Chapter 96: Visiting the Sick

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“This time, if it is Concubine Fang who secretly urged our young lady, then she is a little too dismissive to our East Mansion and the Su Family,” the Matron frowned.

“Perhaps she feels that she is selling the Su Family a favor.” Su said in a light voice, “But it’s not her turn to sell this favor, Concubine Fang has crossed the line this time.”

Su’s voice was as flat as water, no bad emotions could be heard, but the maid who had served her for many years felt that her master displeased.

No matter what purpose Concubine Fang had, and no matter what benefits it would bring to the Su Family by doing so, she still decided to use Ren Yaoting.

If she could use her once, she could use her a second time. This time it was fine wine and the next time it could be poison.

The matron aware of this, and Su understand it even better.

Within a few days of Ren Yaoting’s return to the house, she heard that there had been another fight over the Han Family. She heard that the people of the Han Clan were annoyed at Han Dongshan’s delay in giving them an explanation. Then someone had fanned the flames saying that Han Dongshan was deliberately stalling for time so that he could properly dispose of the treasures and find an opportunity to excuse himself.

This time the angry Han Clan almost stormed the inner courtyard of the Han house.

Madam Han, who was already in poor health, was so shocked that her asthma was triggered. Had Han Yunqian not rushed over in time, afraid that she would not have been saved.

This time, the Han Family was also furious and drove out everyone who stayed in the house.

At first, they refused to leave, but in the end, Master Han threatened to take back all the land and property that belonged to his family if they continued to make trouble in the Han Family. He would also stop giving the clan money every year.

They had no proof of Han Dongshan’s embezzlement of the family’s property, and even the only other witness had disappeared. However, the silver given to the clan by the Han Family was real.

This time the people who were on the clan’s dole, or who had children at home studying at the Han Family school, were silenced.

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In the end, the Patriarch of the Han Family came to act as a mediator and agreed with Han Dongshan. He agreed with Han Dongshan that everyone in the clan would go to Jizhou with him, but that Han Dongshan would have an explanation to be given to the clan within three months.

Some felt that the three months were too long and were not satisfied. However, with the Patriarch to mediate, they reluctantly agreed and followed him back to Jizhou that day.

When Ren Yaoqi heard about this, she remembered that in her last life, Madam Han had died very young. It seemed to be in the past year or two. She didn’t know exactly when it was.

Of those in the Han Family, Madam Han, and Master Han she had not met, and Han Dongshan and Han Yunqian were both not simple. On the contrary, after meeting Mrs. Han and Han You a few times, she found that both of them were gentle, good-natured, and well-educated.

Some days later, when she heard that Madam Han had not recovered from her illness, Ren Yaoting came to West Mansion to find Ren Yaoqi and some sisters and went to visit Mrs. Han together.

Originally, she thought she wanted to go by herself. But if she went alone, she was afraid that others would gossip about her, so she wanted to ask Ren Yaoqi to go with her. And since she had called Ren Yaoqi, the rest of the Ren Family naturally knew about it too.

Old Madam Ren had a mind that ‘Business cannot be done without righteousness’, so she let several granddaughters to visit Madam Han.

Originally, she wanted Eldest Young Madam to lead them, but Eldest Young Madam said she was not feeling well. So it was Eldest Madam who took the juniors out.

When she was about to leave, Matron Zhou chased after them and secretly instructed the two sisters, Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua, “Although you are going to visit the sick, you should do your best to see them from afar. Don’t stay in Madam Han’s house for too long.”

“Why is that?” Ren Yaohua asked in surprise.

Matron Zhou whispered, “You are young, so it is not unusual for you not to understand this. I heard that Madam Han has been coughing up blood a lot these days, so I am afraid that it is a ‘daughter’s cough’. If you contract this disease, it will be the end of your life. So you must be careful not to touch Madam Han’s things or eat the food in their house.”

Ren Yaohua laughed at that, “Matron, you are too careful, didn’t you say it was just asthma?”

But Matron Zhou said seriously, “You don’t know this, Third Miss. There are some families who won’t tell the truth about certain illnesses to avoid dislike from their future in-laws. Just listen to this servant’s advice. Be careful, don’t be careless.”

Seeing that Matron Zhou was really worried, Ren Yaohua nodded and obliged, “I know. I won’t go near it.”

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Matron Zhou looked at Ren Yaoqi again.

Ren Yaoqi also nodded her head to show that she understood.

Only then did Matron Zhou let the two sisters go out.

Because the Han Family Mansion was also in town, the two families’ distances were not far apart. However, the women of the Ren Family still went out by carriage.

