Saving You, Villain

Chapter 82

That wretched child. Filled with an overwhelming sense of irritation, I pushed Kamian away. He readily retreated.

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“Amusing yourself by teasing me, aren’t you? You must be thrilled, huh? But instead of apologizing for firmly grabbing my wrist, you should apologize for what you have said.”

Despite my aggressive tone, Kamian remained unfazed. His expression resembled that of someone observing a mischievous younger sibling, fueling a fiery rage within me. I furrowed my brows as much as I could and turned my back to him, striding forward. Before taking a few steps, my hand was grasped tightly. Ignoring the sound of a dull thud from behind, I paid it no mind.

“It hurts.”


“I think you stepped on me by mistake.”


I continued walking swiftly, and Kamian limped along behind me. No matter what nonsense he muttered from beside me, I would never offer a response.

“You’re genuinely furious. Your expression is truly daunting.”

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“I am angry, yes. But what am I supposed to say when asked why I’m angry? Because Kamian said he would kill the townspeople yesterday? When I heard those words, tears welled up unexpectedly. Yet, it was more of a shock than anger. It feels like I’m trying to make excuses by attributing it to Kamian’s commanding tone.

‘You purposely came in late to get my attention, yet you haven’t asked me anything. All the time spent at Dreg’s house was in vain.’

“Damn it.”


Yes, the reason I’m angry is because Kamian worries me. It kept me tossing and turning all night, freezing to death as he opened the window and made me stare outside, making me conscious of my guilt all day long.

And to think he didn’t even come into the house all day just to grab my attention! He knew I would worry about him!

I stopped abruptly and turned to face Kamian, who had a faint smile on his face. How ridiculous to laugh like that. I was consumed by fury.

He deliberately provoked me all day yesterday, even if it hurt him, he was consistently indifferent. Now it all crumbles down. And now that I see it, Kamian was unaffected, but I was the only one fuming with anger. I struck his chest with my hand.

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“I can’t stand you. I really can’t stand you. Don’t ever go out and come back. I’ll ruin all your clothes and the romance novels you loved so much!”

Kamian didn’t offer any resistance and simply allowed me to hit him as much as I wanted. I didn’t even hit him until he was completely broken, yet my forearm quickly began to ache, and my palm stung from colliding with his rock-like body. I let go of his arm with a jerk and glared at him.

As Kamian reached out his hand towards my reddened palm, I swatted it away. Yet, he stubbornly held onto my hand. We struggled back and forth a few times without me actually hitting him, just like a child’s playfully defiant rebellion.


Kamian kissed my flushed palm. His long and lush eyelashes delicately brushed against it. With every word he spoke, his soft lips tickled my hand.

“I won’t go anywhere without your permission.”


“I’ll stay quietly by your side.”


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“Is that enough?”

His long eyelashes fluttered, revealing crimson irises. The moment our gazes met, my mind went blank, and I could only clench and release the hand that wasn’t caught.

I feel like I’ve fallen into a trap in reverse. I set a trap on the path where the rabbit often goes to catch it, but it turns out the rabbit led me into the den of a beast. By the time I realized it, I had already gone too deep. I can’t see a way out. My mind is in turmoil. What kind of situation is this? I clearly told Kamian that I didn’t want this, that he should leave, but he responds as if he’s taken a vow to be by my side for the rest of his life. The more insane thing is that I felt relieved at his unexpected response. I desperately tried to regain my scattered composure. I must not be swept away by emotions.


A tingling sensation coursed through the palm of my hand. Kamian clenched her teeth, sinking them into her flesh, while I could do nothing but focus all my attention on him, as if all my nerves were solely dedicated to him.


At that moment, a vibrant voice cut through the humid atmosphere. It pierced through the subtle tension surrounding Kamian and me. I seized the opportunity and pushed Kamian away from me.

With a disappointed expression, Kamian released her grip on me. Her saliva-drenched hand stung.

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“Thank goodness. You didn’t go far!”

The one who saved me from the crisis was none other than Leo. He had come running, his forehead slightly damp with sweat. Kamian glared at Leo with a chilling expression. Leo glanced up, his gaze meeting Kamian’s, and awkwardly greeted her.

“Oh, Kamian’s here too. Hello.”

Under his imposing aura, Leo’s voice gradually diminished. Despite Leo’s greeting, Kamian remained silent. An awkward silence hung among the three of us. Unable to bear it any longer, I nudged his side. Only then did Kamian open her mouth.

“Do you not have any sense of family?”

However, instead of a greeting, her words carried a defensive accusation. Leo visibly flinched, his eyes widening as he stammered, “Huh?”

“Leaving your only sister, whom you haven’t seen in two years, so neglected.”

The implication was clear: He should have stayed home, so why did he come here? There was no way Leo could misunderstand her meaning. Anger visibly seeped into his face.

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