Chapter 106: See the Expert Once Again

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The two sisters walked around the lotus pond in the garden twice before slowly stepping back to the Ziwei Courtyard. Today’s dialogue was a great shock to Ren Yaohua. There were many things she hadn’t thought of before, and the fact that Ren Yaoqi was able to think so far and so thoroughly surprised her.

Fifth Madam Lin eventually went back to her natal house, and Fifth Master Ren Shimao didn’t stop her.

When it was almost evening, Lin Family came in from Yunyang City.

The one who came was still the same Matron Rong who served the Lin Family’s Eldest Old Madam. Last time, Matron Rong came for Ren Shijia’s matter, but this time it was for Lin’s sake.

When Matron Rong came to Ren’s mansion, the concierge of the Ren Family still knew her, and they were as warm and considerate to her as always. Matron Rong first asked to see Old Madam Ren, but it was Eldest Madam Wang who received her. The Eldest Madam didn’t say that the Old Madam Ren didn’t see any guests, she just led them to the Ronghua Courtyard herself, and said, “Earlier this morning, the Fifth Sister-in-law wanted to go back to her natal house, but the Fifth Brother stopped her from leaving. As a result, he was scolded back in front of the servants, and I heard that she even moved her hands. Originally, when the Old Madam saw the Fifth Brother with injuries on his face yesterday, she just thought it was a small fight between husband and wife. She said that Fifth Brother was the one who was wrong so we do not make a fuss. Our Old Madam has always treated the Fifth Sister-in-law as her own daughter, and make us the rest of her daughters-in-law feeling envious.”

Matron Rong apologized and said with a smile, “Our Old Martriach and Eldest Old Madam often told us that it is a blessing in several lifetimes for the Eldest Miss to marry into the Ren Family. Every time the Eldest Miss goes back to her natal house, she always talks about how she is in the Ren Family. It’s just that the Eldest Miss is our Old Madam’s only daughter. She has been spoiled since she was a child, so her temper is inevitable. This morning, when the Ren Family sent someone to talk to us about that incident, our Old Madam wanted to apologize toward Old Madam Ren, saying that there must be some misunderstanding. She believes that Master is not that kind of irrational person. So when we saw Eldest Miss running back by herself at noon today, our Old Madam taught her a lesson.”

The two of them walked and exchanged pleasantries in this manner. When they arrived at the Ronghua Courtyard, they saw Matron Gui, who served the Old Madam, carrying a bowl of medicine and quietly exiting from the main room.

“Is this for the Old Madam?” Matrob Rong looked at the bowl of black medicinal juice that was mostly drank and was surprised. Matron Gui whispered, “In the morning, the Fifth Madam wanted to go back to her natal home and started fighting with the Fifth Master. It made our Old Madam so anxious that she was about to rush over to persuade her, but unexpectedly she almost fell to the ground.”

“Had you asked the doctor to look at her? What did the doctor say?” said Matron Rong anxiously.

The Eldest Madam replied, “I have invited the doctor to come, but the doctor also couldn’t explain anything. He just said that it is probably a combination of old age, anger, and anxiety. The Old Madam herself also said she was fine, but she also asked us to immediately bring her over whenever the Lin Family came.” The Eldest Madam then asked Matron Gui, “How is it now? Can Old Madam see the guests?”

Matron Gui was a little embarrassed, “Old Madam didn’t sleep all night last night. After drinking the medicine just now, this servant saw her felt a little sleepy, so she helped her to sleep.”

The Eldest Madam frowned and thought for a while, then said to Matron Rong, “Why don’t you go in and report the guest’s arrival?”

Upon hearing this, Matron Rong quickly waved her hands and said, “No, no. It’s better to let the Old Madam rest, she is still sick. Eldest Old Madam sent me here just to ask about the situation, so that she can persuade Eldest Miss.”

The Eldest Madam said, “If that’s the case, then let me explain it to you. I also know the whole story of this matter.”

