Chapter 101: What Ren Yaoting Saw

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Han You quickly entered the small hole in the wall. To see the usually extremely ladylike person actually crawled not too slowly, Ren Yaoqi couldn’t help but laugh a little.

The hole was not that big, so the young master must have been a skinny kid because a grown man would be stuck in the hole if he tried to climb out.

Ren Yaoqi suddenly realized that she had put too much trust in Han You. If any of the Ren Family sisters had invited her to come here alone, she wouldn’t have accepted the invitation. Why did she believe that Han You didn’t mean her any harm?

She raised her eyes and looked around, this place is extremely remote and on someone else’s land, if someone else has any bad intentions, she can’t even ask for help.



Han You did not leave for too long, Ren Yaoqi only waited for a few moments before she heard the sound of a rustling noise coming from the hole in the wall. She didn’t raise her voice to ask questions, instead stood farther away.

In a few moments, Han You’s head reappeared.

Han You quickly crawled out and turned around to pull the other person out as well.

The one who came out after Han You was certainly Ren Yaoting.

Both of them were now a little messy. Their sleeves, knees, and hair are dirty, and there is a red mark hanging from Ren Yaoting’s neck.

“Fifth Sister, you…” Ren Yaoting saw Ren Yaoqi as soon as she crawled out and couldn’t help but be surprised.

“Hush–” Han You frantically pulled her sleeve, and whispered admonishingly, “Sister Ting, lower your voice or someone would hear, we can explain everything later.”

Han You took the piece of clothing in Ren Yaoqi’s hand that she had taken off earlier and put it on nimbly. Sure enough, most of the dirty parts of her body were covered, and only her hair was still a bit messy.

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“What about me?” Ren Yaoting then realized that she was already dirty, and couldn’t help but feel a little anxious. If she was to go to people like this, she might as well have just taken the initiative to stand out in front of Older Master Han and admit her mistake!

Han You put on her clothes and squatted down again to move the bricks back to plug the hole, and Ren Yaoqi went up to help.

After the two of them had combined their efforts to do this, Han You signaled for Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaoting to follow her.

“Go out first. Or go to my courtyard to change into a new one. You should be able to wear my clothes, Sister Ting.” Han You also didn’t forget to comfort Ren Yaoting in a small voice.

Only then did Ren Yaoting shut her mouth and honestly followed behind Han You.

When the three of them had run out and were far away from the courtyard, Han You finally let out a sigh of relief and almost fell to the ground. Ren Yaoqi hurriedly reached out to help her, and Han You returned Ren Yaoqi’s coy smile. She reverted to her usual ladylike appearance.

“Finally got out, it was so close!”

Ren Yaoting, however, complained somewhat unhappily, “But the clothes are all dirty.”

If he sees her like this, she will die.

“Quickly take me to your courtyard to change clothes.”

Ren Yaoqi glanced at her, and couldn’t help frowning: “But if people see her like this, I’m afraid there will be trouble.” She remembered in front of the pavilion before Han You said that none of her side is her true confidant. With Ren Yaoting looked like this, anyone with a discerning eye can see where she was before.

Ren Yaoting frowned, “What trouble? I’ll just say I accidentally soiled my clothes.”

Ren Yaoqi knew that Ren Yaoting probably didn’t realize how much his actions would provoke the Han Family’s resentment. Then she explained directly, “Seventh Sister, do you think everyone else is stupid? You’ve been missing for so long and suddenly appeared in front of people like this. People will guess what you have done. Just now, it was Sister You who risked the danger of being discovered to find you. In case it was known, she would be chastised by her elders. And… it is said that Old Master Han hates it when people ignore his orders and trespass where he has placed a ban! You’ll make the elders of the Han Family unhappy in their hearts.”

“Then what is to be done?” Thinking of how Old Master Han looked earlier, Ren Yaoting was also worried. She didn’t want to be disliked by the elders of the Han Family because of this matter, or else she wouldn’t have condescended to follow someone crawling over the dog hole just now.

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Han You said, ”Otherwise, you can pretend that you fell and sprained your foot. That would explain why you disappeared so quickly. Because your clothes were dirty and it was inconvenient for you to walk, you were too embarrassed to shout and let the maids of the Han Family see your mess. So you sat down and waited for the people from your own house to find you. Then you were found by me and Sister Yaoqi.”

Ren Yaoting couldn’t refute Han You’s reasoning and could only reluctantly nod, “That’s fine.”

Ren Yaoqi didn’t say anything else, covering up this matter come first then leaving the Han Family.

In the end, Han You and Ren Yaoyi helped Ren Yaoting, whose feet were injured, out of the garden.

Ren Yaoyi’s maid, Pingguo, had been paying attention to the movements in the garden. So when she heard the noise, she immediately ran over and was shocked to see Ren Yaoting’s injured right foot.

“Miss, what’s wrong with Seventh Miss?”

“She sprained her foot a bit. Go and report to Eldest Aunt. I’m going to accompany Seventh Sister back first. She took a few doses of medicine not long ago for a cold, so it’s better to find a her usual doctor to ask for medicine. Also bring over that thin silk cloak of mine.”

When she left the house, Matron Xu had prepared a cloak for her. She could lend it to Ren Yaoting to cover up the mess on her body, and also prevent her from really going to Han You’s courtyard to change her clothes.

