hm?”

I pushed his face away with my head. As Kamian shook his head, he lightly nibbled on my earlobe. That bastard. When I finally stepped on his instep, Kamian let out a pained sound. Now, my heart feels a bit refreshed.

After finishing the dishes, Kamian washed his hands in the running water and then shook off the excess moisture.

“It’s clean.”

Then, he grabbed my wrist and clapped his hands loudly.

“If you’re a sponge, act like a sponge.”

I pushed his body away with my elbow and went upstairs first.

After bathing, while relaxing in comfort, lewd and impure images filled my mind one after another. Kamian’s fingers, buttocks, the voice that pleaded for it to stop, and the naked body.

It’s an undeniable, perfect match for my tastes.

Until now, I had only imagined that my ideal type was a Luke in my fantasies, but that was something I could say because I hadn’t actually seen Kamian.

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