Chapter 53: The Game

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After that, Ren Yaoting and Han siblings did find Ren Yaoyu back. The time was already late, so everyone planned to go back to their home. Only Ren Yaoyu was still shouting that she wanted to go through the Nine Curved Dragon Gate Palace Lantern Formation once and refused to go back. Ren Yijun sarcastic few words made Ren Yaoyu feel ashamed and angry. After easily persuading Ren Yaoyu, several people went back to the place where the carriage was parked to look for Ren Yaohua.

Because Xiang Qin had already told Ren Yaohua about Ren Yaoqi’s win over Han Yunqian, Ren Yaohua did not sneer at her after Ren Yaoqi got on the carriage, even though she still had a cold face and did not talk to her.

The Han family was closer and Ren Yaoting had to send Han You, so the carriage of the Ren family walked with the Han family. After the carriage stopped at the entrance of the Han family, Han Yunqian deliberately walked outside Ren Yaoqi’s carriage and whispered, “Tomorrow Yunqian will visit the Ren family.”

Although there was only this sentence, Ren Yaoqi knew that he was talking about the painting, so she couldn’t help but thank him through the curtain.

Listening to the sound of Han Yunqian’s footsteps going away, Ren Yaoqi suddenly remembered the man she had met earlier. When she came back to her senses, Ren Yaoqi couldn’t help but be a little stunned. She hadn’t even seen his face clearly, yet he had left an inexplicably deep impression on her. Could it be that she really saw a ghost?

There was nothing else to say that night.

The next day, Ren Yaoqi approached Ren Shimin early in the morning. He was dancing with his own bamboo sword in the west courtyard. After he finished the dance, Ren Yaoqi gave the tea and sweat towel to his hands and then told him she wanted the painting he gave to Han Yunqian.

Ren Shimin listened and frowned: “How can you ask for something that was sent out? If Yaoyao likes it, daddy will paint another one for you.”

Ren Yaoqi was unreasonable: “Another painting is not the same one! I just like that one!”

Ren Shimin tried to reason with her, “But that one has already been given to Han Yunqian, so it would be unbecoming of a gentleman to ask for it back.”

“That’s the one he lost to me! He’s the one who lost his manners by not giving it to me!”

Ren Shimin was stunned: “He lost to you?”

Ren Yaoqi then told the story of how she and Han Yunqian lost to her last night.

Ren Shimin first laughed out loud when he heard it, but after he finished laughing, he suddenly stared at Ren Yaoqi and said, “How dare you use my painting as a bet!”

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Ren Yaoqi hurriedly said, “It was Third Brother who insisted that we compete! I wanted your painting so badly that I agreed to it. If I didn’t want to get your painting back, I wouldn’t have competed with him! And since he was willing to bet your painting with me, it means he doesn’t really cherish your gift, the sword is for the hero, and the painting should belong to me, so I will not take it away!”

Ren Yaoqi didn’t blush when she talked like a scoundrel, her heart didn’t skip a beat, her conscience have been fed to the dogs.

Ren Shimin’s face looked better, but he still hesitated: “You really want that painting so much? But you haven’t even seen that painting before.”

“Isn’t there a word called ‘God has been married for a long time’? I just want that ‘Chrysanthemum in Autumn’ painting, want it so much that I can’t even sleep knowing it’s in someone else’s hands.” The last sentence of Ren Yaoqi is true, if she still let Ren Shimin’s handle fall into the hands of the Han family in this life, she really will not be able to sleep every day.

Ren Shimin was afraid of her nonsense and could only say, “Let’s wait until he comes.”

Ren Yaoqi was finally satisfied and followed Ren Shimin into the study.

Ren Shimin looked at the tail following behind him and helplessly said, “If he comes, I’ll just pick it up. You don’t have to follow me.”

“I still have something to discuss with father.” Ren Yaoqi smilingly followed Ren Shimin to sit by the book case.

Ren Shimin smiled lightly and glared at her: “What do you want to discuss? What else did you like to say to your father? If you’re naughty again, I’ll punish you…punish you for copying ‘The Commandments of Women’!” After saying that Ren Shimin thought this method was good and was somewhat proud of himself.

Ren Yaoqi’s face was full of black lines, and she thought for a while and said, “I was very sick last time and felt very uncomfortable every day. After recovering from the illness, I made a wish in front of the Bodhisattva, asking her to bless me and my family with good health. I’ll do at least one good deed every year to help someone in need.”

Ren Shimin was listening carefully.

Ren Yaoqi told the story of meeting Zhu Ruomei and his mother’s illness: “Save someone’s life and create a seven-level pagoda. Besides, I hope my relatives are safe and healthy, so I also sympathize with Zhu Ruomei.”

When Ren Yaoqi said this, her eyes were a little red. She was willing to help Zhu Ruomei not only because this person was useful, but also because Zhu Ruomei reminded her of her despair when she was powerless about the fate of her relatives in her previous life. She is willing to help him within the scope of her ability, and only hopes that this life will give her a chance to change the fate of her loved ones.

Ren Shimin sighed, took out his handkerchief and handed it to Ren Yaoqi, stroked her head and said: “Don’t cry, isn’t it just a matter of releasing someone? I will go to your uncle to discuss it.”

