The warm wind blew the flowers and grasses in the courtyard, gently swaying, bees and butterflies fluttered among the branches and leaves, and the breath of summer came out into this small courtyard.

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When Ren Yaoqi heard Xiao Jingxi’s sentence, her heart slightly paused, but soon she spoke, ”The Han Family had discussed with the Ren Family to jointly organize a salt farm, but after that, due to a variety of reasons, it did not come to fruition. I heard that the Su Family and the Yun Family are also competing for the salt farms in Xining. When the Su Family has shown closeness to the Han Family this time, could it be because of the several salt wells in the hands of the Han Family?”

Xiao Jingxi walked slowly to Ren Yaoqi, looking at her thoughtfully, and suddenly sighed, “Fifth Miss Ren, do you know where the salt wells in the hands of the Han Family came from?”

Ren Yaoqi’s heart stirred at the words, frowning, “Could it be from Yanbei Royal Family?”

Xiao Jingxi observed Ren Yaoqi without saying a word.

Ren Yaoqi lowered her eyes, her fingers stroked from between the branches and leaves of the zhulan flowers by her side, her heart quivered.

After learning about the relationship between the Han Family and Yanbei Royal Family, she also guessed that the salt farm in the hands of the Han Family was somewhat related to Yanbei Royal Family.

But now that Xiao Jingxi deliberately mentioned this matter to her, could it be that the salt wells in the hands of the Han Family had some other purpose?

When she designed to involve the Su Family, in addition to wanting to stir up the marriage between the Han Family and the Ren Family, she also wanted to borrow the Su Family’s involvement to explore the road to understand the usefulness of the Han Family to the Yanbei Royal Family and think of countermeasures.

“I confessed to the Second Young Master that last time I have doubts about the Han Family, so I was not optimistic about the cooperation between the Han Family and the Ren Family.” Ren Yaoqi abruptly raised her head and spoke frankly to Xiao Jingxi.

Xiao Jingxi’s line of sight turned away, from Ren Yaoyi’s slender fingers that were whi as jade reflected amongst the fresh leaves of the branches to meet her clear eyes.

“So Fifth Miss Ren schemed the Su family?” The admiration in Xiao Jingxi’s gaze was not concealed.

Ren Yaoqi suddenly smiled, “If I say that this matter is just due to coincidence and that I didn’t do anything, is Second Young Master willing to believe me?”

Xiao Jingxi laughed lightly, then seriously shook his head, “I don’t believe it.”

Ren Yaoqi smiled faintly and did not say anything.

Xiao Jingxi, however, sighed, “Fifth Miss Ren has a good heart and good means. But have you ever thought that what you did might have disturbed the Yanbei Royal Family’s plans?”

Ren Yaoqi frowned in disbelief, “What plans of Yanbei Royal Family has? Is it related to the Su Family’s meddling in the Han Family’s salt wells?”

Xiao Jingxi pondered for a moment, “Initially, the Su Family and the Yun Family were both determined to win the salt fields in Xining. By allowing the Su Family to cooperate with the Han family at this point, aren’t you indirectly helping the Su Family and allowing the Yun Family to get out of the game early?”

Xiao Jingxi mentioned the Yun Family…

Ren Yaoqi’s mind continued to turn over.

She was also aware of the grudges regarding the Yun Family and the Su Family. She thought that making the Yun Family, which represented the veteran lineage, and the Su Family, which represented the prestigious nouveau riche, not get along was a means for the Yanbei Royal Family to check and balance the forces of both sides. The two old royal consorts of the Yanbei Royal Family just happened to make the conflicts between the Su Family and the Yun Family irreconcilable.

And the Han Family, which was hidden in the shadows by the Yanbei Royal Family…

Suddenly, Ren Yaoqi had an idea and could not help but be slightly alarmed.

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Could it be that the Yanbei Royal Family is already dissatisfied with the result of mutual containment between the Yun Family and the Su Family, so it wants to break this situation, and the Han Family is the pawn secretly cultivated by the Yanbei Royal Family to break the check and balance relationship between the two families?

Thinking of this, Ren Yaoqi couldn’t help breaking out in a cold sweat. If this is the case, the Han Family is a great pawn to the Yanbei Royal Family.

But why did the Yanbei Royal Family suddenly want to break the checks and balances that the previous Prince Yanbei deliberately arranged to stabilize the situation in Yanbei?

Ren Yaoqi’s thoughts drifted a little further. She thought of the situation in Yanbei after in her last life, the Young Master of the Su Family married Zeng Yu’s niece, then the attitude of the Su Family to the Zeng Family and the Yanbei Royal Family began to be ambiguous.