Matron Rong hurriedly said, “Eldest Madam, you are busy with your affairs, how can we bother you like this.”

The Eldest Madam said kindly, “What do you mean busy, let’s talk with me in my courtyard.” Then she told Matron Gui, “If Old Madam wakes up, please send someone to tell us.”

So the person sent by the Lin Family didn’t see the Old Madam and only had Eldest Madam to receive her.

The Eldest Madam told Matron Rong everything about Kang, including Kang’s family background. It was no different from what the person sent by the Ren Family to the Lin Family said today. The main reason why the Lin Family sent people here was to find out the attitude of the Ren Family.

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The Eldest Madam also understood this well, which is why the Old Madam sent her to receive the Lin Family.

So after going back and forth, Matron Rong understood what the Ren Family meant.

The Ren Family wanted to let Kang enter the house. Matron Rong could only sigh in her heart as she thought about her Miss’ temper.

Old Madam Ren slept for more than two hours, and only woke up after darkness had fallen.

Matron Rong was staying at Ren Family Mansion today, and not long after Old Madam Ren woke up, she went to the Ronghua Courtyard to pay her respect again. This time, Matron Rong met Old Madam Ren smoothly, and Ren Shijia also happened to be in Old Madam Ren’s room.

Ren Shijia has been living in her mother’s house for two months. At first, the Lin Family sent people to pick her up a few times. Later when they saw Ren Shijia decided not to go back, the Old Matriarch sent a servant to visit her every few days to send her some herbs and supplements.

Matron Rong hurriedly forward to greet Old Madam Ren and Ren Shijia.

“I heard that you came in the afternoon, just after I fell asleep. After waking up, I heard about it and was about to get someone to bring you here, but Jia Er happened to have something to tell me.” Old Madam Ren sat on the bed and said kindly to Matron Rong.

Matron Rong said with concern, “This servant heard that you were ill as soon as she arrived, so she was very anxious. Old Madam, you should take care of your health first. You still have to enjoy the blessing of your children and grandchildren.”

The Old Madam Ren sighed, “What blessing are there to enjoy, sons and daughters owe their sons and daughters, and their sons and daughters now come to collect debts. I am already satisfied if they all don’t get angry with me.”

When Matron Rong heard this, she thought that Old Madam Ren might be talking about Lin’s affairs, and was thinking about how to answer the conversation. Then Old Madam Ren pointed at Ren Shijia and said, ” At your age, I’m already in charge of the family. I have to take care of everything in the Ren Family–big or small things. You’ve been with the Lin Family for a very long time, but you haven’t made any progress, so even this little thing must be brought up to me. To be honest, you’re still inadequately experienced to fulfill your responsibilities!”

Only then did Matron Rong realize that Old Madam Ren was talking about Ren Shijia. She hurriedly helps her to speak, “Old Madam, you have wronged our Sixth Madam. This old servant is fair, who in our Lin Family will not praise her when she sees her? Our Old Martriach regards her as an apple of her eye.”

Old Madam Ren nodded at her words. “That is true. She was pampered and raised by me in her natal family, and she was raised by her husband’s family as a girl when she married into the Lin Family. No wonder she didn’t make any progress at all! Tomorrow I’ll have to beg your Old Martriach to let you go!”

Matron Rong’s heart stirred as she heard the words, wondering if Old Madam Ren’s words could be an allusion to something. She couldn’t help but look up at Old Madam Ren, but saw that she was still lecturing Ren Shijia in a low voice, and said under her breath, “Take your pick of those two maids right now; I think they’re both good. I don’t believe it will be too much of a strain for you. Now that I’m still living, you can still rely on me to make judgments, but what will you do after I die? How many times have I told you not to rely on the elders’ favor and to be considerate? You still have to make your own decisions if necessary.”

Ren Shijia was taught a lesson in front of Matron Rong by Old Madam Ren, who did not save her face. But she merely bowed her head and didn’t say anything, as if embarrassed.

