Chapter 47: Follow-up of the Bathroom Incident

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The atmosphere in the carriage suddenly became cheerful.

Although Ren Yaohua didn’t answer, there was a little smile in her eyes, even though her face was still stern.

This is the most harmonious atmosphere between the two sisters since Ren Yaohua came back.

When Ren Yaoying came out of the carriage, she had changed her clothes, washed her head and face, and wrapped her whole body from head to toe in a large cloak, but the wind still gave off a stench.

Although couldn’t see the expression on her face, she could hear her suppressed sobbing. This time, she had lost her face, and this incident happened outside, so it would be easy for word to get out. In the future, when people mentioned the Ninth Miss of the Ren Family, they would think of her falling into the cesspit and becoming the laughing stock of others, which would become a barrier to her dealings with others. The Eldest Young Madam and Madam Lin took Ren Yaoying to the Old Madam’s Ronghua Courtyard, while Ren Yaoqi and others were sent back to their own yard.

Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua both went to Li’s place first. After greeting, Ren Yaohua immediately recruited Xiang Qin to the east second room to ask questions, Ren Yaoqi also went over together.

“Did you find out anything? Who is the person that sister-in-law found out before?” Ren Yaohua asked.

Xiang Qin nodded: “Before Third Miss and Ninth Miss went to the bathroom, the Fifth Madam and the girls went there first. But the bathroom that Ninth Miss used was not used by the Fifth Madam and other young ladies because it was still cleaned and smoked with incense.”

Previously, the bathroom on the river bank was divided into three rooms.

“Is it possible that the person who is responsible for cleaning the bathroom is the culprit?” Ren Yaohua frowned.

Xiang Qin shook his head: “Before the Ninth Young Lady went in, another person went in. When the woman in charge of cleaning the clean room stopped her and said that it was for the masters to go in. But she said she disliked that maids in charge of bathroom is too simple and said there is no more space, so she slipped some money to the servant guarding the bathroom. Those few servants will turn a blind eye to let her hurry up and finish the come out quickly. She went out not long after the Ninth Miss came.”

“Which courtyard is she serving?” Ren Yaohua frowned and asked, there are still such bold maids in their family?

Xiang Qin still shook her head: “She is not from our house, it is one of the two maids that were sent over to serve Young Master Yun just a few days ago.”

This statement was unexpected.

Ren Yaoqi couldn’t help but think of the maid who came to ask her for a gamble money for Yun Wenfang when she was in the warming shed earlier.

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“How could it be Young Master Yun’s maid? It’s not like she has any problem with Ren Yaoying, why would she bother to do such a thing?”
Xiang Qin blushed uncomfortably when she heard the words. She glanced at Ren Yaohua and then at Ren Yaoqi, as if she was a little embarrassed to speak.

Ren Yaohua stared at her and said, “Speak up if you have something to say, there are no outsiders here!”

When this statement was made, not only were the people in the room surprised, but even she herself froze. In the eyes of Ren Yaohua, Ren Yaoqi, her own sister, was no different from an outsider. When they discussed anything, they always had to go behind Ren Yaoqi’s back, afraid that she would know about it.

But today she blurted out that there are no outsiders here. The eyes of Ren Yaoqi are slightly downcast, and feeling somewhat indescribably complicated.

Xiang Qin coughed lightly and begged in a small voice: “Miss, then don’t tell Nanny Zhou that it was this servant who said these words.” Seeing Ren Yaohua glaring at her again, Xiang Qin hurriedly said, “Previously, someone heard Ninth Miss privately tell someone around her that the two maids beside Young Master Yun were too beautiful and they must be the concubines prepared by the Yun family for Young Master Yun. And she also said that Ninth Miss threatened that if she was the mother-in-law, this kind of charming maids must be thrown out early so as not to become a scourge in the future. The maid called Yuzhu knew about it and held a grudge against the Ninth Miss and deliberately moved in the bathroom where the Ninth Miss was going.”

Hearing this, Ren Yaohua’s face reddened and she spat at Xiang Qin: “Where did you hear that nonsense!”

She was embarrassed and said, “This servant also heard it from outside, but Miss asked her to say it.”

Ren Yaohua was speechless.

“Who spread these words that Ninth Miss said?” Ren Yaoqi asked with raised eyebrows. She did not believe that Ren Yaoying would let others hear her say such things.