Has Yanbei Royal Family already noticed the changes in the Su Family?

Although Ren Yaoqi thought so, she was only guessing, and she was not sure that her guess was correct.

So she said to Xiao Jingxi, “Second Young Master said before that the cooperation between the Su Family and the Han Family at ‘this time’ would cause the Yun Family to be eliminated ‘in advance’, disrupting the balance between the Yun Family and the Su Family, and even disturbing ‘the plans’ of Yanbei Royal Family… Could it be that the timing of the cooperation between the Su Family and the Han Family is wrong? If it is later, the Yanbei Royal Family will not be afraid of breaking the balance between the Yun Family and the Su Family?” Could it be that the Yanbei Royal Family is not ready yet? Ren Yaoqi didn’t say this sentence explicitly, it was just an implicit hint.

Hearing this, Xiao Jingxi looked at Ren Yaoqi with astonishment and almost choked.

How did Ren Yaoqi draw this conclusion from his few words? It felt unbelievable.

The girl in front of him was wearing a light purple short jacket, and her goose-yellow long skirt reached the upper of her feet, making her look slim and graceful. Although she is still young, her facial features have already shown the beginning of a beautiful form. The most peculiar thing is that she has a unique temperament, which makes people want to explore more.

Ren Yaoqi may not be the most beautiful woman Xiao Jingxi has ever met, or may not be the smartest, but she is the most unique one.

Xiao Jingxi had never paid so much attention to any woman.

Seeing Xiao Jingxi stared at her profoundly without speaking, Ren Yaoqi couldn’t help feeling a little uneasy. Did she talk too much? If she really breaks through the secrets of the Yanbei Royal Family, she will be in trouble.

Could it be that because the last time Xiao Jingxi helped her, she formed an inexplicable trust in this young man? It’s not like her.

Xiao Jingxi coughed lightly and turned slightly sideways. Ren Yaoqi did not notice that the teenager who she felt had unfathomable deep eyes had some faint flushing on his face.

However, Xiao Jingxi has always had a mystifying attitude like an ethereal being, and his thoughts will never be revealed. So when others see his flush, they will only think it is from the sun and never think otherwise.

“What do you plan to do next?” Xiao Jingxi asked in a calm tone, after he regained his demeanor that Second Young Master Xiao should have. He didn’t look like an embarrassed teenager at all.

Ren Yaoqi, however, felt that Xiao Jingxi’s question was somewhat inexplicable, what could she plan to do? Because she couldn’t figure out Xiao Jingxi’s mind, she could only say tentatively, “I’m just a woman in a boudoir, what I can do is limited. What happens in the future can only be left to heaven’s will.” After a pause, she suddenly curtsied to Xiao Jingxi and said earnestly, “Many thanks to Second Young Master Xiao for taking care of me.”

Xiao Jingxi glanced at her and faintly said, “You don’t need to thank me, I did not help you with anything.” He did not reveal too much, it was Ren Yaoqi who guessed it on her own. For this, even he had to concede.

Ren Yaoyi smiled and shook her head, “With your position, I’m already grateful that we can speak to one another to discuss things. It’s just that it’s human nature to seek profit and avoid harm, there are some things that I have to do even if I don’t want to. If I have accidentally offended you, please do not take it personally.”

Xiao Jingxi was silent for a moment, but he said, “I don’t have to ask about matters that have nothing to do with the interests of the Yanbei Royal Family. But the Han Family… the Han Family is still useful to the Yanbei Royal Family. If you want to move against them, I’m afraid It is difficult.”

Ren Yaoqi could not help but frown at his words. Was Xiao Jingxi reminding her that if she were to repeatedly design the Han Family in the shadows, she would eventually disturb the Yanbei Royal Family and thus cause trouble?

“I have no intention of going against anyone. If the Han Family is not targeting anyone from the Ren family, I would be happy to be amicable and be friendly neighbors.” Ren Yaoqi said with a straight face, “But if the Han Family has bad intentions, am I going to sit back and wait for death?”

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These words were said somewhat sharply, causing Xiao Jingxi to be silent as well.

Ren Yaoqi thought for a moment and added, “Second Young Master Xiao, is the Han Family really irreplaceable for the Yanbei Royal Family?”

Xiao Jingxi thought for a moment and replied imploringly, “For now, the Han Family is the one most suitable.”

So, they are not irreplaceable? Ren Yaoqi’s mind turned slightly. Then what if someone could replace the Han Family?

Xiao Jingxi seemed to have guessed her thoughts and raised an eyebrow, “Does Fifth Miss Ren want your Ren Family to replace the Han Family?”

