Chapter 76: Abnormality is the Sign of a Demon

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Ren Shimin had always thought that Ren Yaoqi treat Han Yunqian differently compared to others. What he thought was actually not wrong, but he was just thinking in the wrong direction.

Ren Yaoqi shook her head, “Father, the reason I am so concerned about the Han Family is just because I think the Han Family is acting a little strange.”

“Strange? How is the Han family strange?” Ren Shimin said in confusion.

Ren Yaoqi explained to Ren Shimin, “In Han Yunqian’s grand-grandfather’s generation, the Han Family was just a landlord with a little bit of money. It was not until Han Yunqian’s grandfather came along and convinced the head of the Han Family to use the Family’s accumulated assets to make a few deals that the Han Family gradually began to gain a foothold in Jizhou. It stands to reason that Jizhou is also one of the most prosperous cities in Yanbei, and the Han Family was born and raised there. There is no need to move from Jizhou, which has just gained a firm foothold among the rich and powerful families, to our Baihe Town in Yanzhou. The Han Family is not big, but their rules are stricter than anyone else’s. It is not easy for a Han woman to even go out, but the way Han Yunqian and Miss Han talk is not like someone with shallow knowledge. The Han Family makes me feel uneasy.”

Ren Shimin frowned and thought about it, but shook his head and laughed: “Why do you think about such unfounded things all day? Perhaps the Han Family moved because of some unforeseen reason, and the strict discipline of the family is just because the elders are too caring for their children and grandchildren. It’s not like the Han Family came out of nowhere, they know their roots. We have no grudge against the Han Family, so why would they be scheming against us? And even if they wanted to do so, with your grandfather around are you still afraid that the Ren Family will suffer?”

Ren Shimin’s words were very straightforward, and he knew his father’s shrewd nature very well.

Even Ren Shimin didn’t believe her, so who else in the Ren Family would believe the “wild guesses” of a young girl in her early teens?

Even if she hadn’t had the experience of her past life, she wouldn’t have believed anyone who came to her and told her that the Han Family was full of evil and unscrupulous people. Over the years, Han had kept a low profile. The people from the Han Family were all humble and well-mannered, and they were well brought up.

She could not tell anyone about her past life. If the Ren Family heard about it, their first thought would be to either burn her as a “demon” or send her to the Tower of Madness[1], Ren Yaoqi thought sarcastically.

Knowing that there was no point in saying anything more, Ren Yaoqi stopped trying to argue. She sat down and played a game of chess with Ren Shimin, then excused herself and left the room.

Ren Shimin also urged her, “Since you hate that Han Yunqian, stay away from him and don’t go looking for trouble. Just think about the fact that he lost to you twice in a row, he has almost lost his face and his reputation.”

Ren Yaoqi: “……”

After coming out of the Nuan Pavilion, she saw only Ren Yaohua was left in the courtyard. She was standing by the fence towards the lotus pond, holding a small blush red bottomed blue flowered eight immortals bowl[2] in her hand feeding the fish.

The spring breeze blew on her face. Her hair was slightly raised, her skirt was flowing, and the outline of her perfect side face was very beautiful and exquisite, a pleasing beauty to the eyes.

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The next moment, however, Ren Yaoqi saw Ren Yaohua casually raise her hand, and pour the bowl of fish food into the lotus pond. Then she was looking at a certain place in the lotus pond, fuming in anger.

The maid beside her, Xiang Qin, jumped to her feet, “Ah, Miss. How can you feed the fish like that? I’m afraid all the fish in the pond will die if you do this.”

Ren Yaoqi slowly walked over and stood next to her, slightly poking her head out to look at the fish fighting for food in the water.

Ren Yaohua turned her head to look at her. She turned back again, still staring into the lotus pond without saying a word.

The two of them stood in the pavilion for a long time without words. The two maids, Wu Jing and Xiang Qin, quietly nudged towards the maidservants in the pavilion. They told them all to retreat and keep watch from afar.

“Are you of the same mind as Fourth Sister?” Ren Yaohua suddenly spoke up and asked.

Ren Yaoqi leaned sideways to lean on the railing and looked at Ren Yaohua carefully. Ren Yaohua didn’t look at her, just pursed her lips and listened to the pool surface, as if the headless words just now didn’t come from her.

“What if I am?” Ren Yaoqi laughed at the coincidence of Ren Yaohua and Ren Shimin’s thoughts, but then she came up with this sentence.

But Ren Yaohua seemed to be shocked by her: “You…” glared at Ren Yaoqi for half a second, wanting to scold her, but in the end, she didn’t. Finally, she frowned and said, “Put away all the thoughts you shouldn’t have. You can’t just do what you want. You are a girl, how can you…”

“Sister, if I say that I have obstructed you in the future for your own good, do you believe me?” Ren Yaoqi faintly interrupted her and said.

This is the first time she called Ren Yaohua sister. Ren Yaohua froze for half a second, then glanced over her head and coldly snorted, “I just hope you know what you are doing. My affairs are for elders to decide, there is no need for you to worry about me yet!” After saying this, she turned around and walked away without looking back.

Ren Yaoqi sighed lightly and did not turn back, still looking down at the school of fish in the pool that had gradually calmed down.

