Chapter 110: Harmonious

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“Matron Gui, go and ask the Third Madam to come here.” Old Madam Ren instructed Matron Gui.

Ren Yaoqi couldn’t help but frown slightly, but Xiao Jinglin, who was sitting at the head, said, “There’s no need, I’ve already met the Third Madam last time. Today I’m here to find Ren Yaoqi.”

Only then did Old Madam Ren stop, smiling, and asked Xiao Jinglin, “Did the Princess meet Qi’er at Bailong Temple?”

Xiao Jinglin glanced at Ren Yaoyi and nodded.

“No wonder you both hit it off so well,” Old Madam Ren nodded with a smile.

Xiao Jinglin put down the tea bowl in her hand and got up, “I want to invite Ren Yaoqi to go out for a trip. This is the first time I’ve come to Baihe Town and I want her to take me out for a stroll.”

Xiao Jinglin said that she wanted to go out for a stroll and said it in a very normal way as if it was a very common thing for her. In fact, although Yanbei does not expect to follow the level of strict etiquette in Jiangnan, if it was not during some major festivals to enjoy with the people, the ladies of the aristocratic families rarely went out to hang out. They have to pay attention to their status after all.

People still believed that only by being raised in a deep boudoir can a gentle and courteous lady be cultivated, and no lady is trained in the market. No matter how open the folk customs are, it will not change this mindset.

However, Old Madam Ren agreed without even thinking about it, and even said with a smile, “Why don’t we let Yaohua and Yaoyin also accompany the County Princess, so there will be a lot of people to contribute to the liveliness.”

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Fifth Madam Lin hurriedly pushed her own daughter forward and said, “Yes, yes, there’s also our Yu’er, go together as well.”

Xiao Jinglin glanced at the other several misses of the Ren Family and refused in a faint voice, “No need, I don’t like too many Ren misses, just Ren Yaoqi is fine.”

The Ren Family being able to get involved with the Yanbei Royal Family was something they couldn’t wait for. Old Madam Ren couldn’t wait for Xiao Jinglin to get along with her granddaughters, which would help the girls of the Ren Family to increase their social status. Therefore, Xiao Jinglin’s refusal made Old Madam Ren a little disappointed, but she couldn’t force it, so she could only tell Ren Yaoqi to take good care of the princess and do her best as the host.

Although Xiao Jinglin invited Ren Yaoqi, she herself did not have the right to decide. Even if she didn’t want to go, she would still be forced to go by the Ren Family. Having been a member of the Ren Family for two lifetimes, Ren Yaoqi understood this point very well. Fortunately, she was not a stubborn person and just smiled at this.

Ren Yaoqi could see the different expressions of the members of the Ren Family. She bowed her head and obediently followed Xiao Jinglin out of the Ronghua Courtyard.

Ren Yaoqi don’t know if it was just her illusion, Xiao Jinglin seemed to let out a long breath after she came out. Although Xiao Jinglin’s expression remained unchanged, Ren Yaoqi, who was standing very close to her, still felt it. Was she unaccustomed to dealing with the madams? Ren Yaoqi remembered that Xiao Jinglin lived in the border city for many years and rarely returned to Yanbei Royal Residence

“Why did County Princess come to Baihe Town today?” Ren Yaoyi tried to break the silence.

Frankly, she and Xiao Jing Lin were not even acquaintances, both of them had not spoken ten sentences together in total. Xiao Jinglin also was not familiar with her, so when they were alone at this moment, the atmosphere was naturally stiff.

“Well, let’s go.” Xiao Jinglin’s reply was very short, clearly not too keen on communicating with Ren Yaoqi.

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Ren Yaoqi then stopped asking her.

The two of them walked along in silence like the first time they met, only this time Ren Yaoqi wasn’t being pulled along by Xiao Jinglin. But strangely enough, this kind of silence seemed to suit Xiao Jinglin a bit more, and the atmosphere was no longer so uncomfortable.

Ren Yaoqi took a sidelong look at Xiao Jinglin, a rare glance with some curiosity, she suddenly had a feeling. Compared to life in the wealthy mansion with all the flowers and servants, this young girl seemed to be more suited to live independently.

The Ren Family said that they would prepare a carriage for the two of them, but it was rejected by Xiao Jinglin who also came by carriage today. Xiao Jinglin still didn’t bring any maidservants, but Ren Yaoqi wasn’t used to not having anyone around her and brought two maidservants with her.