Ren Yaoqi sniffed but shook her head without hesitation, “No, the Ren Family is not suitable.”

Xiao Jingxi was surprised again when he heard this. If the Ren Family could replace the Han Family, it would be a good thing for the Ren Family. Even though he was just speaking casually, Ren Yaoqi rejected it without a second thought.

Ren Yaoqi laughed bitterly in her heart. Letting the Ren Family climb up to the Yanbei Royal Family, Ren Family’s power holder is naturally a thousand times more willing. But what kind of person is in charge of the Ren Family, she was more than clear in her heart. Therefore, she was not willing to see the Ren Family involved in this tug-of-war, because the result might be that they, the Ren Family’s pawns, would suffer.

As the two were talking, they suddenly heard a twittering voice at the door, “General let me get it for you, let me take that”

The two turned around surprised, and they saw Xiao Jinglin walking in, holding a long object wrapped up in grey cloth in her hand. The boy called Mo Xiaoliang whom they had seen before was bouncing around her, trying to reach out to take the object in Xiao Jinglin’s hand, looked a bit afraid.

Xiao Jinglin was a bit annoyed by her fly-like harassment and frowned at him, “Why should I give this to you?”

Mo Xiaoliang said rightfully, “How can a general carry her own things? Of course her subordinates have to take it! I’ll be one of your subordinates from now on, so naturally I’ll carry it for you!”

Xiao Jinglin glanced at his small stature and said quietly, “You’re not even half as tall as my weapon! This weapon will be dragged by you and then broken!”

Mo Xiaoliang was struck by a great blow at her directness and froze on the spot… Does she think he’s short? He’s short? Short?

“Uwaah… Miss, Miss, what can I eat to grow taller?” Mo Xiaoliang cried and ran away.

With her ears finally cleared, Xiao Jinglin calmly walked towards Ren Yaoqi and Xiao Jingxi, without half a hint of guilt for hurting someone’s young heart.

Ren Yaoqi looked at the long object in her hand and curiously said, “Is this your lance?”

Seeing her curiously observing the wrapped weapon in her, Xiao Jinglin hesitated for a moment, but still graciously took Ren Yaoyi’s hand and passed the weapon to let her look.

To Xiao Jinglin, her weapon was not something she would normally give to others, so this was considered a friendly gesture on her part.

Before the weapon could reach Ren Yaoqi, a hand reached out from the side and took it.

Xiao Jinglin turned her head to look at Xiao Jingxi and frowned.

Xiao Jingxi shook his head and returned the gun to Xiao Jinglin, softly lecturing, “She can’t hold your lance. If you forcefully hand it to her, her wrist will be injured.”

Xiao Jinglin took it back, looked at Ren Yaoyi, and understood, “Sorry.”

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Ren Yaoqi looked at her extended hand and pulled it back, blinking towards Xiao Jinglin, “I should be sorry, I should do everything according to my ability, I am just really curious about your lance.”

Xiao Jinglin thought for a moment and unwrapped the grey cloth she used to wrap the weapon to reveal the head of the spear to Ren Yaoqi. She added, “Just take a look, don’t touch it with your hands. The head has just been polished so it’s very sharp.”

The silver-colored head of the spear is a bit blinding under the sunlight. Ren Yaoyi nodded, not reaching out to touch it, and looked at Xiao Jinglin’s handle for a few moments, “So this is what lance is, I’ve only seen it in the illustration in the book.”

“What book?” Xiao Jingxi watched the two of them talking and interjected with a smile.

“Legend of Chivalrous Heroes.” Ren Yaoqi subconsciously replied.

All three present were slightly stunned. Xiao Jingxi couldn’t help but laugh softly and turned his head away.

No matter how thick Ren Yaoqi’s skin was, she was still blushing a little at this moment.

This kind of book is not for women to read, most of the characters depicted in the book are born in the streets and have vulgar temper, so this kind of book is considered to be a forbidden book in the boudoir.

Ren Yaoqi was following Sir Pei in her previous life, and because Sir Pei was a person who didn’t stick to the smallest norms, he read everything, so Ren Yaoqi also did the same. Over time, she almost forgot these rules.

Seeing Ren Yaoqi embarrassed while Xiao Jingxi was laughing on the side, Xiao Jinglin’s heroism of protecting the weak came out again.

So she comforted Ren Yaoyi softly, “It’s nothing, I used to find my brother peeking at the ‘Give You the Golden Hairpin’. “

Xiao Jingxi: “……”

Ren Yaoyi: “……”

Ren Yaoqi turned her head to Xiao Jingxi. Although Xiao Jingxi still had an indifferent expression and a perfect smile, Ren Yaoqi still found some unnatural flushing at the base of his ears.

