Chapter 84: Recruiting People

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Ren Yaoting was considered to have a rather arrogant nature among the sisters of the Ren Family. If she hadn’t been desperate to know how Ren Yaohua and Han Yunqian’s marriage had gone, she wouldn’t have rushed up to Ren Yaohua to speak to her like this.

“Fifth Sister, look at Third Sister, she’s gone too far! I haven’t even said anything and she’s giving me grief like this!” Ren Yaoting endured it in the end, and instead of leaving in a huff, she complained to Ren Yaoqi about her suffering.

“No wonder you used to hate her so much, and Eight Sister doesn’t like her either.”

Ren Yaoqi smiled and waited for Ren Yaoting to say her intention after she had paved the way.

“I also wanted to ask a question before because I was concerned about her. I heard yesterday that something had happened to the Han Family and that the marriage between our Ren Family and the Han Family was going to be impossible.” Ren Yaoting said and looked at Ren Yaoqi, asking tentatively, “Has Fifth Sister heard about it?”

Ren Yaoqi frowned slightly at her words, “Who did you hear that from?”

“What? Is it not?”

Ren Yaoqi hesitated for a moment before she whispered, “I only heard that Grandfather wanted to wait until the Han Family’s affairs had subsided before discussing it, and did not say that he would not tie the knot with the Han Family. The Han Family and the Ren Family are both prestigious families, and the matter of tying the knot involves every aspect and is not a child’s play, so how can they say they won’t do it in the end?”

“Isn’t Second Brother still broke off his engagement with Miss Liu? Besides, Third Sister and Young Master Han have not formally discussed their marriage yet.” Ren Yaoting argued.

Ren Yaoqi laughed and shook his head, “What kind of analogy is that? Why did you think that the Ren Family would break off their engagement with the Liu Family?”

The Ren Family wanted to contact the Liu Family about the marriage because the Liu Family was no longer of use and the marriage was no longer beneficial to the Ren Family. Although Ren Yaoting was not as thorough as Ren Yaoqi, she had heard Concubine Yuan’s tears in front of her mother, so she understood it in her heart.

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It was said that the marriage between the Ren Family and the Han Family was because the two families were planning to run a salt farm together. Then if the Ren Family and the Han Family had plans to cooperate, it was very likely that Ren Yaohua and Han Yunqian’s marriage would be discussed again. As Ren Yaoting thought this, his face became somewhat defeated.

“Last time I heard Grandmother and Eldest Aunt were talking about it, they said that your maternal grandfather, the Su Family, was trying to buy a salt farm in Xining?” Ren Yaoqi asked casually.

Ren Yaoting also heard her mother talk about this matter with the servants around her, so she nodded, “I heard that the original owner of the salt farm, the Sun Family, had committed something, so they wanted to sell the salt farm. But the Yun Family also wants to buy the Sun Family’s salt farm. My Eldest Uncle has negotiated with them several times to no avail.”

Ren Yaoqi said thoughtfully, “I believe I heard the Han Family’s salt well is also near Xining, is this true? If our Ren Family truly refuses to collaborate with the Han Family this time, I am concerned we may anger them. I know you have an excellent friendship with the Han Family’s Miss, therefore I’m wondering whether it will affect your interactions with her.”

Ren Yaoting’s heart stirred at her words.

She had just been thinking that it would be better if the Han Family and the Ren Family failed to cooperate so that Ren Yaohua and Han Yunqian’s marriage would also fail. But she had forgotten that she was also a member of the Ren Family. If the Ren Family and the Han Family fell out, not only would Ren Yaohua’s marriage fall through, even she would have had no chance to marry into the Han Family.

Ren Yaoqi thought for a while, then suddenly tilted her head and smiled like a joke: “Actually, the Han Family wouldn’t know how long they will be in trouble this time. Without the Ren Family’s participation, it is still a question of whether the salt farm in their hands can be completed. In that case, they might as well sell it to someone else. Let’s say they sell it to the… Su Family? If the Han Family does not want to sell, they can partner with the Su Family.”

Ren Yaoting was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, she pondered for a long time. The more she thought about it, the more she thought it was a good idea.

If the Han Family and the Ren Family were to join forces, she would not be able to take advantage of the situation. But if she could find a way to bridge the gap between the Han Family and the Su Family, she would not only help the Han Family to survive this crisis but also impress the Han Family.

Although the Su Family’s current Old Madam was not her biological grandmother, her maternal grandfather, Eldest Uncle, and Eldest Aunt love her very much.

It could be said that a partnership between the Han and Su families would be more beneficial to her than a partnership between the Han and Ren families.

When she thought of this, Ren Yaoting felt that all the dark clouds that had been hanging over her eyes all this time had disappeared.

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“Fifth Sister is right! We and the Han Family would be bound to see each other frequently, isn’t it not good if our relationship turned cold? I’ll go and talk to my mother right now.” said Ren Yaoting who couldn’t stay sit and already got up.

Ren Yaocheng seemed startled and said, “Seventh Sister, I was just joking. This is an important matter for the elders. It’s not our place to interfere, so don’t take it seriously. If Second Aunt and other sisters find out that I am talking nonsense here, they will certainly blame me.”

Ren Yaoting laughed, “I won’t tell anyone that you said it.” She was trying to sell the Han Family a good deal. It would be best if Ren Yaoqi didn’t want to take responsibility.

