Chapter 94: Return to Home

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Xiao Jingxi watched as Ren Yaoqi slowly stepped out of the courtyard. His beautiful black eyes still contained a light smile, but a hint of contemplation quietly emerged.

He turned around, slowly walked back to the stone bench, and sat down. His two long fingers twirled the round chess pieces that had been retrieved from the chess jar then replaying the previous game one by one step, his movements focused and leisurely.

In the quiet courtyard, only one person and one goat remained, forming a silent landscape.

At some point, a man in a grey shirt stood silently behind Xiao Jingxi with his hands hanging down, didn’t saying a word.

Xiao Jingxi did not turn around and waited until the pieces on the chessboard had been arranged before he spoke, his low, soft voice sounded like ancient music, “Han’s affairs are their family’s business, do not not interfere.”

The man in the grey shirt instinctively obliged, and only when he had finished did he said, “Han Dongshan went to beg Chief Steward Gu who serves the Prince, so Chief Steward Gu sent someone to investigate.”

Xiao Jingxi tilted his head slightly at his words and furrowed his good-looking eyebrows, “Why has the royal residence been so idle lately?”

The man in grey bowed his head, not daring to answer.

Xiao Jingxi looked towards the chessboard, his fingers moving lightly to change the game on the board as he languidly said, “Go and speak to Chief Steward Gu, if they can’t even handle their household affairs, what else can the Yanbei Royal Family expect from them?” Although his tone was soft, the words he spoke were extremely heavy.

“Yes, my lord, this subordinate understands.” The man in grey hurriedly bowed his head in response.

Xiao Jingxi continued to fiddle with the game of chess, sometimes retreating and re-moving, landing his pieces without a sound. The only thing heard was the sound of the wind blowing the grass.

Just when the man in grey thought that Xiao Jingxi had nothing more to say, he heard him talked again, “Go check on Han Dongshan.”

Although the man in grey was a little surprised at why his master was suddenly concerned about the Han Family, he still bowed his head and immediately answered the order.

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“How is the army doing now?” Xiao Jingxi left the matter of the Han Family behind and asked about something else.

“In reply to your Excellency, Madam Wu has returned to the house with Miss Wu. Accompanying them were Wu Xiao and Zhou He, an old strategist beside her. In the past few days Zhou He has begged to see the Prince three times, and the Prince has seen him twice.”

The Madam Wu he spoke of was the wife of Wu Xiaohe, the current Ningxia General Military Officer. Her maiden name was Xiao Wei. She was a County Princess of the Yanbei Royal Family and Xiao Jingxi’s aunt.

Xiao Jingxi didn’t move his eyebrows even a bit when he heard that report, “I’m asking about the affairs of the army, not the affairs of the royal family.”

The man in grey was stunned and lowered his head: “Since the news of the court’s disarmament was publicized last time, there have been several disturbances in the Yanbei Army due to the provocation of a few people with ulterior motives. I have followed your instructions to stay put for the time being, and have secretly taken note of those who stirred up trouble. Today, I heard a report from someone. They are planning to gather more people to cause trouble soon. They are also planning to loot several large shops in Yunyang City, take their wealth, and hide in the mountains as king.”

Xiao Jingxi did not say anything when he heard this, his deep gaze was unfathomable as he stared at the chessboard. It was unclear whether he was thinking about the chess path or the matter reported by his subordinate.

Half a second later, he picked up the pieces on the chessboard, which were gradually being divided into winners and losers, and put them back into the chess jar one by one: “Go and ask Tonghe to prepare the carriage. Go back to Yunyang City today.”

“Then the Bailong Temple side….”

Xiao Jingxi said indifferently, “Tongde will stay.”

His words had only just fallen. From nowhere, another man with an ordinary face and a medium build walked out and bowed respectfully to Xiao Jingxi.

“You are given one month to settle the matter between the Bailong Temple and the major monasteries.” Xiao Jingxi glanced at Tongde who had just walked out, and instructed him with a soft voice.

“Yes, my lord.” Tongde bowed his head and answered.

Xiao Jingxi got up and walked out, his slender figure quickly disappearing at the cave door.

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When Ren Yaoqi came out, she did not see Xiao Jinglin. Her maid Pingguo was squatting under the eaves in front of the wing room. When she saw Ren Yaoqi come out she frantically ran over and followed behind Ren Yaoqi.

No one else on the way as the pair of master and servant left the courtyard.

At the entrance to the courtyard. Li’s maid, Xi’er, was calling two maids aside for questioning. Seeing Ren Yaoqi had arrived, she greeted her, “Miss, are you alright?”

Xi’er looked at Ren Yaoqi with worry and asked.

“I’m fine. The Princess only invited me to have a cup of tea.” Ren Yaoqi warmly reassured Xi’er, “Why have you come over?”

“Madam heard that you were dragged away by the County Princess of the Yanbei Royal Family and was feeling anxious. So she sent this servant over to keep an eye on you, Miss.” Xi’er said and asked with some curiosity, “Fifth Miss, how did you recognized by the County Princess?”

