Chapter 56: Losing Favor

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“Okay, I’ll take care of them myself.” Old Master Ren interrupted Old Madam Ren in a low voice, “What did the doctor say?”

Old Madam Ren lost her temper and lowered her voice a little: “He also said that the miscarriage can be done by someone. But because the previous miscarriages had hurt the root, the doctor told Jia’er to take good care of herself. If this baby can’t be saved again, it will be difficult to have another baby in the future.”

Old Master Ren thought for a while: “I heard that Shijia came back because Lisheng took the maid who serves her.”

Old Madam Ren shook her head: “It’s just a cover-up, the Master is a decent person.” Speaking of this, Old Madam Ren slightly sneered, “My daughter of the Ren Family has been wronged so much in the past, does he still want to take a concubine? Don’t even think about it!” Old Madam Ren was really angry this time.

When Old Master Ren heard the words, he scolded, “Nonsense!”

Old Madam Ren was taken aback for a moment, then looked up at Old Master Ren.

Old Master Ren said slowly: “You know Shijia’s body, it is still unknown whether the child will be born safely. And even if it is born, it is not known whether it will be a boy or a girl and whether it can be raised, but the doctor said it is unlikely that Shijia will give birth again. You are her mother, don’t you know what to do for her own good? What can you do if you are so impulsive!”

“What do you mean?” Old Madam Ren frowned.

Old Master Ren glanced at Old Madam Ren, and said in a low voice, “You should persuade Shijia to take a concubine for her husband.”

When Old Madam Ren heard this, she felt very unhappy.

She had been married to Old Master Ren for so many years. Old Master Ren was not a lustful person, and she was the only one in the back house. She didn’t want her daughter to suffer the pain she had never experienced. Fortunately, she still thought that the Lin Family was a good family, so she married her daughter.

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Old Master Ren and Old Madam Ren have been married for many years, so he naturally saw her displeasure, and persuaded him: “If Shijia really doesn’t want to, then take a concubine, and when the concubine gives birth to a child, then send her far away.  The blood of the second branch of the Ren Family is too thin, even if the branch split from the main family, it will not be able to support itself!”

“Splitting the house?” Old Mrs. Ren looked at Master Ren in surprise, “Do you have a way to make the Lin Family agree to split the house?”

Old Master Ren pondered for a moment: “Let’s wait until the child is born. This matter has to be discussed in the long term. But if Shijia has no children under his knees, so what if they are separated? In the end, isn’t the eldest house still gonna handle the family?”

Old Madam Ren now also came to her senses: “Old Master you are right, before I was short-sighted. It is just a concubine, and they will be sold after giving birth to a child. Then I will prepare two for them.”

“You can do these things as you see fit. You can buy them from outside, or pick them from the Ren Family’s servants.” Old Master Ren frowned, “If you had planned this for her earlier, we wouldn’t be in such a mess.”

“Didn’t we think before that our child was still young and can still give birth? Although grow up together, how is the one born by a concubine the same as the one born by your own?” Old Madam Ren argued.

Old Master Ren did not bother to argue this with Old Madam, so he only explained a few words before ordering a meal.

In the afternoon, Old Madam Ren did not take a lunch break and personally took someone to Ren Shijia’s Nuan Courtyard.

Old Madam Ren said that Old Master Ren hoped that she would help Lin Kun take concubines. Ren Shijia was stunned for a while, and immediately objected.

Old Madam Ren then analyzed the situation of the Lin House for her and warned her that even if the Ren Family wanted to stand up for her, it would be nothing if she didn’t have a son.

“Who said I don’t have a son? The one in my belly is. I’ve had several experienced midwives check it, and they all said it was a son!” Ren Shijia insisted.

The Old Madam frowned, she could not explain to her daughter that her father was afraid that she might not be able to raise a son even if she gave birth to one.  And if a child was too weak, in the end he could only give her a hard lesson.

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Old Madam Ren gave her daughter a good lecture and reasoning. In the end, Ren Shijia finally compromised.

The Old Madam let her take care of her baby and left the Nuan Courtyard. As soon as she left, Ren Shijia fell down cried on the bed.

Early the next morning, the Lin Family really sent someone to come again, and it was one of the nanny who serves the Old Madam of the Lin Family.

The Fifth Madam, Lin, happily led her to the Ronghua courtyard to see the Old Madam.

Ren Shijia excused herself as being unwell and did not appear.

“Mother, this is Nanny Rong from my mother’s side. She has come to take Shijia back on the orders of my grandmother and mother.” Lin sat next to Old Madam Ren, hugged one of her arms and smiled, looked like she was getting along with Old Madam Ren like a mother and daughter.

Old Madam Ren gave a glance at Ren Shijia, with a kind smile on her face, patted her hand, turned her head and said to the nanny, “Thank you for coming here.”

Lin smiled at Nanny Rong, looked a little smug. All the sisters in the family were envious of her able to marry into the Ren Family. Her husband was her childhood sweetheart who treated her affectionately, and her mother-in-law treated her like a daughter. Every time Madam Lin returned to her natal family, she often showed off in front of her natal sisters.