After leaving the second gate and arriving in front of Xiao Jinglin’s carriage, Ren Yaoqi realized that the person who drove the carriage for Xiao Jinglin today was actually Dongsheng. Ren Yaoqi understood after a slight surprise. Since she did not have any friendship with Xiao Jinglin, then Xiao Jinglin should be entrusted by Xiao Jingxi to find her.

However, Ren Yaoqi didn’t see him in the carriage, Xiao Jinglin’s carriage ended up being just herself and Ren Yaoqi. The maids that Ren Yaoqi brought out ended up riding another carriage send out by Ren Family. Xiao Jinglin didn’t mind the trouble.

The carriage finally drove out of the town, not far from Baihe Town, to Xishan.

Because there are quite a few coal mines and kilns in Xishan, there are also some large and small porcelain kiln workshops nearby. The mountain road near Xishan has been flattened by the vehicles that come and go to move the goods to make the road more spacious. The carriage traveled all the way as if it were not climbing up the mountain.

However, because of the neighbouring coal kiln coal mine, every road, without exception, is black, as is the soil three feet underneath, as a result of the coal trucks that have travelled here over the years.

Currently there was a long fleet of coal trucks, and a clear bell could be heard between them. Xiao Jinglin was lifting the carriage curtain to look out, and when she saw this caravan, she let out a yelp, “Camels?”

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Ren Yaoqi turned her head to look and recognized the Ren Family’s logo in the caravan. The Ren Family’s steward brought a few miners to drive dozens of dromedary camels clanking along.

“Well, most of the roads here are mountain roads. Before the coal mines were built, there were many lime kilns nearby. Camel carriages were utilized because horse-drawn carriages were inadequate on hilly routes. Later, when the coal kiln was built, camels were also used to transport coals. This mountain path has gotten significantly smoother over the years to accommodate more carriages. As a result, the Ren Family’s present coal kiln is equipped with both horse and camel carts. Because camels can carry far more weight than horses and are less costly, coal kilns continue to favour camels to transport coal.”

Xiao Jinglin nodded, “I’ve ridden a camel, but it’s the kind with two humps.” After a pause, she continued, “A camel even saved my life.”

Xiao Jinglin suddenly said such a sentence unprompted, so Ren Yaoqi was a little surprised. Is Xiao Jinglin talking about what happened when she was at the border?

But Xiao Jinglin didn’t continue, and just quietly watched the group of camels pass by them, kicking up a cloud of dust. Ren Yaoqi blinked. There was some sand stinging her eyes, so she took a handkerchief to try wiping it off, then simply closed her eyes and waited for the caravan to pass. Xiao Jinglin didn’t pull up the curtain and she couldn’t say anything.

Xia Jinglan just realized Ren Yaoqi’s discomfort. She put down the curtain, keeping the dust flying everywhere outside the carriage

Only then did Ren Yaoyi open her eyes and smiled somewhat apologetically.

Xiao Jinglin watched Ren Yaoyi put away the handkerchief in her hand before she said, “You can’t stand even this bit of dust?” She didn’t mean to be contemptuous, but rather curious.

Ren Yaoyi glanced at Xiao Jinglin and said, half-truthfully, “County Princess isn’t afraid because County Princess’ eyelashes are thicker than mine.”

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Xiao Jinglin was stunned, but then laughed a little, “This argument is quite fresh.” Her smile came and went quickly, only surfacing slightly on her face, and disappeared again before Ren Yaoqi could see it clearly.

“I’ll let Xiao Jingxi try that.” Xiao Jinglin popped up again.

Ren Yaoqi remembered carefully about Xiao Jingxi’s eyelashes, they seemed to be thick as well, so she couldn’t help but laugh out loud as well, “Then, County Princess, don’t tell Second Young Master Xiao that you asked him to try it because of what I just said.”

“Why?” Xiao Jing Lin casually asked.

Why? Ren Yaoqi was speechless. Of course it was because she was afraid that he would find her to settle the score.

After such a dialogue, the two of them finally got to know each other better, and the atmosphere eased a lot.

“Where is the camel that county princess used to have? Have you brought it back and raised it?” Ren Yaoyi tried to find a topic that Xiao Jinglin liked.

Xiao Jinglin did not expect to hear this, with an odd face she said, “I didn’t bring it back, I’ve already eaten it.”

Ren Yaoyi: “…… “

Seeing Ren Yaoqi’s expression, Xiao Jinglin thought for a moment, then explained, “Soldiers usually are very fond of their war horses, because on the battlefield the war horse is their own pair of legs and sometimes or a comrade-in-arms. However, when food is scarce, the horses will still be killed. On the battlefield, ‘killing the enemy’ and ‘saving yourself’ are the first things to be learnt.”

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