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Ren Yaoqi looked up at Ren Shimin and laughed through tears: “Thank you, Dad.”

Ren Shimin couldn’t help laughing: “Children just love to cry.” He thought for a while, and then said, “It’s just that Daddy never asks about this kind of thing, once or twice is nothing, if it happens too often, it may alarm your grandfather, that won’t be good. Fortunately, you only do good deeds once a year, so your father won’t get hurt because punished by your grandfather.”

Seeing Ren Shimin’s frowned eyebrows, Ren Yaoqi laughed out loud. “When did Daddy get hit by Old Master?”

The expression on Ren Shimin’s face froze, and he was about to put it off when someone reported outside that the young master of the Han family had arrived.

Ren Shimin asked people outside to let him come in, and Ren Yaoqi also stood up behind Ren Shimin in an orderly manner.

After Han Yunqian came in, his eyes glanced at Ren Yaoqi, and he went forward to salute Ren Shimin.

Ren Shimin nodded and asked him to sit down.

However, Han Yunqian did not sit down. He explained the reason why he came to see Ren Shimin today, and he admitted that he lost to Ren Yaoqi openly and without restraint. He just apologized for losing Ren Shimin’s work.

Ren Shimin took a look at Ren Yaoqi, and didn’t make things difficult for Han Yunqian anymore. He just said, “Yaoqi is spoiled by me, please take care of her a little bit more.” Ren Shimin has always been a very gracious gentleman in front of outsiders.

Han Yunqian hurriedly said, “It’s because I’m not as skilled as others, and I’m arrogant and underestimate the enemy.”

Ren Shimin thought for a while: “How about this, the painting I gave you is a thank you gift. Since you returned it, I’ll give you another one as a gift.”

Ren Yaoqi, who had been lowering her head and acting obediently, quickly raised her head: “Daddy, didn’t you just collect a good inkstone? Just give that inkstone to Young Master Han.” Please don’t say that you have to draw another painting for him.

Ren Shimin felt a little pain in his soul, but he could only nod when Ren Yaoqi said so: “You go to the inner room and take out my father’s ink stone to give it to Yunqian.”

Han Yunqian naturally saw Ren Shimin’s reluctance: “Uncle, can Yunqian exchange the inkstone for a match with Fifth Miss?”

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Ren Yaoqi was taken aback, and looked at Han Yunqian. Could it be that this person is really a chess idiot?

Ren Shimin looked back at Ren Yaoqi. Ren Yaoqi thought for a while, then nodded.

So in Ren Shimin’s study, Ren Yaoqi and Han Yunqian sat opposite each other and set up a chess game. Ren Shimin sat by and watched.

Ren Yaoqi raised her head and smiled: “Young Master Han please go first.” He motioned for Han Yunqian to take the black piece.

Although Han Yunqian would not take the game lightly this time, he was not willing to take advantage of it, so he grabbed a handful of pieces from the chess basket, “Guess the pieces to decide.”

In the end, Ren Yaoqi guessed wrongly, and Han Yunqian took the black piece.

The two players were both calm and relaxed, and the pieces fell silently.

This game lasted for an hour. In the end, Han Yunqian surrendered before the game was over.

Ren Yaoqi said, “Young Master Han, the winner is not yet decided.”

Han Yunqian smiled, and Ren Yaoqi had never seen him smile before, but his smile was  was full of wantonness and leisurely like spring flowers blooming, which made people unable to move away.

“No, it’s already been divided. Yunqian’s skills are not as good as others.”

When a master plays chess, he takes one step and sees three moves.

Ren Shimin laughed at the side: “There are always losers and winners in chess, how can one game determine the winner?”

Han Yunqian glanced at Ren Yaoqi and got up and bowed to Ren Shimin: “Yunqian bids farewell. Can Fifth Miss send someone to fetch the painting with me?”

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Ren Yaoqi nodded and also stood up.

Ren Shimin was looking down at the previous game of chess and waved his hand, “You guys go.”

When the two of them came out of the study, Han Yunqian suddenly said, “I didn’t bring the painting with me today.”

Ren Yaoqi paused, frowned, and looked at Han Yunqian with a slightly annoyed voice: “Young Master Han, what do you mean?”

Han Yunqian turned his head and looked at her for a while, then smiled again: “So I asked Fifth Miss to send someone back with me to get it.”


“Yunqian has one thing unclear.” Han Yunqian’s voice trailed off.

“Young Master Han, say it there is no harm.”

“Did Yunqian offend Fifth Miss at some point, so that Fifth Miss is so displeased with Yunqian?” Han Yunqian paused in his steps, his dark, bottomless eyes met Ren Yaoqi’s eyes.

Ren Yaoqi met his eyes for a moment and said in confusion, “Why did Young Master Han say that?”

Han Yunqian still looked at her without speaking.

Ren Yaoqi laughed frankly: “I’m afraid Young Master Han is thinking too much, right? I just met you a few times in total, and am not familiar with you at all. How can I ‘dislike’?”

Han Yunqian slowly averted his gaze, and only after a long time said, “That’s good.”

What do you all think about Han Yunqian? Is he really gonna be as bad as Ren Yaoqi thinks?

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