Chapter 89: Going to the Appointment

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Is this asking her for a meeting at the Bailong Temple?

Ren Yaoqi could not help but smile bitterly, this person was really…

She already had a few guesses about this person’s identity.

If it was really him, should she be flattered and grateful that this person was willing to make such an ingenious invitation?

To go or not to go?

Ren Yaoqi slowly leaned back on the pillow above the bed and closed her eyes in contemplation.

Whether it was the current Han Family or the future Zeng Family, it would be extremely difficult for her to shake them up with her own power. All she could think of so far was just a check and balance.

But if she was not careful, she would still repeat the mistakes of her previous life.

With a soft sigh, Ren Yaoqi opened her eyes again.

The next day, Ren Yaoqi said to Li when she went to the main room to pay respects, “Mother, I want to go to the Bailong Temple to burn incense again.”

Li was a little surprised: “Didn’t you go there once before?”

Ren Yaoqi said with some concern, “The last time I made a wish, I wished for peace and prosperity for myself and my family. But two nights in a row, this daughter dreamed there are ants crawling all over my body and woke up with this nightmare every time. I asked several maids and they all said that this was not an auspicious omen and that it would be best to worship the Buddha sincerely to ward off calamities.”

Li was startled at her words, “Twice in a row?”

Ren Yaoqi nodded.

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Matron Zhou also frowned, “I have heard that if a merchant dreams of ants, the business will prosper. But for Fifth Miss, a woman in a boudoir, to dream of being badly surrounded by ants is not a good omen.”

Li was convinced by Matron Zhou’s words, “Then what is the best thing to do?”

Ren Yaoqi said, “I heard that the abbot of the Bailong Temple is very effective in resolving bad omens, so this daughter wants to go to the Temple again.”

Matron Zhou thought about it and said to Li, “In the presence of Buddha, all ghosts and monsters will be destroyed. Madam has not been to the temple for a long time, so why don’t you take this opportunity to go there with her?”

Li nodded her head and agreed: “In that case, I will go and ask Mother for permission. If we can make it in time, let’s go today.”

Ren Yaoqi felt a little guilty looking at Li’s worried look,

Seeing that Li was going to the Ronghua Courtyard to ask for permission from the Old Madam, Ren Yaoqi also followed her.

In Ronghua Courtyard, the Eldest Madam was taking the Eldest Young Madam to the Old Madam to answer her questions.

The Eldest Young Madam Zhao stood behind Eldest Madam with an uneasy face, listening to the Eldest Madam excusing her in front of the Old Madam.

“…This is also because I didn’t teach her properly, and in addition, there were some maids underneath who were too oily and bullied her when they saw she was young and inexperienced. I am glad that I found it in time and nothing serious happened. Please give her another chance, Old Madam.”

Ren Yaoqi and Li came in and saw that this side was talking. So they bowed wordlessly and then stepped back with their hands tied.

The Eldest Madam smiled at them and nodded, but the Old Madam merely glanced over at them. Then she spoke to the Eldest Madam again with some displeasure: “Go and find out which maids are so bold! If they don’t work, they will be kicked out! Our Ren Family can’t tolerate slaves who deceive their superiors and inferiors!”

The Eldest Madam said, “Yes, Mother, this daughter-in-law understands.”

Ren Yaoqi looked at this pair of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. She remembered that she had heard from the maids below that the Eldest Young Madam had offended several stewards and maids in the house because of the last incident with the spring clothes, so the few things Zhao tried to do in the past few days had not gone well.

The last time Matron Zhou taught Ren Yaohua about mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relations, she said that the Eldest Madam knew full well that the Eldest Young Madam would do that matter badly. Instead of stopping her in time, she had allowed her mistakes to continue in order to take this opportunity to hold her daughter-in-law.

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Now that the Eldest Madam had stood up for Zhao before things got out of hand and the Old Madam got angry, Zhao looked like she was really grateful to the Eldest Madam.

Matron Zhou had been right.

But when Ren Yaoqi saw her today, she could not help but admire the Eldest Madam for her skills.

Those who dared to disobey the Eldest Young Madam were definitely not the Eldest Madam’s people, but most likely the Fifth Madam Lin’s people. The Eldest Madam had not only won the hearts of her daughters-in-law, but she had also taken the opportunity to clean up Lin’s people.

Although the Eldest Madam has always been in charge of the house these years, the Fifth Madam Lin relied on the old lady’s favor and often fought for the right of the Eldest Madam to be in charge of the house. The Eldest Madam has always given in to Lin and has allowed her to take charge of some of the important expenses of the house according to the Old Madam’s wishes.

But one mountain does not allow two tigers. Just because the Eldest Madam is outwardly magnanimous does not mean that she does not have any complaints in her heart.

Now that Lin has fallen out of favor with the Old Madam, when will the Eldest Madam take action if not now?

Looking at the Eldest Madam standing under the Old Madam in a very respectful posture and gently replying, Ren Yaoqi could not help but smile. This Eldest Aunt had not been in charge of the family for all these years for nothing.

Only when the Eldest Madam had finished her reply that did the Old Madam come to ask Li and Ren Yaoqi, who had been standing to the side, “What do you want?”