Unexpectedly, Eldest Madam Ren over there had already finished drinking tea with Old Madam Han, and she was about to tell Ren Yaoqi and the others to return home. So when Pingguo hurried over to ask for the cloak, Eldest Madam Ren also rushed over, with Old Madam Han behind her.

Both of them were shocked to see Ren Yaoting being supported by Ren Yaoqi and Han You.

Eldest Madam Ren frantically came up to check on Ren Yaoting, “How did you fall this bad? How is your foot? Is it serious?” Whether she liked this niece or not, she was following her out, and if something happens she has no way to explain it to the East Mansion side.

Old Madam Han was also sizing up Ren Yaoting. Luckily, well before Ren Yaoqi and Han You had sorted out everything to make the lie about Ren Yaoting’s fall look more real.

“Just now the Fifth Sister and Sister You already checked me, there is just some reddened skin but it is not swollen, it should just be twisted to the meridian and not hurt the bone. I don’t dare to walk on my own because I’m scared, so I’m just waiting for Sister You to come over and find me.” Ren Yaoting said according to what she thought before.

It has to be acknowledged that Ren Yaoting has a great talent for lying, these few words were spoken very smoothly, and no nervousness can be heard.

Eldest Madam Ren was still a little uneasy, so she insisted on asking her matron to check on Ren Yaoting, “If the bones are hurt, then it’s not good to move, you need to wait for the doctor to come into the house to look at it again. If there is no major injury we can go to the carriage.” Eldest Madam Ren was afraid of taking responsibility.

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Ren Yaoting agreed, and the Eldest Madam called her matron to come over and take a look at Ren Yaoting.

Because there was a concern about Ren Yaoting as she was an unmarried woman, the matron took care to find a place where no one else could see to check on Ren Yaoting.

However, because Ren Yaoting was not really hurt, she only pretended to cry out in pain a few times when the matron reached out to press with her hand.

The matron’s mind was a little unimpressed, thinking that Seventh Miss was too delicate, but when she went to reply she still said with a full heart, “Madam, Seventh Miss just sprained her meridian and didn’t hurt her bones.”

Eldest Madam breathed a sigh of relief before saying goodbye to Old Madame Han.

Old Madame Han said somewhat apologetically, “It’s because we didn’t treat her well, please forgive us.”

Fan’er, who had been guarding the door to that courtyard, also ran over when she heard the news, and finally truly breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Ren Yaoting.

Because she had been guarding the door and had not seen anyone else come in or out during the time Old Master Han and Han Yunqian went in, she believed that Ren Yaoting had fallen. When Old Madam Han look at her, Fan’er nodded slightly.

As Ren Yaoqi helped Ren Yaoting onto the carriage, Ren Yaoqi said, “Seventh Sister, I’ll ride in the same carriage with you, so I can take care of you halfway.”

Ren Yaoting had recently become much more favorable towards Ren Yaoqi, so naturally she would not object. Ren Yaoqi asked her maid to go and report to Ren Yaohua. Ren Yaohua did not say anything.

So on the way back, Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaoting traveled in the same car.

Ren Yaoting also had something she wanted to say to Ren Yaoqi, so she still sent her maids to sit outside.

When only two people were left in the carriage, Ren Yaoting finally didn’t need to pretend to be injured. Relaxing, she leaned back and collapsed into the carriage.

“Seventh Sister, when you went into that courtyard before and no one obstructed you, was it because the servant who guarded the courtyard was burning incense in the backyard?” Ren Yaoqi gave Ren Yaoting a cup of warm tea and asked in a low voice.

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Ren Yaoting picked up the cup and took a big sip before asking, “How do you know?”

Ren Yaoqi smiled, “I heard that there seems to be some kind of shrine in that yard…”

Ren Yaoting patted her pounding heart, “So you know, if I had known that there is a shrine for the tablets I would not have gone in, it is so eerie and scary! How did you know? Did Sister You tell you? I asked her but she didn’t tell me…”

Ignoring Ren Yaoting’s cranky muttering, Ren Yaoqi’s mind turned sharply.

Is it really an ancestral hall?

“Isn’t the Han Family’s ancestral hall in Jizhou? How could there be an ancestral hall here?”

The people of this time revered and respected the ancestral tablets to a great extent. When they moved to a new place and want to bring ancestral tablets, it was necessary to invite monks and Taoist priests to make the house lively, which could be regarded as telling the neighbors around. The bigger the family, the more fanfare it will have.

Han Dongshan was a son-in-law and his father-in-law Han Jianping only have a daughter who could not inherit the flame. According to that reason, his tablets should still be in the Han Family’s Ancestral Hall in Jizhou. If his tablet was to be moved they have to wait until his descendant Han Yunqian was in charge of the family and ask the clan. Only after consulting with the elders of the clan that he can be invited to come over.

So the tablets carefully enshrined by the Han Family shouldn’t be Han ancestors.

“I was just shocked and hadn’t paid attention at the time, but now that I think about it, I think it’s a bit strange.” Ren Yaoting inclined her head in thought, “And those rows of tablets don’t seem to belong to the Han Family.”

“There are several rows?” Ren Yaoqi froze slightly, “You mean there’s more than one tablet enshrined there?”


Glad that Ren Yaoting didn’t die lmao
If anyone have a theory about what Han Family up to, send it on the comment below

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