After an unknown period of time, footsteps were coming this way again.

Ren Yaoqi tilted her head and saw Han Yunqian, who was walking slowly.

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“Why is Fifth Miss here alone? Where is Brother Yiyan and the others?” Han Yunqian smiled faintly at Ren Yaoqi and asked politely.

“They weren’t here when I returned. Wasn’t Young Master Han with Brother and the others?” Ren Yaochen asked with a smile.

Han Yunqian walked over and stood next to Ren Yaoqi, joining her in the direction of the pond and smiling gently, “No, I am…”

Just then, a bright laugh came from the path across the pond from the pavilion: “Older Brother Ren is over-complimenting. I see that Yiyan is very good, not only is he stable and courteous, he also talks well.”

Hearing the voice was unfamiliar, Ren Yaoqi turned her head to look over and saw Old Master Ren and a man in his fifties walking side by side.

Although the man was not young, he was still hale and hearty, with a straight back, broad forehead, decent face, and a somewhat red face. He had a cheerful and easy-going look, and could easily win the favour of others.

Ren Yaoqi was thinking about who this person was, but Han Yunqian, who was standing beside her, changed his face slightly and walked away from Ren Yaoqi without a trace.

Although his face quickly returned to its normal mildness and his movements were not obvious, Ren Yaoqi still noticed it. Her heart was slightly surprised.

“It’s my grandfather.” Han Yunqian nodded towards Ren Yaoqi and said this, before turning to welcome him out. The steps were calm and unhurried, as always.

This was Han Dongshan, the Old Master Han? Ren Yaochen was increasingly surprised.

Han Dongshan was not surnamed Han, Han was the surname of his wife’s clan. His own surname was not cared for by anyone, and Han Dongshan himself had not mentioned it before anyone.

Based on her guesses and what she had heard from the maid who had gone to the Han Family to collect the painting, Ren Yaoqi had always thought that Han Dongshan was an old man with beady eyes and a serious expression. But he was so open and cheerful.

Although she was surprised, Ren Yaoqi went out immediately.

Old Master Ren and Old Master Han, who were laughing and joking over there, also saw them.

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“Qian’er, why are you still here?” When they got closer, Old Master Han said with a smile. His gaze paused for a moment on Ren Yaoqi, with the kind of generosity that an elder has for his juniors, not to be disliked.

Ren Yaoqi went forward to salute Old Master Ren and Han Dongshan.

Old Master Ren nodded. When he saw Old Master Han sizing up Ren Yaoqi, he casually mentioned, “This is my third child’s youngest daughter.”

Hearing this, Old Master Han looked Ren Yaoqi up and down again for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said to her kindly, “Is your name Yaohua?”

As soon as she heard this, Ren Yaoqi knew that Han Dongshan had misunderstood Old Master Ren’s words and misidentified her as Ren Yaohua. and Old Master Ren promptly corrected himself, “Yaohua is the eldest daughter of the third child, and this is my fifth granddaughter in line.”

Old Master Han was still smiling, but he glanced towards Han Yunqian. Although he quickly turned his eyes away, he still let Ren Yaoqi, who had been paying attention to him, spot it.

Ren Yaoqi could not say what Han Dongshan’s glance meant, but she felt that it had a deep meaning.

Han Yunqian bowed his head and stood behind Han Dongshan.

Han Dongshan smiled and said to Old Master Ren, “Didn’t you say you wanted me to help you look at the Feng Shui of the garden? Shall we continue?”

Old Master Ren stroked his beard and agreed.

Ren Yaoqi smiled and asked the kind-faced Han Dongshan, “Does Old Master Han know how to read Feng Shui?”

Old Master Ren said, “When he was young, Old Master Han was coincidentally instructed by a master of metaphysics.”

When Ren Yaoqi heard this, she raised her eyebrows and glanced at Han Yunqian.

Not long ago, Han Yunqian had told her that his grandfather didn’t believe in the art of Feng Shui, but now how could he be a Feng Shui master?

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Han Yunqian still kept his head slightly bowed, his face unchanged, as if he didn’t hear it.

“We’re going to take a look over at the rockery, so go back to your courtyard first.” Old Master Han explained to Ren Yaoqi. In front of outsiders, Old Master Ren was still very kind to his grandchildren.

Ren Yaoqi curtsied and said understood. She stopped walking.

She watched quietly as the three walked away, her eyes downcast in thought for a moment, then turned around and headed for the Ziwei Courtyard.

In the main room of the Ziwei Courtyard, Li was sitting on the bed talking to Matron Zhou, and she didn’t know what she had talked about, but she was in a very good mood.

Ren Yaohua had not returned, probably go to the Ronghua Courtyard.

Ren Yaoqi smiled and walked over, bowed, and sat down next to Li, “Mother, I have something to discuss with you.”

Li looked at Ren Yaoqi with some surprise: “What is it?”

Matron Zhou had already got up, sent the few little maids who were waiting at the sides, and arranged for Xi’er and Que’er to stand guard at the door.


[1] (疯人塔), I honestly don’t know if this is a reference for something, because I find nothing with namesearch. If anyone know what it means, please comment below.

[2] Blue Eight Immortal Bowl

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