Ren Yaoqi shook her head as she walked, “This is also the first time I’ve seen the County Princess today, I didn’t know her before.”

“Then why did she invite you to tea for no reason?” There was no skepticism in Xi’er’s eyes. She was just very curious and puzzled.

She heard that the Princess of Yanbei Royal Family had an eccentric nature, and she would not go back to the Mansion all year round. Obviously a girl, but she had patrolled the border with several generals of Prince Yanbei and was stronger than a man.

This County Princess was a notable character. In the eyes of ordinary people, she and the legendary women sung in the opera and written in the books were no different. Such a woman was suddenly dragging a young lady for tea, even though the two of them have not met before, was incomprehensible.

“The County Princess only said she wanted someone to accompany her for tea. As for why it was me, I don’t know.” Ren Yaoqi explained patiently.

Not only did the maids wonder about Xiao Jinglin dragging Ren Yaoqi for tea, but when they returned to the courtyard where they were resting, Li, who had been waiting for a long time and was coming out to order someone, was also looked very puzzled.

Ren Yaoqi said it again according to the answer just now, but Madam Li still couldn’t understand after thinking about it for a long time.

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Matron Zhou reassured Li, “Since the Princess does not mean any harm, there is no need for you to worry, Madam. It is a good thing that the County Princess likes our Fifth Miss. Although she doesn’t often return to Prince Yanbei’s residence, she is extremely well-liked by Prince Yanbei.”

Li nodded, “You are right. Although this County Princess is a bit eccentric, she has not been heard of doing anything evil.”

Ren Yaoqi did not know that Xiao Jingxi had returned to Yunyang City shortly after she left, but she and Li set off early the next morning to return to Baihe Town.

As the carriage descended the mountain path, the wind blew open the curtain and Ren Yaoqi glanced out casually to see two nuns in light grey Taoist robes chatting as they came up the mountain path.

Ren Yaoqi could not help but take a longer look at the older nun, who was fair-skinned and charming, with a bit of unintentional charm in her eyes as she talked and laughed with the other.

Ren Yaoqi was wondering about the identity of this nun, but that nun turned her head slightly as if feeling something, and peered at this side. Seeing that it was a carriage used by the female relatives of a wealthy family, she shifted her gaze again and continued to joke with the younger woman.

As Ren Yaoqi sat in the carriage, she could still hear her clear, unapologetic laughter. The young nun who was traveling with the older nun saw that passersby were looking at them and reminded her companion to keep her voice down.

But the nun with the hair was oblivious and continued to laugh loudly.

Matron Zhou glanced out and said with a frown, “How does this woman look like a monk?”

But Ren Yaoqi remembered what she had heard about a nun from the nearby Baiyun Temple when she had last been here, and this nun with hair must be the one surnamed Liang.

She seemed to have a reckless nature.

But after what happened last time, she still managed to stay in this Buddhist purity place to hide in peace and quiet, and from what can be seen from her face, she didn’t feel affected at all. This woman should not be a simple person.

The carriage brushed past the two nuns, and Ren Yaoqi slowly withdrew her eyes.

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After descending from the mountain and turning into the official road from the path around the mountain, they had not gone far when they saw several carriages coming from the direction of Yunyang City. The style of the carriages looked very similar to the one that Ren Yaoqi and Li were riding.

“Madam, the Second Madam’s carriage is behind us and is coming from the direction of Yunyang City,” someone outside reported.

“Second Sister-in-law said earlier that she had gone back to Yunyang City to attend her nephew’s wedding banquet, so she should be coming from her mother’s home. Tell the front to stop first and wait for Second Sister-in-law’s carriage to go first.” Li instructed softly.

So Li’s carriage and her party stopped slowly, and the carriage behind them soon caught up and stopped next to Li’s carriage. The Second Madam, Su, lifted the curtain to reveal a plain and gentle face.

Li also lifted the curtain and smiled as she called out, “Second Sister-in-law.”

Su nodded gently, “Just now, when I saw the carriage of the Ren Family in front of me, I thought it was one of the masters of the house who had come to burn incense at the Bailong Temple.

Ren Yaoqi greeted her Second Aunt.

“Huh? Fifth Sister is here too?” Ren Yaoting’s voice rang out in Su’s carriage, followed by the sight of Ren Yaoting’s face appearing by the curtain as well.

Su frowned and scolded her daughter gently, “Ting’er, don’t you greet Third Aunt first when you see her? You have no rules.”

Ren Yaoting called out, “Third Aunt,” but her eyes glanced at Li’s carriage.

Li smiled and spoke for Ren Yaoting, “They haven’t seen each other for a few days, so it’s only right that they get closer.”

“Mother, I want to sit with my Fifth Sister. Last time I spoke to my Fifth Sister about my Sister-in-law, she said that most of the women in the capital are spoilt and don’t speak well. But my Eldest Cousin’s wife is not, so this daughter wants to go and talk to her about Eldest Cousin’s wife.” Ren Yaoting begged.

Su didn’t stop her when she heard the words, nodding her head and saying gently, “Ask your Fifth Sister what she wants. If she is willing, you sisters can go and sit in the carriage at the back.”

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