Chapter 121: Going Berserk

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Stillness engulfed the usual peaceful small garden. There was nothing but rustling grass and the faint chipping of summer insects to be heard.

This miserable scream and exclamation of surprise seemed to violently cut through this early summer’s quiet scene, making people’s hearts skip a beat. 

Ren Yaoqi instantly stood up. 

Although she couldn’t see the situation in the garden from here, she could clearly identify that the shrill scream before was from Concubine Kang, and the cry of alarm after that was Ren Yaoting’s. Ren Yaoqi followed the sound and quickly walked towards the garden. 

The hallway where Ren Yaoqi was seated is not far from the source of the sound, but there was a circle of boxwood and shrubs between willow trees that obstructed people’s vision.

Ren Yaoqi walked around the shrubs and willows. Even though she was mentally prepared, the scenario in front of her still took her by surprise. 

Concubine Kang was clutching her stomach and fell on the cobblestone-paved path in the inner garden, moaning in pain with a pale face. 

Today she was wearing a turquoise dress made of Lu silk without any decoration other than a three-inch-wide white skirt bordered at the hem of the skirt. Red and black blood was continuously flowing out along the side of the white skirt, quickly filling the gap between the cobblestones under her body, and two long and thin blood paths had spread to the grass on the side.

Concubine Kang’s two maids were very young. That scene made their legs weaken,  they knelt beside Concubine Kang and cried.

Ren Yaoting who let out a shriek seemed to be frightened, burying her face in the arms of the senior maid behind her, shivering and weeping. 

Ren Yaoyu’s complexion didn’t look any better than Concubine Kang’s who just fell in a pool of blood. She stood two steps away from Concubine Kang with blank stares. When Ren Yaoqi appeared, she came back to her senses, then looked down. There was Concubine Kang’s blood flowed to the soles of her delicate pink embroidered shoes

Fear suddenly flashed in Ren Yaoyu’s eyes. She staggered back two steps, before turning around and running, almost knocking Ren Yaoqi over. Fortunately, Pingguo’s quick eyes and hands held Ren Yaoqi up in time. 

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Ren Yaoqi guessed that there would be something happening, but she did not expect it to be this serious. 

Even if she had guessed that Concubine Kang might use the child in her stomach to cause trouble, how could she have thought that Concubine Kang would gamble with her own life? Judging from the amount of  blood that was still flowing out, Ren Yaoqi did not doubt that Concubine Kang would be walking through the gate of the underworld. 

The situation became completely out of control. Ren Yaoqi quickly calmed down, and without caring about Ren Yaoyu who ran away, she hurriedly instructed the maids behind her to notify Old Madam Ren and the Eldest Madam. 

Then Ren Yaoqi quickly walked to Concubine Kang’s side. After thorough inspection, Ren Yaoqi chose not to relocate her. Ren Yaoqi simply took advantage of the moment of kneeling down to call her name, vaguely pulled the two maids around, and forced them to shift their holding position.

Ren Yaoqi had studied several medical texts and pharmacopoeia, but it was strictly only theoretical. She had never been in a position like this before and had no idea how to cope with it. After some consideration, she directed her maid to the Liuli Courtyard, which was a little closer, to seek assistance.

Whether Lin was willing to send someone over or not, she could only do this much. 

Fortunately, there were still individuals coming from the Liuli Courtyard; an old matron and two maids. They arrived a little sooner than Old and Eldest Madam Ren’s maidservants.

That old matron’s face changed when she saw Concubine Kang’s situation, then moved forward to check on Concubine Kang’s condition. From her demeanor and what she ordered the two maids, Ren Yaoqi judged that this matron knew how to assist with childbirth, so she stepped aside to avoid any additional problems.

It wasn’t long before the Eldest Madam came in a hurry. She was running, her forehead was already sweating. Together with Eldest Madam, there was also Matron Gui beside her. It was unclear if they met halfway or went here together. 

In the end, Concubine Kang was ordered by Eldest Madam to be carried to the nearest Liuli Courtyard. 

Eldest Madam didn’t have the time to ask Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaoting. They hurriedly followed behind Concubine Kang who had fainted and went to Liuli Courtyard. 

Ren Yaoqi walked to Ren Yaoting’s side and gently patted her shoulder, ”Seventh sister? How about I accompany you to Grandmother’s place to rest first?” 

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Ren Yaoting came to her senses. When she heard Ren Yaoqi’s voice, she grasped Ren Yaoqi’s arm with an aghast expression, her face was pale and her lips quivering, “Fifth Sister, you did not see how scary Eighth Sister was just now! She screamed ‘I can not let what is in your belly be born and hurt my mother’ and slammed her head down towards Concubine Kang. Then… then Concubine Kang fell to the ground, bleeding…” 

Ren Yaoting seemed to recall the shocking color of the blood that had filled her eyes earlier, her voice a little unsteady. She was only a teenager and had never seen such bloodshed. It was terrifying for her.

Ren Yaoqi held Ren Yaoting’s hand but didn’t know how to comfort her.

An idea was flashing inside her mind when she knew what Ren Yaoyu and Kang did. When she heard that Ren Yaoting wanted to go there, after contemplating it, she decided to let Ren Yaoting go alone.