Ren Yaoqi breathed a sigh of relief and said with some curiosity, “Is Seventh Sister going to talk to Second Aunt? How are you going to convince Second Aunt of such an important matter? Sometimes when I want to discuss something with my mother, she always dislikes my young age. She thinks I’m not sensible and doesn’t want to believe me.”

Ren Yaoting sat down again to contemplate after hearing her comments.

“What if I told her that the Han Family and the Ren Family couldn’t fall out over this point, but Granduncle are naturally cautious, so if the Su Family intervenes, everyone will be happy?” Ren Yaoting mused.

Ren Yaoqi shook her head and guided her in a thin voice, “You are asking the Su Family to intervene, then why are you letting the Han Family and the Ren Family get the benefit? The partnership between the Han Family and the Ren Family is a matter of mutual profit. For the Han Family, the Su Family has more connections than the Ren Family and has a background with the Yanbei Royal Family, so the salt farm will be run more smoothly. For the Su Family…Isn’t the Su Family competing for the Sun Family’s salt farm in Xining? The salt well of the Han Family is also near Xining. If this salt well can be opened, it will be more convenient and confident for the Su Family to buy the salt farm of the Sun Family. Perhaps the Yanbei Royal Family will stand more on the side of the Su Family after consideration.”

Ren Yaoting’s eyes lit up at that, “That’s a good idea! If my mother does not agree, I will go and speak to my Eldest Uncle. You are so clever, Fifth Sister!”

Ren Yaoting smiled and winked, “How can I be clever? I wouldn’t dare to get involved in such an important matter. Clearly, it is your idea, so don’t blame me for being scolded by Grandparents when the time comes.”

Ren Yaoting understood and winked, “Fifth Sister is right, I thought of it myself, it has nothing to do with you.” Saying this, she felt that her relationship with Ren Yaoqi had also become closer.

But she was thinking about this matter, afraid that the Ren Family would change their mind immediately, so she stood up and smiled again, “Fifth Sister, I have to go back first, thank you so much for today.”

Ren Yaoqi got up to see her off, “What did you say, Seventh Sister? Third Sister is straightforward, so please don’t take it personally.”

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Ren Yaoting didn’t care about Ren Yaohua’s cold words at this time, so she said very generously that it was alright and left in a hurry.

Ren Yaoqi watched her hurried back disappear into the courtyard and smiled faintly.

No matter how much Ren Yaoting was loved by the Su Family, the Su Family would not disregard the family’s interests for her sake. So to pull the Su Family into the game, one could only lure them in with benefits.

Now that the Su Family was competing with the Yun Family for the fat piece of meat that was the Xining Salt Farm, the Han Family’s salt well became very eye-catching, and it was not just the Ren family that will be tempted.

However, based on the past style of the Su Family, they would not act as cautiously as the Ren Family. Because with the strength of the Su Family, they would not be afraid of the Han Family’s tricks behind their backs.

She just hoped that Ren Yaoting, who had gone to deliver the message, would be more competitive and not mess things up.

Only when Ren Yaoqi returned to the house and sat down did Ren Yaohua return.

“What did you tell her that she was so happy when she left?” Ren Yaohua sat down straight across from Ren Yaoqi and frowned.

Ren Yaoqi looked innocent: “She was talking to me about the Han Family and the Ren Family, and halfway through she suddenly thought of something, then left in a hurry.”

Ren Yaohua’s brow furrowed even more as she looked at Ren Yaoqi with some suspicion, “Are you really don’t know what it was about?”

Ren Yaoqi sighed lightly, “Third Sister, why do you care so much about her? As long as she doesn’t think of doing anything against you and doesn’t secretly scheme against you, that’s fine.”

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Ren Yaohua pursed her lips, “Are you sure she’s not scheming against me?”

Ren Yaoqi shook her head, “She doesn’t have time to set you up now, and you shouldn’t mess with her in the future. We’re not the same people, she’ll do her thing, we’ll do ours, and our business won’t intersect.”

Ren Yaoqi said this in a very soft tone, but the meaning of the words was extremely cold.

Ren Yaohua was silent for a moment, but in the end, she did not ask any more questions.

After Ren Yaoting returned to the East House, she went straight to her mother’s main room.

Su, the Second Madam of the Eastern Mansion, was listening to her matron’s report on the affairs of the backyard.

“…Last month His Lordship rested in Concubine Lan’s room for fifteen days, in Concubine Xia’s room for eight days, in Concubine Yuan’s room for five days, and in the main room for two days. Madam, to Concubine Lan, do you want…”

Su was sitting behind the table reading the account book and listened in a somewhat inattentive manner, and finally only said indifferently without raising her head, “No need. The children in the house have all grown up, and Old Madam had complained a few days ago that the house was too cold and not as lively as the West Mansion. It’s time for her to have one or two more grandchildren.”

Seeing Su’s words so painfully clear, the matron felt a little uncomfortable: “Madam, you are still young. This servant asked a midwife, she said you can still have children. Why do we have to use those foxy women?”

Su smiled and looked up from her account book, revealing a very ordinary face. Her eyes were small, the bridge of her nose was not straight, and her lips were slightly thick. Fortunately, her fair skin added some color to her.

“Concubine Xia’s medicine should be stopped too.” Su ignored the matron’s words and instead explained to her, “We have served Master for so many years, and have worked hard without merit. It’s up to their luck who gets pregnant first.”

Su’s voice was extremely light, the look on her face was calm and serene, her outstanding temperament very much at odds with her ordinary appearance.

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