Chapter 1521: A Computer on a Planet

Mansion on the outskirts of Jinling.

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Sitting in the study room, Lu Zhou was writing and drawing on a paper while talking on a video call with Captain Xing from the Security Bureau.

Although paperless was the norm in the field of scientific research in this era, some habits were still hard to change.

Especially when doing some theoretical calculations, even if there was a convenient tool such as holographic modeling, for Lu Zhou himself, pen and paper were still indispensable tools.

“You will never believe what we found on Ceres.”

Hearing the excitement in Captain Xing’s tone, Lu Zhou’s expression was still indifferent as he responded casually, “What did you find?”

“A quantum computer! Probably dozens of acres… Maybe a little bigger.”

His pen stopped.

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Lu Zhou looked up at Captain Xing in the holographic interface and couldn’t help but ask.

“Are you sure?”

“Positive, I’m on the front line now…” Xing Bian glanced around and suddenly lowered his voice as he continued, “We shouldn’t be the ones handling this matter… But the First Fleet felt that the development of the matter has gone beyond the scope of their operations.”

Lu Zhou: “So it got dumped on your desk?”

“Not exactly… In short, everything here is really strange! A computer left by an alien or a human being is running a program that we don’t understand at all. It’s the first time I have encountered such an absurd thing after working in the Security Bureau for so many years.” Xing Bian suddenly said, “Do you think The Spirit of The Universe Foundation… is in contact with aliens?”

Lu Zhou didn’t know how to answer, so he asked with a weird expression, “Why do you think so?”

Xing Bian: “Do you think that thing can be supported by the space pirates’ financial resources? I have dealt with them and know their financial situation well. They don’t have the ability to build such a large supercomputing center. No way they could deploy 1,200 electromagnetic guns on Ceres!”

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Lu Zhou’s index finger lightly tapped on the table, and he spoke after thinking for a while.

“The study of extraterrestrial civilization is beyond my professional scope, but my instinct tells me that if we can figure out what the computer is calculating, maybe we can understand its origin… and the secrets of the ALPHA virus.”

“I think so too, so I have already handed in the report. The experts of Pan-Asian Cooperation are on the way… If you are interested, you can also come over. By the way, did you finish the calculations?”

Looking at Captain Xing, Lu Zhou said with a faint smile, “Who do you think I am… For a problem of that level, I solved it right after I left. You never asked me for it, so I have also forgotten about it.”

Captain Xing smiled embarrassedly and said, “I’m busy on the front line… By the way, what is the answer?”

“97,796. After solving it, it turns out to be a string of numbers, which may be a password to open something.”

“97,796?” Frowning slightly, Captain Xing nodded thoughtfully and said, “I see, thank you… If there are new developments, I will contact you as soon as possible.”

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Lu Zhou nodded.

“I hope you won’t contact me with more troublesome work next time.”

Captain Xing smiled awkwardly. After some small talk, he ended the call.

The research on controllable fusion felt stable. After the experimental reactor project began, his ideas could be tested one by one.

What really bothered him now was the task assigned to him by the system, which was the graduation project on the so-called “perfect material”.

When his materials science level reached level 10, he could be regarded as graduating from the university of the system.

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“… I feel like something is still missing.”

With a sigh, Lu Zhou stood up from the desk, crumpled the draft paper on the desk into a ball, and threw it into the wastebasket next to it.

The light blue beam next to him floated, and a palm-sized AI, like an elf, emerged from behind the light curtain.

“It’s fine, Master, Xiao Ai believes that you can definitely do it! (๑•̀ᄇ•́)و✧”

“Thank you.” Lu Zhou smiled and reached out his index finger to gently rub on the holographic image. “I think I can definitely find it… Please help me prepare lunch.”

“Okay, Master! (〃>▽

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