That nanny was Lin’s mother’s confidant. She watched Lin grow up, and smiled when she saw her like this, and then replied to Old Madam Ren: “Our Old Martriach and Old Madam are very worried about the Sixth Madam. When the Sixth Madam was about to come back yesterday, Old Madam went to persuade her in person, but in the end she still can’t stop her.” At this point, the nanny moved closer and whispered, “Sixth Master is also very regretful, he handed that unknown lowly maidservant over to our Old Martriach. The Old Martriach immediately sold her out, and even lecture our Sixth Master.”

The son-in-law of Ren Shijia, Lin Kun, was the sixth in line according to the ranking of the Lin Family, so the Lin Family calls Lin Kun the Sixth Master.

Old Madam Ren nodded at her words, “Shijia doesn’t know how to behave, thank you Old Martriach for treating her generously.”

Nanny smiled at Lin and said, “What are you talking about? Isn’t our Madam always says that you treat her like your own daughter? Besides, the Old Martriach is also the Sixth Madam’s eldest grandaunt, so she naturally thinks of her at all times.”

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Old Madam Ren lowered her eyes, pulled the corner of her mouth, and did not speak.

Nanny did not notice her difference, only said: “The Sixth Madam still refuses to go back? Can you allow this servant to go and persuade her?”

Old Madam Ren sighed: “Thank you very much, naturally visit her. It’s just that she didn’t look well yesterday. I asked the doctor to check her pulse, and the doctor said that she was weak. She was very angry yesterday, and ride carriage for several hours, it is best to rest well. Don’t be tired from running around anymore. Although Baihe Town is not far from Yunyang City, it is still more than two hours’ drive away. I am worried that if she went back at this time, she won’t be able to bear it. Please tell your Old Martriach for me after you go back, just say that I plan to keep Shijia to give birth at her mother’s house. It’s only about three months left.”

After hearing those words, the nanny paused and hesitated: “You mean you want Sixth Madam to give birth at her mother’s house?”

Old Madam Ren glanced at her, “What? Is it wrong?”

Nanny was busy smiling, “No, no. This is the Sixth Madam’s maternal home, there is nothing wrong with it. This servant will pass on your wishes when she returns.”

Old Madam Ren smiled and said to Lin who was sitting beside her, “You should accompany Nanny to Shijia’s courtyard. Old Martriach and Old Madam are so concerned about her, it’s only right to let her know.”

Lin smiled at her words and got up, “Yes, this daughter-in-law understands.”

Lin accompanied the nanny and left the Ronghua courtyard, and as soon as they left, Old Madam Ren gave a cold laugh.

The nanny who serves in Ren Shijia’s courtyard saw Lin and that Nanny come, stopped them to say that the Madam had only taken her medicine and gone to sleep. In the end, the nanny still couldn’t see Ren Shijia, so she only called out the two personal maids Ren Shijia brought back to her mother’s house and gave them instructions.

When they left Ren Shijia’s Nuan Pavilion, the nanny quietly asked Lin: “Did the Sixth Madam say anything when she returned?”

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Lin was stunned and puzzled, “What do you mean?”

The nanny prompted, “It’s the reason why she left the house to go back to her mother’s house.”

Lin was puzzled, “Isn’t it because Sixth Brother took a maid into his house without her consent?”

The Nanny sighed and said nothing more.

Lin thought she was worried about not able to invite Ren Shijia back, so she said, “Go back and talk to Grandmother and Mother, I will properly persuade Shijia to reconcile with Sixth Brother. I will also put in a good word for Sixth Brother for Mother.”

The nanny said: “When this servant came, Old Madam specially asked this servant to tell you not to get involved in the affairs of the Sixth Madam. Old Martriach and Old Madam will consider everything. You just have to live a good life with Master.”

Lin bristled, “My mother always underestimates me and thinks that I can’t do anything well.”

Nanny looked at her lovingly and said, “She only wants you to live well so she doesn’t want you to be caught between your in-laws and your mother’s family.”

Lin didn’t take it seriously: “It’s just a few small things, what’s so difficult about it? Shijia is just acting out of her temper now. I know her very well, she will be fine in no time.”

The nanny hesitated to speak when she heard the words, but she swallowed her words in the end, and only asked Madam Lin repeatedly not to get involved in her natal family’s affairs.

The next day, when the youngest members of the Ren Family went to the Ronghua courtyard to pay their respects, Ren Shijia was also there, so Lin pulled her husband along to persuade Ren Shijia in front of Old Madam: “How can a husband and wife have an overnight feud? Sixth Brother will never do such foolish things again, so don’t be angry with him. Just think of it as for the sake of the child in your belly.”

Before she could finish her sentence, Old Madam Ren became furious and slammed a tea bowl into her hand, scalding Lin who was screaming and jumped out of the room.

“I’m not dead yet, and already you can’t stand your sister-in-law! If I die, what are you going to do to her?” Old Madam Ren said, shaked with anger.

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