Chapter 136: Each Had Their Own Ideas

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Xiao Jinglin glanced at the three men who appeared suddenly and greeted them with a nod. She didn’t hide the bamboo pole in her hand to destroy the evidence as Miss Wu did. Instead, she stretched it out into the river and fished up the beaten boatwoman.

The fight was finished, but it was still an awkward situation. The only sounds heard were the paddling water and the boatwoman gasping for air.

Xiao Jingyue, who had been standing on the bridge to watch the fun, swept his eyes over the faces of the two sons of the Yun Family. Then his eyes rested on the face of another young man who looked unfamiliar, the corner of his mouth raised, “Why are you here? Who is this?”

The crowd also cast their eyes on the newcomer. His face was clear, his demeanor carried the kind of elegance and idleness that was usually seen in noble gentlemen, and although the clothes on his body were not gorgeous, the fabric quality was good. He should be a young master of a notable family.

However, most of the young masters of the famous families in Yunyang City and even the entire Yanbei were acquainted with each other, but no one had ever seen this young master who just appeared with the Yun Family brothers before.

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When that young man saw the crowd looking at him, a bright smile appeared on his face, a pair of dimples slightly visible on his cheeks.

“I’m Lei Zhen, I came from Jiangnan not long ago.”

“Lei?” Xiao Jingyue sized up Lei Zhen and stroked his chin in deep thought.

Yun Wenfang snorted and cast a sidelong look at Xiao Jingyue, “He is Lei Ting’s younger brother. Third Young Master Xiao should recognize his brother as well.”

Xiao Jingyue suddenly realized and nodded his head, “That is why he looks somewhat familiar, so you are a son of the Lei family.”

The young man grinned when he saw everyone talking about him, and bowed to them.

“Lei Family, one of the old families in Yanbei that moved south back then?” Miss Wu finally found a chance to interject. She curiously seized up Lei Zhen a few times, “Didn’t they say that the Lei Family encountered the Khitan Army when they moved south and their entire clan was killed by the Khitans? How did another Lei Family pop up?”

Lei Zhen didn’t mind her speaking so directly and explained in a good-tempered manner, “My great-grandfather fell ill on the way south, so he didn’t go with the Lei Family. Instead, he traveled two days later than everyone else. By the time he caught up, the members of the Lei Family had already…” Despite the passage of time, the young man’s eyes still held a bit of gloom. After all, it was the blood and sorrow of his own family. 

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Yun Wenting reached out and patted his shoulder. Lei Zhen nodded and returned his smile to indicate that he was fine.

Back then, the Lei Family was one of the largest and oldest families in Yanbei. Countless sages and high court officials had come out of the Lei clan, and even the Yun Family, which now was known as the number one family in Yanbei, was unable to compete with it.

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Ren Yaoqi was also pondering about the Lei Family, wondering why she didn’t seem to have any impression of this Lei Family in her last life. She initially assumed it was a family that had fallen out of favor, thus she had not heard of it. But from what she saw today, the two Lei brothers were able to mingle with these people. They didn’t appear to have fallen from grace.

Over there, Yun Wenting was standing on the bridge talking to Xiao Jinglin.

“Will the County Princess go to watch the dragon boat races this afternoon?”

Xiao Jinglin sent the boatwoman into the cabin to change her clothes and nodded faintly as an answer.

Yun Wenting seemed to have gotten used to her cold attitude so he didn’t take it personally. He said warmly, ”We have a big boat, so we can follow the dragon boats and watch it then. Jingxi will also come, does County Princess want to get on the boat together?”

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Before Xiao Jinglin could say anything, Miss Wu, who had been at the side and had not left, fiercely glared at Xiao Jingyue and winked at him. Xiao Jingyue was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at Yun Wenting and Xiao Jinglin, and suddenly understood.

“Ehem, Eldest Young Master Yun, you can’t treat one person favorably than another, right? Did you just invite my second brother and ignore those of us who don’t matter?”

Yun Wenting, who was waiting for Xiao Jinglin’s answer, was stunned when he heard that remark. He could be considered a cousin to Xiao Jingxi and Xiao Jinglin. But Xiao Jingyue was a lot closer to the Su Family, while their entanglement usually was just on the surface. That is why he didn’t invite Xiao Jingyue as well.

But a young master of a prestigious family like Yun Wenting normally would not embarrass others in public. So he quickly smiled and nodded at Xiao Jingyue, “If Third Young Master Xiao is willing to show his face, it will be my pleasure.”

After he said this, Yun Wenting turned toward Miss Wu again and politely said, “If Miss Wu has the time, please come along as well.”

Xiao Jingyue winked at Miss Wu.

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Contrary to what anyone expected, Miss Wu reserved herself. She lowered her head and tugged at the pressed skirt on her hemline, replied softly, “I’ll go back and ask my grandmother.”

Yun Wenting nodded, then looked at Xiao Jinglin again.

Xiao Jinglin answered, indifferent, “I will go with Ren Yaoqi on this pleasure boat. There will be too many people on your boat.”

Everyone turned their eyes to the pleasure boat again. Ren Yaoqi had already sat in, so the people outside could only see a vague silhouette of a peaceful, quiet, girl.