Li went forward and told her that she wanted to take Ren Yaoqi to Baiyun Temple.

The Old Madam gave Ren Yaoqi a look: “It’s just a child having a nightmare, why should you make such a fuss about it? Didn’t she go to Baiyun Temple a while ago? Your Eldest Sister-in-law and the others are probably too busy today. If you really want to go, just put it off for a couple of days.”

Li opened her mouth but before she could say anything, Zhao hurriedly said, “It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s just preparing the carriage and the attendants, it won’t be too busy.”

Zhao had just suffered a defeat at the hands of her subordinates, so she did not want to offend the people of the third branch over this trivial matter.

The Eldest Madam also spoke up, “It’s not too late to go today. It’s just that it will take some time to arrange the carriage and the staff, so I’m afraid that Third Sister-in-law will have to wait for some time.”

The Old Madam looked at the Eldest Madam and the Eldest Young Madam, and snorted, “All right, you all have to be good people, and I’m the only unreasonable bad person!”

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The Eldest Madam smiled and said, “What are you talking about, Mother? You are worried that Daughter-in-law will be too busy, and you are afraid that Third Sister will be wronged. If you are an unreasonable bad person then there is no reasonable person in this world. Third Sister, don’t you think so?” The Eldest Madam winked at Li.

Li quickly said, “Yes, Mother. This daughter-in-law knows you mean well.”

Only then did the Old Madam look better, “If you must go today, then go.”

Li and Ren Yaoqi bowed their heads and thanked her.

Li thanked the Eldest Madam and Zhao when they withdrew with her.

The Eldest Madam smiled and said, “We are all family, Third Sister is welcome. It’s just that today there are a lot of things left to do. I’m afraid I won’t be able to go out until later.”

“It’s alright, we’ll just wait,” Li said politely.

When Ren Yaoqi and Li returned to Ziwei Courtyard, a servant came to report that the Eldest Madam was fixing up some tricky and oily servants, and that many of the maidservants would be sold out by the Eldest Madam.

It was a good thing that the people of Ziwei Courtyard did not get involved in the Ren Family’s domestic affairs, so Li’s people were not affected. It is only natural to think about who will be the ones to suffer this time. The people of the house knew a little more about the Eldest Madam’s methods.

It was not until almost noon that the Eldest Madam had time to send someone over to tell Li that the carriage and entourage were ready for the trip.

“The Eldest Madam said that it was late so the Third Madam should stay at the temple for the night and return to the house tomorrow. She would be the one to go and speak to the Old Madam.”

Li was busy thanking the Eldest Madam again, had Matron Zhou send Matron Gui out, and rewarded her with a thick red amplop.

When Matron Gui returned, she reported it to the Eldest Madam, who nodded and ordered, “Let Daughter-in-law make the arrangements. You should go and watch those people, and don’t let them cause trouble before they leave our mansion.”

Matron Gui answered yes and said with a smile on her face, “These years the Fifth Madam likes to interfere in everything, this time her people have all been sent away by the Madam. When she ‘heals’ and comes out she will have no power to make any more waves.” Then Matron Gui frowned again, “But she has always been a favorite of the Old Madam. If the time comes that she comes to her senses and sues you in front of the Old Madam, then…”

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Upon hearing this, the Eldest Madam took a sip of her tea without changing her expression, and said in a low voice, “I have never done anything against the wishes of elders in all these years since I married into the Ren Family, and it is no different this time.”

Matron Gui thought carefully about the Eldest Madam’s words. Could it be that the Eldest Madam’s expulsion of the Fifth Madam’s people was also in line with the Old Mistress’ wishes?

In Ziwei Courtyard, Li took Ren Yaoqi out for a ride.

Ren Yaohua was not interested in going to the Bailong Temple, as she had not encountered any good things at the temple the last time. Li did not force her to go with her, but only explained to her in detail, and then let her stay.

Ren Yaoqi’s purpose for going to the Bailong Temple this time was not a simple one, so she did not bring too many people.

As Matron Zhou wanted to go with Li, Ren Yaoqi proposed that the new Matron Xu stay behind and let her look after the courtyard. Li and Matron Zhou did not have any objections, so Matron Xu did not go with Ren Yaoqi this time.

Before traveling, Ren Yaoqi asked Pingguo to go to the outer courtyard and told Shopkeeper Yuan about her request regarding the Bailong Temple, asking him to pass it on to Yuan Dayong.

After Yuan Dayong learned about it, he also followed the Ren Family’s chariots and went together to the Bailong Temple.

The carriage of the Ren Family entered the gate of the Bailong Temple after an hour or so.

When they got down from the carriage, Ren Yaoqi once again saw the not-unfamiliar scenery of Bailong Temple.

There were still many pilgrims like usual.

Ren Yaoqi was wondering how she was going to contact the man when she had already arrived.

Although she felt that her guesses were already right, what if she was wrong?

Was Zhu Ruomei really here?

“Go and donate some incense money for me and ask the abbot if he is free today. I would like to take Qi’er to pay respect.” Madam Li whispered to Matron Zhou.

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