Saving You, Villain

Chapter 68

“You’ve been working out a lot today.”

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“For God’s sake, just shut up.”

When I glared at him with fiery eyes, Kamian raised both arms in surrender. Then he cheerfully distanced himself. What did he come out to do in the middle of the night? It wasn’t like he was going out of the room, but he inexplicably brought a bag with him. Why did he take out candles and my pillowcase?

He placed the lit candle next to his nightstand and changed the pillowcase. Then he put it in my head and shrugged.


“Lie down here.”

“I have a pillow too.”

Although I said that, I pulled over a pillow with its cover already on. The familiar texture and scent felt incredibly cozy and warm.

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“You can’t sleep well in an unfamiliar place. You should at least use your own pillow.”

“…So you brought it for me?”

“You’re obviously going to toss and turn, and then I won’t be able to sleep next to you.”

Brat. Pretending like you didn’t bring it because you were worried about me. I turned toward Kamian and pulled the blanket up to my nose. I felt a little sorry for getting mad at him this morning for packing so much stuff.

Kamian didn’t lie down immediately but took out a novel. Leaning against the headboard of the bed, he didn’t seem like he would fall asleep anytime soon.

“Aren’t you tired?”


He lowered the book, relying on the faint glow of a scented candle. It didn’t take long for him to concentrate on the content, and I caught a glimpse of a slight crease forming on Kamian’s delicate forehead. I barely managed to suppress a chuckle.

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Whether it was thanks to the sleep-inducing candle or the pillow cover I had been using since I was young… the drowsiness that had receded began to creep back in.

Just before my eyelids were completely closed, I admired Kamian’s profile. Knowing that he would blow out the candle on his own once he finished the novel, I felt at ease, without worrying about the fire.

As darkness began to engulf my mind, I felt something warm brushing against my cheek and around my lips. However, it wasn’t enough to disturb my sleep. Instead, the sensation touching my face led me into a peaceful slumber.

* * *

The torrential raindrops pounded against the earth with great force, already forming puddles on the soft ground. Drawing the curtains closed, I sighed and turned around.

Sherry, who had been crying vehemently since morning, sat slouched with swollen eyes.

I gathered my knees and sat down in front of Sherry.

“How can you play outside in such heavy rain?”

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“I can play in the rain! Hmph… I used to play with Tom all the time!”

“While getting drenched in the rain? You’ll catch a cold. You won’t even be able to eat candy, just tasteless medicine.”

No words of comfort could console Sherry, who was excitedly anticipating playing hide-and-seek and tag in the rain. In the end, I resorted to signalling SOS to Kamian.


He approached, wiping his hands on a cloth while doing the dishes. I only gestured toward Sherry, and Kamian nodded as if he understood.

Deciding to entrust Sherry to Kamian, I realised I had the remaining dishes to attend to.

“Where are you going?”

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I couldn’t take a single step before my wrist was grabbed firmly.

“To do the dishes.”

“There’s not much left. Just leave it.”

I had to contemplate whether this scoundrel was trying to provoke me or simply didn’t want me to suffer the chore of doing the dishes. I needed to figure out if I should deliver a blow to his throat while Sherry wasn’t looking.

Doing the dishes was no longer a hardship for me. In fact, being with Sherry was a hundred times more hellish. I yearned to set foot in the paradise of dishwashing, even if it was just for a second. So, please, release my hand.

“If there’s not much left, I’ll finish it.”

With great determination in my eyes, I spoke each word with strength. And I forcefully pulled my wrist, ensuring that Sherry wouldn’t notice. Let go, let go.

One of Kamian’s eyebrows raised in surprise. It seemed he was questioning why I acted this way. I pointed to Sherry without saying a word.

“I’m going to do the dishes. I’ll definitely go. Now!”

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