When they got on the carriage, Ren Yaohua asked Ren Yaoqi, “Is it because of what Matron Zhou said that Sister-in-law is not going to the Han Family?”

Ren Yaoqi thought for a moment and shook her head, “Sister-in-law is loyal, even if she knew about it, she still would have come because of this. It must be because Eldest Aunt feels sorry for Sister-in-law, so she went in her place.”

Eldest Young Madam Zhao indeed had a loyal and honest nature, without any fancy. She wouldn’t have avoided it herself and let her mother-in-law go for her.

It was just that recently Zhao had been taking medicine every day, and she heard that Zhao wanted to get pregnant soon. The Eldest Madam might not allow her to go because of this. It would be bad if Zhao had a baby at this time, and caught a disease.

The Ren Family had sent an invitation before they came, otherwise, even if they were kind enough to visit the sick, people would say that they were unaware of manners.

So the Han Family sent someone to wait in front of the Han residence early in the morning.

The carriage of the Ren Family was led directly to the second gate.

This was the first time Ren Yaoqi came to the Han Family. She had no impression of the Han Family’s mansion anyway and should not have been here in her last life.

The Han Family’s house was not as well laid out as the Ren Family’s, and the various buildings in the house were not as opulent as the Ren Family’s. It was generally dignified and simple, but the discerning eye could see some differences in the details.

For example, the tall shadow of wall stone at the entrance to the courtyard of Han Dongshan and Old Madam Han was no less impressive than the Lingbi stone which was known as the “Majestic Cang Mountain” in the Ren Family’s Ronghua Courtyard.

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>> Lingbi Stone





There was a small garden filled with many precious flowers and plants.

However, the Han Family’s background was very subtle. If one were not so discerning, one would only think that the Han Family’s house was rugged and spacious.

The female family members of the Ren Family were first led to meet the Martriach of the Han Family, Old Madam Han.

They were all taken aback when they saw her.

It was not because she was unattractive. On the contrary, the Old Madam, who was about the same age as Old Master Han, had bright eyes, very few wrinkles on her face, and dark hair. She looked like a lady in her forties, even more spirited than her daughter-in-law, Madam Han.

The Ren Family were all surprised.

This was the first time that the women of the Ren Family, including Eldest Madam, had seen Old Madam Han. Originally, because Old Madam Han often claimed to be sick and did not go out for social engagements, it was only Madam Han who was not in good health, so it was only natural for everyone to assume that Old Madam Han was also old and frail.

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However, it was not expected that she would have such a face.

Seeing the surprise in the crowd’s eyes, Old Madam Han smiled and said, “My legs are not good, and I don’t like to go out much, so my daughter-in-law always goes out for me.”

It was only then that the crowd realized that although there was nothing wrong with Old Madam Han’s legs on the surface, she did not walk very fast and had her granddaughter, Han You, supporting her at all times.

Ren Yaoqi was also secretly observing Old Madam Han. She noticed that there were hardly any wrinkles on her face, but there were some faint lines of laughter around her mouth when she spoke, so she must have been a cheerful woman when she was younger. But now she seemed a bit solemn, despite her kind tone.

Ren Yaoqi was silently checking around when a look suddenly shot in her direction. This look was very keen.

Ren Yaoqi couldn’t help but stare and meet Old Madam Han’s eyes.

Showing a demure smile, Ren Yaoqi lowered her head somewhat embarrassed, as if she had been caught red-handed peeking at someone else.

Old Madam Han withdrew her gaze, invited the Eldest Madam to take her seat, and ordered the maid to serve tea.

The younger members of the Ren Family also sat under the Eldest Madam according to their rank.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Ren Yaoting couldn’t help but ask, “Old Madam, is Auntie Han’s illness getting better? We have come to visit her today.”

As soon as she snapped her words, the Eldest Madam of the Ren Family couldn’t help but frown.

The Ren Family had informed the Han Family of their visit early on, but it was a rule to exchange pleasantries with the elders of the house first. However, Ren Yaoting’s snide remark seemed to implied that she, the elder, did not aware which was more important.

However, in front of outsiders, the Eldest Madam would not show her displeasure, let alone reprimand Ren Yaoting, her niece, in public. She nodded to Old Madam Han and interjected with a smile, “If it is convenient, we would like to visit Madam Han. Our Old Madam is also very concerned when she hears that Madam Han is ill. Old Madam has always like Madam Han’s knowledge and understanding, and often mentioned it in front of us, her daughters-in-law.”


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