Chapter 8: I Want to Do It 

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Camian tapped my curled toes lightly. No, I mean… I’m not doing that because I’m nervous or anything. Even the thought of telling him the truth felt embarrassing, so I left it to him why I made the noise. 

“You’re even making lewd noises. You’re so sensitive.” 

“I told you, it’s because it’s my perio… anh!” 


My skin was punctured without even a warning. My eyes widened. I gripped Camian’s shoulders so hard that the bone joints on my hand were clearly able to be seen. 


The sense of pain clawed at my brain, then just as quickly another sensation shot through my whole body’s nervous system.

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“Hnn… ah… ah… Camian…” 

I could vividly feel the sensation of the blood in my body being sucked into Camian’s mouth. Every time he sucked in my blood, my lower groin area grew hotter and more passionate than before. In previous times I would bite down hard on my lips to make sure my moans don’t escape my mouth, but Camian felt worried for my lips and forcibly pushed his fingers into my mouth to make me moan loudly without being able to shut my mouth.  

After that time, I forgot all about the embarrassment and moaned loudly without care. 

“Cami…. an… nngh… haa… are… are you not done yet? Ngh…?” 

Camian replied by breathing out hot beast-like breath onto my body, grabbing my rib and underside of my chest whole and sucking my neck even after. 

“I-I can’t handle this. Do you hear me? Camian…” 

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Camian pulled out his teeth that stabbed my neck, then kissed my neck repeatedly while going upward. His smooth yet hot cheek brushed against my ear and he whispered quietly. 

“Let me… let me do just a little more.” 


His reassuring soothing voice was the complete opposite of him violently sucking the blood out of my neck. Suck. Slurp. Endless sounds of blood and saliva mixed together and mixing was heard.

“Stop now… mmh… mmh!” 

My dreamy yet steamy consciousness felt like it was going to melt. My arms that were wrapped around Camian kept endlessly convulsing. The wild sensation going through my body keeps making my back bend and my foot push the sheets away. 

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“Anh! Camian!” 

Camian’s hot breath crashed against my skin. 

I was on the verge of losing all rationality. The fact that I didn’t go to the farm and have eaten a lot for dinner almost didn’t matter, as my s*xual desire was much stronger than usual.  

I may lose my mind and say vulgar, lewd things to him again like before. No, my intuition was very clear that I very well will. 

“Camian, please……. Mh- I can’t hold any longer. Ah- Ah… Ah, Camian…!” 

It was already completely wet between my legs, and my hips kept arching up and down faster as if longing for something. 

My eyes began to tear up. I couldn’t hold back the overwhelming amount of sexual desire that it escaped through my tears, rolling down my temple and onto the pillow. 

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“Ah- I’m- seriously… mhh! At my limit… my body feels hot. Ngh… I think I’m going to die. Please…” 

My vague yet overwhelming desires became slowly clearer to me. I wished for his huge hand that was squarely put on the middle of my chest to grab my whole chest completely instead, and for his thing between his legs to ravage my wet area on my lower groin. I wished for him to use his overwhelming strength to shake me roughly so much that it would be hard for me to breathe. 

In the end, the last of the strings that barely held on inside me snapped. 

I hurriedly pushed Camian’s clothes upwards. I wanted to touch his toned muscles and sleek skin with my hands directly. As I slid my hands inside his shirt, I could feel Camian tense his abs. 

“Haa! Camian… ah, more… I want to do it. I can’t hold it anymore. Ngh!” 

Camian, who seemed like he will never get off, finally pulls away from his face from my neck. After roughly wiping the blood off his mouth with the back of his hand, he swept away my hair from my face that was wet with sweat and tears. 

“Hold on just a little longer. It will soon be alright.” 

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