After Old Madam Ren scolded Ren Shijia, Matron Rong, who was listening to the surprise, inquired carefully, “Old Madam picked two concubines for Sixth Master?”

Old Madame Ren said in a faint voice, “You are not an outsider, and I will not speak of two families. Jia’er is picking a concubine for her Master, and since she didn’t have a suitable one by her side, she asks me for my opinion.”

Matron Rong was taken aback for a while, then stared at Ren Shijia again, feeling bewildered.

For so many years, there was no children around Sixth Madam, but she hadn’t even mentioned arranging a concubine for the Sixth Master. How could she think of seeking a concubine for the Sixth Master now that she was pregnant and ready to give birth? Why did she even ask her mother for a concubine?

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Matron Rong was hesitant to speak. She wanted to ask, but she couldn’t because of her status.

”In the past, I thought she was still young and there was no need to be in a rush,” said Old Madam Ren. “Now, it is no longer feasible to be unhurried. In this regard, Jia’er has lived up to our expectations. She should prioritize her husband’s family in everything as she is married into his family.” The tone of Old Madam Ren suggested some pride.

Matron Rong’s heart can’t help but pound when she heard her remarks. Old Madam Ren had been talking about Ren Shijia, but people would instictively think she was hinting toward Lin. Ren Shijia was pregnant, and she was still working on getting her husband a concubine. Lin, on the other hand, made a move against his husband because of his extramarital affair, and then had to return to her natal house in a fit of rage.

But wasn’t the reason Ren Shijia went back to her mother’s house in the first place because the Sixth Master was having an affair with her maid behind her back? Why did she change her mind after one trip to her mother’s home? Could it be that the Old Madam was still implying that her daughter’s lack of understanding was due to her mother’s failure to teach her properly? Did Old Madam want her to go back and advise the Eldest Old Madam to teach Miss how to be more generous?

Matron Rong really couldn’t figure out what the Old Madam meant, and her heart couldn’t help but feel anxious.

She had originally imagined that because of the Sixth Madam, Old Madam Ren might be able to change her mind regarding Kang. However, Old Madam Ren’s current attitude is to assist her daughter in finding a concubine for her son-in-law and spreading branches. Wouldn’t it appear oppressive and unfair if the Lin Family continued to protect Lin?

Matron Rong’s head was already sweating thinking about it.

Matron Rong hadn’t had a chance to ask about Lin’s troubles because Old Madam Ren kept lecturing her daughter, and it wasn’t appropriate to ask now. She, of course, thought Old Madam Ren’s demeanor was unusual, but she couldn’t explain why.

She merely thought she should go back and tell the Eldest Old Madam about everything. With her knowledge, she’d be able to figure out what kind of medicine Old Madam Ren was selling on her gourd.

>> what kind of medicine that was selling on the gourd


When Old Madam Ren yawned and Ren Shijia asked if she was tired, Matron Rong knew she had to leave, even though she hadn’t said anything.

Matron Rong shook her head and sighed as she exited from Old Madam Ren’s room. Eldest Old Madam Lin was always worried about her daughter. She originally thought that Eldest Old Madam Lin couldn’t let her go because Miss was too spoiled. Looking at it now, the Eldest Old Madam is right.

No matter how good the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is, they are not tied in blood after all. The only people in this world who can really plan for their daughters are their parents, not their parents-in-law.

Matron Rong hurriedly said goodbye early the next morning and went back, not even visiting Kang. Originally, she wanted to find out the reason for her sudden appearance, but now she felt that the attitude of the Old Madam of the Ren Family was more important.

Matron Rong did not come back for a while after she returned, but every few days the Lin Family would send someone to send some tonic medicine to Ren Shijia or Old Madam Ren.

The Old Madam also dispatched a few people to pick up Lin’s back, but Lin continued to refuse. Unexpectedly, the Fifth Master didn’t go to pick Fifth Madam up in Yunyang City since she left.

