Chapter 10: Stupid idea

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Lin Yi felt ridiculed. He had even killed wolves when he was executing missions in the mountains. A Rottweiler was nothing to him

“Behold! This is mighty general. For your information, he is very powerful. So u better not go up, or I will tell him to bite you. ” Threatened Chu Meng Yao.

“Alright. ” Lin Yi nodded his head.

Believing that he was afraid of Mighty General, Chu Meng Yao felt pleased when she saw Lin Yi ’s cautious face. She then grasped Chen Yu Shu’s hand and ran upstairs. Mighty General was left to guard the stairs.

Lin Yi picked up his bag and took a glance at Mighty General. It immediately started to shiver and took a step backwards. It was as if Mighty General saw a very dangerous person.

Lin Yi was not in the mood to play with the dog, so after staring at it for a while, he continued towards his room.

The room’ s layout was very simple. Although there was only a bed, a desk and a wardrobe, that was all Lin Yi needed. In fact, he did not even bring a lot of clothes. What surprised Lin Yi the most was the fact that the room had its own private toilet.

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After Lin Yi unpacked his luggage, he took out a towel and headed for the toilet. After everything today, he was already covered in dust.

Since it was only 6pm, Lin Yi decided to take a shower before Uncle Fu delivered the dinner.

Up till now, Lin Yi is very satisfied with the working environment. Not only can he live in a hotel-like room, but also receive 30k as salary. He doubt that he can ever find a better job than this. It beats having to plait straw scandals for gramps.

………………………………………… .

“Xiao Shu, I am starting to regret making that decision. That Lin Yi doesn ’t look like someone who can play the role as my shield,” grumbled Chu Meng Yao to Chen Yu Shu after she changed into a set of home wear.

“I think he looks alright. ” Chen Yu Shu laid on the bed and placed her legs against the wall in a parallel manner (She heard it would make her legs slim).

“What do you mean alright? Originally, I wanted to find a hunk to be my fake boyfriend. Now I got this country side bumpkin!! I will most likely be a laughing stock if I ever bring him out.” Chu Meng Yao gritted her teeth: “If you think that he is alright, why don t you be his girlfriend.”

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“I am not the one with the problem, so I don’t need a shield. Otherwise, I might actually consider about it.”Said Chen Yu Shu as she shook her head.

“You have a brother who is an officer in the army. Of course no one dares to mess with you. If I had a brother who could snap a tree in half with a single kick, then I wouldn’t even need a shield!” Chu Meng Yao knew Chen Yu Shu was trying to irritate her, but why was she not the one who had a brother?

“Yao Yao, why don’t I ask my brother to help you look for a god-brother from his unit?” Said Chen Yu Shu as she blinked her eyes cutely. “ Or, if you want, a boyfriend??….If that is the case, then Zhong Ping Liang won’t even dare come near you.”

“Xiao Shu! ” Chu Meng Yao stared at Chen Yu Shu when she heard her started to drift off topic: “Not another one of your silly ideas! I asked my father for a shield and look what kind of person he got me! Can he even be my shield? And here you are, suggesting the silly solution of a love-brother that sounds so terrible??”

“Ok ok. I won ’t say anything.” Chen Yu Shu decided to stop talking about it once she found out that Chu Meng Yao was really angry. It was her idea after all – for Chu Meng Yao to get a shield. So she was partially responsible for the current situation… ..

When Uncle Fu delivered dinner, Lin Yi just finish his shower. He look through the bag and realize that he didn’t have a single decent outfit. Lin Yi could not help but complain to himself. ‘Why can ’t Gramps just get me some new clothes?’

Lin Yi could foresee that if he wore his own clothes, they will still be deemed dirty by Chu Meng Yao, and he will once again be not allowed to sit on the sofa. Lin Yi had no choice but to take out the school uniform from the bag which he received from Uncle Fu.

Lin Yi’s new image surprised Chu Meng Yao and Chen Yu Shu! Before that, he was unkempt and he wore a shabby vest and oversized pants. After showering, he looked very decent in the school uniform. If compared to just now, he seemed like a different person.

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However, their first impression of Lin Yi was just too bad, so Chu Meng Yao would never admit that Lin Yi was handsome. To her, he simply got a little more pleasing to the eye.

Uncle Fu delivered 4 dishes and 1 soup. One fish-flavored pork, one boiled fish, one fried cabbage, one stir fried spinach & fungus and lastly mushroom soup

Not only was there meat and vegetables, but the food smelled and look nice. It had been a very long time since Lin Yi had such a sumptuous meal. When he saw that Uncle Fu was also preparing his portion, he received it from him and sat down at the table.

Just when Lin Yi was about to start eating, Chu Meng Yao got a bit unsatisfied: “What are you doing? Xiao Shu and I haven’t even started eating, and you want to start eating! From now on we shall eat first. You can have the leftovers.”

After she said that, she turned and headed for the kitchen. She had the habit of using silver cutlery, she developed the habit when she stayed with her grandfather when she was young. She is currently getting her personal cutlery set from the kitchen.

Lin Yi could only smile at Chu Meng Yao’s overbearingness. As he stared at the delicacies on the table, he could only swallow his own saliva. Luckily Lin Yi still had his rice, so he quickly ate a few mouthfuls of it. Due to eating too fast, he choked. “ Is there anything to drink?” Asked Lin Yi in an ambiguous voice.

Chen Yu Shu found him quite amusing when she saw that he looked like a severely starved person. She pointed at the fridge and said: “ Drinks are over there, just get anything you like. ”

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“O. ” Lin Yi turned back and saw the large fridge. It was filled with all kinds of different drinks. Lin Yi took a bottle of orange juice and drank some of it. He felt better after that.

Chu Meng Yao returned from the kitchen with her cutlery and started chatting with Chen Yu Shu.

“Wah, boiled fish! My favorite! ”

“This fish-flavored pork is too sweet, does ’t the chef know how fattening sugar is? I should get father to fire him next time!”

“Nn, this fried cabbage is nice, Xiao Shu, you should taste it too! ”

Chu Meng nagged as she ate. These dishes were made by one of <Chu Peng Group> hotel’s head chef, and every day, Li Fu will timely deliver the food here.

Chu Peng Zhan is very busy, furthermore, Chu Meng Yao’s mother left the house when she was very young. No one knew the reason, not even Chu Meng Yao. Her father refused to tell her the reason.

So, Uncle Fu took care of Chu Meng Yao daily needs.

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