Ren Yaoqi admitted that she had no feelings for most of the Ren Family, but now Ren Yaoting was just a little girl. Ren Yaoqi couldn’t say how guilty she felt for allowing her to see such a spectacle, but the discomfort in her heart remained. 

Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaoting went back to Old Madam Ren’s Ronghua Courtyard. 

Old Madam Ren listened to a matron’s report with her face sinking like water. It sounded like she was reporting about Concubine Kang’s condition.

Seeing that Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaoting had returned, Old Madam Ren beckoned for them to come over. 

“I heard that you two were in the garden just now, is it right?” Old Madam Ren asked with a frown. 

Ren Yaoqi bowed her head and responded, “Back to Grandmother, we originally wanted to go to the camphor tree outside the garden to catch the butterflies.” 

Old Madam Ren nodded and said with a cold face, “Then tell us what you saw.” 

Ren Yaoqi looked at Old Madam Ren with some embarrassment when she heard the words, and stammered, “Grandmother, at that time I was sitting on the porch. When I heard a noise and ran over, Concubine Kang had already collapsed on the ground” 

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Old Madam Ren glanced at Ren Yaoqi and then frowned at Ren Yaoting. 

Ren Yaoting’s emotions had already stabilized quite a bit. She took a deep breath before slowly telling what she saw. 

When Ren Yaoting walked over, Ren Yaoyu and Auntie Kang had already argued, or rather Ren Yaoyu had started to scold Aunt Kang with all kinds of bad words, and her expression became more and more agitated.

Seeing Concubine Kang slightly frowning and touching her belly with an uncomfortable look, Ren Yaoting asked with concern, and also persuaded Ren Yaoyu, ”Concubine Kang seems a little uncomfortable. If you continue to scold her, how can you explain to your father if she hurts the child in her stomach? You should let her go back and rest.”

In Ren Yaoting’s words, she only played the role of a kind persuader in the middle. 

Ren Yaoqi knew that Ren Yaoting had actually wanted to watch the fun, but she did not comment on that retelling. Whether or not Ren Yaoting had made a few timely provocations at that time to make Ren Yaoyu get into trouble, she was not sure. 

But looking at Ren Yaoting’s flickering eyes, and the sputtering tone when he talked about certain details, Ren Yaoqi knew her guess was right.

As Old Madam Ren listened to what Ren Yaoting did, her face could already be described as icy cold to the bone. Even Ren Yaoqi, who was never pleased by Old Madam Ren, had never seen Old Madam Ren show this kind of expression. 

Ren Yaoqi knew that Ren Yaoyu had completely disgusted Old Madam Ren. 

For a person who dared to hurt a pregnant woman, anyone would think that this person was too cruel. 

After a short while, the Eldest Madam returned. 

“How is the situation? Can the child be saved?” Old Madam Ren frowned. 

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Eldest Madam Ren let out a soft sigh and shook her head, “The fall was too heavy, the child is gone. The doctor has already seen her. Concubine Kang has lost a lot of blood. Fortunately, she is in good health. Otherwise… the doctor said that in this situation, it is very likely that in one body two lives will be gone.” Her tone was full of sorrow.

Although Old Madam Ren expected that the child might not be able to be saved, her face still looked a little bad when she heard the Eldest Madam’s report, “A sin!” 

Eldest Madam Ren followed suit and shook her head. 

Old Madam Ren’s gaze turned cold, “Where is that bastard! Go and have someone tie her up for me!” 

Eldest Madam Ren glanced at Old Madam Ren’s eyes and tried to plead for Ren Yaoyu, “Old Madam, Yaoyu must not have done it on purpose. Just now when I went to the Liuli Courtyard, Yaoyu was hiding in her room and crying. No matter how hard Fifth Brother-in-law knocked on the door, she didn’t want to open it. She also regrets it.” 

Old Madam Ren was unmoved, “This is a human life! It’s not some cat or dog! You go and tie that person up for me! Evil creature! She is an evil creature!” 

The Eldest Madam eventually went off with a sigh. 

Before Ren Yaoyu could arrive, someone came from the East Mansion. It turned out that Ren Yaoting’s maid had just gone back to report the news to Su, and she sent her matron over to bring Ren Yaoting back. 

Old Madam Ren realized that Ren Yaoting’s was also frightened by today’s situation, so she softened her expression and let that grandniece follow the matron sent by Su back to East Mansion.

Ren Yaoting also couldn’t wait to get out of here. Without saying a word, she went back with Su’s matron. After considering it a bit, Ren Yaoqi said to the Old Madam, “Grandmother, I’m going to send Seventh Sister off.”

Where did Old Madam Ren have the time to care about Ren Yaoqi at this time? She waved her hand and let her go. 

Ren Yaoqi bowed, turned around, and went down. She saw Ren Yaoting being supported by Su’s matron in the front and quickly walked a few steps to catch up on her. Then she stepped forward and took Ren Yaoting’s other arm, comforted her in a low voice, “It was unfortunate that we encountered this kind of thing. After going back, take a good rest, Seventh Sister. Don’t have any wild thoughts.”

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