Ren Shimao intended to go there after Lin left, but the Old Madam was sick with rage, so Ren Shimao didn’t. Later, Old Madam Ren reprimanded her son, saying, “If you rush to chase her like this, don’t think about her coming back. Just stay at home, and she’ll return by herself in a month.”

Ren Shimao was skeptical of his mother’s remarks, but given Lin’s attitude, he didn’t want to lose all his face in his own family and continue to lose it in his in-laws’. When he thinks about it, Ren Shimao harbors some hatred toward Lin.

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During the period when Lin left the Ren Family to go back to her mother’s home, Kang would take care of Ren Shimao from time to time. Her current status was legitimate in the Ren Family, so this was considered perfectly normal. When the main wife left, would the concubine not be allowed to come up and take care of her husband?

Seeing that Lin’s time away from home was getting longer and longer, instead of looking for someone, Ren Shimao became more and more harmonious with Kang.

Half a month later, Mrs. Lin came back with her daughter.

At that time, Ren Shimao was having a meal with Kang. Originally Kang wanted to stand and serve, but Ren Shimao saw that she was pregnant and felt sorry for her, so he let her sit down as well.

When he heard the news that Lin came back, Ren Shimao immediately stood up and was going to run out to pick up Lin when he was stopped by Kang. “Master, if you leave like this, won’t our efforts over the last half-month be in vain? You should remain seated and patiently await Madam’s arrival. Otherwise, if Madam may leave once, she can leave twice and three times in the future. Would you want that?”

Ren Shimao considered it and concluded that what Kang stated was reasonable; after all, Lin did return on her own as predicted, so Ren Shimao sat down again, “Then I’ll listen to you and wait here for her.” Ren Shimao said gratefully. “Liniang, thank you so much this time; if it hadn’t been for you helping me with ideas, she would definitely still refuse to come back,”

Kang smiled and wiped her belly, “Liniang also wants to see both Master and Madam get along, so that the child and I can have a better life.”

Ren Shimao looked towards her still flat abdomen and felt a little guilty, “Liniang, although I can’t give you that kind of affection, I will take good care of you and the child. Huijun has been bad-tempered since she was a child, so you should put up with her more in the future. If you really can’t put up with her, then avoid her, but don’t mess with her.”

Kang looked at Ren Shimao and quietly answered, “Yes”.

Ren Shimao became increasingly convinced that Kang was reasonable and a rare good woman.

Ren Yaoqi had been paying attention to Fifth Branch’s affairs for a while now, and Ren Yaohua also arranged for someone to pay attention to Kang’s every move. In this regard, Ren Yaohua had more people available under her command than Ren Yaoqi, and many of them were trained by Matron Zhou.

People in the house were discussing Kang’s rapid development of his relationship with Ren Shimao recently. Everyone who had predicted that Concubine Kang would fall out of favor as soon as she walked through the door were caught off guard. The Fifth Master was upset not because of Concubine Kang, but because the Fifth Madam previously blocked him. Now that the Fifth Madam had left the mansion, the Fifth Master was getting closer to Concubine Kang.

Ren Yaoqi told Ren Yaohua to just watch and listen well to these words, do not get involved.

 As soon as the news of Lin’s carriage came back today, Ren Yaohua came to find Ren Yaoqi, and asked in surprise, “How did you guess that Fifth Aunt would be back in a few days?”

Ren Yaoqi smiled and said, “Didn’t you send someone to watch over there? Although the Fifth Aunt returned to her mother’s house, she still kept people in the mansion. Usually, those people just went to Yunyang City quietly every three days. But because of those talks recently, they come and go every day. Fifth Aunt can’t sit still at her natal house.”

“What is Fifth Uncle want? He has been very indifferent to Fifth Aunt’s affairs outside, and only let Concubine Kang accompany him every day.”

After all, Ren Yaohua was still just a child, and she couldn’t understand the thoughts between men and women.

