Saving You, Villain

Chapter 70


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“Sherry, do you have any hair accessories? Fetch them all. Let us adore our dear Kamian more beautifully.”

“I have a plethora of gifts. Some were given by Leo, others by my parents, and there’s also the one that Mr. Corner gave me on my birthday.”

“Wow, that’s an impressive collection.”

As Sherry clapped her hands with an exaggerated expression of surprise, her heels tapped with excitement. Her impatience to show off was endearing.

“I’ll bring them quickly. Wait here!”

I watched Udada enthusiastically sprint away, fearing that she might stumble along the way. Fortunately, no such mishap occurred.

“I won’t do it.”

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I turned around at the curt voice. Kamian wore a genuinely displeased expression. The peculiar atmosphere from earlier had vanished without a trace. Relieved by the dissipated tension, I responded as I usually would.

“Sherry is so happy, and you’re really mean.”


My scolding words struck deep, successfully disappointing a ten-year-old child. It was hard to believe that such a gentle soul could be responsible for massacring the townsfolk. Even after spending 15 years together, I never expected this growing divide. It had reached the point where I had to separate the Kamian in the novel from the Kamian standing before me.

Look at this. Even now, as I approach, he’s cowering and moving his rear end backward. Witnessing such behaviour stirs up a sadistic impulse within me.

Kamian pulled both his feet onto the bed, attempting to avoid me. He continued to take backward steps, but when his back was blocked by the wall, he let out a sigh filled with resignation. I sat down between the legs of the person kneeling, resting my chin on my hand. Pretending to ponder, I provoked Kamian to ask.


“After all, a nude model is the best kind of model.”

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“Leave it, just for a moment…”

Without hesitation, I reached for the buttons on Kamian’s shirt. Startled, he desperately tried to grab my hand, but when I made a soft sound, “Shh!” he weakly released his grip. With a half-hearted resignation, he meekly offered his body.

Without hesitation, observing the young man’s face, which appeared empty and bereft like one who had been deprived of compassion, my hands moved involuntarily. His garments parted, revealing taut muscles that stood firm and prominent.

“Your chest is truly remarkable.”

“You need not speak of it.”

I firmly grasped the edge of his trousers, causing Kamian, who had been leaning comfortably against the wall, to startle and rise to his feet.

“Shall we dispense with these as well?”

It seemed as though he were asking, “Are you in your right mind?”

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“Imagine yourself as a statue erected in a grand square. Even if countless people observe and critique you, the statue remains impervious to any sense of shame. Well, perhaps it could feel something internally. Yet, what truly matters is that it does not outwardly reveal its vulnerabilities.”

“What nonsense! Sherry is also present.”

“So, if it were just me, would you allow it?”

“Do not stubbornly persist, remove your hands.”

“Pretending to be expensive.”

If I managed to startle him to this extent, it would be sufficient retribution for his previous mischief. With a sardonic smile, I unbuttoned Kamian’s shirt that I had so teasingly undone. I extended my kindness by patiently fastening each button from the bottom.

“Nevertheless, should I unfasten up to three?”

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“Tease me moderately.”

It was precisely the moment when Kamian attempted to lift me by my waist. Thump! The sound of something weighty hitting the floor caused our heads to turn. A brass jewellery box lay sprawled open, exposing its contents. Above it, Sherry’s startled face came into view.

“Why are the two of you embracing?”

As I sat between Kamian’s legs, with my hand resting upon his chest, and Kamian gripping my waist, it was reasonable for Sherry to be inclined towards a significant misunderstanding. I hastily released Kamian’s hand.

“We were not embracing. No, Sherry.”

“…Are the two of you in love?”

Initially, I was taken aback, rendering me speechless. Subsequently, I realized my own astonishment and became flustered once more. It was merely a question posed by a child who believes things at face value. If I were to explain in terms easily comprehensible to a child, the matter would swiftly be resolved. However, my tongue grew sluggish, failing to formulate words.

As my response lingered, sorrow mingled with Sherry’s countenance. Beneath it all, an unmistakable hint of annoyance peeked through.

“I don’t like it! Kamian belongs to me. Liv is for Leo! I’ll give Leo to you!”

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