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Ren Yaoqi had thought about leaving the cabin, but at the end she didn’t. It wasn’t that she was impolite. She was not Xiao Jinglin, and now since she was on a pleasure boat and didn’t know most of the people on board, it was not a good time to meet new people. Moreover, if she stood at the front of the boat, didn’t stand still, and fell into the river, she would have to bear the consequences.

Yun Wenting stared at Xiao Jinglin. He looked like he wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he gave up, and only warmly said, “Be safe, County Princess. Follow our boat as long as possible, so we can take care of you.”

Xiao Jinglin glanced at the young woman on the bridge, “This boat is very stable. Unless someone deliberately messes with it, nothing will happen. I will take good precautions.”

At this time, the boatwoman had already changed into dry clothes and came out, but her hair was still damp, so she covered it up with a tight headscarf.

Xiao Jinglin commanded her, “Let’s go.”

The boatwoman obliged and went to the stern to steer the boat.

Xiao Jinglin nodded at the bridge, turned around, and was about to return to the cabin.

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Yun Wenting was about to speak, but Yun Wenfang, who was leaning on the bridge railing, was the first to open his mouth, “County Princess, my grandmother has also prepared something for you for the Thousand Gold Banquet in a few days. When will you visit the mansion to take a look?”

Yun Wenting stared at Yun Wenfang with astonishment, probably because Yun Wenfang took the initiative to talk to Xiao Jinglin. Xiao Jinglin had a cold demeanor, and with Yun Wenfang’s arrogance, they constantly disregarded each other, even though there was no hate between them. Yun Wenfang remained silent and merely looked at Xiao Jinglin.

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Xiao Jinglin’s footsteps lurched, turning her head at Yun Wenfang also with surprise. After considering it for a while, she nodded and replied, “After a few days, when I have time, I will go.”

Yun Wenfang raised his eyebrows and smiled, and glanced at the cabin, “County Princess might as well bring Miss Ren along. I was taken care of by the Ren Family when I was in Baihe Town, and the Third Master Ren taught me how to play chess, so my mother also would like to meet the Young Miss of the Ren Family.”

Xiao Jinglin nodded, “I will ask her what she wants.” With that, she entered the cabin.

Yun Wenfang’s eyes stayed on the pleasure boat all the time. No one disturbed it this time, and the pleasure boat passed the bridge hole smoothly and gradually sailed away.

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Turning back to Yun Wenting’s probing gaze, Yun Wenfang’s expression did not change. He looked towards Miss Wu and Xiao Jingyue who hadn’t left yet, smiled wryly, “Are you two here to enjoy the scenery?”

Miss Wu who just stared at Yun Wenting, blushed uncontrollably, lowered her head, and whispered, “We, We are leaving too.”

If no one hadn’t seen the shrewish appearance of her beating Xiao Jinglin with a bamboo pole, they would probably think that this was a gentle and shy young lady of a prestigious family.

Yun Wenfang side-eyed Yun Wenting. The corner of his mouth twitched, and he leaned against the stone bridge railing with arms crossed.

Yun Wenting shook his head helplessly, stepped forward to bow, and said their goodbye, “In that case, we’ll take our leave first.”

The two parties bid farewell to each other, one heading east and the other to the west.

Miss Wu couldn’t help but look back a few times as she descended the bridge. Unfortunately, that person had already gotten on his horse and went far.

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Xiao Jingyue observed her from the side. He smiled slightly, before sighing, and said, “People outside say that our sickly second brother is a rare character, but in my opinion, he can’t compare to the Eldest Young Master Yun. In terms of appearance and knowledge, Yun Wenting is far above anyone in Yanbei.”

Miss Wu thought highly of this and smiled broadly, just as if she was the one who was being complimented.

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Xiao Jingyue, however, sighed again and shook his head, “It’s a pity.”

Miss Wu froze, “Pity what?”

Xiao Jingyue came to Miss Wu’s ear and said, “It’s a pity, I heard that the Yun Family wanted Yun Wenting to marry Xiao Jinglin, and neither the Prince nor the Princess Consort objected. Think about it, Xiao Jinglin’s temperament beside Eldest Young Master Yun… Tsk. I don’t think it is a good match.”

Miss Wu’s face sank, “They didn’t match in the first place! Xiao Jinglin isn’t worthy of him!”

Xiao Jingyue smiled and continued, “Alright, they didn’t match. I think that the only person in Yanbei who is worthy of Eldest Young Master Yun is you, cousin.”

Miss Wu’s face, although still furious, immediately reddened. She lowered her head shyly, “You, what nonsense are you talking about?”

Xiao Jingyue swore in a serious manner, “If there is even a bit of falsehood in my words, I will be struck by lightning.”

Miss Wu was a little dazed, but after a long time, she sighed, “But, there is no room for us to make decisions about our own marriage.”

Xiao Jingyue was unimpressed, “I don’t agree with that. Don’t worry, Cousin. I will always be on your side.”

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The two brothers of the Yun family over there were also chatting.

Yun Wenfang glanced at his brother with a smile on his face.

Yun Wenting, who was stared at for a long time, finally sighed and turned his head, “Second Brother, why are you looking at me?”

“This face of yours had caused trouble for yourself, but now it has also caused trouble for others.

A lot of people have provoked, and yet you can’t do anything about it. I feel sorry for you,” Yun Wenfang replied leisurely.

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