Ren Yaoqi sympathizes with what happened to Ren Yaohua in her previous life, and recently would always give her some tips and guidance.

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“This is exactly where Kang’s brilliance lies. You realized that, because she lived in a remote place, and because of the intentional or unintentional actions of the people left behind by the Fifth Aunt, when she first arrived, she couldn’t even order her a maid. Even all her water for washing daily is filled silently by herself. But now, those maids don’t dare to underestimate her anymore, why do you think this is?”

Ren Yaohua thought for a while: “Is it because of Fifth Uncle’s attitude?”

Ren Yaoqi nodded, “You and I have lived in this inner courtyard for so many years, what do you not understand about the people who are playing around? For people like Concubine Kang who have no foundation and no backing, others will treat her appropriately as how she was treated. I believe Concubine Kang got Fifth Uncle to get close to her on purpose to make Fifth Aunt jealous. What benefits do you think she can get?

“First of all, those servants who don’t know the truth won’t dare to look down on her and show their face anymore, and then Fifth Uncle will think she is considerate and treat her differently?” Ren Yaohua analyzed.

Ren Yaoqi nodded and said with a smile, “Well, that’s it.”

Ren Yaohua frowned, “But didn’t she invite Fifth Aunt back like this? If Fifth Aunt and Fifth Uncle reconcile as before, wouldn’t all her efforts be in vain?”

Ren Yaoqi blinked, “Then should we just wait and see? I bet Fifth Aunt will suffer again, or it will be boring.”

Not long after, another piece of news came from outside.

Fifth Madam Lin was very well-behaved when she first came back. She first went to the Old Madam’s courtyard to pay her respect. The Old Madam did not say anything to her, only sent her back to her courtyard to rest.

She didn’t expect that Fifth Madam would see that Kang was really in her courtyard as reported, even wearing her clothes. Ren Shimao was sitting there, talking and laughing with Kang, didn’t even notice her already came to the courtyard and entered the room.

Is this worth it?

Lin had been chastised by her mother for a long time, and her heart had cooled down considerably, but this time she was quickly lighted up again.

She immediately ordered her maidservants to go up and arrest Kang, strip her naked, and throw her out. Someone explained to her that Kang accidentally spilled tea on her body and wet her clothes, so Fifth Master sent someone to bring out Lin’s old clothes that she ordered to give as a reward to her maids. That explanation fell on deaf ears.

Surprisingly, when the maidservants were holding Kang to strip her clothes, the Fifth Master, who had never spoken loudly in front of the Fifth Madam, suddenly lost his temper. He went forward and pulled all maidservants who restrained Kang one by one, pointed at the Fifth Madam, and cursed, “Slut!”

It’s not like the Fifth Master didn’t call Lin a “slut” when he was playing husband and wife with the Fifth Madam. But this time it was like he just stabbed a hornet’s nest. Lin was so angry that she threw away her mother’s recent teachings, scuffled with the Fifth Master, and managed to injure his face again.

In the end, the Fifth Master took Kang to her courtyard. This was the first time the Fifth Master entered the Kang’s courtyard after the Kang entered the mansion.

Ren Yaohua listened to all of this and fell silent. After the maid retreated, she said softly to Ren Yaoqi, “You guessed it right again.”

Ren Yaoqi shook her head, “It’s not that I guessed, but I know Fifth Aunt’s temperament. Fifth Aunt is the most intolerable when it comes to matters related to Fifth Uncle.”

Ren Yaoqi didn’t have a good impression of Lin. If Lin hadn’t fanned the flames and made trouble for Ren Yaohua and Li in the last life, Ren Yaohua might not have fallen to that point. Although Lin was also schemed to confront Ren Yaohua, she was willing to trample on a junior to death, so she was not a good person.

But in this matter, Ren Yaoqi still sympathized with Lin. Regardless of Lin’s character, her feelings for Ren Shimao are sincere.

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