Saving You, Villain

Chapter 61

A sudden, bone-chilling gust of wind blew, washing away the perspiration. My limbs, limp and trembling, emitted sounds of suffering in the midst of the intense cold.

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My slumped body felt weightless as it was gently lifted. With great effort, I raised my heavy eyelids and embraced his neck.

“…It’s cold.”

“I’m sorry.”

Kamian wrapped a blanket around me from behind, like swaddling a child in a cradle.

He strode forward with long strides. Where was he going? I wondered, but my numbed mind, shivering with fever, could not find the answer.

I heard the sound of Kamian opening the door. I raised my blurry face and looked ahead.


The window, which had been intact just a moment ago, was shattered into pieces. Slowly, I blinked my eyes and buried my lips in his shoulder.

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His room was a chaotic scene of shattered glass debris and miscellaneous items strewn about. It was an utterly devastated sight, almost unbelievable as Kamian’s room.

* * *

“Ah, it’s chilly.”

With a habitual motion, I rubbed my neck and shivered at the piercing pain. The wounds from the bloodletting I had endured late into the night still hadn’t healed.

The midday sun shone down on my back. It had been ages since I skipped breakfast and slept until this hour. I felt as if I had seen the restless figure of Kamian pacing around my bed in a dream… or perhaps it wasn’t a dream at all. I vaguely remembered the touch that caressed my thighs and waist.

Yesterday’s encounter taught me a valuable lesson about indulging in the unbearable.

“To demand such roughness without fear…”

When Kamian became rough, I thought I would surely perish. My original plan was to urge him on with a forceful movement of my waist, but hell… I found myself begging for mercy, sobbing uncontrollably.

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“A heartless bastard with neither blood nor tears.”

My throat stung, and I drank every drop of water left on the bedside table. I had never placed water on that table. It must have been Kamian, needless to say.

As the water entered my empty stomach, a sudden hunger overwhelmed me. I tried to move my body to go downstairs, but the pain beneath my waist was so intense, it felt like it would give way.


Compared to our first encounter, it was relatively better, but that didn’t mean there was no muscle soreness. Due to the tension I exerted throughout my entire body while engaging with Kamian, it felt as if every muscle had stiffened.

Perhaps it was thanks to Kamian massaging my body throughout the morning that I was able to move even this much.

[Knock, knock] I heard the sound of a knock. However, the knock was merely a formality as the door swung open immediately. Kamian strode into the room and paused briefly upon spotting me. Then, a look of surprise crossed his face as if questioning when it had ever been like this.

“Is your stomach not growling?”

“It is.”

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“I’ll bring you something, so don’t move.”

“I can’t move anyway.”


“It was a joke. Relax.”

“Anything else you need?”

“But do you really have to talk about it here?”

The person who had been trying to reach out to me somehow was now speaking from a distance today. It seemed deliberate, as if trying to create distance.

“Because you’ll be leaving soon anyway.”

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Even without anything special happening, why would someone bother to stop by my room just to see my face? Truly, I should believe any excuse.

“Come here.”

I tapped the seat next to me. Kamian’s eyebrow twitched. When I nodded, he exhaled a soft breath and reluctantly took a step closer, as if unable to resist.

“Sit down. Why are you standing?”

“If you have something to say, say it quickly. You said you were hungry.”

What else could have triggered that delicate heart of his? After sex, his sudden desire to distance himself stirred up two conflicting emotions within me. One was a sense of relief, wondering if I had finally become undesirable. The other was an indescribable disappointment.

…This disappointment didn’t stem from a sadness that my affection for me had waned. It was simply a disappointment in Kamian, who had grown tired of sex after just a few times. It was that feeling of, “I guess it’s over since we had sex…,” or something like that.

“How was yesterday?”

Resting my chin on my knee, I inquired. The crimson hue creeping up Kamian’s neck was apparent. …Could he be disgusted? His reaction made my own face flush unnecessarily. Swiftly, I covered my ears with my hands and feigned nonchalance.

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