Ren Yaoying was still a young girl, such words were not something she could say, and even if she thought so in her heart, she was unlikely to declare it.

“It was another maid named Jinzhu beside Young Master Yun who said that. She and Yuzhu both heard someone talking and mentioned Young Master Yun, so they quietly went up to listen, and then they heard two people talking about the words that Ninth Miss said. But they didn’t see who the speaker was, they only knew it was two women. After that, the Eldest Young Lady recruited several servants around Ninth Miss to speak in front of Jinzhu. Jinzhu said that there were two servants whose voices were somewhat similar to the ones she heard before, but she hadn’t seen the faces of those two after all, so she wasn’t sure if they were the two or not.”

“Hmph! If this matter is really Fifth Aunt playing tricks, I really have to admire her. She can still leave herself clean after doing something immoral. It’s no wonder that the powerful maids and servants who come with her after married were all cut off, otherwise everyone in the house would have to look at her face!” Ren Yaohua sarcastically said.

“Third Miss,” Wu Jing called out to her in a low voice, and looked at Ren Yaoqi again, somewhat torn.
Apparently, what Ren Yaohua said just now was a secret that could not be disclosed to “others”.

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And after thinking about it, Ren Yaoqi understood what Ren Yaohua was talking about. She heard that the Fifth Madam Lin had several powerful companions when she married into the Ren family, but later for some reason they were all sold out and none of them were left.

The strange thing is that the Lin family didn’t express dissatisfaction with this matter, and they didn’t even take the opportunity to send helpers to Lin’s side.

Lin’s mother is a person who dotes on her daughter very much, which can be seen from Lin’s temperament. She didn’t stand up for Lin, obviously this matter was hidden back then.

The people around Lin’s side were cut off by someone’s hands and made Lin and the Lin family eat a dumb loss.

Ren Yaoqi didn’t know how Ren Yaohua knew about this matter, but she didn’t know about it in her last life. She only knew that most of the people serving Lin’s side now were the children of Ren’s family, and few of them were people she brought from her mother’s family.

If what Ren Yaohua said is correct, then the person who has the most reason to make a move against Lin is the Eldest Madam Wang, and even the Old Madam Qiu may also be possible.

This is really interesting. It turns out that the Ren family and the Lin family are not as close as they appear to be.

Although the Old Madam of the Lin family is the real aunt of Old Madam Ren, and Old Madam Ren’s only daughter is married to Old Madam Lin’s nephew.

Ren Yaoqi understood that in her previous life, she was just as careless as their father, so there were many things that others knew but she didn’t.
“You go and inquire about the follow-up of this matter, and see how grandma plans to deal with it.” Ren Yaohua instructed Xiang Qin, and she frowned again after speaking, “But grandpa and grandma don’t like people asking around.”

Ren Yaoqi raised her head and smiled and said, “It’s okay, just go outside and see how the people in other courtyards are. If they also send people to inquire, you can go over and listen. If they are quiet, you also quiet, just go out and take a walk.”

Xiang Qin smiled and said yes, and took Wu Jing’s arm: “Then Wu Jing and I will go and ask the kitchen if there are any snacks prepared in the afternoon. The two ladies just had some snacks for lunch.”

Xiang Qin and Wu Jing went out arm in arm, except Xiang Qin whispered to Wu Jing at the courtyard gate: “Hey, do you feel that the relationship between Third Miss and Fifth Miss is much better now? Things like that before, It is impossible for the Third Miss to say it in front of the Fifth Miss. The Fifth Miss has also changed a lot, even if the Third Miss is rude to her, she will always greet her with a smile and never get angry.”

Wu Jing glared at her and said, “What? Are you not happy that Miss is reconciled?”

“Not at all! I was just thinking…the two of them were in such a mess before, and every time Third Miss heard Fifth Miss’s name at the village, she gnashed her teeth. It made Madam and Nanny Zhou would not dare speaking of Fifth Miss in front of her. I thought the two of them would be enemies for the rest of their lives.” Xiang Qin muttered.

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Wu Jing was silent for a while, then sighed: “Third Miss and Fifth Miss are biological sisters after all, born to the same father and mother. It’s just that we must never mention those things in front of Third Miss in the future. I think like this now is also a lot more comfortable for we slaves.”