For the first time, Ren Yaoqi wondered if she had been deceived by Xiao Jingxi’s appearance. Is the half-immortal aura on this young man actually just a facade?

Fortunately, at this time, one of Xiao Jingxi’s subordinates walked in. Seeing Xiao Jingxi and the others chatting here, he hurriedly walked over and whispered something in his ear.

Xiao Jingxi nodded his head indifferently and waved his hand for him to go back, then said to Ren Yaoqi and Xiao Jinglin, “I still have things to do, I have to go first.”

Xiao Jinglin didn’t say anything, and only let out a “hmm”.

Xiao Jingxi nodded toward Ren Yaoyi again before turning around and walking away.

Xiao Jinglin suddenly remembered something and turned to Xiao Jingxi’s back, “The time for you to drink the medicine is coming, don’t forget again.”

Xiao Jingxi’s steps lurched. He then turned around and obliged before lifting the curtain to go out.

Ren Yaoqi felt that he sounded helpless. Somehow it made her laugh.

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Seeing Ren Yaoqi snickering, Xiao Jinglin turned her head to look at her, puzzled. Ren Yaoqi lightly coughed, “Those who don’t know would think that you are the elder sister and he is the younger brother.”

Unexpectedly, Xiao Jinglin nodded, “He has been delicate since childhood, afraid of bitter medicine, easy to catch a cold or flu, but also doesn’t like feeling stuffy and refused to close the window.”

Ren Yaoqi smiled. Xiao Jinglin’s view of Xiao Jingxi and other people’s view of Xiao Jingxi does not seem to be the same.

Afterward, Mrs. Mo and her daughter-in-law served the meal, which included the shop’s signature dish of marinated donkey meat, fresh mushroom soup, and a few home-cooked small dishes.

The appearances were very simple, but Xiao Jinglin ate very earnestly. Her eating style was gentle, but quick, and she consumes a lot.

Although watching people eat is somewhat impolite, Ren Yaoqi couldn’t help but watch Xiao Jinglin, and for some reason, she also filled half a bowl of rice more than usual.

In the end, there were almost no dishes left on the table. After putting down her bowl, Xiao Jinglin met Ren Yaoqi’s smiling gaze without feeling embarrassed or distressed.

“It’s getting late, should I send you back to the house?” Xiao Jinglin asked Ren Yaoqi.

Ren Yaoqi nodded. When the two of them came out, they happened to hear Mrs. Mo lecturing her son, “Your sister-in-law is only able to grow flowers and plants well, where would she know a method to make people grow taller faster? Do you want her to water and give you fertilizer daily? Just go play on the side!”

She turned her head right in time to see Xiao Jinglin and Ren Yaoqi coming out,

Mrs. Mo hastily left her son behind and greeted them.

When Mo Xiaoliang saw Xiao Jinglin, although he still blushed with shame, he leaned over eagerly and stood three steps away from them, watching pitifully. His eyes were still aiming at the spear in Xiao Jinglin’s hand from time to time.

Xiao Jinglin turned a blind eye until she was about to go out the door before she paused her steps and waved at him.

Mo Xiaoliang’s eyes lit up. He ran up to him, “General, what are your orders?”

Xiao Jinglin sized him up and said, “Be good at reading and studying, in the future I will test you. If you can’t satisfy me, I won’t accept you.”

The mournful aura that had previously shrouded Mo Xiaoliang’s body immediately disappeared without a trace. He became full of energy, turned upside down on the spot, and hurriedly ran to show off in front of his mother, “Mother, Mother, the general said that she wants me to be good at reading and studying, and that she’ll accept me as a little general later! Mother, did you hear that?”

Ren Yaoqi and Xiao Jinglin exited the modest shop, still hearing the children’s cheers and shouts.

Ren Yaoqi was about to speak, but she spotted a tall figure standing by the carriage, talking to Dongsheng who was sitting on the carriage’s yoke.

That person turned his head and saw Xiao Jinglin and Ren Yaoqi come out, then hurriedly walked over to salute: “County Princess, Fifth Miss Ren.”

It turned out to be Zhu Ruomei. Ren Yaoqi checked his leg and asked with a smile, “Are you feeling better?”

Zhu Ruomei stomped her feet on the spot when she heard the words and grinned: “Thank you Fifth Miss for remembering, this little one’s injury is fine.”

Zhu Ruomei’s body is sturdy. His recovery ability is also stronger than the average person, if other people need to recuperate a few months for some injuries, he will be able to get well in a month or two.

Xiao Jinglin should know the connection between them because she walked towards the carriage first.

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