Xiangqin nodded quickly: “You to tell me! Nanny Zhou has already beaten us!”

In the evening, news came from the Ronghua Courtyard. After the Old Madam called the two maids of the Yun family to ask about it, she did not take any action to expose the matter, and only to have the maids around teach them and instruct them to serve Second Young Master Yun well.

“What? Grandma still let them stay at Ren Mansion?” Ren Yaohua said in shock.

Xiang Qin nodded: “She said that since she was the only one in the bathroom for such a short time, it was unlikely that she would be able to do anything.”

Ren Yaohua frowned: “Even so, we should send her back! That maid seem to be a troublemaker.”

According to the normal way of handling the matter, if the person who harmed Ren Yaoying was not found, the Ren family would convict Yu Zhu, who was the most suspicious, to appease Ren Yaoying.

Now the Old Madam Ren only let them off after having someone lecture them, and she didn’t send her back to Yun’s house. Then Ren Yaoying’s crimes can only be regarded as self-inflicted.

“Grandmother really intends to have a relationship with the Yun family?” Ren Yaohua lowered her head and pondered.

The Old Madam Ren didn’t want to make the Old Madam of the Yun family and Madam Yun feel uncomfortable because of this incident. It is very likely that the Ren family really planned to marry the Yun family. In other words, the Ren family had this intention unilaterally. However, Ren Yaoqi was not at all surprised by the Old Madam Ren’s decision. For the benefit of the Ren family, they would not hesitate to sacrifice the lives of several granddaughters. Now it is just to make a concubine granddaughter suffer some grievances.

Concubine Fang looked at her daughter who was lying on the bed and covering her whole body with a quilt. Ren Yaoying had been crying to take a bath since she came back. She had bathed four times and vomited twice. If Concubine Fang hadn’t tried her best to stop her in the end, Ren Yaoying might have sucked all the skin off her body before giving up.

“Mom, I stink so much, will it continue to stink like this?” Ren Yaoying’s voice came through the quilt.

Concubine Fang gently patted her and softly reassured her, “No, mother smells that you are fragrant.”

Ren Yaoying’s sobbing voice came from under the quilt: “But everyone knows that I fell into the latrine, I… I won’t go out to meet people anymore”

Concubine Fang closed her eyes and pierced her palm with her clenched fist. When she opened her eyes, there was a sharp cold light in her eyes, but her tone was still gentle: “Others won’t remember this for a long time, and everyone will forget it after a while.”

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“Mother, I hate them! They made me look so ugly!” Ren Yaoying suddenly lifted the quilt, her red and swollen eyes were full of shame and anger.

Concubine Fang patted her head, and comforted her gently: “Mother knows, mother will not let the person who hurt you have a better life.”

Ren Yaoying fell asleep holding Concubine Fang’s hand, with a teardrop hanging on her eyelashes.

Concubine Fang reached out to help her wipe it off, and guarded her for a while before getting up to come out.

“Go and call Nanny Yu, I have something to tell her.” Concubine Fang explained to her maid.

The maid bowed and retreated, and Concubine Fang went to the study next door.

Concubine Fang is literate, and she can write pretty well in small script with hairpin flowers. Every place Ren Shimin comes in and out is equipped with a study room, so Concubine Fang also has a small study room in her yard.

It means that when Nanny was called in, Concubine Fang had already written a letter inside, and put the ink stains in the inside of the envelope before putting it in the envelope.

“You leave tomorrow and go back to Jiangning.” Concubine Fang’s natal family is in Jiangning.

Nanny Yu bowed her head and said yes, and she didn’t express any dissatisfaction with being discharged from the hospital in the cold weather.

Lin’s mother and daughter are in a good mood at this time.

From the Old Madam Ren’s treatment of Yun Wenfang’s two maids, it can be seen that the Ren family is not without ideas about the marriage of the Yun family.

Lin believes that as long as the Ren family has this intention, with her status in front of the Old Madam and her natal family’s support behind her, it will be easy for her to find such a marriage for her daughter.

Ren Yaoyu finally felt elated. The fact that the mother and daughter of Concubine Fang designed to drive her out of the Ronghua courtyard makes her hate these days when she thinks about it. Today, she finally got her anger out.

Madam Lin endured it for many years and finally forgot what her mother repeatedly told her not to easily become an enemy of Concubine Fang.

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